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Author: RationalMadman


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40 days later

RationalMadman's avatar
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Theme Song: Indila - Dernière Danse (Clip Officiel)

Theme Character: Brad from Sex Life

This is a newish hot series (season 2 is new and it got big with Season 2) since you are over 18 you can see it if you want to. It is so new though, that it lacks an online description but this character is very much you I feel.

My description (HAS SOME SPOILERS)

What is irresponsibility and impulsivity to some is freedom and chaotic beauty to others. The tall guy, the jock and the wild-hearted guy with a chip on his shoulder... About the only thing separating Brad from Vader/Supa is that Brad and his dad have tension and issues, Supa's a huge fan of his but Brad was a moderate fan of his biological dad actually, it was his stepfather he had problems with.

A free spirit, alluring because he does what he wants, says what he wants and aint that lacking in the physical department in any sense, you have in some ways got the epitome of 'manly' with the femininity of an adventurous emotional individual mixed into one. He naturally gets respected where he goes, not because of intellect (he's not the brightest) but this searing charisma and way about him. Creative, passionate and charming sums up Brad's aura.
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Theme Song: Eminem - Business

Theme character: Dwight Schrute from the American The Office
Dwight is trained in the art of surveillance, and is a former Lackawanna County volunteer sheriff's deputy. He has a purple belt in Goju-Ryu karate, and is the senpai at his dojo.[ Dwight is a pop culture and sci-fi enthusiast, who has expressed fanship of many sci-fi movies and popular television series. In the episode "The Fire", he mentioned the movie The Crow as being his favorite film. He hints at belief in fictional creatures such as androids, zombies and vampires (though curiously, despite having claimed in "Business School", to have shot a werewolf, he says in one of his blog entries that he does not believe in them; however, he may have simply been denying claims of werewolves at Schrute Farms in order to prevent potential visitors from being frightened away). He enjoys, and is shown to be skilled at, playing table tennis, and states that many of his heroes are table tennis players. His musical tastes vary, but heavy metal and classic rockseem to be a recurring theme. His personal musical talents are not lacking, as he plays guitar and recorder, and sings, as well. He has a fascination with cars; he usually checks a car's suspension, especially muscle cars. He drives a 1987 Pontiac Trans Am though in the finale he's driving a 2013 Dodge Challenger. His technological talents are limited, but he shows a passion for the online role-playing game Second Life, in which the only difference between himself and his avatar is that his avatar has the ability to fly. He also shows an interest in trains, as he is restoring a life-size train in his slaughterhouse, during "The Meeting", which has him bonding with Toby Flenderson, as they share the same interest. In "Todd Packer", it is revealed that Dwight does not know who Justin Bieber is, asking Jim "Who is Justice Beaver?", leaving Jim to answer "A crime-fighting beaver."

Dwight owns an impressive array of weaponry. In addition to Laser Tag and paintball equipment, he has a crossbow range at his farm ("Office Olympics") and, when he was named official Security Supervisor of the Scranton branch hinted that he might bring a bo-staff to work. He maintained a hidden arsenal of weapons around the office, including pepper spray, nun chucks, throwing stars, a stun gun, a boomerang, handcuffs, a nightstick, a pair of brass knuckles and a Chinese sword, all of which were confiscated by Toby. Dwight also claimed to have sat at his desk for an entire day with a spud gun, without any difficulty from Security. Dwight also uses a real gun, a Colt Anaconda, fired within city limits, to start off the race in "Fun Run". In "Branch Wars", he produces a disturbing number of Molotov cocktails for a panty raid on Utica. In "Survivor Man", it is revealed that Dwight still has numerous knives (and other weapons) hidden on himself (as in "Stress Relief", there is a knife strapped to his leg) or strategically positioned throughout the office (such as "Mr. A Knife" in a filing cabinet, twin sais behind a water cooler, a sword in a ceiling tile, a blow dart in a bathroom stall, and a compound bow under a couch), and that he owns a .22 rifle with scope. Also, in this episode, it is shown that Dwight has extensive knowledge of how to survive in the wilderness, being able to provide himself with food, and, by observing Michael, from a distance, through the scope of his center-fire rifle, he stops Michael from poisoning himself, although it is not clear whether the mushrooms Michael started to ingest were actually poisonous.

Dwight is vocal about his views on justice, which is reflected in his television viewing habits, as he enjoys watching and has great admiration for Judge Judy, as well as Vic Mackey on The Shield. In "The Negotiation", Roy Anderson attacks Jim, because he kissed Roy's fiancée, Pam, but Dwight intercepts the attack with pepper spray. Throughout the episode, Jim attempts to show his appreciation, but Dwight refuses to accept his gifts, simply stating "Citizens do not accept prizes for being citizens". In "Drug Testing", Dwight finds half of a joint in the parking lot, which incites him to carry out a severe, and thorough, investigation. When he discovers that Michael might have been exposed to illegal drugs at a concert, he substitutes his own urine during the mandatory drug test. Dwight then resigns from his volunteer position at the Sheriff's Department, because he feels that he is no longer worthy of working there. In "Frame Toby", Dwight states that he is skilled at framing people, as well as animals, revealing that he once framed a raccoon for opening a Christmas gift, and a bear for eating out of the garbage, although, he had made it obvious to the police that he wanted Toby to be imprisoned. In the episode "Women's Appreciation", he is quoted as saying "Better a thousand innocent men are locked up, than one guilty man roam free."

In "Conflict Resolution", Dwight states that he does not like to smile, as showing one's teeth is a submission signal in primates, and that whenever someone smiles at him, "all [he] sees is a chimpanzee, begging for its life". In "Body Language", Dwight reveals that he and Mose are currently attempting to reanimate a deceased bull. It has been implied that Dwight is against vegetarianism. In "Stress Relief", when asked which charity he dislikes, he states PETA. In "Happy Hour", he tells Isabel that he is pleased that she is not a vegetarian. Dwight's dislike of cats, made evident in "Fun Run", also seems to support this theory, as he states that "cats do not provide milk, wool or meat". Dwight owns many exotic pets including piranhas, frogs, a wolf, a raccoon, and an opossum, although the wolf escaped, and he flushed his piranhas down the toilet. He also has an interest in bears, and is ready to debate the habits and characteristics of different species of bears.
In "Booze Cruise", Dwight claims to have been the youngest pilot in Pan Am history, stating that, when he was four, he and his father were invited into the cockpit of an airplane, and that he was allowed to co-pilot the aircraft. He also claims that he would have been capable of landing it, but his father had wanted them to return to their seats.

In "Costume Contest", Dwight claims to be able to sit on a fence, and that he is even able to sleep on one, stating that "The trick is to do it face down, with the post in your mouth"

It also appears that Dwight is a fan of the band Mötley Crüe, as he is seen in "Performance Review" and "Traveling Salesmen", dancing to their music. He also appears to be a fan of the band The Decemberists, as shown by his family singing their song "Sons and Daughters" in "The Farm", to convince his siblings to run the family farm with him, through the "power of nostalgia".

My version
The guy who takes things very literal but has this searing competitiveness about him. He takes 'social skills' eats them and spits them out instantly. He showed up to the Discord server Lunatic and Mikal host and was banned within an hour or 2 (this was over a year ago, it was such a memorable moment for me). He doesn't care, he probably doesn't remember it even slightly. People are obstacles to him, nuisances, we are tools in a machine and he does his as best as he can with his systematic approach. To Intel, much like Dwight, life is a strange contradiction where we are meant to be cutthroat and competitive yet work with others willingly. As a result, he has a demeanour that is simultaneously dorky and yet intimidating all at once.

RationalMadman's avatar
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Theme Song: Kasabian - ALYGATYR

Theme Character: Tyler Durden from Fight Club
(has spoilers)
In the novel, Tyler and the Narrator first meet after the Narrator falls asleep on a nude beach. Tyler only fully comes forward after Marla Singer starts showing up at the Narrator's support groups, causing his insomnia to return. At this point in the film version, Tyler and the Narrator meet for the first time on a plane. tyler >
Tyler worked several night jobs. Partly to fund himself while engaging in general subversion, but also to set up situations enabling him to blackmail his employers later. In addition to his jobs, Tyler made soap from human fat, which he collected from dumpsters behind liposuction clinics. He sold this soap to fancy department stores. The soap also functioned as a source of material for homemade explosives. It's likely that Tyler was busy setting all of this up during the time the Narrator was attending the groups and was sleeping through the night (he thought he was, anyway). This would also be when its he bought the Paper Street House under the Narrator's name. By the time the Narrator's insomnia returned, Tyler had already firmly established himself in the world behind the Narrator's back.

Throughout the story, Tyler attempts to forcefully guide the Narrator to enlightenment by encouraging him to hit bottom. He wanted to gradually destroy the Narrator's empty, societally-programmed self. If he had succeeded, there would have no longer been any distinction between the Narrator and Tyler, and the "Tyler Durden" persona wouldn't have been needed anymore. But by the end of the story, Tyler realized that he failed. The Narrator remained strongly opposed to Tyler's goals, and viewed Tyler's attempt to free him(self) as a hostile takeover of his mind. He never reached the full understanding that Tyler Durden was his real personality. The personality he percieved as "himself" was actually the fake, having been programmed into his head by society.
At the end of the story, the Narrator attempts to kill Tyler by shooting himself through the face. This apparently works because it means the Narrator has finally hit bottom, momentarily becoming fully free and in control. This allows his choice to be rid of Tyler (rather than becoming him) to take full effect. Even so, a split-second shot of a penis at the end of the film suggests that Tyler is still very much alive. Which it turns out he is, per Fight Club 2.

Goals and Ideals

Tyler Durden set forth to dissolve societal programming, attack consumerism, and upset the established social order. His ideals seem to combine elements of Neo-Luddism, Anarcho-Primitivism, Buddhism, and esoteric spirituality (such as G.I. Gurdjieff's Fourth Way), with a strong anti-consumerism theme throughout. He frequently spoke of his opposition to popular culture, materialism, capitalism, most technology, and modern society in general. Tyler described his ideal world as an Arcadian paradise, humans living freely amongst post-apocalyptic urban ruins.

Some critics claim that Tyler Durden was a hypocrite, preaching freedom while commanding his own personal cult. They support this by noting how members of Project Mayhem acted in blind obedience to Tyler's orders and seemed to lack individuality. But according to Chuck Palahniuk,  "The purpose of Project Mayhem was to coach people beyond their own idea of their abilities. People had to be ordered past their own fears. Eventually the organization would vanish, leaving behind fully developed former members."  However, the story ended long before this point would have been reached.

My version
Full of pent up anger and frustration for reasons we perhaps should not delve into, Lunatic reeks of toxic masculinity but in some ways what is 'toxic' to some is just genuine to others. To him everyone ought to experience maximal suffering not to be in pain but to toughen the fuck up and he has the faith that enough will do so to make borderline anarchy worth it in almost any area of life where anarchy is viable.

If I had to quote Lunatic's inner dialogue as intricate and amazing as it most certainly is, beyond my comprehension, it would be:
"Why have rules? Why have protections? You FACKEN PUSSEYS!"

The moral of Lunatic's life story seems to be that no matter what, you should seek out conflict, fight to the bitter end and be a beast. That is appealing to some, of course. He has a charm that is ironically due to a lack of charisma and instead a raw bluntness that let you know exactly what you're dealing with. You're not sitting second-guessing his loyalties or thoughts in a situation, you got Luna on your side or against you but you know it either way in any situation and he goes for the kill as soon as he can.
RationalMadman's avatar
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Didnt at you, above is yours 👆
ILikePie5's avatar
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Do me and let it all out
Sir.Lancelot's avatar
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This thread looks fascinating.
I'm mildly curious about what mine might be. 

7 days later

RationalMadman's avatar
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You use the website so extremely little that I can genuinely not form a persona of you atm other than some random background character in a story which you wouldn't enjoy, as for the theme song same issue.
RationalMadman's avatar
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Theme Song: Visceral Design x anatu - dream of another way out

Theme Character: Angelo "Angel" Batista from Dexter
Angel is a friendly, good natured man who provides a sense of humanity and compassion in Dexter's life. While he is prone to making rash decisions and acting on emotion, he does not harbor any resentment for even the worst fate hands to him and is shown to care deeply for those who work around him. He is also well known for his trademark fedora hat which he is almost never seen without. Due to his position as a divorced, lonely police officer, he considers himself a cliché.

My description
Quiet yet recognisable, sociable yet reserved, the enigma of Mharman is simply the extraverted honest dude that people get along with even when they don't.

Mharman's avatar
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Quiet yet recognisable, sociable yet reserved, the enigma of Mharman is simply the extraverted honest dude that people get along with even when they don't.
I can see this. I don't think I'm an extrovert (all tests I took said introvert), but I suppose I can appear that way in online interaction, as opposed to IRL interaction. Although I gotta say, I feel it's hard to pin anyone in either category, since they seem to be temporary states for me, depending on the mood I'm in. All in all, I tend to be on the introvert side, but can be extroverted at times.
BearMan's avatar
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k np
Vader's avatar
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My response is very late. But interesting interpretation. I like it
RationalMadman's avatar
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So is Brad. ;)
Skipper_Sr's avatar
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Do one for me. But only if you feel you understand me enough or have enough insight. I don't even know how I project myself sometimes