Murderers and rapists should get executed

Author: TheUnderdog


Total: 33
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
How do you know?
Because one is a sample of the other.

It's amazing how many people don't seem to realize this. I've volunteered at places like that, almost everyone I've met would not be able to integrate with society if you gave them a house. Yes they would have a house, but they wouldn't get a job. If they were psychologically capable of holding down a job they would have somewhere to live.
This is less serious than murder.  If America won't give the homeless free stuff, we shouldn't give even more crazy murderers free stuff.

As for this notion that it's expensive to shoot someone, come on think about it for one minute. The holocaust would never have happened if that was fundamentally true.
Bullets are cheap.  Don't execute people for being Jewish; execute people for being murderers and/or rapists.

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
How do you know?
Because one is a sample of the other.
No, you don't understand.

R = number of actual rapes
Rr = number of reported rapes
C = number of rape convictions
Cf = number of rape convictions that were false, they were innocent for whatever reason
Ct = number of true rape convictions
E = number of rapes that went unpunished, (no conviction, maybe not even arrest)
Crev = number of rape convictions that were reversed

You were conflating Crev with Cf. You don't have a way to know Cf even statistically. Some things you know:

R - E = C
C = Cf + Ct
Crev <= Cf (if you trust the reversal process is perfectly accurate)

If America won't give the homeless free stuff
But it does... that was the point, if it was less wasteful with government spending it could give the homeless more, granted.
Lemming's avatar
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Lemming's avatar
I'd 'like to think,
That I would not demand the death of an individual who killed me, a friend, or a member of my family.
If justice is duty,
What people 'deserve,
Then I can only consider justice to be moral duty.
That is to say, concern and good intention towards others.
Though I view the far reaches of morality, as an unreasonable expectation of a human, it becomes a direction strived.

There is no justice is smacking a child, in response to them bullying another,
That is but anger, 'or a corrective measure,
It 'still lacks morality, the best outcome, concerned with 'their life, freedom, and that of others.
Justice would be an explanation, a reasoning with, that they realize their harm, make amends, change their ways.

It is not justice to cut off a thief's hand,
It is justice that the stolen item be returned,
It is not justice to ignore those in hunger or lost.

To 'harm another, and not instead explain the crookedness of their action,
To not 'help them, is an injustice.

Though there may be people with an understanding, but no 'desire to help others,
To instead only harm, who feels no duty or empathy,
I'm unsure what justice can do but 'try to help them,
To try that others are not harmed 'by them.

There is no justice in beating a blind man,
When he taps your ship with his cane.

A demand, a forcible extraction of people's money, effort, doesn't have the feel of right,
But we 'are born into a social contract as our nation currently stands,
Myself, I 'might have it more, that communities took care, funded, watched over their own, more,
Than hired strangers.

I think, If my brother murdered myself or my father, I'd not want him murdered in turn.
Though we all have different ideas, and in acknowledging that, it can be harder to demand others forgive as well.