>You have the opportunity to live the life of any character in any book. What character?
I have been thinking about this since I first saw your post, and many characters have crossed my mind. The host of characters from Dostoevsky crossed my mind as the most realistic, and perhaps the most meaningful; and there certainly could have been some glamor and intrigue in any one of the lives of Tolstoy's characters, both real and imagined. But I would never want to love as Raskolnikov any more than I would have wanted to live as Dimity, and I surely couldn't place myself on the level of Father Zosima or Alyosha (though I have a friend whose personality reminds me of Alyosha in nearly every way that matters. These are the characters that came to mind because they are among the ones I am most well acquainted with, from the works of fiction I've read of late.
But if there is any epic literary work whose life I would want of my own, it would be the post-release life of Edmund Dantes, in the Count of Monte Cristo for reasons that may not be obvious. Dantes, who reinvents himself as the Count after his release, fashions himself the agent of providence. Though not unlike V in V for Vendetta he destroys himself in the process, his life is among the most satisfying to me in the history of the human literary cannon.
Of course there are other contenders as well; perhaps Dr. Manhattan, from Watchmen. Perhaps Ozzymandis (the character, not the fiction invented by Percy Shelly). Perhaps Harry Potter, or any one of the characters from Lord of the Rings. But, absent from this list would be any character whose life was well established, or whose activities were essentially meaningless. So, you'll be hard pressed to see anything from, say, Faulkner on my list.
>Hollywood calls, asks you to pitch a film in two minutes- what would you pitch?
Spy thriller. You can guess the plot.
>why YYW? why coal? why the change?
I had reasons for YYW when I made that account. Those reasons are irrelevant now.
As I explained in another post, I didn't really have a name in mind for this account. The name "coal" was an account I had on DDO, which I multi-accounted with for a time there. I like the name.
Perhaps the reason I subconsciously liked the name is because I envisioned myself in a different role here than I did on DDO. There, I was a somewhat prominent member, and I used that prominence in ways to strengthen the community as a whole and its members as individuals. At least people knew who I was. I would like to think I helped move the site in a direction that was good, and that people were better for having known me. That was my goal, at least, in many of my activities. There are many people from DDO who I care about very deeply, some of whom have accounts here. I want nothing but the best for all of them, and hope that they can reflect on our friendship positively.
Here, I am not a prominent member, and on DDO I could see my role on the site and within that context changing because of my declining level of engagement. Perhaps the reason why I liked the name was that coal, like my own contributions to sites like this, are increasingly more and more irrelevant. I presume that my time on this site will be limited anyway, by one thing or another. You never know. I still feel like a stranger here. It's like moving into a new apartment, except you're never really comfortable.
> cut & paste lyrics to a well-loved song.
I'd listen to the words he'd say
But in his voice I heard decay
The plastic face forced to portray
All the insides left cold and gray
There is a place that still remains
It eats the fear it eats the pain
The sweetest price he'll have to pay
The day the whole world went away
Trent Reznor, Nine Inch Nails (Favorite Band of All Time)