I figured out a moral code to base all of my beliefs on

Author: TheUnderdog


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TheUnderdog's avatar
My moral code is:
One does not have an obligation to help, just to not harm.

Because of this, I believe the following:
1) No UHC and socialized medicine, food, or housing.
2) Abolish ICE while giving nothing of financial value to undocumented immigrants that are here.  Deporting the undocumented is harming them; but not giving them free stuff is just not helping them.
3) Ban abortion beyond 8 weeks; it harms the unborn because they are getting killed, with the penalty being a lifetime sales tax of 10% imposed upon both parents of the aborted baby.  I can see the argument for how it harms then woman, but I'll give her 8 weeks to abort (unless she was raped, then it's 12 weeks, or the abortion saves her life, then it's up to 40 weeks) since I don't think a zygote or an embryo is a human, but a fetus is.  Expand the Hyde amendment so if rape victims or life saving abortion want to be performed, the person getting them must pay for them.  I don't have an obligation to help them out.
4) Pro veganism; when I live on my own, I intend on going vegan 100% of the time and I support ending animal death.  The meat industry kills innocent animals it's disgusting.  
5) Abolish the income tax, and when the stock market becomes big enough, nationalize a tiny portion of the stock market so the dividends pay for government expenditures without taxes (this is when the stock market becomes big enough).  In the meantime, fund all government expenditures with a sales tax on neceseties and luxuries and a capital gains tax.
6) Replace all fossil fuels with nuclear energy to combat climate change; if solar panels were a useful way to combat climate change, Obama would have solar panels.  Same with Clinton and anybody that tries to get the US to go solar.  Build nuclear power plants to combat climate change and get America relying 75% on nuclear energy.  Sell the plants to the private sector.
7) Chop off the heads of murderers and rapists because I don't want society having our tax dollars helping murderers and rapists live.  This is harming the murderer or rapist, but it's better than harming the taxpayer by having them fund the living expenses of the worst people in this country.  If somebody has to be harmed, it's better for the murderers and rapists to be harmed.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
An obligation to not harm.



So I take it then, that harm only means financial harm, and is nothing to do with physical harm.

But you then go on about the vegan thing, 

And just to let you know......Without Solar there would not be life on Earth.

For sure, if nuclear reactors could be effortlessly constructed and decommissioned, then they would be the perfect solution to our energy obsession.

Not sure about your fiscal policies.

Though isn't income tax how we contribute financially to the upkeep of things like social infrastructure, administration, defence etc.

Moral code.....Hmmmmmmmm

More of an eclectic ideological melange.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Its a good moral code. I prefer "Thou shall not kill", since that is God's moral code. Do no harm is good in a sense, similar to thou shall not kill.

Pro veganism
Veganism is a moral obligation. Since vegan food is cheap or free in nature, I see no reason why would people poison themselves by killing animals and eating them and paying large amount of money for it. 
PREZ-HILTON's avatar
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PREZ-HILTON's avatar
Bro, not helping is morally reprehensible no matter how you look at it. If you see a child drowning and you are the only person around to save it, you have an ethical obligation to do so. 

I would go as far as to say not helping is the equivalent to actively harming