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oromagi's avatar
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-First, Wikipedia is wrong,....The claim that there is a flying spaghetti monster is without support.
The only epistemologically sound way to define a concept like "burden of proof" is to consult established reference material for the commonly agreed meaning and function of that concept.  While we can agree that there are sources superior to Wikipedia, we must also conclude that you are not one of those superior sources.  If you don't like Wikipedia's definition of Proof of Concept, you can try another well-sourced definition but you can't simply insert your personal, blinkered notions of how burden of proof works and expect anybody's respect.

Just because you've made a negative claim that is impossible to prove doesn't mean you are relieved of the burden to prove it- it just means that your argument will always fail to live up to that burden. 

The burden of proof for your claim:  Bestiality is not inherently immoral is yours whether you acknowledge that burden or not.  We agree you have no hope of proving your claim.

I don't agree: ancient Egypt, classical Greece, or a period in India during which a temple depicting bestiality was constructed... but then again education isn't great so you might claim those aren't well known cultures.
Depictions in art aren't reliable evidence for legal status.  Cleopatra may have put bees in her vibrator gourds but nobody in Egypt or Rome looked to Cleopatra for a moral example.  There's reason to believe that shepherds fucked their sheep in Republican Rome but such acts are consistently depicted as a disgusting taboo, a desperate resort, or comic fodder- consistently immoral.  The old gods fucked a lot of beasties but  those stories weren't offered as a moral example.

Since we have agreed that  the claim "Bestiality is not inherently immoral" is impossible to prove, that condition can't be used to evaluate legality.
In short this example failed because I see no reason assassination should be illegal if it is the only practicable way to avoid the deprivation of rights to the innocent.
So, if Canadian alt-Righters feel that their rights have been deprived by Vax mandates, you see no moral reason for a law prohibiting them from assassinating Trudeau.

You seem to assume that I would consider this scenario morally different from a sniper taking out a hostage taking bank robber, but I don't.
A hostage-taking bank robber forswears his individual sovereign rights as citizen by violating the sovereignty of his fellow citizen/hostage.  Heads of state violate the sovereignty  of others all the time and of necessity without necessarily creating a moral justification for any legal remedy, much less execution.  Putin qualifies for death by violating the international standards for defense and legal warfare and failing to demonstrate care for his subjects.

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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I saw your recent post in the quantum randomness thread, you sir are cut from a different cloth I think.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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RM caused you to make a post about how it's not wrong to fuck dogs? How's that exactly?
He brought it up in the introduction thread, causing other people to start arguing about it in that thread. If he had not felt the need to try and assassinate my character immediately, perhaps no one would have started frothing at the mouth threatening to derail the introduction thread for 20 pages.
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The only epistemologically sound way to define a concept like "burden of proof" is to consult established reference material for the commonly agreed meaning and function of that concept.  While we can agree that there are sources superior to Wikipedia, we must also conclude that you are not one of those superior sources. 
If you had thought critically about it yourself you could be the source. There is no other rational possibility besides what I have described and I will entertain no alternatives.

If you don't like Wikipedia's definition of Proof of Concept, you can try another well-sourced definition but you can't simply insert your personal, blinkered notions of how burden of proof works and expect anybody's respect.
I won't be able to reason with anyone who can't reason, and anyone who believes logic and truth are born in university printing presses can't reason. This is a general pattern with me BTW, zero interest in trading links to supposed authorities not for the sake of data but simply to echo one's claims; it's a lazy and absurd evolution of "nah uh" cycle.

Depictions in art aren't reliable evidence for legal status.
That is technically true, but then again I can find you many links to people claiming Alexander of Macedon was gay because "we think so, he spent time around men you know".

What is unlikely is that an act which is considered inherently immoral is put on a building that is meant to be sacred or performed by clergy for the sake of the gods.

The balance of evidence is that the civilizations I listed were ambivalent to bestiality, homosexuality, and even pederasty. In that circumstance your flawed formulation of BoP would coincide with the correct one, namely that if you are going to treat something as immoral/real you need to have a reason to believe it is immoral/real. You can't just assume everything is immoral/real until proven otherwise.
Sum1hugme's avatar
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Therefore, you HAD to make a thread to justify why it's okay to have sex with dogs?
ILikePie5's avatar
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This thread lol 
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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Therefore, you HAD to make a thread to justify why it's okay to have sex with dogs?
It was the most reasonable option.

I could have argued about it in the introduction thread and randomly in other threads as people who just can't keep it to themselves have to bring it up out of context. Then they would claim that I cross-contaminated threads by responding to their comments.

I could have ignored him and anyone else who talked about it. However that would give the impression that I agree even in the slightest that it is an unacceptable topic of discussion, it also may have conveyed the notion that I am ashamed or unable to explain exactly why condemning bestiality is irrational. (if I was willing to commit to emotional manipulation I would say "zoophobia" instead of "condemning bestiality").
Lunatic's avatar
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I didn't say I have sex with non-humans, let us say hypothetically that I have in some jurisdiction where it would be legal to do so. I could in that case know that I had the animal's consent by applying an inductive argument to their behavior (including vocalizations) in the context of my knowledge of their personality and history. That description technically describes the assessment of consent from humans as well, it is never known with 100% certainty; one simply must eliminate the absurd in order to live.
I mean this argument generally doesn't hold up for humans either though.

"S/He seemed into it to me" Is not always substantiative agreement for sexual engagement. Consider many variables: 

1. A human may have said no, but because the sexual aggressor's own perceptive decided that the victim was into it, they may look past such a dis-agreement. The "No means no" thing is even harder for a household pet because they literally don't have the ability to say no. In the case of a dog, they may have expressed dis-interest at one point and then become amenable to it knowing that you are the one in control and ultimately decide things for them, just as you might with giving a dog a bath or feeding them. They are used to being submissive to you and having to learn to like it. In this sense it's almost impossible for a Dog to "consent". It's more proportionate to "Okay this is happening whether I like it or not, so I might as well try and enjoy it", which is probably the case with humans who have said no as well in many situations they feel powerless in. They also don't know what your capable of upon rejection, threat of physical harm might make both an animal or a human more amenable to "just going along with it".

2. The type of consent you are implying you think is obvious from this animal can be distorted  by the horniness factor of the aggressor. Let's face it, when you are in the mood, you don't always think clearly. Add alcohol or drugs into the mix, and your judgement further goes out the window. It's simple biology, but when some people have that urge, they may be willing to pursue that urge. If you haven't seen the movie "The last duel" (you should it's really good), the entire theme of this movie hinges on this principle of perceived consent. The aggressor(Jacques De LeGris) is shown to have a sexual background where playfulness and escape attempt are a normal part of sexual activity and fun. When he engages in this with the victim Marguerite, they show from his perspective a distorted view of her enjoyment. The movie then shows the same scene from her perspective, where their is no playfulness whatsoever, and the fear and horror is real. The aggressor of sexual assault can't always identify the difference however. This problem can be amplified when you factor in that an animal can't physically speak. Those "barks" or "groans" you think are enjoyment could just as easily be protest or discomfort. Its ultimately entirely in your jurisdiction to decide that.

And ultimately the argument of "we do worse things to animals for food" isn't a good enough argument to make up for the fact that you believe rape is bad, but agree with practicing it against animals is okay. If you have the power to control your behavior that directly prevents rape it becomes a question of whether you should act on that practice or not. 

Understanding exactly what I am doing to them (or in my case what they are doing to me) is a different matter entirely. We both know that bit is going in that hole. We both know that the other endorses this procedure. The animal may understand fluid is being transferred. The animal definitely doesn't understand that the fluid contains tiny machines called cells. There is no doubt something I don't understand about it as well, I can't tell you what that is but if I had lived 200 years ago I would not know about the cells.
Let's also not forget the potential to extract harmful diseases or transfer these diseases to the animal. I am sure the animal would not understand that as well.

If Cathy Newman was doing it honestly there wouldn't be a problem.

I believe not all bestiality is rape, but some bestiality is rape. It is rape when it is not consensual. I find that unacceptable, however regardless of whether I found it acceptable or not it would be rape given the definition of rape I gave.

A legal definition of rape might not hold non-consenting bestiality to be rape because animals aren't persons under the law. That is why I am very careful about definitions, words serve a purpose and when a word has moral connotations like "rape" its definition must be carefully tailored to reflect the morally relevant concept, in this case consent regardless of some legal notion of personhood.
I accept your version and definition of this. As a baseline however, your own definition I feel like helps substantiate my point.

Just because worse things are "legally" allowed to be done to animals, I feel like that isn't a good argument for partaking in something especially if you feel it is wrong.
That is essentially correct and I am total agreement. Even a perfect liberal set of laws allows plenty of room for vice. However in this case this isn't something "worse" it's something considerably better than average.
I am confused. By better than the average, are you insinuating that this is doing the animals in question a favor or am I misunderstanding?

I agree that it is unlikely that beef or pork eating will end anytime soon. It is far more likely that that meat will become lab-grown before people give it up. I would caution against believing everything vegan activists say. I have been to many local farms and there is very little in the way of torture (especially for dairy). I know there are mega-corp farms where the vegans get their shock-footage but I would be wary of their statistical math.
The point was more used as an example, but yes in general I take shock documentaries that clearly have an agenda with a grain of salt. There are many farms who practice humane treatment, and yes I am only referring to mega corporations. 

If you do believe there is an intractable moral problem in the production of a product then I would agree with the vegans that you are part of the problem if you consume it. In your case however the problem could equally be said to be a lack of transparency in allowing you to choose to buy "humane" beef.
I mean if one person refuses to buy a product where millions continue to do so, who would I really be proving a point to buy buying a more expensive product than a cheaper one? I can just pretend to feel good about myself while being out a few extra dollars. At that point I might as well sniff my own farts to help save the environment:

It's not mostly legal in most places in the west. The legality has no bearing on the actual reality of harm or non-harm. I know there is no harm by observation and inference in the context of all my knowledge. That's the only way to know anything.
You are right, I googled it the other day and thought it said there was only a few states that had it illegal, but it appears I misread that search and there is in fact only a few states in which it is legal. 

My values are liberty, knowledge/truth/reason, life, prosperity, beauty, and pleasure more or less in that order.
I don't always pursue my values to the best of my ability, if I did that would mean I was perfectly virtuous and nobody is perfect.
I imagine your value of "pleasure" isn't strong enough to supersede another's value of liberty, life and prosperity correct? Do you believe animals are entitled the same values as humans are also?

If I were to make a list of disappointing or frustrating elements where the correct course of action isn't obvious bestiality would not make the top 50. Why? It's actually very simple and straightforward concept. Above polytheist was talking about BSDM and safewords. That's a human making things as complicated as possible. A dog doesn't make things complicated they make things simple. They want food, they want to explore, they want to play, and they want what feels good to them.
My issue is "what feels good to them" I feel like can be arbitrary decided for them. Many sexual practices are mutual. I am not talking about just "being okay with a dog humping your leg" either, because earlier you mentioned that the dog understands what bit goes in what hole, implying that you are more than okay with it going further than that. 

Yeah petting a dogs belly, or scratching them behind the ear might feel good to them, but when it comes to the other stuff there is a lot left to interpretation about whether the dog or animal enjoys everything. For example the dog might enjoy it for a few seconds, but the second they stop enjoying it or not want to engage anymore the human has to be okay with that as well for it not to be rape. As mentioned earlier, it would be easy to make an excuse that the dog is still enjoying it for your own sake of wanting to finish, and it's not exactly like the dog can protest. And if they do you can arbitrarily decide that its a sound of pleasure. See what I mean? In this way wanting an animal to feel good isn't just for their benefit, it's for your own as well. Animals lack of understanding and unconditional innocence is love is why most humans refer to their pets as "their babies", or their "best friends". There is a huge measure of responsibility in owning a pet because they lack the ability to effeciently take care of themselves. We provide them shelter, food and love, and they give us love back. Some times that love is expressed through protection against intruders, which you could spin as a secondary purpose, but really its just them loving us back. When the innocence of the animal is now being used towards sexual gratification, it seems like the goal of owning a pet is less about caring and loving for them, and more about "what can I get out of this" when really all they should owe you is their love. 

I am not trying to sound preachy, just pointing out that animals aren't adopted for the primary measure of "What can I get out of this" but rather they should be treated and cared for as if they were your own child and they have less mental capacity and ability to understand. Just like it doesn't make sense to engage in this activity with a child, it doesn't make sense to engage in it with a pet. 

It's not rocket science and there is not that much room for error. Communicating future intention is hard. Communicating current opinion [good or bad] is very easy. Anyone who has interacted with domestic animals can attest to this.
In regards to scratching a pet behind the ear in a spot they like, sure... in regards to the other stuff... I imagine the community of people who engage in that are a small one that are easily able to justify and rationalize the behavior.

There is no tradeoff, there is no "greater good" or "lesser evil" it's just good. There is no contradiction on the horizon so if you thinking of one you're going to have to say it.
We will see as the conversation continues where this is applicable, my point in bringing it up is because earlier your rather "wordy" explanations seemed to lack a punch in actual point. Which is why I was making it a point to have you use your own words to define your moral stance on rape. Now that you have I feel we can get past X=Z there for Y bullcrap that I often feel skips the point, misses context, or is manipulative and dismissive of the primary point. 

oromagi's avatar
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If you had thought critically about it yourself you could be the source. There is no other rational possibility besides what I have described and I will entertain no alternatives.

Well that certainly goes a long way towards explaining why your conclusions are so whack. Making up your own definitions for things is certainly an easy way of refuting counterarguments but you won't win many debates that way.
Sum1hugme's avatar
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Sum1hugme's avatar
Why are you so keen to argue in favor of beastiality? 
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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I didn't say I have sex with non-humans, let us say hypothetically that I have in some jurisdiction where it would be legal to do so. I could in that case know that I had the animal's consent by applying an inductive argument to their behavior (including vocalizations) in the context of my knowledge of their personality and history. That description technically describes the assessment of consent from humans as well, it is never known with 100% certainty; one simply must eliminate the absurd in order to live.
I mean this argument generally doesn't hold up for humans either though.

"S/He seemed into it to me" Is not always substantiative agreement for sexual engagement. Consider many variables: 

1. A human may have said no, but because the sexual aggressor's own perceptive decided that the victim was into it, they may look past such a dis-agreement. The "No means no" thing is even harder for a household pet because they literally don't have the ability to say no. In the case of a dog, they may have expressed dis-interest at one point and then become amenable to it knowing that you are the one in control and ultimately decide things for them, just as you might with giving a dog a bath or feeding them. They are used to being submissive to you and having to learn to like it. In this sense it's almost impossible for a Dog to "consent". It's more proportionate to "Okay this is happening whether I like it or not, so I might as well try and enjoy it", which is probably the case with humans who have said no as well in many situations they feel powerless in. They also don't know what your capable of upon rejection, threat of physical harm might make both an animal or a human more amenable to "just going along with it".
Consider the full implications of your example. If the individual is willing to object strenuously to a bath to the point of holding onto door frames (google it), where is their fear of physical harm? Where is their despairing acceptance?

If it only comes out for bath time, but not sex time; one can only reasonably conclude that sex is a lesser imposition than a bath in their mind (if it is an imposition at all).

More generally:
They also don't know what your capable of upon rejection, threat of physical harm might make both an animal or a human more amenable to "just going along with it".
Certainly. Humans can communicate in a complex manner and thus any experience of any human anywhere can easily become part of the general knowledge base of a human. So if a vulnerable human found themselves in the hands of a human trafficking gang they would be able to infer that non-cooperation would be met with violence and thus fail to voice their objection.

Needless to say cooperation under threat of force is not consent.

A non-human animal does not have complex language however. Their entire knowledge base is from personal experience & observations (with some rare exceptions such as dolphins perhaps).

If a dog has never been treated violently they absolutely do not fear it. They cannot fear it in response to anything. It is unusual for a dog to never be scolded, that would tend to be a dog who you can't let inside. However they are not so stupid as to fail to realize that some types of behavior are subject to some types of punishment while others are not.

If for example you yell at a dog for peeing the carpet and throw them outside consistently for it, but only gruffly complain without any physical action when they take food off the table. They will take food off the table when you aren't looking.

This demonstrates not a blanket unconquerable fear but a very real awareness of a gradation of offenses, some of which are so mild as to be risked but not sought after. It also shows knowledge that humans are not omniscient.

If you never punish a dog ever for any expression or decision they make with regards to sex, they will not transplant the same concern they have about peeing the carpet over to sex. They will learn (quickly) that "no" is an option. They will only use the bare minimum of communication that is required, escalating only if necessary.

Consider a cat who does not like how it is being pet. A cat who is used to humans who pay careful attention to their body language and vocalizations will tail flick, then moan (like a meow of a certain pitch), then try to get away, then scratch and bite. That is escalating levels of communication, they go through them sequentially because the less violent and obvious signals have worked before. A cat who is constantly assaulted by petting from people who don't pay attention at all will quickly resort to scratching and biting first thing. They have learned that it is the only thing a human understands.

For the truly uncomfortable events the only way to make an animal fail to object is to force them through all escalated communication and show them none of it matters. You may want to look up the traditional "horse breaking" (some geniuses have come along recently and demonstrated you can simply convince the horse that everything is fine with patience.. duh). The idea that they can harbor a secret fear never once expressed is hopelessly inconsistent with the available evidence.

2. The type of consent you are implying you think is obvious from this animal can be distorted  by the horniness factor of the aggressor. Let's face it, when you are in the mood, you don't always think clearly. Add alcohol or drugs into the mix, and your judgement further goes out the window. It's simple biology, but when some people have that urge, they may be willing to pursue that urge. If you haven't seen the movie "The last duel" (you should it's really good), the entire theme of this movie hinges on this principle of perceived consent. The aggressor(Jacques De LeGris) is shown to have a sexual background where playfulness and escape attempt are a normal part of sexual activity and fun. When he engages in this with the victim Marguerite, they show from his perspective a distorted view of her enjoyment. The movie then shows the same scene from her perspective, where their is no playfulness whatsoever, and the fear and horror is real. The aggressor of sexual assault can't always identify the difference however. This problem can be amplified when you factor in that an animal can't physically speak.
An excellent example. There are crazy people, drunk people, desperate people,  very stupid people, and even people who are so used to roleplay that they don't know what the hell is going on.

Did being able to speak save Marguerite? Did being as intelligent as Jacques?

So for the sake of argument lets say the problem is amplified, I personally don't believe it is because the fault is almost entirely in the mind of the aggressor, there is no real lack of clarity either in the case of Marguerite or in the actions of an animal rejecting an interaction.

Yet let us say that is the case, it is easier to delude yourself into thinking you have consent from an animal than a human. So what? Do you consider human on human sex too risky to allow? No, you'll advocate for minimizing risk and for punishing those who are malicious or grossly negligent but you don't feel yourself entitled to break into people's bedroom to prevent what might be rape for all you know.

Furthermore it would be insane to accuse you of supporting rape just because rape is possible and you didn't decide to condemn all sex due to that possibility.

This problem can be amplified when you factor in that an animal can't physically speak. Those "barks" or "groans" you think are enjoyment could just as easily be protest or discomfort. Its ultimately entirely in your jurisdiction to decide that.
Barks are excitement or warning, they would indicate neither pleasure nor pain. If a dog is barking they are looking out the window at a squirrel and have no idea that something sexual is going on. Growling (except for play fights) is the vocalization that would indicate non-consent. Whining is for discomfort, complaints, and begging. Pinned ears and tucked tail are fear, anxiety, or submission. Wagging tail is positive excitement.

I'm enumerating these things as an illustration of ambiguities that could exist but can be eliminated by following a few simple rules. In a sexual context growling must always be interpreted as non-consent rather than play-fighting. Whining must always be interpreted as pain and not begging. Pinned ears always as fear or anxiety and non submission.

What I'm talking about here is not a secret art from a book of black magic. All people who regularly interact with dogs learn this language. That's how they can report a dog's fears and preferences when asked. All I am talking about is taking this obvious and universally known communication methods and applying them to sex.

In that since it is not "in my jurisdiction" insofar as it is a whim or reading tarot cards. Given a recording any objective observer could come to the same conclusions about any particular interaction.

Does that mean I am advocating for cameras in every zoosexuals home? No I am not. There is a fundamental error in linking the likelihood of preventing crime with criminalization. It would be just as immoral and pointless to assert that homosexuals need to be recorded 24/7 to make sure they aren't raping little boys (or else you'll make MSM illegal).

And ultimately the argument of "we do worse things to animals for food" isn't a good enough argument to make up for the fact that you believe rape is bad, but agree with practicing it against animals is okay. If you have the power to control your behavior that directly prevents rape it becomes a question of whether you should act on that practice or not. 
But I don't agree that raping animals is okay and I said exactly that.
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Understanding exactly what I am doing to them (or in my case what they are doing to me) is a different matter entirely. We both know that bit is going in that hole. We both know that the other endorses this procedure. The animal may understand fluid is being transferred. The animal definitely doesn't understand that the fluid contains tiny machines called cells. There is no doubt something I don't understand about it as well, I can't tell you what that is but if I had lived 200 years ago I would not know about the cells.
Let's also not forget the potential to extract harmful diseases or transfer these diseases to the animal. I am sure the animal would not understand that as well.
No they would not, but I'm not claiming they consent to a medical risk. I'm claiming they're consenting to sex. Someone who has taken responsibility for an animal takes responsibility for those things the animal doesn't know. When a dog licks your face they don't know about disease it might spread, and it can spread disease just as surely as any other fluid transfer can.

Yet it is not abuse to let a dog lick your face if you have no reason to expect that a disease will be transferred, and that is a pretty good bet since serious zoonoses are also serious intraspecies diseases.

Covid is technically a zoonosis for instance. Not because it came from a bat (maybe), but because non-humans can be infected. In that light every-time someone came home from shopping they were potentially exposing a pet to a serious disease. Sex isn't required to transmit, just breathing. Does that mean the only moral action to take is to abandon the dog in the forest? Never keep animals again?

Strange how remote and non-specific risks become super important when disgust is involved and excuses are needed. Based on the last two years it's not like we have a coherent moral consensus on contagious diseases when considering only our own species.

Just because worse things are "legally" allowed to be done to animals, I feel like that isn't a good argument for partaking in something especially if you feel it is wrong.
That is essentially correct and I am total agreement. Even a perfect liberal set of laws allows plenty of room for vice. However in this case this isn't something "worse" it's something considerably better than average.
I am confused. By better than the average, are you insinuating that this is doing the animals in question a favor or am I misunderstanding?
Yes I am saying that it is a net positive for them. It isn't just harmless it's beneficial (in most cases). Many many domestic animals are mutilated and never experience sexual satisfaction of any kind.

You need only ask the mirror if you would be happier under those circumstances.
If you do believe there is an intractable moral problem in the production of a product then I would agree with the vegans that you are part of the problem if you consume it. In your case however the problem could equally be said to be a lack of transparency in allowing you to choose to buy "humane" beef.
I mean if one person refuses to buy a product where millions continue to do so, who would I really be proving a point to buy buying a more expensive product than a cheaper one? I can just pretend to feel good about myself while being out a few extra dollars. At that point I might as well sniff my own farts to help save the environment
I'm sure that's what Thomas Jefferson told himself, and now they tear down his statues for only talking and not doing (he did a bit of doing though).

A similar moral logic exists with votes, why should I vote when I know I will never get a rep that accurately represents me? I'm not a Kantian acolyte but his moral formulation does have some merit. If you assume everyone else will do the wrong thing, and thus do the wrong thing; then you don't know how much of an affect you could have had if you had done the right thing and people had seen you doing the right thing.
I imagine your value of "pleasure" isn't strong enough to supersede another's value of liberty, life and prosperity correct?
Correct, as of now; (being obese) I will brag that I would starve to death rather than infringing on another's liberty.
Do you believe animals are entitled the same values as humans are also?
Those were abstract values, not necessarily specific to myself. They weren't rights. Let's take pleasure, I value pleasure for myself and other people. I don't think I or others have a right to pleasure. That's very important, if you tell somebody they have a right to pleasure (or housing) the next thing you know they'll be aiming a gun at you telling you to pleasure them (or give them your house).

Do I value those things in non-humans? Yes, in proportion to their applicability. A tree can be alive, and I prefer a living tree to a dead tree. A tree cannot have liberty though. A dog can have life, liberty, pleasure, but not much in the way of truth/reason so I don't agonize over all the things a dog doesn't know.

A different but related question is animal rights. Humans have a right to not get murdered. That is the right that corresponds to life but it is not a right to life, nobody has a duty to keep you alive. Do animals have a right to not be killed?

I don't know. In my moral framework there is a recognition of an abstract alternative to might-makes-right. Certainly at some point in advancing rational faculty a non-human must be included.

I thus proceed on fuzzy logic. When an animal is domesticated they show a basic ability to respect the rights of humans. To the degree they can do this I think it should be reciprocated.

My issue is "what feels good to them" I feel like can be arbitrary decided for them.
but again they are not a black box which emits no indication of what's going on inside. I have talked about ways to ascertain consent, but I have also alluded to sex being requested. A common example of this is the retrival of socks, many zoosexuals who engage in receptive sex from a male dog put socks on the dog beforehand so they don't get scratched up.

If you are familiar with dogs in general you would know they will often wait by the door when they want to go out, or even bring a leash to a human when they want to go on a walk.

The socks are only associated with one type of activity. The dog makes the connection. Sometimes the dog will find the socks and bring them to the human out of the blue. That's not arbitrary. Whatever it is that they find desirable about the encounters is strong enough for the memory to induce longing for a repeat. Occam's razor has a very simple answer as to what it is they get out of it.

That is only one example, there are many.

Many sexual practices are mutual.
Yeah petting a dogs belly, or scratching them behind the ear might feel good to them, but when it comes to the other stuff there is a lot left to interpretation about whether the dog or animal enjoys everything.
It's about the same level of interpretation I would say. How do you know scratching feels good to them? Belly rubs? (which are sometimes semi-erogenous)... because they come back for more. It's not theory, it's obvious; everyone with a dog knows it.

Is it always all pleasure? Probably not. Every once in a while someone is going to scratch too hard. Snag some hair. Pet too long.

Does the animal go catatonic with fear? No, they whine (or whatever for the species); if it was bad enough they walk away. Then the next day (or hour) they get over it and come back for more. If they think the good outweighs the bad that's their choice and the unbiased observer can relate.
For example the dog might enjoy it for a few seconds, but the second they stop enjoying it or not want to engage anymore the human has to be okay with that as well for it not to be rape.
As mentioned earlier, it would be easy to make an excuse that the dog is still enjoying it for your own sake of wanting to finish, and it's not exactly like the dog can protest.
It is exactly like they can protest at the start, middle, and end.
And if they do you can arbitrarily decide that its a sound of pleasure. See what I mean?
Not really, yes I could decide that whining is a sign of pleasure or that walking away means "chase me, I love it", just like I could decide that the earth is flat and the moon is made of cheese.

People act on perceptions and beliefs. Nothing survives the proposition of delusion or serious irrationality. I could swerve into school children next time I drive. That doesn't mean I will nor does it mean you are entitled to call me a vehicular murderer, nor does it mean cars should be outlawed.
In this way wanting an animal to feel good isn't just for their benefit, it's for your own as well.

I want the animal to feel good in general because I value pleasure/satisfaction and seek that value in those closest to me
I want the animal to feel good because if they aren't feeling good they probably will withdraw consent at some point and then I won't get to finish (and thus rejected I'll have to find solace in the arms of some human poor me)

You're saying that there would be no reason to lie to myself about the first value, but for the second there is a reason to lie.

People do maintain tangled webs of contradictions in their mind all the time, so I would never say that some thinking like that isn't possible. However I do not see a fundamental difference between them.

If I tell myself that it makes me feel good when the animal feels good (and thus I could smile when they're having fun on the beach), why wouldn't I lie to myself about that? I could say to myself that the dog staring out into the rain looking bored as hell is actually profound glee and then I could feel good right?

Why even have a dog at all, I could just imagine a dog and pat myself on the back. Are there no sex toys to aid masturbation?

As with everything there are no rewards for faking reality. The difference between a dog and a good sex toy is the dog is sharing the experience. If you have to imagine the shared pleasure there is no point. If you have to imagine the consent reality would bite you in the form a dog's jaws.

Animals lack of understanding and unconditional innocence is love is why most humans refer to their pets as "their babies", or their "best friends".
They refer to pets as children because they're stroking their own parental instincts. In almost every context this presents nothing but benefits for the animal so I do not object, but there is nothing especially noble or inevitable about it. Higher mammal love is certainly not unconditional. It is almost impossible to accidentally lose it, but if they think you betrayed them or abandoned them they will remember and it will take a long time to trust again.
There is a huge measure of responsibility in owning a pet because they lack the ability to effeciently take care of themselves.
Depends on the species and even the breed. A cat or a husky born in the wild to a competent mother is hardly doomed.
We provide them shelter, food and love, and they give us love back.
We put them into a situation where our shelter is best and our food is the only food. Their instincts aren't geared towards being babies they are geared towards being members in a pack or herd.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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When the innocence of the animal is now being used towards sexual gratification, it seems like the goal of owning a pet is less about caring and loving for them, and more about "what can I get out of this" when really all they should owe you is their love.
It is not the innocence that is being used but the sexual drive, lust if you will. They have it, and only those who are deluding themselves don't notice.

Pet-parents have an agenda and zoosexuals have their own. You can characterize either with unflattering language like "what can I get out of this" or you can characterize either with flattering language like "it's about loving and caring".

A pet-parent loves and cares as a parent. A zoosexual loves and cares as a mate.

A zoosexual accepts the animal as they are and engages with their desires when welcomed.

A pet-parent doesn't want to be reminded that they are caring for a grown-ass male/female with baked in sexual urges so they cut essential organs out. Then they dress them up in clothes they clearly don't appreciate so they can post photos on facebook and feel that serotonin rush. Would they even care if they couldn't act out their dress up fantasies?

See how easy it is to paint a relationship in a selfish light? That is one of the reasons "selfishness" is a very very useless moral concept, it implies a zero sum game which is deeply at odds with reality. Maybe the animal is willing to tolerate some photo-shoots in return for having family and food. Let them be the arbiter.

I am not trying to sound preachy, just pointing out that animals aren't adopted for the primary measure of "What can I get out of this" but rather they should be treated and cared for as if they were your own child and they have less mental capacity and ability to understand. Just like it doesn't make sense to engage in this activity with a child, it doesn't make sense to engage in it with a pet. 
They should not be treated like my own child, they are not children. They should be treated like what they are. They do have less mental capacity, that is where the similarity with human toddlers ends.

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Well that certainly goes a long way towards explaining why your conclusions are so whack. Making up your own definitions for things is certainly an easy way of refuting counterarguments but you won't win many debates that way.
If you change the definitions mid-inference it's equivocation. Otherwise there is no problem, the sounds are arbitrary after all. BoP isn't a definition it's an expression of epistemology as a formula of responsibility. Misunderstanding BoP is misunderstanding epistemology. The fact that you thought it was something to lookup indicates a shallow understanding of philosophy.
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Why are you so keen to argue in favor of beastiality? 
I am mostly responding here. The question is why are so many people so keen to argue against bestiality.

In general I argue in favor of liberty, that is I conclude not that people should engage in bestiality but that people shouldn't be attacked or shunned for engaging in bestiality.
Lemming's avatar
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Eh, I'm not so keen to argue against it, as I dislike getting myself dirty, with a topic I already with certainty consider wrong,
I'm not going to change my opinion,
'Maybe could change yours, but based on your posts I doubt it, I also don't care much.
Also not a significant number of people advocate for it, that it's a threat to culture, as is.

I 'am for imprisoning people who engage in bestiality,
And eh, most the time I'm probably going to avoid people who engage in it,
I think it's wrong, and according to my aesthetics, gross.

I don't feel a need to chant shame,
But do think, eh, kinda messed up.
Lunatic's avatar
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Consider the full implications of your example. If the individual is willing to object strenuously to a bath to the point of holding onto door frames (google it), where is their fear of physical harm? Where is their despairing acceptance?

If it only comes out for bath time, but not sex time; one can only reasonably conclude that sex is a lesser imposition than a bath in their mind (if it is an imposition at all).

But this response feels like it's essentially admitting that lack of complete consent is okay as long as its a lesser imposition than a bath. Lack of consent for a bath is one thing; If your dog played in the mud, you don't want it tracking that around your house. The dog doesn't understand the implications of tracking mud through. You gain nothing from the exchange of a bath other than a normalcy; Your dog lives there and therefore gets to be cleaned. Other than that you are not gaining anything really from putting your animal through the misery of a bath, and the bath is necessary. Sex is not necessary for the dog, and it benefits you. In the case where the dog doesn't like it that much but is simply "putting up with it", this seems to meet your definition of rape, and violate your own moral standard of what should be allowed to be done to the dog. 

If you never punish a dog ever for any expression or decision they make with regards to sex, they will not transplant the same concern they have about peeing the carpet over to sex. They will learn (quickly) that "no" is an option. They will only use the bare minimum of communication that is required, escalating only if necessary.
A few considerations here, but in regard to breed of the dog I feel like this can be a slippery slope, especially with breeds that are more submissive, breeds that are more loyal, breeds that rarely show aggression, etc etc. A really loyal loving dog might be more okay with whatever is being done to them because they love their humans and want to make them happy even at their own dis-advantage. You see this type of behavior in dogs who get groomed all the time, where groomers are constantly invading space they may not like being invaded. Just as with above you can make an argument that grooming can be neccesary. But I have to ask is putting an animal through discomfort they tolerate because they love not abuse?

There is a TikToker I always see in my feed that I feel the exact same way about. Her handle is "Don'tStopMeowing", and she has a very sweet cat that can be pretty talkative when irritated. She constantly puts the animal in uncomfortable situations, invades it's space, and generally annoys it just so she can make amusing tiktok videos for her subscribers. I find this behavior extremely obnoxious and unnecessary, and think it will probably generate problematic behaviors between her and her cat's at some point. I also consider this abuse, but I doubt animal control will be barging in and taking her pets away anytime soon because of this since it's not like she's actually hurting the cat, just being extremely invasive for no reason. 

How I feel this example is relevant is because annoying your animal for sex feels completely necessary, and breeds like dogs who are more submissive, and willing to satisfy their humans may take and tolerate this abuse much more than neccesary. So it becomes a question of "should" you do this thing, not "how much is this thing damaging my pet". And to be clear I am really having to give your argument more credit than it's probably actually do here, because I actually have 0 understanding of how this plays out in real life. For all I know you could be lying to me about how much the animal enjoys this, or their enjoyment can be completely up to your interpretation when in reality the whole experience could be terrible and horrifying for them. So realize I am giving you a huge grain of salt here so we can discuss the "should" element here, which is the key part of the argument to me at least. I don't care to dig through data that supports my data. In fact honestly I am trying to draw as many comparisons to humans here as possible, because that is a more tangible reality I can understand, but in a lot of ways I don't see a difference between a human child and a dog. 

Consider a cat who does not like how it is being pet. A cat who is used to humans who pay careful attention to their body language and vocalizations will tail flick, then moan (like a meow of a certain pitch), then try to get away, then scratch and bite. That is escalating levels of communication, they go through them sequentially because the less violent and obvious signals have worked before. A cat who is constantly assaulted by petting from people who don't pay attention at all will quickly resort to scratching and biting first thing. They have learned that it is the only thing a human understands.
As an owner of three cats, I can relate to warning signals of cats pretty well. While bestiality/zoophilia may apply to multiple species, it's easier for me to wrap my head around you doing this with a species that has learned behaviors of submissivity, like horses and dogs however. Which is why it's also important that I mention different breeds. I feel like a rottweiler is more likely to snap at you for crossing a line than a golden retriever might for example, even if both animals felt the exact  same way about it. You might interpret the lack of growling and submissivity (im making that word up, I don't care, you know what I mean) as a sign that this is okay where as with the rottweiler it would be more obvious if it wasn't. 

Leaving work now, will have to respond to the rest later.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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But this response feels like it's essentially admitting that lack of complete consent is okay as long as its a lesser imposition than a bath. Lack of consent for a bath is one thing; If your dog played in the mud, you don't want it tracking that around your house. The dog doesn't understand the implications of tracking mud through. You gain nothing from the exchange of a bath other than a normalcy; Your dog lives there and therefore gets to be cleaned. Other than that you are not gaining anything really from putting your animal through the misery of a bath, and the bath is necessary. Sex is not necessary for the dog, and it benefits you. In the case where the dog doesn't like it that much but is simply "putting up with it", this seems to meet your definition of rape, and violate your own moral standard of what should be allowed to be done to the dog. 
The example was to disprove the proposition that they won't object out of fear.

From a utilitarian angle this talk about what I gain or don't gain is totally irrelevant. The earnestness of the objection is the best measure of the degree of trauma. You may say a bath is necessary, but if the bath is more traumatic than sex then either sex is not very traumatic at all or baths are so traumatic that as one user suggested someone needs to get shot.

The bath is not necessary, dogs indoors are not necessary, pets are not necessary. People would not have pets unless they got something out of it, and they're willing to put those animals through discomfort (baths, vets) to keep them inside. You could say they would be worse off if they weren't in a human home, but then that can always be said.

It also goes without saying that some animals will consent to a bath.

In the case where the dog doesn't like it that much but is simply "putting up with it", this seems to meet your definition of rape, and violate your own moral standard of what should be allowed to be done to the dog. 
No it wouldn't, consent refers to the conscious decision to tolerate or cooperate absent threat of force or deception. It doesn't require enthusiasm.

I do not endorse the following kind of bestiality but nor do I condemn it as rape (because it isn't): Say the animal never really gets much out of the sexual acts, there could be a multitude of reasons, most are probably fixable but I digress. They have never been scolded or hurt for failing to cooperate, but they have learned that there is a unique treat at the end.

The animal then consents, and keep in mind the definition I just gave. They aren't being deceived, they know exactly was is going to happen and what they will get at the end. They aren't being threatened. It's simple bribery, and the animal has decided its worth it.

Just as a human prostitute can be bought without having any particular stake in the act itself an animal could. Neither are raped.

A really loyal loving dog might be more okay with whatever is being done to them because they love their humans and want to make them happy even at their own dis-advantage. You see this type of behavior in dogs who get groomed all the time, where groomers are constantly invading space they may not like being invaded. Just as with above you can make an argument that grooming can be neccesary. But I have to ask is putting an animal through discomfort they tolerate because they love not abuse?
First, that would not rule out consent, if they have decided to endure, so long as the reason isn't fear or deception that is consent.

Second, consent does not rule out abuse, if it is pointless and avoidable discomfort it would be abuse; but to the degree that no permanent damage mental or physical is done (like groomers) it can hardly be called the crime of the century.

In the same way putting animals in clothes is abuse. Every single time I've seen someone do it the animal communicated several times that they didn't like it.

In the same category would be feeding the animal something you know is going to make them sick, but they think it's delicious. They certainly consent to eating the food, but it is abuse because you knew better.

Third, notice how you took it for granted that I (or anyone else) could see that certain dogs are uncomfortable with certain things at the groomers. If they did not communicate that in some way you wouldn't have a clue. No one can escape the premise that the animals we live with can be understood. What can be understood can be avoided.

I would always advocate that there should be no discomfort at all during sex (or grooming for that matter), that's an ideal; it's unrealistic to expect a flawless record but you should try to get close.

The first reason is there doesn't need to be discomfort so don't accept what may be fixable.
The second reason is that any discomfort balances against the pleasure and/or desire to obey and could eventually lead to non-consent.

There is a TikToker I always see in my feed that I feel the exact same way about. Her handle is "Don'tStopMeowing", and she has a very sweet cat that can be pretty talkative when irritated. She constantly puts the animal in uncomfortable situations, invades it's space, and generally annoys it just so she can make amusing tiktok videos for her subscribers. I find this behavior extremely obnoxious and unnecessary, and think it will probably generate problematic behaviors between her and her cat's at some point. I also consider this abuse, but I doubt animal control will be barging in and taking her pets away anytime soon because of this since it's not like she's actually hurting the cat, just being extremely invasive for no reason. 
Taking your word on the facts I agree with your conclusions, predictions, and the appropriate response of criticism without deciding to make cat ownership illegal.

How I feel this example is relevant is because annoying your animal for sex feels completely necessary, and breeds like dogs who are more submissive, and willing to satisfy their humans may take and tolerate this abuse much more than neccesary. So it becomes a question of "should" you do this thing, not "how much is this thing damaging my pet".
The 'problem' is ever present. If you believe in a breed of animal so loyal and submissive that they can suffer without obvious sign then for all you know simply having a pet is an endless gauntlet of abuse. If you believe there will be signs then the solution is to read the signs.

Assuming invisible suffering leads nowhere except a pet-less cheese-free society.

For all I know you could be lying to me about how much the animal enjoys this, or their enjoyment can be completely up to your interpretation when in reality the whole experience could be terrible and horrifying for them.
If it's down to direct evidence then there are no more arguments to make. You simply need to learn the language of the species in question and then see a consenting enthusiastic encounter.

I would love to have some truly scientific studies, it is only useful if people are too the point of being willing to look at evidence.

but in a lot of ways I don't see a difference between a human child and a dog.
Then let me bring one to your attention, if you leave prepubescent children alone you won't come back and find them making babies.

As an owner of three cats, I can relate to warning signals of cats pretty well. While bestiality/zoophilia may apply to multiple species, it's easier for me to wrap my head around you doing this with a species that has learned behaviors of submissivity, like horses and dogs however. Which is why it's also important that I mention different breeds. I feel like a rottweiler is more likely to snap at you for crossing a line than a golden retriever might for example, even if both animals felt the exact  same way about it. You might interpret the lack of growling and submissivity (im making that word up, I don't care, you know what I mean) as a sign that this is okay where as with the rottweiler it would be more obvious if it wasn't.
I sometimes think people exaggerate the behavioral differences between breeds. Nurture has an enormous effect, and often people buy a certain breed with a certain reputation and then tolerate/encourage the behavior they were seeking. Always individual character must trump preconceptions when possible, that's why the bath example was given. If the individual in question has shown open objections before you know they can and will.

You mention horses are submissive, I don't have enormous experience with horses, but I wouldn't use that word. I would say gentle. They can react very strongly to something new and unpleasant but they can get used to a lot.

Regardless, as previously implied it's not like submissive roles are the only kind of bestiality which occurs. Even the most submissive golden retriever being asked to be top doesn't need to snap, he's the one who has to do the work and if he doesn't that's the end of that.

I am almost certain that someone has mated with a semi-wild wolf (I saw a video, looked exactly like a wolf). Not much of an argument for submissive tendencies in that case. Huskies, malamutes, GSDs, rottweilers, pit bulls, dobermans, great dane I've seen it all. It's not like zoosexuals need to go find submissive dogs because like I've been saying all this talk of silent suffering would be bizzare outliers, and it would be over in short order.

In almost every single case if the dog says yes once and you don't ruin it they will consider it a positive experience. You have a lot of animals who won't try it period and a lot who love it. Very little in between.

A wolf-dog and a golden retriever will act about the same when you're giving them a treat.
Leaving work now, will have to respond to the rest later.
Feel free to focus on what you find relevant, no need for infinite geometric growth.
Swagnarok's avatar
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(Ah dude I remember you. It's been like 6 or 7 years since you dropped off the radar from DDO and when you joined this site you picked the exact same username? Anyways, welcome back I guess.)

While it's true that animals have sexual drives like humans do (though generally with different triggers), they lack adult human intelligence, the adult human grasp of the full implications of sexual acts, and the adult human ability to take full agency over the question of when they ought to be having sex and with whom. This is why it's not acceptable to, say, have sex with a horny 13 year old boy.
In other words, consent isn't just mutual desire to have sex but mutually informed sex, or at least reasonable ability on both sides to become informed.
Lunatic's avatar
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The example was to disprove the proposition that they won't object out of fear.

From a utilitarian angle this talk about what I gain or don't gain is totally irrelevant. The earnestness of the objection is the best measure of the degree of trauma. You may say a bath is necessary, but if the bath is more traumatic than sex then either sex is not very traumatic at all or baths are so traumatic that as one user suggested someone needs to get shot.

The bath is not necessary, dogs indoors are not necessary, pets are not necessary. People would not have pets unless they got something out of it, and they're willing to put those animals through discomfort (baths, vets) to keep them inside. You could say they would be worse off if they weren't in a human home, but then that can always be said.

It also goes without saying that some animals will consent to a bath.

I don't want a debate on a utilitarian angle though; I think I was clear from the get-go that I understand and agree that from a utilitarian perspective, having an animal who has to participate in sexual act could probably be a lesser harm then what other animals like chickens, cows, and pigs have to go through on a farm. On the same note, I also agree that the dog having to deal with this, but also having a warm house, food, and shelter is better than the alternative of them being on the street. My primary goal here is to represent the people who are "disgusted" and "repulsed" but do not elect to debate why they feel that way. I probably won't change your mind on this subject, nor you mine; I realize that, and that is okay. But I don't like the idea of being silenced for an opinion, so I want to get to the core of why I think people are truly offended by this opinion. Ultimately, on trauma, I feel like without being a pet psychologist, it would be hard for either of us to really determine what causes "traumatizes" an animal and how to accurately tell. Vocal and physical resistance to a bath could be just as traumatic as silent submission to sex for all I know.  At the end of the day there is a difference in the level of understanding between the human instigator and the pet. 

As far as the "pet's not being neccesary" bit, yeah I agree. You don't need a dog or a cat. Most people get them for companionship, and yes there is some other reasons people may get a pet, be that hunting, protection, service, etc. But this part will come to personal values, and based on the fact that you are presenting yourself as believing these values should also apply to pets, I think we would agree that even animals who provide some purpose for us, deserve the values you describe yourself as having. In my own value, I think it is a pet owners responsibility to love and care for their animals, and treat them as if they would their own family, as they took up the responsibility to adopt them. Sure the law doesn't legally recognize that, but animals at their core to me, are just innocent. Maybe more advanced and intelligent species can engage in toxic "human" behaviors if you will, gang mentality in chimps, etc etc. But simpler species like dogs that lack understanding, to use them for a practice in which you get pleasure and they may not necessarily like it in every situation feels utterly wrong to me. The fact that they often can lack the ability to understand why what is happening to them is the ultimate barrier for me, and I am assuming the vast majority of people who take this view. Even if they are "okay" with it, it feels like such an arbitrary way to determine that they are okay with it by just assuming the sounds they make are consensual. 

Anyways I don't usually like to cut conversations short but I am admittedly losing interest in the discussion. Ultimately I think this is an agree to dis-agree thing, and so much of it is based on subjective morality, and personal belief and ideal that I can't really pack a punch with any of my arguments other than to try show that your own moral philosophy and values seem to contradict themselves to me. 

"I don't know. In my moral framework there is a recognition of an abstract alternative to might-makes-right. Certainly at some point in advancing rational faculty a non-human must be included. I thus proceed on fuzzy logic."

This statement is enough for me to be okay with ending the conversation on really. It's not exactly a concession, but to me shows that there is at least some arbitrary justification being used to explain the deviancy. But yeah due to time constraints, and honestly losing a lack of interest in the subject I may not be responding to everything as I initially planned. 

Ultimately I just wanted to give you at least a little bit of a debate (what you came here for) instead of just bandwagoning the inevitable rioters who will boo you off the site without challenging your opinion, which I think is a horrible precedent to set for a debate site. 

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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I don't want a debate on a utilitarian angle though
Then that was off topic, sorry. Consider it only for the establishment of a capacity to object.

But I don't like the idea of being silenced for an opinion, so I want to get to the core of why I think people are truly offended by this opinion.
It would be nice to know, for homosexuality as well.

Ultimately, on trauma, I feel like without being a pet psychologist, it would be hard for either of us to really determine what causes "traumatizes" an animal and how to accurately tell.
Heh, I don't even trust human psychologists. It is a pseudoscience. If someone won't engage in scientific thought they shouldn't participate questions of scientific authority because the former renders them utterly incapable of evaluating the later.

to use them for a practice in which you get pleasure and they may not necessarily like it in every situation feels utterly wrong to me.
Technically that sentence describes human sex too. Some things feel better for one partner than the other. Words like "use" here are for emotional impact. We "use" our spouses but we don't use that word. The only reason someone would use "use" is to imply disregard and less than mutual utility.

The fact that they often can lack the ability to understand why what is happening to them is the ultimate barrier for me, and I am assuming the vast majority of people who take this view.
But when pressed for details that notion means nothing. I need only ask you what is happening to them? Do you know? Which part can't they understand? Is it part they must understand for some reason?

Even if they are "okay" with it, it feels like such an arbitrary way to determine that they are okay with it by just assuming the sounds they make are consensual. 
Sounds, body language, and actions. It is no more of an assumption than the method by which you determined that a dog doesn't like a groomer doing something or how you determined that a cat on tiktok is asking someone to stop.

Anyways I don't usually like to cut conversations short but I am admittedly losing interest in the discussion. Ultimately I think this is an agree to dis-agree thing, and so much of it is based on subjective morality, and personal belief and ideal that I can't really pack a punch with any of my arguments other than to try show that your own moral philosophy and values seem to contradict themselves to me. 
To me it seems like you haven't even come close to showing a contradiction. I said I value mutual pleasure and liberty and you said basically said "but what if discomfort and fearful silence".

You haven't shown a contradiction until you can establish discomfort and fearful silence as a rule or unavoidable peril. It's all been "maybe", but my answer is a firm "not maybe, look at the facts you already take for granted".

I don't know. In my moral framework there is a recognition of an abstract alternative to might-makes-right. Certainly at some point in advancing rational faculty a non-human must be included. I thus proceed on fuzzy logic.
This statement is enough for me to be okay with ending the conversation on really. It's not exactly a concession, but to me shows that there is at least some arbitrary justification being used to explain the deviancy.
I am not following you on that, that statement was about what I could prove to be universal and what I couldn't. It has nothing to do with explaining deviancy.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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(Ah dude I remember you. It's been like 6 or 7 years since you dropped off the radar from DDO and when you joined this site you picked the exact same username? Anyways, welcome back I guess.)
See when people say "welcome back" that kinda supports my contention that it's DDO mark 2.

Thanks, I did use the exact same user name. On several other sites as well. I have plenty of other avatars but this is the 100% honesty one.

While it's true that animals have sexual drives like humans do (though generally with different triggers), they lack adult human intelligence, the adult human grasp of the full implications of sexual acts
Let me stop you right there, what are the full implications of sexual acts between a human and a non-human? If this set is important we should scrutinize it.

and the adult human ability to take full agency over the question of when they ought to be having sex and with whom.
That's not accurate to actual zoosexual relationships. The human has veto power on the time, but so does the animal. Therefore the time is when both agree it is. As for "whom" you can't get a promise of monogamy from an animal so not really. At least not anymore than pet owners control such things by having fences.

This is why it's not acceptable to, say, have sex with a horny 13 year old boy.
It was actually on DDO that I realized that is false. It is obvious in retrospect. A 13 year old boy can be horny, and they can do calculus (well some of them can). Informed consent arguments fail completely. That is not the reason, the reason is because of psychological damage from perceived betrayal and degradation after later maturation and in the full cultural context.

Adult animals are done maturing and they don't feel shame (for sex at least). They only perceive harm if it's quite obvious and they perceive it immediately. It is the complexity of the human mind that makes it more vulnerable and the fact that it is not fully developed that allows an adult human to look back at the age of 13 and say "I wasn't ready to make that decision and everyone should have known it".

In other words, consent isn't just mutual desire to have sex but mutually informed sex, or at least reasonable ability on both sides to become informed.
If one side can't become informed ever that can't be a requirement. Informed consent is a legal fiction, there is no minimum level of knowledge because the knowledge base is always expanding. The morally relevant formulation in cases where informed consent awkwardly does its job is deception by relevant omission.

Let me give you a simple example:

2022 BC, a man and a woman get married. They are very happy, new mud brick hut and everything. Problem is somebody has got a bit of a STD. It's not apparent though.

What is informed consent in this context? Is it necessarily rape between them because it's going to be around four millennia until somebody can explain what a STD is?

2022 AD, same story, somebody has a STD and they know it because a doctor told them about it. The infected person doesn't tell their partner.

What is informed consent in this context?

As you can see the level of information in 2022 AD cannot be had in 2022 BC. That information thus cannot be a requirement to consent to sex. The difference is that in 2022 AD there was dishonesty by relevant omission. There was something that could be understood and should be related and it wasn't thus corrupting the autonomy of the ignorant party.
Swagnarok's avatar
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Let me stop you right there, what are the full implications of sexual acts between a human and a non-human?
First, it can elicit incredible feelings of disgust. Most intelligent life forms will take the sexual anatomy of another species to be disgusting. Before engaging in such an act, even an initially mutual one, no animal can understand what they're signing up for. And if they're mentally developed enough to have a self-image, that image can be disrupted by internalizing feelings of disgust.
This can cause psychological issues that human experts are unable to account for, since psychology is still "primitive" in that it only lends understanding to the human mind.

Second, the mismatch in size between human and animal anatomy can cause physical damage to one party. From graphic accounts that I've heard, young children who were, depending on gender, *n*lly or v*g*n*lly penetrated suffered non-negligible tissue damage given the comparably great endowment of the other person. And when done to babies, they died shortly afterward. I imagine the same applies to a dog, or especially to anything smaller than a dog, or even to some smaller breeds of dog.
There's simply no way to communicate this risk to an animal.

Third, the mismatch in strength between human and animal parties. Rape is commonplace in the animal kingdom, and so far as I can tell, female animals are accustomed to accept the circumstances and not resist once the act has proceeded to a certain stage. Therefore, the mere fact that the animal doesn't seem to resist isn't proof of consent, assuming that the human initiated.
Even if the animal does somewhat consent, if the human party is dramatically stronger then that can make the experience traumatic. There's no way to account for this possibility.

It was actually on DDO that I realized that is false. It is obvious in retrospect. A 13 year old boy can be horny, and they can do calculus (well some of them can). Informed consent arguments fail completely. 
Calculus is one measure of proficiency, or even a proxy for measuring intelligence, sure. But there multiple kinds of "intelligence", including emotional intelligence and simple life experience.

Quite simply, adolescent children might end up having sex with strangers who, if they were adults, they wouldn't agree to have sex with. They're not well grounded enough to avoid being manipulated into doing something that they'll regret, since people do in fact regret having sex with the wrong people.

It is the complexity of the human mind that makes it more vulnerable and the fact that it is not fully developed that allows an adult human to look back at the age of 13 and say "I wasn't ready to make that decision and everyone should have known it".
I think I understand the argument you're making here. No right to abstain from making a decision until a future point when they're able to exercise the highest potential of informed-ness is denied because the animal's incapable of ever reaching said point. And the solution is not to deny the animal's capacity to have sex altogether, as we accept that they do among their own kind.

Nonetheless, I'd like you to address the three hazards I listed above.
oromagi's avatar
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I had a friend who caught her uncle, a county court judge, in the act of raping his poodle.  She demanded that he find a new home for the dog, never own another pet, and pay for four years of college tuition in exchange for her not going to the police.
Lunatic's avatar
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But I don't like the idea of being silenced for an opinion, so I want to get to the core of why I think people are truly offended by this opinion.
It would be nice to know, for homosexuality as well.
This implies they are the same; They are not. Animals cannot consent unless they have specifically instigated the exchange. 

Ultimately, on trauma, I feel like without being a pet psychologist, it would be hard for either of us to really determine what causes "traumatizes" an animal and how to accurately tell.
Heh, I don't even trust human psychologists. It is a pseudoscience. If someone won't engage in scientific thought they shouldn't participate questions of scientific authority because the former renders them utterly incapable of evaluating the later.
So in even a best case scenario this means we are just trusting the judgement of the sexual instigator of the animal and hoping they aren't being traumatized because they perceive them not to be. Probably another big reason the idea is so opposed.

to use them for a practice in which you get pleasure and they may not necessarily like it in every situation feels utterly wrong to me.
Technically that sentence describes human sex too. Some things feel better for one partner than the other. Words like "use" here are for emotional impact. We "use" our spouses but we don't use that word. The only reason someone would use "use" is to imply disregard and less than mutual utility.
No, no, no. I am using the words "use" here in the case of the non consenting pet, not the pet that chooses to hump your leg. It would be just as wrong to have sex with your partner if they did not want to according  to both our understanding of rape.

The fact that they often can lack the ability to understand why what is happening to them is the ultimate barrier for me, and I am assuming the vast majority of people who take this view.
But when pressed for details that notion means nothing. I need only ask you what is happening to them? Do you know? Which part can't they understand? Is it part they must understand for some reason?
Use these same questions for a child, and see if the impact of your question changes. Children do not always understand rape and sexual assault either, but often receive great mental trauma from it, and are effected greatly later on. I am not a pet psychologist obviously, and can't say that Dog's don't act the same way or not. Just that it seems wrong to do it to them for this reason. A person with full capability to understand and act against something that has minimal understanding; It's just taking advantage. Whether or not you want to think your harming the animal or not, or justify the action not harming the animal, the plain and simple fact is if you go an masterbate into a sock or other inaminate object your 100% less likely to harm something innocent, so why keep rationalizing something immoral just to satisfy an urge? Or just find one of millions of consenting adults to help satisfy you if the sock doesn't do it. 

Even if they are "okay" with it, it feels like such an arbitrary way to determine that they are okay with it by just assuming the sounds they make are consensual. 
Sounds, body language, and actions. It is no more of an assumption than the method by which you determined that a dog doesn't like a groomer doing something or how you determined that a cat on tiktok is asking someone to stop.
These can be mis-interpreted in place of sexual pleasure though. Like I pointed out in the "last duel" example. If someone is horny enough, drunk enough, high enough, or even just one of those enough, it can be easy to mis-construe pain for pleasure if it helps your rationalize it until you can release. My point about the cat on tiktok though, was mostly to point out that what is considered abuse by me, isn't considered abuse society to the point where action will always be taken. It was to emphasize a difference between what is legally allowed and what should be allowed. I can't make an argument that people who engage in this behavior should be locked up, because there are far worse societal things that get passes. That's all that argument is.

Anyways I don't usually like to cut conversations short but I am admittedly losing interest in the discussion. Ultimately I think this is an agree to dis-agree thing, and so much of it is based on subjective morality, and personal belief and ideal that I can't really pack a punch with any of my arguments other than to try show that your own moral philosophy and values seem to contradict themselves to me. 
To me it seems like you haven't even come close to showing a contradiction. I said I value mutual pleasure and liberty and you said basically said "but what if discomfort and fearful silence".

You haven't shown a contradiction until you can establish discomfort and fearful silence as a rule or unavoidable peril. It's all been "maybe", but my answer is a firm "not maybe, look at the facts you already take for granted".

Ultimately I doubt you will ever see contradiction in your conclusion. That is okay. I didn't come into this hoping to change your mind, as I said earlier. The contradiction I see is in that you established values that you believe pets deserve. You admit that the grounds for how pets should be treated are shaky at the same time. I therefor view the "justifications" you give for bestiality as mostly justifications, rationalizations, etc. I feel like the actions described fit your own description of rape. 

I don't know. In my moral framework there is a recognition of an abstract alternative to might-makes-right. Certainly at some point in advancing rational faculty a non-human must be included. I thus proceed on fuzzy logic.
This statement is enough for me to be okay with ending the conversation on really. It's not exactly a concession, but to me shows that there is at least some arbitrary justification being used to explain the deviancy.
I am not following you on that, that statement was about what I could prove to be universal and what I couldn't. It has nothing to do with explaining deviancy.
But proceeding on fuzzy grounds is enough proof for me to see that this isn't exactly as ethically secure as you try to make it seem to be. That is enough for me, because as I have pointed out it seems to me you have contradicted your own definition of rape by justifying how an animal doesn't need to understand. You think it is possible to rape an animal, but you do not think them not understanding constitutes rape. It seems in your mind, as long as the animal isn't wildly protesting or throwing a fit, it is more or less consent. I have states that this argument doesn't even hold up for humans, so I don't see why that would be a justification for animals. 

If your mind isn't changed that's fine, but this all appears as rationalization to me.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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Most intelligent life forms will take the sexual anatomy of another species to be disgusting.
That is an assumption nothing more. I certainly don't, and many of our ancestors haven't choosing to depict animals and humans in their full natural glory. There is no indication that any non-human animal has disgust reactions to any anatomy at all.

It's learned behavior that you're mistaking for some kind of universal biological fact. Just like some cultures will eat bugs and individuals in other cultures can't even be in the same room with one.

Moreover you forget the context:
You: While it's true that animals have sexual drives like humans do (though generally with different triggers), they [non-human animals] lack adult human intelligence, the adult human grasp of the full implications of sexual acts
Me: Let me stop you right there, what are the full implications of sexual acts between a human and a non-human?
You: First, it can elicit incredible feelings of disgust.
So if you're saying that the animal is disgusted by human genitals... how is it that they don't have that information?

If you're saying you are disgusted by the animal's genitals, why in the world is that pertinent information to the animal?

Before engaging in such an act, even an initially mutual one, no animal can understand what they're signing up for.
That is simply restating your prior assertion, I'm asking you if you understand what they're signing up for and if you claim you do then you should be able to explain which part the animal can't understand while simultaneously needing to understand.

And if they're mentally developed enough to have a self-image, that image can be disrupted by internalizing feelings of disgust.
I could go on about mirror tests and what not, but that would be silly. Almost as silly as assuming without evidence disgust, and then assuming without evidence that they would consent despite the disgust, and then assuming without evidence that they were traumatized by their own voluntary behavior.
This can cause psychological issues that human experts are unable to account for, since psychology is still "primitive" in that it only lends understanding to the human mind.
I'm totally with you on formal psychology not accounting for much. I am not with you on filling up the void of ignorance with wild speculation that conveniently always happens to justify your obvious disgust. Nor is the ignorance nearly as overwhelming as you seem to imply.

The theory of other minds is fundamental and inescapable. The solution isn't to stop interacting with other minds, it's to try your best to perfect your theory. No sane theory allows for the trauma with no evidence. With an unlimited power to presume trauma and uncommunicated states of consciousness I could conclude that secretly you actually agree with everything I say. It doesn't matter that you say the opposite, that's just an oppressive ever-present fear that makes you do that.

That would be absurd. What I know about what your thoughts must be based on your actions, such as typing complex language on a keyboard.

Second, the mismatch in size between human and animal anatomy can cause physical damage to one party.
Yes that's true, but such things are 99.9% predictable and in the 0.1% cases of mistakes there is warning in the form of pain.

From graphic accounts that I've heard, young children who were, depending on gender, *n*lly or v*g*n*lly penetrated suffered non-negligible tissue damage given the comparably great endowment of the other person. And when done to babies, they died shortly afterward.
It's hard to think about the cases you refer to, but the notion that harm couldn't be predicted or that pain wasn't extremely obvious well before serious damage occurred is beyond the scope of reasonable belief. The people who caused that harm knew they would cause harm (and thus did so maliciously) or were so dangerously deluded as to warrant interminable mental health confinement. They also ignored obvious signs of pain.

In essence: it was no accident

I imagine the same applies to a dog, or especially to anything smaller than a dog, or even to some smaller breeds of dog.
Well since you find the genitalia of other species disgusting it is not surprising that you are ignorant of them. Dogs have large penises compared to their body mass. Bitches have organs designed by evolution to take male dogs without damage.

A normal (wolf-sized) dog is completely compatible with humans in every respect and with all genders/sexes. If anything the largeness of the male dog presents potential discomfort for humans.

Obviously there are many breeds and some are too small for some activities. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out. It bears noting that animals in zoosexual relationships do go to vets, the vets are told the animals are used for breeding, the vets check the genitals and would report any unusual damage.

There's simply no way to communicate this risk to an animal.
There are only two possibilities:
A) The animal cannot understand the risk, and thus all responsibility rests on the party that can understand to avoid harm
B) The animal can understand the "risk", in which case experience will inform them.

Relative size is not a substantial risk to the animal if you simply do some basic research and leave a healthy margin of error. If the human wants to risk damage to themselves they have every right to.

In the same way communicable diseases are enumerated, and diseases that infect both species but only through sex are exceedingly rare (I don't know of any).

Third, the mismatch in strength between human and animal parties.
That is hardly inherent. Many people mate with horses and horses can kill you in 10 seconds if they really want to.

Rape is commonplace in the animal kingdom, and so far as I can tell, female animals are accustomed to accept the circumstances and not resist once the act has proceeded to a certain stage. Therefore, the mere fact that the animal doesn't seem to resist isn't proof of consent, assuming that the human initiated.
In nature as with a human, you are not entitled to assume a state of mind which is in contradiction with the evidence or to construct a complicated and unfounded structure of supposed causes when a simple explanation is available.

If intelligent autonomous female animals are observed to be highly receptive during heat (for example) the interpretation of "and in this state of mind nature has prepared them to be raped by paralyzing them" is straight insanity. The simple and obvious interpretation is that nature has prepared them to mate by making them horny as hell.

That doesn't preclude consent, it explains it.

If they were paralyzed there would be no examples of females rejecting advances. That is because of the nature of "intelligent and autonomous", it's an adaptation to learn and form new opinions. It would be useless to learn something and then have some instinct come in and prevent you from acting on what you have learned.

Female animals in this class will reject suitors, even during heat, even from the right species. Sometimes they decide based on the individual (sound familiar?). That's not a nervous override, that's autonomous will.

Even if the animal does somewhat consent, if the human party is dramatically stronger then that can make the experience traumatic. There's no way to account for this possibility.
Of course there is a way to account for this possibility... if the animal starts to feel uncomfortable they can vocalize, use body language, walk away/stop what they're doing.

There is no way to account for secret unprecedented trauma and there never will be. It is a flying spaghetti monster.

It was actually on DDO that I realized that is false. It is obvious in retrospect. A 13 year old boy can be horny, and they can do calculus (well some of them can). Informed consent arguments fail completely. 
Calculus is one measure of proficiency, or even a proxy for measuring intelligence, sure. But there multiple kinds of "intelligence", including emotional intelligence and simple life experience.
That's what they call wisdom. It's not information. There is no information that needs to be communicated that a 13 year old couldn't understand fully. If emotional intelligence and life experience was information it would simply be a matter of informing but it isn't.

Informed consent is a slipper that doesn't fit the foot.

Quite simply, adolescent children might end up having sex with strangers who, if they were adults, they wouldn't agree to have sex with. They're not well grounded enough to avoid being manipulated into doing something that they'll regret, since people do in fact regret having sex with the wrong people.
People can be manipulated at any age and adolescents will do many things they regret later in life. The trauma does not arise merely out of regret or knowing better later, it also arises out of the perception that the other party knew better at the time and didn't care as well as the perception that society had a duty to protect the younger party but failed.

Consider a high-school romance complete with sex. The adolescents are no more prepared than the pedophile victim. No more wise. No more informed. Yet no trauma (or at least much less trauma).

Why? The other person was perceived to be just as clueless.

It's not the information, it's the perception of dishonesty by relevant omission.

It is the complexity of the human mind that makes it more vulnerable and the fact that it is not fully developed that allows an adult human to look back at the age of 13 and say "I wasn't ready to make that decision and everyone should have known it".
I think I understand the argument you're making here. No right to abstain from making a decision until a future point when they're able to exercise the highest potential of informed-ness is denied because the animal's incapable of ever reaching said point.
More or less, I would not use words like "right" or "informed" for reason I've already explained.

And the solution is not to deny the animal's capacity to have sex altogether, as we accept that they do among their own kind.
Yes, if someone said (and people have said before) that no animal can consent to sex because they aren't informed and therefore that all animal sex is rape they are confessing a monumental species-level narcissism as well as engaging in conceptual frameworks entirely devoid of practical merit.

They are saying the only real sex is human sex, the only real emotion is human emotion, the only real cognition is human cognition, the only real life is human life. Instead of correctly seeing sex as something entirely familiar to both humans and non-humans by virtue of common inheritance they claim it all for themselves. They can't explain the mystical secrets of sex which animals can never understand to other humans. They waive their hands at it.

Imagine if the same 'logic' was applied to another common trait:

Animals can't taste. That's not eating when they put something in their mouth and swallow. Those dumb brutes haven't the first clue what "food" even means. It's just absorbing nutrients.... that's all.... and the disgusting humans who try to serve animals food they might like are simply deluding themselves.

Yes they can ingest things out there in the wild, we don't care about that but when a human gets involved and tries to corrupt our sacred cuisine by sharing it with creatures who can't possibly understand.... it's basically poisoning... yea that's right poisoners! Well no the animals don't die but I bet their tummy really hurts! No sign of pain? you can't prove that.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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But I don't like the idea of being silenced for an opinion, so I want to get to the core of why I think people are truly offended by this opinion.
It would be nice to know, for homosexuality as well.
This implies they are the same; They are not.
No it doesn't imply they are the same, it implies I don't know what causes the disgust in either case. I know the excuses that are given in both cases, but I also know the excuses fall apart easily under rational inquiry as some have in this thread already. If the reasons given were the true cause of the disgust the disgust would be destroyed when the reasons are destroyed. The disgust remains, thus the reasons given are excuses and a true reason remains undiscovered.

Animals cannot consent unless they have specifically instigated the exchange. 
Can you substantiate that assertion?

So in even a best case scenario this means we are just trusting the judgement of the sexual instigator of the animal and hoping they aren't being traumatized because they perceive them not to be. Probably another big reason the idea is so opposed.
You're mixing contexts here. There is the the truth and how you or I can know it. Then there is society's involvement via law. You have already admitted society has no coherent role in regulating bestiality because you eat hamburgers (paraphrasing).

You explicitly wanted to focus on what I thought about rape, what my values in regards to animals are, and how I know anything about it. I'm not asking you or anyone else to trust anything. I have led you through the logic, I have founded it firmly in the widely accepted framework for understanding human-animal interactions, and the only thing left for you to do is see the animals consenting. You don't need to observe every act of bestiality, you only need to observe one to prove it is possible.

Your entire inquiry was from the perspective of a zoosexual and how they know they aren't raping or traumatizing. There is no "we" here and no "trusting".
to use them for a practice in which you get pleasure and they may not necessarily like it in every situation feels utterly wrong to me.
Technically that sentence describes human sex too. Some things feel better for one partner than the other. Words like "use" here are for emotional impact. We "use" our spouses but we don't use that word. The only reason someone would use "use" is to imply disregard and less than mutual utility.
No, no, no. I am using the words "use" here in the case of the non consenting pet, not the pet that chooses to hump your leg. It would be just as wrong to have sex with your partner if they did not want to according  to both our understanding of rape.
Ok, confusing. If you meant rape why wouldn't you say rape. Anyway moving on...

The fact that they often can lack the ability to understand why what is happening to them is the ultimate barrier for me, and I am assuming the vast majority of people who take this view.
But when pressed for details that notion means nothing. I need only ask you what is happening to them? Do you know? Which part can't they understand? Is it part they must understand for some reason?
Use these same questions for a child, and see if the impact of your question changes.
Swagnarok has asked essentially that exact question, you can see my responses.

The answer to what the child needs to know and doesn't is nadda. It's not a matter of knowledge, a 13 year old can comprehend everything relevant about the act, reproduction, STDs, social pressure, and potential end states. Far more than a dog ever could.

The harm doesn't come from lack of information or consent in that case.

Children do not always understand rape and sexual assault either, but often receive great mental trauma from it, and are effected greatly later on.
...and you don't need a degree to see that do you? That is my objection to mentioning psychology. When the "experts" tell you only what you can see for yourself, can't predict anything you can't predict, often change their minds with no better reason than shifting public opinion, and can't give you any reliable mathematics or heuristics calling on them is pointless and often cover for something fishy.

A person with full capability to understand and act against something that has minimal understanding; It's just taking advantage. Whether or not you want to think your harming the animal or not, or justify the action not harming the animal, the plain and simple fact is if you go an masterbate into a sock or other inaminate object your 100% less likely to harm something innocent, so why keep rationalizing something immoral just to satisfy an urge?
...and if you didn't have any pets you would be 100% less likely to harm something innocent, so why rationalize something immoral just to satisfy an urge?

The plain fact is you could buy a stuffed-animal cat and pet it. That wouldn't scratch the itch though would it? A stuffed animal isn't alive, and it isn't the feeling of fur moving under your hand that you really want. I would venture a guess that you want a social connection. You want to know that at least in this particular relationship you're not letting someone down.

Yet you take onto yourself the responsibility you would deny zoosexuals to evaluate consent, pain, and trauma in a non-human because it gives you a dopamine rush to be needed by something.

As you can see you're not the only one who can pack contended assertions into questions. Nor are you the only one who can cast motivations in the most selfish light.

Or just find one of millions of consenting adults to help satisfy you if the sock doesn't do it.
If I equally applied the principles of secret truama and undetectable fear to humans there would be no consenting adults. Just because a human says the word "yes" doesn't mean they aren't secretly being forced by alien mind probes or some deep inexplicable fear that I cannot fathom or detect. Signed contracts prove nothing. Psych evals prove nothing.

Why rationalize the risk for my own sole benefit?

Back in the real world, there are risks so small that they can and must be ignored. In the real world you are communicating with your cats to a degree sufficient that they will suffer no trauma on your account. In the real world if you weren't trading your care for the satisfaction you gain they would be living a hard life in an alley, locked in a cage, or dead.

It's a good deal for both of you and if there was some way they could give you pleasure that you would accept there wouldn't be anything wrong with that either.

Even if they are "okay" with it, it feels like such an arbitrary way to determine that they are okay with it by just assuming the sounds they make are consensual. 
Sounds, body language, and actions. It is no more of an assumption than the method by which you determined that a dog doesn't like a groomer doing something or how you determined that a cat on tiktok is asking someone to stop.
These can be mis-interpreted in place of sexual pleasure though. Like I pointed out in the "last duel" example. If someone is horny enough, drunk enough, high enough, or even just one of those enough, it can be easy to mis-construe pain for pleasure if it helps your rationalize it until you can release.
I already responded to the "last duel" argument by pointing out that no morals survive the assertion of such delusion or disregard. I have never claimed humans are infallible, I have only claimed that relevant factors can be known with very high certainty.

The reality of situations in the "last duel" don't seem to weigh too heavily on your notion of consenting to humans. What if you were drunk, high, or horny? Would your victim say "no"? Well you're so drunk. Would they run away? Well you're so high. Would they call the police?

And here we get to the sleight of hand. You have consistently angled towards the possibility of accidental rape, either because the communication is so subtle or because the human is so irrational. Yet in the human on human example you must still rely on escalation to find any difference in outcome.

A human can report to the police, but a dog can bite. If a dog can be so submissive and frightened that they won't bite even while being raped a human can be so ashamed and frightened that they won't report to the police.

If a dog bites, there can be no delusion of consent except in the truly mad.

Insofar as the impairment of mental faculties is intentional and no effort of will is used to combat it, the 'accidental' rape isn't so accidental. One should fear accidentally raping a dog just about as much as they fear accidentally raping a human... which is almost none because the level of impairment required multiplies with the chances of non-escalation well beyond reasonable expectation.

Millions of humans have sex everyday, they take the of risk running into some

My point about the cat on tiktok though, was mostly to point out that what is considered abuse by me, isn't considered abuse society to the point where action will always be taken. It was to emphasize a difference between what is legally allowed and what should be allowed. I can't make an argument that people who engage in this behavior should be locked up, because there are far worse societal things that get passes. That's all that argument is.
That may have been why you brought the argument up but you can't have me ignore other implications of what you've said, even if you had never said them a bazillion other people have.

...You admit that the grounds for how pets should be treated are shaky at the same time...

But proceeding on fuzzy grounds is enough proof for me to see that this isn't exactly as ethically secure as you try to make it seem to be.
You have misunderstood completely. The margin of error in the fuzziness is entirely "against" the animal.

I can't prove the animal has a right not to be killed; yet I do not kill. I exceed what I can prove society may require of me.
I can't prove the animal has a right to not be raped; yet I do not rape. I exceed what I can prove society may require of me.
I can't prove that the animal has a right to not be tortured, starved, and abandoned; yet I go through effort to avoid discomfort, feed, and shelter.

My personal values imply a personal moral code that is more restrictive to me than the universal one I can prove.

There is no shakiness or fuzziness on what constitutes rape or how to avoid it.

The only fuzziness, the only thing I am uncomfortable with is supporting laws which ban those things. What right have I do attack other humans when I can't prove that they are doing something wrong? No doubt many here would rather there be a law against bestial rape alone rather than no law at all, that would comport with my personal values and my personal morality. I'm sure those same people would be far less enthusiastic about a law against slaughtering cattle which would also comport with my personal values.
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I feel like the actions described fit your own description of rape. 

That is enough for me, because as I have pointed out it seems to me you have contradicted your own definition of rape by justifying how an animal doesn't need to understand.
That is an incomplete thought. Understand what?

You think it is possible to rape an animal, but you do not think them not understanding constitutes rape.
...them not understanding what?

Let me go though the only possibly relevant connection:
(a) You can't consent to something you don't understand
(a') Therefore you can't consent to sex if you don't understand sex
(a'') Therefore if a non-human doesn't understand sex they can't consent to sex
(b) Rape is non-consensual sex
(a'' + b =) Therefore if a non-human doesn't understand sex, but have sex they have been raped

I have never said they don't understand sex. They understand sex.

I have said what they cannot understand cannot be required of them. They do not understand covid, yet covid is real. You cannot say "it is immoral to walk your dog if the dog doesn't understand covid". If they can't understand they have no responsibility, you don't wait on their impossible consent you make the call.

If you put them in a car, they don't know the car can crash. They can consent to get into the car, go some place else, look at the scenery because that is what they know might happen. If the car crashes you can't say "well you know they knew the risks". No, it's all on you.

It seems in your mind, as long as the animal isn't wildly protesting or throwing a fit, it is more or less consent. I have states that this argument doesn't even hold up for humans, so I don't see why that would be a justification for animals. 
Well you exaggerate my position, but is essentially correct in the case of an animal who isn't doing any major motion. I do say that failure to object in some way does constitute implied consent, major motions would be a non-verbal express consent.

Implied consent certainly does hold up for humans. If you get on a subway and sit through 10 stops you can't claim you were kidnapped on the 4th stop even if you did absolutely nothing but sit still.

The same is true of human sex, and I'm not just talking about roleplay with safewords. People will just start kissing without signing a battle-plan first. They'll go to bed with nothing more than a smile and a tug on the hand. If a human was in a static receptive position, it wouldn't matter what they said twenty minutes ago they could withdraw consent at anytime.

What is the interval of checking? Do you have to ask for verbal consent every 5 seconds or every 2 seconds? We both know the answer is neither. If someone wants to withdraw consent and are able to indicate it they are obligated to indicate it. The only other alternative is that they could go to court and say: "Well I withdrew my consent 2.5 seconds after penetration occurred" while the other could come back with "by that time your honor I was already being raped because despite being the active party I withdrew my consent 1.3 seconds after penetration". They would both have an equally valid claim of being raped.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Most intelligent lifeforms will take the sexual anatomy of another species to be disgusting.

Take that and analyse it Sigmund.
Incel-chud's avatar
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Incel-chud's avatar
I sincerely wish this was idreamofliberty.