I've got no idea why anyone would choose to upvote this. It doesn't come close to addressing the OP's fact and argument.
This is tone-policing designed to distract from the argument.
Actually, take a look at the linked blog post. It comprises many, many individuals claims, it’s unclear as to what the central thesis that he wants to discuss really is, what is the central underlying argument.
It’s impossible to debate with a rant that touches upon multiple topics and makes multiple points, which is what the blog post was; so it’s important to understand out of the mess of claims, accusations and links - what is the actual thing he wants to discuss?
Look at it: how does one actually respond to that mess?
What it’s doing, effectively, is a form of Gish Gallop. Throw as many things as you possibly can as quickly as can, and be implicitly overwhelming.
That covers what I meant in the first part.
I can mostly disentangle two broad themes of contention in the blog post - firstly that the facts are ignored by liberals - and that people raising the issues are branded racist.
Both of these he’s covered in a covered post, which deteriorated into him calling everyone names: and refusing to respond to the arguments. The general crux of the counter argument was:
a.) The left doesn’t really ignore the data in the way he implied.
b.) Accusations of racism against people raising the concerns is often attributable to the ways it brought up.
For example: if you ask a specific question about a piece of data - that’s probably not going to raise any questions.
If one launches into a campaign of multiple blog posts, angry screeds, multiple threads and posts that universally and angrily fixate solely and excessively on negative aspects of Black America - it is not unreasonable to attribute that level of fixation to racism.
So in this respect - I’m not really policing tone ; I’m not making any suggestions or demands about how he should or shouldn’t present his case ; I’m really answering the question explicitly stated elsewhere, and implied throughout his blog: “why is it people keep calling me racist for this?”
The answer to that question, is specifically rooted in his tone and behaviour.