Are pseudo-christians okay with Jesus murdering innocent babies and infants?

Author: BrotherD.Thomas


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DavidAZ's avatar
It will be great at the end of time, (which looks like it will be pretty soon), to run up to the atheists here while they stand before God and point at God and say "Okay, now tell him he doesn't exist" And laugh it off like they were some ignorant fool that couldn't make decisions for himself/herself and only followed a corrupt set of teachings. 

Everybody follows somebody.  Christians at least know who is telling them.  It seems that atheists like to think that they are "free thinkers" and that they are so smart all on their own.  So foolish.  Most of time they know just enough about God to be able to pronounce the word "Bible" and then thump their chest thinking they are religious scholars.  Some of these guys are so dumb their ears touch.  A landfill the size of Texas can't hold the garbage that spews from some of these posts.

To the topic, God didn't flip flop on his decision about "Thou shall not kill".  Anybody with a brain knows he is referring to murder.  Also, any babies, women, "bystanders", etc being killed by God's judgement is easily seen as that, judgement.  If God has supreme power and he make the final call on someone's sins, can he not exact that judgement?  Obviously, if you don't believe in God then your answer would be no.  It's easy to make decisions about the world and it's state of chaos when you are a "back seat" universe driver.