New twist in Abortion discourse pre & post Roe v Wade: Domestic Violence

Author: TWS1405_2


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Long before the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, researchers noticed a link between women having abortion access and a reduced risk of violence from men. In the wake of the court's decision, the opposite is happening and abortion restrictions have led to a significant uptick in intimate partner violence. Amna Nawaz discussed more with NewsHour health reporter Laura Santhanam.

Crystal Justice, chief external affairs officer for the National Domestic Violence Hotline, has heard a lot of gutting cases of domestic violence from hotline callers over the years. But since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last June, Justice told Jezebel that a few calls, in particular, have stood out to her—namely one woman who said her partner was intercepting her birth control pills after learning she was having them mailed to her. She eventually became pregnant but lived in a state where abortion is banned, and called the hotline desperate to learn her options.

Domestic Violence Hotline Reports 99% Increase in Calls Post-Roe

The hotline told Jezebel how abortion bans are now in the "toolbox of abusive partners."

Best.Korea's avatar
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Guy was a loving husband, but the ban on abortion caused him to start beating his wife. Makes sense.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
Having a baby is considerably worse for a man than for a woman, it's like carrying a heavy load on one's shoulders.
TWS1405_2's avatar
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Last I checked it was the woman who is pregnant and goes through hard psychological and harsh physiological changes to their body, not men. 

Women are the socially and legally accepted primary caregiver since she was the one who was pregnant and gave birth, and has the natural mammary glands to feed the child. Men don’t. 

Please explain your statement that having a kid is “considerably worse” for men vs women - and - how it relates to the subject of this thread (increase in DV calls/cases post RvW). 
IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
Last I checked it was the woman who is pregnant and goes through hard psychological and harsh physiological changes to their body, not men. 

Women are the socially and legally accepted primary caregiver since she was the one who was pregnant and gave birth, and has the natural mammary glands to feed the child. Men don’t. 
That is irrelevant. Women are biologically designed to go through those changes and duties. It's not a bad thing as you want to put it because it's a natural process.
Please explain your statement that having a kid is “considerably worse” for men vs women - and - how it relates to the subject of this thread (increase in DV calls/cases post RvW). 
Considering the current laws that in some cases overprotect women, I think the worst part of having a baby lies on men.

I don't know about the american legislation, but in my country (and very likely in most South american countries), if you don't recognize a child you are prosecuted, forced to recognize the child if the justice finds you're the father by a DNA test, and if it's necessary your employer would retain part of your salary for the alimony.

You might say, "look, Il Diavolo, that's what it follows if you have a baby", ok, but what if the person doesn't want to be a father basically because he's not financially prepared? The most logical solution is to ask the woman to abort. But what if the woman doesn't want to abort? Well, the problems come up then for the man because there would be a high pressure on him specially if the dude doesn't earn enough. And when there is pressure there is violence. People should understand that we can commit mistakes, like conceive a baby, that is why there is the abortion, to solve something we could regret later.
TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
Last I checked it was the woman who is pregnant and goes through hard psychological and harsh physiological changes to their body, not men. 

Women are the socially and legally accepted primary caregiver since she was the one who was pregnant and gave birth, and has the natural mammary glands to feed the child. Men don’t. 
That is irrelevant. Women are biologically designed to go through those changes and duties. It's not a bad thing as you want to put it because it's a natural process.
Wrong!!! It is very relevant. You clearly said, in context:

"Having a baby is considerably worse for a man than for a woman, it's like carrying a heavy load on one's shoulders."

Words have meaning. How those words are interpreted, and the message understood is premised upon the context in which they are given. 

"Having" [a] baby is a physiological factual act of human reproductive reality women endure. Men do not endure this physiological attack upon their body. Men do not "carry a heavy load" on par (i.e., equal to) a woman's pregnancy. It's natural for women, yes, DUH!! It's not natural to men. Men do NOT and ARE NOT "carrying a heavy load" on their shoulders of any kind equal to that of an actual girl's/woman's pregnancy. 

Please explain your statement that having a kid is “considerably worse” for men vs women - and - how it relates to the subject of this thread (increase in DV calls/cases post RvW). 
Considering the current laws that in some cases overprotect women, I think the worst part of having a baby lies on men.
Still waiting for a logical explanation of this claim. 

I don't know about the american (sic) legislation, but in my country (and very likely in most South american (sic) countries), if you don't recognize a child you are prosecuted, forced to recognize the child if the justice finds you're the father by a DNA test, and if it's necessary your employer would retain part of your salary for the alimony.
American laws are the same. IF, and I mean IF proven through a paternity test and a civil lawsuit to force child support, then yes, a resilient father can have portions of his wages garnished. That is true. So what!?! It is HIS responsibility to provide for his offspring. IF he won't be a father in the home (e.g., nuclear family), then they can do it monetarily. Fact of life. If you can't pay, don't produce the child. Simple as that. 

You might say, "look, Il Diavolo, that's what it follows if you have a baby", ok, but what if the person doesn't want to be a father basically because he's not financially prepared? The most logical solution is to ask the woman to abort.
WRONG! The most logical conclusion is for the guy to keep his dick in his pants or put on the condom. It's that simple. All responsibility here is on the male, since a woman cannot get pregnant without male gametes. Excluding conceptual IVF, how does male gametes get into the womb of a female? HE bears the greater responsibility, not SHE. 

But what if the woman doesn't want to abort?
Her body, her choice. 

Well, the problems come up then for the man because there would be a high pressure on him specially if the dude doesn't earn enough.
His lack of income is HIS responsibility and HIS alone. He needs to keep his dick in his pants and go buy a pocket pussy if he needs to stick it in something to get off.

And when there is pressure there is violence. People should understand that we can commit mistakes, like conceive a baby, that is why there is the abortion, to solve something we could regret later.
All bore by the male who caused the pregnancy, not the women. 
Men are well known to either fake putting a condom on or just flat out refusing to do it while coercing the woman to capitulate to their demands to sex. If he is that adamant for condomless sex, then he accepts the responsibility of the pregnancy, not the girl/woman. Period. 

IlDiavolo's avatar
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Before you get more rabid as usual, I suggest you to breath deep and take a soothing herb for the nerves. 😆

You asked me something and I responded you. To me, and by experience, domestic violence arises most of the time because of the money, basically when there is a common expense: a child. In Germany for example there was a high increase in domestic violence which coincides with the current economic recession.

Europeans did good when they legalized abortion, it's very practical and can solve future problems.

Men are well known to either fake putting a condom on or just flat out refusing to do it while coercing the woman to capitulate to their demands to sex. If he is that adamant for condomless sex, then he accepts the responsibility of the pregnancy, not the girl/woman. Period. 
That's why I suggest vasectomy, to avoid undesirable situations like this.
TWS1405_2's avatar
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Before you get more rabid as usual, I suggest you to breath deep and take a soothing herb for the nerves. 😆
Classic liberal retort when they know they are either wrong or up a very steep hill trying to defend their indefensible position(s).

You confuse passion for anger, rabidness, or whatever nonsensical banal bullshit you want to call it. 

Men are well known to either fake putting a condom on or just flat out refusing to do it while coercing the woman to capitulate to their demands to sex. If he is that adamant for condomless sex, then he accepts the responsibility of the pregnancy, not the girl/woman. Period. 
That's why I suggest vasectomy, to avoid undesirable situations like this.
You didn't mention that in your initial retort. Not until now. Notwithstanding, I agree. Don't want to be saddled with a baby, cut the tubes. More men should do this, and the courts should force it upon the homeless and drug addicted. 

To me, and by experience, domestic violence arises most of the time because of the money, 
Money clearly causes corruption and most of all, violent personal crimes. 
If you cannot handle a particular financial situation, don't put yourself in it. 
IlDiavolo's avatar
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Money clearly causes corruption and most of all, violent personal crimes. 
If you cannot handle a particular financial situation, don't put yourself in it. 
That's why I suggest abortion. You can't imagine how much trouble people can avoid with abortion. I would suggest, of course, the right to do it legally only once, because only an idiot can fall in the same mistake over and over, and these kind of idiots deserve the jail.