Space /\ and Time <--->

Author: ebuc


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Space    /\      as minimal shape-of-space { a define area } is a triangle, and as a conicidence is same as my 2ndary symbolism for female woman iis also a triangle  with consciousness /* *\

Time <---> as flow-of-motion { bi-directional } and whereas my 2ndary symbolsim for man with consciousness is *Y*

In the action potential of brain sending signal to muscles to contract, we find, that, it is primarily with the flow of positive sodium ions. SEE link for Action Potential

Wherein, we have male as the positive and negative sodium ions, and female as the  glutamate protein receptors LINK as the portals/gates, allowing sodium ions to flow  into and out of the neuron and instigate the charge neuron to fire its signal to muscles to contract.

Once this signal stops sending, the muscle relaxes and returns to it normal relaxed state.

( @ ) = occupied space Universe

/\ = female space { defined area }

<---> = male time flow as motion

i = Meta-space ego

* * = complex bilateral consciousness, testes, ovaries, eyes, ears etc

(  )(  ) = bi-section/cross-section of a torus

Past >>>> in >> ( * )  ( * ) >>> out >>>> Future

>-------->-------> Arrow of time > ------------->--------------->

<--------<------< Flow of time <----------------<------------<

Past <<<< out <<< ( * ) i  ( * ) <<< in <<< Future
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Actually, the minimal shape-of-space  is a sphere, which testes, ovaries and eyes represent.
ebuc's avatar
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Actually, the minimal shape-of-space  is a sphere, which testes, ovaries and eyes represent

2D area shape, is  less than  3D volume shape.

Structural stable shape  also begin with triangulation.

A spherical   teste, ovarie, eye ball, or skull/cranium only exists via triangulation of one sort or another.

The closet occupied space Universe, comes to non-structurally triangulated volume is the very short lived strong nuclear force, the meson { two quark s } altho classified as a bosonic force particle, I believed is composed of only two, 4-fold great tori as extrapolated from the following   link  for meson as 4-folded 2 great circles ---my numerically generated geometric set says it is actually  2 Great Invaginated tori---. 

Remmber two great circles are defined by no less that 360 degrees + 360 degrees and the surfacetotal angular degrees for the 3D tetra{4}hedron is 720 degrees ergo 360 + 360 = 72 degrees, in what ever way we, or meson may make it happen, for very short period of time.
ebuc's avatar
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And here, for clarity's sake, I attempt to make clear, that, since were not dealing with just two abstract Great Circles, rather, were dealing with no less than, 8, occupied space great circles;

...1a} two outer great Gravitational { Meta-physical-3/Spirit-3 }, ---invisible to us because ultra-micro---

.............2a } two great Dark Energy { Meta-physical-4/Spirit-4 } great circles, --invisible to us because ultra-micro000,
...1b}  two Great sine-wave circles, and at 90 degrees to those two,

............2b} two great sine-wave circles, and at 90 degree plane to the above sine-wave set.

The Synergetics abstract, two great circles are each between the two sets of sine-wave great circles, that, are on the side of each tori, and we human observe, as the sine-wave association to some if not all known particles.  So you follow this above, FLRW?

We do not observe { quantise } the ultra-micro Gravity and Dark Energy.
ebuc's avatar
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<--/\--> = Space and Time

How to make the world work ---i.e. not destroy humanity nor the ecological systems that sustain us--- was Fullers lifetime dream.

....“This all brings us to a realization of the enormous educational task which must be successfully accomplished right now in a hurry in order to convert man’s spin-dive toward oblivion into an intellectually mastered power pullout into safe and level flight of physical and metaphysical success, whereafter he may turn his Spaceship Earth’s occupancy into a universe exploring advantage.”
~ Buckminster Fuller

<--/\--> = Space and Time

@ = finite, occupied space Universe

Meta-space = mind/intellect/concepts/ego etc


...................................................<--> fertilized ( * * ) egg <-->..............................................................

...................................<--> ( Environment <--> ) * * ( <--> Environment ) <-->.....................................

..<-- macro-infinite non-occupied space (<--> @ * * @ <--> )--> macro-infinite non-occupied space -->..


FLRW's avatar
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A new experiment shows space doesn’t exist The idea of a kind of inseparability so far as space and time are concerned was dealt with by John Bell in the 1960s. His idea was that particles – whether of matter or of light, it doesn’t make a difference – don’t really independently exist except as a kind of probabilistic entity. The act of observation causes this mere probabilistic wave function to “collapse,” and the object abruptly materializes as an actual entity in a real location.
With entanglement, two particles are born together and secretly share a wave function. If one is observed, its wave function and that of its twin simultaneously collapse. And they do so regardless of the distance between them.
Even if the twins are separated by half the diameter of the universe, says quantum mechanics, the observation of one twin will cause both to become actual entities. When either is observed, its twin “knows” what happened to its doppelganger (that it came into an actual physical existence as a photon or electron) and instantly assumes the complementary guise – even if its twin is in a different galaxy. During this process no time will elapse, no matter their distance apart. It’s as if there’s no space between them. They’re essentially two sides of the same coin, and distance between them is nonexistent, even if, to us, it’s half the width of the cosmos.
ebuc's avatar
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A new experiment shows space doesn’t exist  
The alledged experiment is false.

When either is observed, its twin “knows” what happened to its doppelganger (that it came into an actual physical existence as a photon or electron) and instantly assumes the complementary guise – even if its twin is in a different galaxy.
Where is the experiments of both these false claims.

During this process no time will elapse, no matter their distance apart. It’s as if there’s no space between them. They’re essentially two sides of the same coin, and distance between them is nonexistent, even if, to us, it’s half the width of the cosmos.

Again experiments that have reached false conclusions. Space and time exists.

All of you above is little bit like what Ive been informing others here for years, that jacob Bekenstiens black hole mathematics ---and his later holographic ideas and 'Bekentstiens Bound'--- led him to the conclusion, that, ..' we appear to be 2D creatures having the illusion of 3D'..... and this has to do with the 2D event horizon being representative of what is inside the 3D black hole.

There are no experiments that prove any of yours or Jacob Bekenstiens mathematics.  Hawking and Bekenstien verified each others mathematics for much of black holes along with R. Penrose. It is all conjecture.

Regarding the twin particles, what we know, is that when we observe ones spin state, we know the others is the opposite.  That is all we know.

zedvictor4's avatar
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Space and Time are intangible  possibilities.....No more, no less....Though humans typically like to redefine and therefore overcomplicate the base reality of possibility.

The crux of all issues is matter, and it's associated events and duration.

If not, then explain how No Space and No time is a possibility.
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If not, then explain how No Space and No time is a possibility.

I never proposed no space and no time.

Even 2D area is a space.  And Ive never proposed only a 2D space existence.

Some may say there is no time via all we ever experience is the eternal ' now '. Past and future do not exist.

However, the eternal occurs in time periods of here to then,  and we measure them via finite clocks ergo, finite time periods.

There are no experiments that prove that space and time do not exist. There only maths whose resultants infer a no time and no space illusion of  3D Universe in and an eternally existent in finite { discrete sets }, of 1D Time.

Past >>>> in >> ( * ) ( * ) >>> out >>>> Future

>-------->--------> Arrow-of-time > ------------->--------------->

<--------<--------< Flow < of < time <----------------<------------<

Past <<<< out <<< ( * ) i  ( * ) <<< in <<< Future

( @ ) = occupied space Universe

/\ = female space { defined area } and an integral set of three defined areas defines an non-specified volume and specifically this would be the octa{8}hedron.

<---> = male time flow as motion, left-right spin, expansion-contraction, etc

i = Meta-space ego

* * = complex bilateral consciousness, testes, ovaries, eyes, ears etc

(  )(  ) = bi-section/cross-section of a torus

Equanimity and singularity never exist. Space and time Universe is always off-center aka tainted.

This LINK says fundamentals of charge fall away so does mass and that isopin may be fundamental, not charge.

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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What about a 2D area of space in a vacuum.
Before , during and after the vacuum.  
ebuc's avatar
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You tell me, what about it.  I dont see the significance or relevance of your comment..

Any 3D polyhedron has 2D faces.  So what? Old news.

The macro-infinite, truly non-occupied space, is the only true vacuum  and has not relevance to our 3D + time occupied space Universe, other than, it allows for expansion and contraction of our finite Universe.  Really no other relevance that I can see, except for, if it is a true vacuum, then isnt it trying to suck our finite Universe apart?

I researched this some years back and forget what others were saying, in those regards.  Ultimately Gravity decides the fate of our finite Universe.
zedvictor4's avatar
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I agree.

I've got an old red tartan one and as I prefer tea I just use it for hot water and keep the teabags separate.

Though I do occasionally have hot chocolate, which stays hot during.

And I always wash it out afterwards.

Before the vacuum people drank a lot more cider.

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Hey guys, our time machine works. Look at the time of my post commenting on Danielle's  future comment.

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Moody Blues song....' speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel.....

...its all dream, life passsing by on a stream'...   or something like that, I forget

Some of images in the vid are from 60's tv show 'The Time Tunnel'.
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I came across this vid and took a peek.

Some abstract formula for various forces of Universe and I basically dont like math much, however, I has patience

Still I had a look and three times, I nearly stopped because the formula and abstracts mostly over my head, yet this person had a way of communicating the points he was trying to across to the reader.  He does that very effectively.  i was happy to find his presentation included three numerical sets/patterns for functions of Universe, of interest to me, as well as confirming finite limits mass, space and time ergo integrity of Universe is via finite limits. No infinites of occupied space.

Generally tho, you dont have to grasp the formual, only listen carefully to the processes that lead to the conclusions he has to present.

He makes clear, to reader, why  mass --see around 9:00--- has limits.  Then space.  So he has to detour here to understand why there is space limit for occupied space.  This is one those places, where detours make you want to stop following along. Patients is required, but I found it worth while ti my time, each time he needs to do this to understand why his conclusions are what they are, finite.

So for space, at about 16:00 to 17:54 ---the planck length--he explains why we have the space limit 19^ -35 and this is where a black hole is created. Then the planck mass finite limit follows.

At 19:00> he brings out a primary three set, and leads along his pathway of why these limits exist.

Then at 20:00 he takes his 2nd detour into units. Again, I thought of stopping there, however, patience paid off for me. Cause he lays out
7 base units.

At 22:25 or so, he then explains how planck lenght was found by Mr Max Planck.

At 25:00 he shows the real conclusion to planck length, planck time and planck mass

At 26:17, the question arises, what happen before the big bang, his response ensues. Quantum Gravity { gravitons }
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Now this is the type of post I enjoy. Along with this video there is another one listed on the page called , God is not a Good Theory (Sean Carroll).

8 days later

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Had a new thought about the structure of Graviton aka the quantum-of-Gravity, that, we have not, and probably will, ever pop out of Graviational [ G } space.

With my 3D torus, as developed from 2D, inside-outed, asymmetrical, numerical lattice, that, has:
1] outer surface set of nodal events, as positive curvature as Gravity,
2} inside the tube sine-wave reality association, and,
3} inner surface set of events that correspond negative curvature as Dark Energy[ DE }

See 2D lattic graphic below

My  new revelation is, that, that inside the Graviton, we have four and only four lines-of-relationships 0---3----6----9----12.  This interesting because, the minimal 3D polyhedral structure of Universe---the tetra{4}hedron--- has no less than 6 lines-of-relationship.  Whereas the outer and inner surface set of events of the torus sequential total as 9 nodal events i.e.. 3 triangular openings to define the minimal tube length, that, we can assign as the Graviton, with the inside five lines-of-relationship inside, as the sine-wave.

.......1.............................5p...........7p............................11p.............13p...........G{ outer }....................
0..............................................6.................................................12..................Observable Time inside

-----------------abstract great circle---------central tspine to the torodial tube-------------------------------

........................3p............................................9.................................................Observable Time inside
.................2p............4................................8...........10......................................DE { inner }..............

Note: in this above scenario, has always been a sequential set of events for me, i.e. ve never consider the lines-of-relationship between say 0 and 6, 6 and 12 and 3 and 9.

Same goes for counting the lines of relationship between 1 and 5, or 5 and 7 or 2 and 4 etc.  The ratio of lines-of-reationship of outer and inner, to the inside set remains the same.

The sequential couting of outer and inner surface lines-of-relationship  total 13.

Inside is 4.

H,mm this is all not quite figured out correctly yet since it is confusing the count of nodal events with the lines-of-relationship counting, and wheter including non-sequential set also.  more later

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It is important to me to get this correct.  The 2D lattice below, transposes as a 3D torus, and specifically a sequentially defined, spiral trajectory, that creates a internal sine-wave ---0, 3, 6, 9, 12-- via invaginations at peak of outer and inner geodesic curature i.e at nodal events ---2p, 5p, 8, 11p.

.......1.............................5p...........7p............................11p.............13p...........G{ outer }....................
0..............................................6.................................................12..................Observable Time inside

-----------------abstract great circle---------central tspine to the torodial tube-------------------------------

........................3p............................................9.................................................Observable Time inside
.................2p............4................................8...........10.................................14.....DE { inner }..............

Based some other geometry from some years back, I became convinced, that, the Graviton { Gravities quanta particle } is likened to a triangular based di-pyramid , --5 vertexes and 6 triangles---  however, I still felt something was missing, and the dipyramid should be truncated at its two diametrically opposing ends, so as, we have a tubular Graviton 3 - 3 - 3.

This meant 3 vertexes at one end defines a triangular openting, 3 at other end and the three in middle girth of the dipyramid. It is is all much more dynamic then just this simple Euclidean polyhedron, as I also felt it should be a series of truncated dipyramids that form a longer tube.

So in the 2D lattice above, that I came to some ten years later, I was now into a newly discovered numerical tublar aka torus.

The three triangular openings are,  1, 2p, 5p........7p, 8, 10........11p, 13p,  14, that is the triangular openings on the 2D lattice, that, transposes as a 3D torus, with a sine-wave on inside. Here it is again below, and take note of the central Abstract Great Circle, from which Synergetics uses and I make evident as the central abstract spinal cord of each of my tori.

.......1.............................5p...........7p............................11p.............13p...........G{ outer }....................
0..............................................6.................................................12..................Observable Time inside

-----------------abstract great circle---------central tspine to the torodial tube-------------------------------

........................3p............................................9.................................................Observable Time inside
.................2p............4................................8...........10......................................DE { inner }..............

So next I want to establish clearly the nodal events ---i.e. V phenomena of the traveling trajectory----  involved with outer surface, inner surface and inside-the tube sine-wave /\/\/\/ patterning. If we only counted the lines-of-relationship, that, formed the sine-wave pattern inside the tube, we would only have four such lines as 0____3,..3____6,.......6____9,..........9____12, between the 5 nodal events. So that is a 5:4 ratio when combine lines and nodal events, considered in sequence, as this is the basis of this 2D lattice formation/format.

If we just stopped there, and compare that to that total outer and inner surface nodal events, we have a 9:5 ratio of nodal events.

In sequence, we have on outer and inner nodal events, 1, 2p, 4, 5p, 7p, 8, 11p, 13p, 14 ergo a total of 9 nodal events and that is, in sequentially linear format, as follows;

1___2p...2p____4,....4___5p,.....5p___7p,......7p___8,......8____11p,........11p___13p,....13p____14 and totals as 8 lines-of-relationship. OK? So to compare the sequential set of lines-of-relationships between outer-inner and the inside set we have a 8:4 ratio of lines-of-relatioship.

So this above is the simplest way to understand, the structure of a Gravition { Gravity's quantum particle }.  Ok?

The inside sine-wave show us the Graviton is nucleated with 4 lines-of-relationship and that is not enough to be considered as a a set that is equal to the 6 lines-of-reltionship that define the minimal structure of Univer{4}hedron.

However, this whole Gaviton outlay above, can get fairly more complicated, if we are to step outside of the numerically sequential format this above four lines and 14 nodal events based upon.  More on that next time let this above seep in as what a Graviton  of Gravitational space, may be structurally composed of.

.......1.............................5p...........7p............................11p.............13p...........G{ outer }....................
0..............................................6.................................................12..................Observable Time inside

-----------------abstract great circle---------central spine to the torodial tube-------------------------------

........................3p............................................9.................................................Observable Time inside
.................2p............4................................8...........10......................................DE { inner }..............

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Oops, my previous lattice was incorrect, Darn!  Only 13 nodal events is needed ---not 14...  in the lattice total, to have a tube, that, is  defined by three triangular openings. This also happens to be the minimal set of triangular openings that will define a Euclidean torus

Previously we only consider the sequential set of nodal events ratios and lines-of-relationships ratio.

To total of nodal events does not change. What does change is the finding the sum-total of relationships for each specified set, and the overall sum total lines-of-relationship using the formula n^2 minus n then divided by 2  As found at this Synergetics LINK

......1.............................5p...........7p............................11p.............13p...........G{ outer }....................
0..............................................6.................................................12..................Observable Time inside

-------Fullers-------abstract great circle--------central spine to the torodial tube-------------------------------

........................3p............................................9.................................................Observable Time inside
.................2p............4................................8...........10..........................................DE { inner }..............

For top line G: 5^2 = 25, minus 5 = 20, and divided by 2 = 10 total lines-of-relationship

For top inside line OT: 3^2 = 9, minus 3 = 6 and divided by 2 = 3 total lines-of-relationship

For bottom inside line OT: 2^2 = 4, minus 2 = 1, divided by 2 = 0.5 which in this case translates to 0.5 radii plus 0.5 radii  = 1 line-of-relationship
...note: I use the word 'radii' because of a consideration, that, each nodal event has a 2D area circle of influence, or in 3D,  a volumetric sphere of influence....

For bottom inner line DE: 4^2 = 16, minus 4 = 12, divided by 2 = 6 total lines of relationship { same as a tetra{4{hedron

So that is each line as a catagory: Gravity { 10 lines-of-relationship } and that semi-corresponds my Standard Model of for EMRadiation { photonic particles } being the 5-fold 10 Great Circles/Tori of the icosahedron ---they define 5 sets of interlacing VE/cubo-octahedra. See LINK

And next I want to combine the two inside lines, as a single catagory of a sine-wave 0\3p/6\9/12 pattern aka OT + OT: Ssince we've joined two combined two lines, less take the total nodal points of those two lines{ 5 } and do the math for them: 5^5 = 25, minus 5 = 20, divided by 2 = 10 lines-of-relationship and that value matchs Gravity's 10, tho it takes two lines to do so. Here we could say that Gravity is equally effective to OT, yet with only one line of consideration, not two. 

And next were going to combine outer surface { top G } nodal events { 5 } with the inner DE { 4 } set of surface nodal events and that totals  9 do the math again: 9^2 = 81, minus 9 = 72, divided by 2 = 36 lines-of-relationship.  H,mm, interesting that in this case, our total from combination of top and bottom line as 9 is a greater total lines-of-relationship, than the combination of the top and bottom lines additionally i.e. 10 + 6 = 16 but with 9 nodal events our total lines-of-relationship is 36.

As best I recall, there is exponential increase in lines-of-relationship resultants, and doing them individuall and then adding does not appear to be the same level of exponentiation.   I dont see any flaws in my math above and tho Fuller never referred to the expontial increase as form of synergy, I wonder if could be labeled that way.  I'm not smart enough to make such distinctions.

However, one thing i'm good at and that is making associations, and just the outer and innner set as 36 happens to be the number combinations of quarks ( 18 quarks and 18 anti quarks }.

So lets do one final math and that is the total 13 nodal events as a single graviton { small g }: 5 G , + 3 OT + 2 OT  4DE = 24
...Note: 24 is the number for VE ---labeled as equinimity--- i.e. 24 chords and 24 radii when VE constructed from 4 paper hexagons...... =

24^2 = 576, minus 24 = 552, and divided by 2 = 276 lines-of-relationship in sum-total..i..e. .n^2 minus n and divided by 2 defines the small g graviton, Who would have thought the most simple particle of Universe, could be so complex.  Oh but wait. That value includes the small d, darkion of Dark Energy.  This may be significant to point out, that, Gravity { mass-attraction } and Dark Energy { mass-repulsion } are two sides { outer and inner } of the same gravitonic particle { <I> } of occupied space /\  and time <-->  

.....1.............................5p...........7p............................11p.............13p...........G{ outer }....................
0..............................................6.................................................12..................Observable Time inside

-------Fullers-------abstract great circle--------central spine to the torodial tube-------------------------------

........................3p............................................9.................................................Observable Time inside
.................2p............4................................8...........10..........................................DE { inner }..............

ebuc's avatar
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Regarding my past posts as ..' Fullers Abstract Great Circles '..., I hope to offer the final correct assessment regarding the gravitonic particle, associate with Gravity { G } and Dark Energy{ DE }

  14 nodal events ---0-13--  is needed  in the 2D  lattice total, to have a tube, that, is  defined by three triangular opening aka  a truncated, triangular based, di-pyramid.  This also happens to be the minimal set of triangular openings that will define a Euclidean torus

14^2 = 196, minus 14 = 182, and divided by 2 = 91 lines-of-relationship in sum-total equal a graviton, that, I believe is half Darkion { Dark Energy quantum } and half Graviton.

Previously we only consider the sequential set of nodal events ratios and lines-of-relationships ratio.
To total of nodal events does not change. What does change is the finding the sum-total of relationships for each specified set, and the overall sum total lines-of-relationship using the formula n^2 minus n then divided by 2  As found at this Synergetics LINK
......1.............................5p...........7p............................11p.............13p...........G{ outer }....................
0..............................................6.................................................12..................Observable Time inside
-------Fullers-------abstract great circle--------central spine to the torodial tube-------------------------------
........................3p............................................9.................................................Observable Time inside
.................2p............4................................8...........10..........................................DE { inner }..............
For top line G: 5^2 = 25, minus 5 = 20, and divided by 2 = 10 total lines-of-relationship
For top inside line OT: 3^2 = 9, minus 3 = 6 and divided by 2 = 3 total lines-of-relationship
For bottom inside line OT: 2^2 = 4, minus 2 = 1, divided by 2 = 0.5 which in this case translates to 0.5 radii plus 0.5 radii  = 1 line-of-relationship
...note: I use the word 'radii' because of a consideration, that, each nodal event has a 2D area circle of influence, or in 3D,  a volumetric sphere of influence....
For bottom inner line DE: 4^2 = 16, minus 4 = 12, divided by 2 = 6 total lines of relationship { same as a tetra{4{hedron
So that is each line as a catagory: Gravity { 10 lines-of-relationship } and that semi-corresponds to my 1990’s Standard Model as: EMRadiation { photonic particles } being the 5-fold 10 Great Circles/Tori of the icosahedron ---they define 5 sets of interlacing VE/cubo-octahedra. See LINK

And next I want to combine the two inside lines, as a single catagory of a sine-wave 0\3p/6\9/12 pattern aka OT + OT: Ssince we've joined two combined two lines, less take the total nodal points of those two lines{ 5 } and do the math for them: 5^5 = 25, minus 5 = 20, divided by 2 = 10 lines-of-relationship and that value matchs Gravity's 10, tho it takes two lines to do so. Here we could say that Gravity is equally effective to OT, yet with only one line of consideration, not two. 
And next were going to combine outer surface { top G } nodal events { 5 } with the inner DE { 4 } set of surface nodal events and that totals  9 do the math again: 9^2 = 81, minus 9 = 72, divided by 2 = 36 lines-of-relationship.  H,mm, interesting that in this case, our total from combination of top and bottom line as 9 is a greater total lines-of-relationship, than the combination of the top and bottom lines additionally i.e. 10 + 6 = 16 but with 9 nodal events our total lines-of-relationship is 36.
As best I recall, there is exponential increase in lines-of-relationship resultants, and doing them individual and then adding does not appear to be the same level of exponentiation.   I dont see any flaws in my math above and tho Fuller never referred to the expontial increase as form of synergy, I wonder if could be labeled that way.  I'm not smart enough to make such distinctions.
However, one thing i'm good at and that is making associations, and just the outer and innner set as 36 happens to be the number combinations of quarks ( 18 quarks and 18 anti quarks }.
So lets do one final math and that is the total 13 nodal events as a single graviton { small g }: 5 G , + 3 OT + 2 OT  4DE = 14 nodal events.
...Note: 24 is the number for VE ---labeled as equinimity--- i.e. 24 chords and 24 radii when VE constructed from 4 paper hexagons...... =
14^2 = 196, minus 14 = 182, and divided by 2 = 91 lines-of-relationship in sum-total..i..e. .n^2 minus n and divided by 2 defines the small g graviton, Who would have thought the most simple particle of Universe, could be so complex.  Oh but wait. That value includes the small d, darkion of Dark Energy.  This may be significant to point out, that, Gravity { mass-attraction } and Dark Energy { mass-repulsion } are two sides { outer and inner } of the same gravitonic particle { <I> } of occupied space /\  and time <-->  
.....1.............................5p...........7p............................11p.............13p...........G{ outer }....................
0..............................................6.................................................12..................Observable Time inside
-------Fullers-------abstract great circle--------central spine to the torodial tube-------------------------------
........................3p............................................9.................................................Observable Time inside
.................2p............4................................8...........10..........................................DE { inner }..............