Atheists are cowards.

Author: Tradesecret


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3RU7AL's avatar
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[1] Failure to do something out of fear is not necessarily cowardice. I am afraid to jump under passing trains and therefore I don't. How about you? Are you afraid to jump under passing trains ?
great point
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
What does backing up my claim have to do with the right to have a f****** religion? You have a right to be whatever kind of jerk you want to be and I have a right to be a theist. 
3RU7AL's avatar
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[4] Belief in the nonexistence of something hardly qualifies as a doctrine.
Atheism is a belief in the way that not eating oatmeal is a breakfast.
FLRW's avatar
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Wasn't Jesus a coward?  Despite the ploy of apologetic theology, the Gospels have given the Christian world a whining and crying cowardly Jesus whose final words on the cross was to blame God for all his cowardly problems in dealing with death.

In the final analysis, the Bible present us - not with a Jesus whose mental state and actions would have won him a Congressional Metal of Honor, but a cowardly Jesus. A Jesus (despite all his recorded supernatural powers and preaching to everyone on God’s never ending faith) who would likely have been shot for desertion!

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #1: Tradesecret will call you a “bully,” for making her the Bible fool, or for asking questions that she could not answer, even though the questions asked were logically valid and biblically axiomatic!

MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #2: Tradesecret will accuse you of “stalking” her if you repeat more than once why Tradesecret hasn’t addressed your questions in the first place! 

MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #3: Tradesecret will use the ruse of “attacking them personally,” by name calling, which has nothing to do with the questions asked to her. Where the irony is she performs this act as well. Can Tradesecret spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E?  Sure she can.

MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #4: she will just go “SILENT” to your questions in the hopes that you will forget about the fact that you presented them to her in the first place!  

MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #5:  she will give you “cutesy” excuses and images to try and take your mind off of the FACT that she is running away again from your valid axiomatic biblical questions! Child-like, but what did we expect. :(

MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #6: Now if you want to make her the continued Bible fool, she “may” answer you if your question or statement to her is “properly presented to her!“ LOL!

MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #7:  She will tell you that you are not interpreting the scripture correctly, even though it is LITERAL in nature. She disagrees with the literal presentation of any passage or narrative that embarrasses her, then she will come up with another ungodly "convenient interpretation" of said verse to make you wrong!
MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #8:  She will tell you that what you have found regarding her ungodly and despicable nature is because you have "hacked" into her DA account, and changed her posts to disgusting posts to further embarrass her! Priceless runaway tactic.

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #9: She will divert the attention away from her in failing to prove her point by calling you a “creepy old man or a dunce.”

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #10”:  She will use the term that you “Distract and Attack” to save her from further embarrassment to her outright Bible stupidity and ignorance that has no bounds!

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #11: She will say that she is not answering personal questions even though she at times presents personal things of hers in her posts, like showing us she is an admitted SEXUAL DEVIANT!

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #12:  When you challenge her to a debate like I did, she will  tell you that you argue like a 12 year old girl or boy and have not matured enough, therefore she will RUN away from debating you, because in essence, she can't debate you in the first place!

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #13:  She will tell you that you don’t have a brain and that you are a fake, and you don’t have the background to discuss religion with her. 

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #14:  She will tell you that you look “dumb” and that you couldn’t really grasp the subject matter, therefore she will RUN AWAY from your posst to her and hide. 

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #15:  Zeus forbid if you are an Atheist who outright owns her Bible stupidity, because she'll send up a smoke screen to prevent the Atheist from further embarrassing her regarding the Bible, she will call you names and blanket unwarranted claims about your denying any God.

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #16:  Her computer tells her that she should not open up webpage links it does not recognize that you have posted to her, therefore releasing her from further biblical embarrassment!  LOL! 

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #17:  If you make a derogatory comment to her it is enough for her to not address your question, BUT, she makes these same remarks to other members, can we say HYPOCRITE, sure we can!

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #18: She will call your posts to her as LIES, therefore there is no need for her to discuss your posts, yes, this is true! Can we call Miss Tradesecret the habitual RUNAWAY? Sure we can! 

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #19:  She will tell you that your posts are “not worth it” to respond too, in once again showing her outright Bible ignorance to run away from them!

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #20:  She will tell you that she doesn’t give a “toss” about your stupid ideas of a post you’ve directed to her, again, in running away from it as usual.

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #21:  When she opens a previous link that was directed to her, and after opening it and it showed her that she was wrong in her perceived biblical knowledge, she will tell you that she DID NOT open said post because she could care less in what you proposed!  LOL

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #22:  She will tell you that you don’t have enough “integrity” to take her time in debating you or answer your questions as a little crybaby!

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #23: If she knows you will easily “own her Bible stupidity,” and allegedly you are using a fake personna, she will not debate you or answer your questions, other than to run away and HIDE from them! 

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #24: She will answer questions that she wants to answer, and not other questions that makes her the Bible fool! 

We can only assume that poor ol’ Miss Tradesecret, in being the #1 Bible stupid runaway fool of this forum, at one point will have so many excuses piled up not to address questions posed to her, that she will not be able to be in this forum anymore because the MANY EXCUSES that she has will cause her to be SILENT!  LOL!

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
See my response on the Trinity topic. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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Right and wrong are merely concepts.

As far as we actually know, there is no greater authority other than that of Universal fate.

Theist, is just your personal conclusion, and as far as we know, relates to nothing other than your personal conclusion.

Other than that, the blob of organic matter that is referred to as Poly is exactly what it is

46 days later

Basti123's avatar
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Basti123's avatar
When you said in your post that atheism is based on negative I would say that all the other religions are based on positive - by this I mean that it's by saying "yes" to things that haven't been proven by facts. It's all based on the thing called "faith". What you say that the opinion of atheist should not be welcomed unless it's constructive, I would accept that if it were politics, but in religion, their worldview would be the that in the process of the creation and the good and bad things that happen to us are not cause of a God, but by causes where a superior being, a god, an angel or a mythological creature is not involved in these. For example, the creation of the human being: an atheist would critisise the creation by God with the presentation of the theory of Evolution, that generally, is incompatible with the story of the Bible. Their worldview is defending that a superior being is not involved in our creation or our wellbeing - if not natural causes. If somebody gets cured a disease - it's not a "Thank the Lord" ; it's a "Thank the doctors and medicine". But I do see your point that atheists are cowards. I can understand that a religious person can think that an athiest person is a coward becuase doesn't dare to explain some things, that cannot be explained by science, by a God.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
All relationships are based on faith. Science has nothing to do with religion.
zedvictor4's avatar
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Religion is pseudo-science.

Seeking answers to an unanswerable question.

Based upon a supernatural hypothesis.

Of course, religion also developed into a method of social control.

Two explanations that I wasn't afraid to put forward.

Floaty about blokes, not rational.

Nothing cowardly about common sense.
Ramshutu's avatar
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Ramshutu's avatar
It's been my experience that Atheists love to show up to religious threads.  They get to have their say. They get to destroy their opponents.  They get to prove how cool they are in the world of philosophy.

But this is why I say they are cowards.  Because they are afraid to reveal what they believe.  For instance, what do Atheists believe? 
Look at my profile, select forum, and review my forum posts. I post in politics, current events, religion in the past. I’ve made arguments on all manner of things.

The idea that you could read this list of posts - and somehow conclude that I am afraid of telling people what I believe, is the most hilarious and ridiculous position I have ever heard - and I have argued with creationists.

This goes the same for almost everyone on this site, save for maybe BdT - but he is speshul.

Nothing. One common doctrine. God doesn't exist. An argument based on a negative. That is it.  Nothing else. We are not allowed to know what else they believe.

What would you like to know? I’m a capital A Atheist, morality is subjective, market capitalist recognizing the need for social involvement in corporate business. Highly socially liberal; I run and cycle a lot. Have two small kids whom I am filling with 90s references and 2000 pop culture references because I can, and while they will disagree in 12 year - I won’t categorize as abuse . I believe strange new worlds is a pretty decent Star Trek series, Picard was okay, discovery is a guilty pleasure - the new star wars films were a bit crappy; the last Jedi was actually pretty decent ; the new miniseries - even boba felt were pretty cool; westworld is pretty good once you figure out wtfs going on, the world is on a bit of downward spiral of authoritarianism, but has ability to get better, Total Anihiliation is the best game of all time, pineapple does not belong on Pizza. Capybaras are the best animals, Toronto is the least canadian city, and; I cannot stress how firmly or unwaveringly I believe this: Han. shot. first.

Hence why Atheists are COWARDS.   They criticize - but without fear of being criticized. That is not criticism. That is safe ground.  Bogus. really. 

Criticism does not need to be reciprocal to be valid. You can criticize the criticism after all.

ludofl3x's avatar
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ludofl3x's avatar
 I’m a capital A Atheist, morality is subjective, market capitalist recognizing the need for social involvement in corporate business. Highly socially liberal; I run and cycle a lot. Have two small kids whom I am filling with 90s references and 2000 pop culture references because I can, and while they will disagree in 12 year - I won’t categorize as abuse . I believe strange new worlds is a pretty decent Star Trek series, Picard was okay, discovery is a guilty pleasure - the new star wars films were a bit crappy; the last Jedi was actually pretty decent ; the new miniseries - even boba felt were pretty cool; westworld is pretty good once you figure out wtfs going on, the world is on a bit of downward spiral of authoritarianism, but has ability to get better, Total Anihiliation is the best game of all time, pineapple does not belong on Pizza. Capybaras are the best animals, Toronto is the least canadian city, and; I cannot stress how firmly or unwaveringly I believe this: Han. shot. first.
I read this in the same tone Kevin Costner as Crash Davis recites his famous personal beliefs to Annie in Bull Durham. Excellent :).

Also, to the two bolds, in order: HOW DARE YOU, as it's clearly Red Dead Redemption 2, and I will die on that hill right next to you, friend. 
FLRW's avatar
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Atheists are brave. Religious people are cowards.Religious people use religion to escape reality. If by reality we mean the absurd, meaningless and often brutal aspects of existence, then yes, religion serves as a vital lie which give our lives and our existence meaning and value.

If that is escapism? If so, then yes, religion is a means in which we escape the truths of this reality.

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
Atheists are bigots, there's not really much more that needs to be said. Does it make them cowards? It makes them hateful. There's very little difference between a post made by an atheist and one made by a monotheist. Monotheists think they're better than all the other theists in the world and atheists think they're better than all the theists in the world. Hate filled bigots.
3RU7AL's avatar
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3RU7AL's avatar
SOME Atheists are bigots,
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
All atheists think that all theists are liars. All atheists think that theists are sub-human. All atheists are bigots. And the posts in this forum and the philosophy forum and the political forum back that up.
ludofl3x's avatar
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All atheists think that all theists are liars. All atheists think that theists are sub-human.
I definitely do not think either of these things. Now what?
Vici's avatar
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Vici's avatar
why do you keep chasing tradesecret like a fan girl? Are you secretely a homosexual? 
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
The Jews who created the concept of the Messiah demanded that Jesus be crucified.
The Romans who crucified Jesus went on to form the Roman Catholic Church.
The people who seek forgiveness are Christians who believe that a dead Jew can forgive sins.
How can atheists top this delusion?
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
The Jews who created the concept of the Messiah demanded that Jesus be crucified.
The Romans who crucified Jesus went on to form the Roman Catholic Church.
The people who seek forgiveness are Christians who believe that a dead Jew can forgive sins.
How can atheists top this delusion?
Hello Shila, or is it another?  My favourite food is Indian.  But that is probably my secrete martyr or like name.  Or perhaps that might be vici vica? 

Nevertheless, your first sentence is incorrect. The Jews never created the concept of Messiah.  It goes back far further than Jacob.  Did the Jews demand that Jesus be crucified?  Some did and some didn't.  The first thousands of Christians were Jewish.  Go and have a look at Acts and the time of Pentecost.  Clearly thousands of Jews became Christians.  Mostly, as I understand the Gospels, it was the religious leaders - who were threatened and wanted Jesus out of the way. 

Your second sentence is also incorrect.    The Romans who killed Jesus were soldiers acting on the instructions of Pilate who was trying to stop a revolt by the Jewish people.   The Roman Catholic Church really did not become a thing for hundreds of years afterwards. In fact the Christian church was initially a Jewish sect that then ingrafted Gentiles and was spread around the then Israel, Africa and Turkey.  It also drifted across to Greece and Rome and Spain and even into Britain. Plus there were many Christians heading East towards Arabia and China.  

Yes, eventually the Roman church split from the East and became its own church.  But these people did not have any connection to those who crucified Christ, save and except that they were human and some of them came - perhaps from Rome.  Please remember that many Roman Soldiers were in fact slaves who had be conscripted into the Roman army and came from captured lands, like Gaul and Spain and many other places.  Your sentence is so bad it is laughable. 

Your third sentence is also incorrect.  Christians do believe in forgiveness but not from a dead Jew.  Jesus not only died but rose from the dead.  The fact that a small Jewish cult started in the backwaters of the world to become the largest religion in the world didn't happen in a vacuum. Christians worship God - Jesus who is alive. 

Atheists by and large are reasonable people.  As are Christians, Muslims, Jews, and other religious persons.  Like any group - most are reasonable and a few are extremists and zealots.  Even some atheists are complete nutters and irrational.  And delusional.  

Nevertheless, this topic was never about Atheists being delusional - it was about - some and not all - who would expect others to answer questions and yet never do the same themselves - since Atheists have no doctrine save - there is no god.  The responses of many atheists on this topic have demonstrated that not all atheists are cowards.  I affirm that. Some are - but not all.  When someone is prepared to address the issues and not pretend to be on some kind of moral superior ground - and then refuse to answer to answer because we don't believe anything - then that person is not a coward.  

As for delusions - to believe that "in the beginning there was nothing and then that for no particular reason, something happened, without cause obviously, and suddenly or over a long period of time that nothing to which something happened, became something, which then evolved into everything that we see and hear and taste and understand today"   is a bit silly. Like a fairy tale.  To believe such - I think is perhaps not delusional so far as desperate.  Yet, if one chooses not to believe in a god, then this is really the only alternative.  I certainly haven't heard of any alternatives.   

It's much more plausible that God has existed in eternity - and caused all things in whatever way that might be - rather than - nothing and then something. For me it is more rational to believe that cause and effect are real rather than just totally random events happen without a cause. 

Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
The Jews who created the concept of the Messiah demanded that Jesus be crucified.
The Romans who crucified Jesus went on to form the Roman Catholic Church.
The people who seek forgiveness are Christians who believe that a dead Jew can forgive sins.
How can atheists top this delusion?
Hello Shila, or is it another?  My favourite food is Indian.  But that is probably my secrete martyr or like name.  Or perhaps that might be vici vica? 

Nevertheless, your first sentence is incorrect. The Jews never created the concept of Messiah.  It goes back far further than Jacob.  Did the Jews demand that Jesus be crucified?  Some did and some didn't.  The first thousands of Christians were Jewish.  Go and have a look at Acts and the time of Pentecost.  Clearly thousands of Jews became Christians.  Mostly, as I understand the Gospels, it was the religious leaders - who were threatened and wanted Jesus out of the way. 

Your second sentence is also incorrect.    The Romans who killed Jesus were soldiers acting on the instructions of Pilate who was trying to stop a revolt by the Jewish people.   The Roman Catholic Church really did not become a thing for hundreds of years afterwards. In fact the Christian church was initially a Jewish sect that then ingrafted Gentiles and was spread around the then Israel, Africa and Turkey.  It also drifted across to Greece and Rome and Spain and even into Britain. Plus there were many Christians heading East towards Arabia and China.  

Yes, eventually the Roman church split from the East and became its own church.  But these people did not have any connection to those who crucified Christ, save and except that they were human and some of them came - perhaps from Rome.  Please remember that many Roman Soldiers were in fact slaves who had be conscripted into the Roman army and came from captured lands, like Gaul and Spain and many other places.  Your sentence is so bad it is laughable. 

Your third sentence is also incorrect.  Christians do believe in forgiveness but not from a dead Jew.  Jesus not only died but rose from the dead.  The fact that a small Jewish cult started in the backwaters of the world to become the largest religion in the world didn't happen in a vacuum. Christians worship God - Jesus who is alive. 

Atheists by and large are reasonable people.  As are Christians, Muslims, Jews, and other religious persons.  Like any group - most are reasonable and a few are extremists and zealots.  Even some atheists are complete nutters and irrational.  And delusional.  

Nevertheless, this topic was never about Atheists being delusional - it was about - some and not all - who would expect others to answer questions and yet never do the same themselves - since Atheists have no doctrine save - there is no god.  The responses of many atheists on this topic have demonstrated that not all atheists are cowards.  I affirm that. Some are - but not all.  When someone is prepared to address the issues and not pretend to be on some kind of moral superior ground - and then refuse to answer to answer because we don't believe anything - then that person is not a coward.  

As for delusions - to believe that "in the beginning there was nothing and then that for no particular reason, something happened, without cause obviously, and suddenly or over a long period of time that nothing to which something happened, became something, which then evolved into everything that we see and hear and taste and understand today"   is a bit silly. Like a fairy tale.  To believe such - I think is perhaps not delusional so far as desperate.  Yet, if one chooses not to believe in a god, then this is really the only alternative.  I certainly haven't heard of any alternatives.   

It's much more plausible that God has existed in eternity - and caused all things in whatever way that might be - rather than - nothing and then something. For me it is more rational to believe that cause and effect are real rather than just totally random events happen without a cause. 
1. The Jews who created the concept of the Messiah demanded that Jesus be crucified.

Luke 23:20 Wanting to release Jesus, Pilate appealed to them again. 21 But they kept shouting, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”
22 For the third time he spoke to them: “Why? What crime has this man committed? I have found in him no grounds for the death penalty. Therefore I will have him punished and then release him.”
23 But with loud shouts they insistently demanded that he be crucified, and their shouts prevailed. 24 So Pilate decided to grant their demand. 25 He released the man who had been thrown into prison for insurrection and murder, the one they asked for, and surrendered Jesus to their will.

2. The Romans who crucified Jesus went on to form the Roman Catholic Church.

The Roman Catholic Church was started duringJesus’s time and with the help of his apostles 
According to Catholic tradition, the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ. The New Testament records Jesus' activities and teaching, his appointment of the twelve Apostles, and his instructions to them to continue his work.

3. The people who seek forgiveness are Christians who believe that a dead Jew can forgive sins.

Forgiveness of sin in every dispensation has always been based on Jesus’ death on the cross (see Hebrews 9:15). In the Old Testament, sins were forgiven on the basis of Jesus’ death on the cross, of which the animal sacrifices were but a foreshadowing. During the life of Christ, sins were forgiven on the basis of His yet-future death on the cross—the benefits of that sacrifice were granted to those who had faith in Jesus. Now, by faith, we look back on the death and resurrection of Christ and receive God’s forgiveness. The good news is as Paul preached, “My friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you” (Acts 13:38). When we trust Christ, the word to us is the same as that spoken to the forgiven woman in Simon’s house: “Your faith has saved you; go in peace” (Luke 7:50).
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
1. The Jews who created the concept of the Messiah demanded that Jesus be crucified.

Luke 23:20 Wanting to release Jesus, Pilate appealed to them again. 21 But they kept shouting, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”
22 For the third time he spoke to them: “Why? What crime has this man committed? I have found in him no grounds for the death penalty. Therefore I will have him punished and then release him.”
23 But with loud shouts they insistently demanded that he be crucified, and their shouts prevailed. 24 So Pilate decided to grant their demand. 25 He released the man who had been thrown into prison for insurrection and murder, the one they asked for, and surrendered Jesus to their will.
Yes totally agrees with me that it was the religious leaders which stirred up some of the Jews in the community. It doesn't refute that the early church was made up of entirely Jewish believers. 

2. The Romans who crucified Jesus went on to form the Roman Catholic Church.

The Roman Catholic Church was started duringJesus’s time and with the help of his apostles 
According to Catholic tradition, the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ. The New Testament records Jesus' activities and teaching, his appointment of the twelve Apostles, and his instructions to them to continue his work.
Nope.  Jesus may have started the church. But the Roman Catholic Church did not start for hundreds of years later. 

3. The people who seek forgiveness are Christians who believe that a dead Jew can forgive sins.

Forgiveness of sin in every dispensation has always been based on Jesus’ death on the cross (see Hebrews 9:15). In the Old Testament, sins were forgiven on the basis of Jesus’ death on the cross, of which the animal sacrifices were but a foreshadowing. During the life of Christ, sins were forgiven on the basis of His yet-future death on the cross—the benefits of that sacrifice were granted to those who had faith in Jesus. Now, by faith, we look back on the death and resurrection of Christ and receive God’s forgiveness. The good news is as Paul preached, “My friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you” (Acts 13:38). When we trust Christ, the word to us is the same as that spoken to the forgiven woman in Simon’s house: “Your faith has saved you; go in peace” (Luke 7:50).
Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead.  We don't believe in a dead christ. We leave that for hindus. 
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Nope.  Jesus may have started the church. But the Roman Catholic Church did not start for hundreds of years later.

The History of the Catholic Church

To understand Roman Catholic Church history, you need to go back to the very beginning of this incredible movement. Catholicism may be one of the world’s most-practiced religions today, but things looked different in times past. Catholicism started as a grassroots movement of brave individuals striving to love their neighbors as themselves as Jesus taught them to. That brings us to the most fundamental part of the history of Catholicism — the life, work and resurrection of Jesus Christ on Earth.

Jesus Christ: The Founder of Catholicism

Jesus Christ founded the Roman Catholic Church during his earthly ministry around 30 A.D. Jesus shattered people’s preconceived notions of what it means to be religious and believe in God, while at the same time fulfilling ancient prophecies about the coming Messiah, and pointing people to a deeper relationship with God the Father. He changed the course of history forever in his short 33 years on the planet. Knowing that the Catholic Churchbegins with knowing about the life of Jesus. Let’s look at some of the major highlights of Jesus’ life and how he founded the Catholic faith:

Jesus’ birth: Jesus’ birth, or the nativity, was the miraculous occasion that set the following events into motion. The Gospel of Luke recounts Jesus’ birth in the city of Bethlehem to the Virgin Mary, whom Catholics highly venerate to this day. Jesus was born during Herod the Great’s rule of Judea during the reign of Roman Emperor Augustus. The Gospels describe Mary’s miraculous conception of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. Christians believe Jesus was born more than a man — he was born the Son of God incarnate.
Jesus’ earthly ministry: Before his crucifixion, Jesus spent several years performing miracles, preaching, teaching, doing good deeds and showing his disciples how to impact the world. From birth, Jesus’ earthly ministry includes important events like his baptism and the selection of the original Twelve Apostles. (Please consider changing these first couple of sentnces to: Jesus’ life, from birth, was spent in service as God’s son. As a child, he was found teaching Jewish leaders in the temple. As an adult, he began his ministry by preaching repentance, teaching love of others, healing the sick and blind, and casting out demons in order to bring people to a meaningful life of faith and salvation. Jesus’ earthly ministry includes important events such as demonstrating the act of baptism, and the selection of his Twelve Apostles) John the Baptist baptized Jesus around 28 A.D. during Tiberius Caesar’s 15th year on the throne. From there, Jesus began his ministry by selecting the apostles who would help him in his work and carry the torch after he was gone. The apostles include Peter, James and John, who were in Jesus’ inner circle and witnessed Jesus’ many sermons, miracles and teachings.
Peter and the apostles’ belief in Jesus as the Messiah:A pivotal moment of Catholic history is when Peter declares his belief that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah sent by God to save mankind from their sins. This was in fulfillment of the Jewish Scriptures as well as the predictions of the Hebrew prophets of old. Peter, whose name appears more times in the Gospels than any other apostle, was the leader and spokesman of Jesus’ disciples, which makes his statement of Jesus’ divinity even more substantial.
Jesus’ betrayal, trial and crucifixion:In 30 A.D., Jesus’ final and most important events on Earth begin to unfold. Jesus makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, where the people greeted him with great praise. But, Jesus’ own disciple Judas betrayed him and handed him over to the authorities to be tried on charges of blasphemy. Pontius Pilate, the procurator of Judea during the reigns of Herod Antipas and Tiberius, found Jesus guilty and sentenced him to death by crucifixion.
Christ’s resurrection and ascension into heaven: Three days after Jesus’ death and burial, his followers reported seeing him risen from the dead. Forty days later, Jesus gave the Great Commission to the apostles. Found in Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus’ Great Commission tells his disciples to go throughout the world, preaching the gospel and teaching people to observe his commands. Then, before ascending into heaven, Jesus promises to be with his disciples for all time.
It was this Great Commission that would launch the apostles on their world-changing mission of spreading the good news of Jesus. This would give birth to the Christian religion, and eventually, the Catholic faith as people observe it today.