Pi-Time Revised 8/12/2023

Author: ebuc


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For those Bucky Fuller afficinadoes, ---none here I know of--- I post the last ---of six revised parts--- with the concluding part first,    in my revisiting of my Cosmic Absolute Pi-Time { 66.4 } explorations and regarding Lorentz transformations { contraction-  dilation } of space and time, and in conjunction with the ...' answer to everything '..., --via hitchhikers Guide to Everything---  number 42.

Getting back to Lorentz contraction-dialation considerations, beyond the 66.4 > 42 or 42.4 depending, I would go further on this fanciful exploration, to see what may come of it. 42 minus another 24 gives us 18 and 18 is interesting because we know there is 18 combinations of quark in Universe, and, 18 combinations of anti-quark in Universe.

Ok since were on a subtraction { contraction } pathway via 24, for third time, we take 18 minus 24 = negative 6 { -6.0 }. Since so much of my mathematical inheritance associates with Fullers Synergetics, I take note here, the Fuller statement, ---and a I paraphrase---, the difference between Universe being in equilibrium equanimity and tainted ---I.e. off center-- is always one positive or negative tetrahedron.

So with the above mentioned -6.0 we find a association perhaps to the six chords/edges of the minimal polyhedron of Universe, as a negative tetrahedron.  A possible option for consideration and as Lorentz contraction or dilation, at its minimum, via only the leaps of 24 contractions, from 66.4 > 42 { or 42.4 } > 18 { or 18.4 } > -6.0
Part One: Transcendental, Pi-Time absolute { 66.4 } and time dilation{ Lorentz contraction } Revised 8/12/2023

...Thinking about my truncated Pi explorations might be related to time dilation ---ergo length contraction-- I tried something new and it led to 42. ---aka 42 is answer to everything in sci-fi movie, Hitchhikers Guide to Universe----

..1} 66.40 28 14 34 52.....ia .Absolute { cosmic } Pi-Time value ...more on how that is arrived further below...

..2} 24.35 22 7p 27 55 7p….this is my re-normalization value of Pi^4{ i.e. XYZ + time } / 4 = 24.35 etc

...3} 42.05 05 41 58 95..... subtraction resultant of 66.4 minus 24.4 = 42.0…is 42 the answer to everything from sci-fi movie and more on the math  further below....

Let it be known, that this math based exploration of Pi and some off its derivatives, is out there on far edges of being removed from any obvious cosmic connections to space { quantised and not }, and time { as our observed --quantised-- reality }. That said, the math does begin with space, via geometry associations of pure circle and pure Pi ratio of circumference to diameter { two radii }.

1} Pi = 3. 14 15 92 65 35 89 7p 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 2 7p 95.....

..... initial rational, prime 3p is triangular and in some sciences { surveying/GPS } used to get a fix/location on something...

…7p occurs in overall 14th place/position and 7p is half of first irrational of dual set 14…..,

2} Pi^2{ 2D } = 9.86 96 04 40 05 25 17p 10 62 25.....

...the beginning is rational 9 and that is 3 times the initial 3 in Pi above.....

…7p occurs on overall 15th position { 3 * 5 = 15 } i.e. 3 may appear to be involved with the 7p….

...86 / 2 = 43 and that is 42 plus 1, for future reference.....more on that below...the extra one is a thing nature does here and there...

Part Two:
Best.Korea's avatar
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For those Bucky Fuller afficinadoes
Always start by insulting the students. Like my religion teacher in highschool.
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8/12/2023 Part Two:
Part two:

3} Pi^3 {XYZ is 3D } = 31.00 62 7p 66 77 64 11 48 95 09 95 39 11 80375…..

....Pi^3 / 3 = 10.33 54 25 56 00 99 94 00 58 49 21 05 02 23 67. >...etc and I take note of the fact that prime 7p occurs at overall 32 place.....

..initial 3 has become 31 i.e. 3 * 10, plus 1, and then follow by two zero's { .00 } on the irrational side....

....and here are few other notes of interest, .33 is of interest in the divided resultant 10.33, as is 25 and 56 and zero and digits of 5, or divisible by 5, and event the 99 that is just shy of being  100.......more about that in  Synergetics if I find the time...

…7 occurs in  overall 7th position...62 is twice 31, however, having the .00 seemingly minimizes relevance to all that follows including 62 7p 66…, yet it is curious to me, irrespective of the less relevance, does inherently mean no relevance in cosmic scales of what exists....
...note here, that, the repetition of prime number 31 goes is unique in that it carries out the number 3 to 7 places 33 33 33 1 is 6 + 1 places ergo 7 places each of these iterations is itself a prime number.

Ex 31p > 331p > 3,331p  > 33,331p > 333,331p > 3,333,331p totals 7 digits/integers in the final set of 3,333,331 and that is six interations of the original 31......

....and here I have to announce my obvious interest in prime number 7p for those who have not already noticed my interest there. I will say more about the prime number 7p interest below.....
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In reality, there exists a mysterious phenomenon known as the "Orange Torus of 42," a cosmic enigma that seems to interweave with the fate of POWERFUL individuals in strange and unexpected ways. This radiant orange torus, a shimmering ring-like structure with an Orange glow, possesses the power to influence events on Earth and also influences the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. The number 42 holds an esoteric significance in this life. Whenever major decisions are on the horizon, an ethereal connection with the Orange Torus of 42 always emerges. This cosmic force was also linked to the 42nd President, Bill Clinton, manifesting on Clinton's glowing NOSE, and it is possible a ripple through the fabric of space-time touches both leaders both 42 AND 45. During critical moments of his presidency, Trump objectively  is recorded to visit the areas where an orange torus is most likely to manifest. It's likely that during negotiations with foreign leaders or controversial policy decisions, the appearance of the Orange Torus of 42 would often result in surprising outcomes, altering the course of history. This Orange torus has a peculiar effect on the coloration of Trump's surroundings. The walls of rooms he occupied would be cast in a warm, orange hue, often leaving tell-tale traces, invoking the connection between his presidency and the cosmic forces at play. Some even note that the famous "Trump tan" was a result of his fleeting interactions with the Orange torus. You can even see the tell tale rings in many photos. This is the correlation between the number 42 and Trump in this universe, the enigmatic Orange Torus of 42 continues to weave an observable tapestry between cosmic forces of universal creation and earthly leadership, leaving an indelible mark on both history and current events.
zedvictor4's avatar
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Guns are scary Doc.

Well let's revise that.

Gunmen with loaded guns are scary.

Let's revise that.

Gunpersons with loaded guns are scary.

Gender equality and all that.

And I made the presumption that transgunpersons were perhaps likely to be slightly more prone to imbalanced mentality.

Though maybe I'm biased Doc.

Top of the morning to ya.

ebuc's avatar
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8/12/2023---- Part Three: XYZ plus time or time as 4th spatial dimension?

4} Pi^4 { XYZ + time?  or as a 4th spatial dimension? } = 97.40 90 91 02 28 65 82 12 53 7p 4 63 >…

...Pi^4 / 3 = 32.46 96 9 7p 01 13 34 14 57 45 480110896235 >........

..97 / 3 = 32.3333333.....etc.....

……7p occurs overall, on the 21st position so I take note of that because  3 * 7 = 21 ….
….97.40 9090 96 divided by 7p = 13.91 55 84 43 18….28 57 14 28 57 and that 13.9 is close to 14 ergo, 7p * 2 = 14….

.....the overall 5th and 6th integers are 55, and that is the 10th or 11th set of integers in Fibonnaci number set......just passing note I keep track of...

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I think only friends of ebuc will be going to the next level.
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Part Four: Lorenz contraction or expansion of space-time, in relation the above spatial Pi ratio, and its powered derivatives

..5a} first off, I need to explain how I arrived a the value 66.4 as Cosmic Absolute Pi-Time.

......take Pi^4 value 97.40 90 91 03 40 024 minus my above prior Pi^31.00.62 7p 66.... = 66.4 { Cosmic Absolute Pi-Time }

...so then we take the Pi^4 / 4 = 24.35 22 7p 27 58500 ergo rounded to 24.4 ---via my re-normalization process-- and subtract it from 66.4, for the resultant 42.05 > etc.....

...so yes, it was just a fluke of coincidence that my re-normalization process and the rounded value to 24.4 and was perfect to operate as a Lorentz contraction { <<<< less than <<< = contraction } --or diation in othe diection---  to arrive at sci-fi movie 42, answer to everything. Some of you may not be perked mentally by that, as am I, because your are most likely not familiar with Bucky Fullers equanimity value 24, as found in his math book{s} Synergetics 1 and 2, wherein,

he states that, the Vector Equlibrium { VE } is closet we will ever coming to knowing God ---I read this as Universe---, and, we see this equanimity as the value 24 via the construction of the Vector Equibrium from four hexagonal circles or polygons, that, when infolded and connected, defines 24 circumferential chords of the VE and,
24 radii of the VE.

URL link is coming below, however, also take note, in regards to the VE being constructed from circles, that, it was Archimede's who first discovered that, the surface area of the four circle planes, is exactly equal to the outer surface area of the spherical VE being defined ergo equanimity of area on inside body of VE to that of the outer surface of the polyhderal body. See B is the graphic http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/synergetics/s04/figs/f5511.html

Two more parts coming.

That all said, to be clear, I'm stating that space-time dilation only occurs at discrete jumps, as previous and following parts infer or imply. I.e.  66.4 > 42 > 18 > 0.06 is a generalization based on the Pi based maths, and the 24 only arises out above mentioned re-normalization process of dividing the Pi^4 value, by 4.  It is just a mathematical curiosity, that, co-incdentally similar to some of Fullers VE concepts. 

Or is it  truly a very-far-reaching --i.e. most abstract---   generalized cosmic connection Ive found to quantum physics regarding Lorentz's  space-time dilation? 
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Part Five: Re-normalization means what specifically?

So some of you --and myself---  still ask why the re-normalization process. Pi^3 is 3D { volumetric } resultant, even tho still transcendentally associated to transcendental Pi. And via Eisenstein  we learned that the three dimensions of space and inherent related to so called 4th dimension { non-spatial } of time.

So when I furthered my Pi powerings by dividing each by its powering number, at Pi^4 / 4 resultant of 24.35 22 7p 27 58500 made my mind go WOW!, and more so because 7p falls in 7th position with the  Pi^3 = 31.00 62 7p 66 etc...

So the question remains, what does my re-normalization process of dividing by the powering number, when doing Pi^4? Does it mean were isolating out space from the 4th-D as time,  from the Pi^4 value 97.40 90 91 03 40 02 43 7p 2 36 44 03 32 68 87 05 >..etc...

I.e. is the above value only spatial ergo, to arrive at only a time consideration, we have two options: 1} I did by taking the Pi^3 { 31 } value from Pi^4 value 97. etc, --and that remainder is my Cosmic Absolute Time 66.4---.

So is the re-normalization process a way of arriving at some kind of relative time, --24.4 more or less dilation-- in regards to Cosmic Absolute Time, instead of the reultant 97.40 as an absolute time value of via Pi^4  ?

Here I must point out for some readers, that it was physicists like Richard P Feynman and others, who kept getting these infinity numbers in regards to their physics, and that was not acceptable for their resolutions of quantum this or that, ergo, they had to  re-normalize the infinite values to a finite irrational number, o come to finite resolutions.

Transcendental is not the same as an infinite irrational number. Others can research what exactly the differrernce is.  My concern is not that, or at least not to my knowledge, and that is why above, I tack on the >..etc.. continuation to many of the Pi-associated derivatives.

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Part Six: sorry some repeat here from earlier today. This should do it for my revisioning Pi-Time.

Transcendental is not the same as an infinite irrational number. Others can research what exactly the differrernce is.  My concern is not that, or at least not to my knowledge, and that is why above, I tack on the >..etc.. continuation to many of the Pi-associated derivatives.

If others have thoughts on what exactly my re-normalization process may be mean exactly/specifically, please share.

Getting back to Lorentz contraction-dialation considerations, beyond the 66.4 > 42 or 42.4 depending, I would go further on this fanciful exploration, to see what may come of it. 42 – another 24 gives us 18 and 18 is interesting because we know there is 18 combinations of quark in Universe and and 18 combinations of anti-quark in Universe.

Ok since were on a subtraction { contraction } pathway via 24, for third time, we take 18 minus 24 = negative 6 { -6.0 }. Since so much of my mathematical inheritance associates with Fullers Synergetics, I take note here, the Fuller statement, ---and a I paraphrase---, the difference between Universe being in equilibrium equanimity and tainted ---i.e.. off center-- is always one positive or negative tetrahedron and a tetrahedron is composed of 6 chords/lines-of-relationship/edges.

So with the above mentioned -6.0 we find a association perhaps to the six chords/edges of the minimal polyhedron of Universe, as a negative tetrahedron.  A possible option for consideration and as Lorentz contraction or dilation, at its minimum, via only the  leaps of contractions as the abstract value, 24. 

So again, 97.40 90 91 03 4 00 24 3 7 minus the  the P^3 { ergo 3D } 31.00 = 66.4

Then we begin the subtraction/contraction of with the re-normalized 24.4 and here how we got to 24.4.

..so then we take the Pi^4 / 4 = 24.35 22 7p 27 58500 ergo rounded to 24.4 ---via my re-normalization process-- and subtract it from 66.4.....

 66.4  > 42 --what follows below is new process, because I dont round off the 24.4 i.e. I subtract/contract via the 24.4 value  

42 minus 24.4 = 17.6 { rounds to 18 }  18 quarks and an 18 combinations of anti-quark in Universe

17.6 minus 24.4 = -6.8 and that rounds to -7

-6.8 {  or as -7 ? } minus 24.4 =  -31.2 { rounds to 31 } and here that 31 { recall Pi^3 } appears again, hmmm....

-31.2 minus 24.4 = -55.6 { rounds to -56 } ---Fiibonnaci  55 { not relevant significance ? }

-56.6 minus 24.4 = -80 and that is the first whole rational number in this relatively accurate mathematical assessment of the 24.4 subtraction/contraction via Pi-related and re-normalised and alledged as, a Lorentz transformation process, in quantum leaps of 24.4 dilation or contraction of space-time or space and time.
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Thanks Steve gland you found it so :--)
This ones for you Steve ....watch football in their underpants....Time Stamp 2:48...funny stuff...no numbers...:--(

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Re-normalization of Pi^4 is dividing by the 4.

..so then we take the Pi^4 / 4 = 24.35 22 7p 27 58500 ergo rounded to 24.4 ---via my re-normalization process-- and subtract it from Cosmic Absolute Pi-Time 66.4.....

So then we can round off 24.35 to 24.4 and subtract it from Pi-Time 66.4 to arrive at 42.

 66.4  > 42
...........> 17.6
.............>  -6.8 
................> -31.2
...................>  -55.6 
.......................> -80 and -80 is the first whole number --albeit negative--  when we subtract 24.4 each time

The alternative is not round off  24.35 22

66.4 - 24.35 22 = 42.04 77 3 and that rounds to 42.05

42.05  >  17.69 773

17.69 77 3  >  -6.65 45 4

-6.65454 > -31.00 68 1 ---and this is reminiscent of Pi^3 = 31.00 62 7---

-31.00 68 1  > -55.35 90 8

-55.35 90 8 > -79.71 13 5   ---rounds to -80----, however, we may take note of the fact that -79 alone, is a prime number. Yes?

I dont know if -79.7135 is or even can be prime number since it is irrational. 79 ergo -79 is the 22nd  prime number?

...." Answer One: No.
By the usual definition of prime for integers,negative integers can not be prime. By this definition, primes are integers greater than one with no positive divisors besides one and itself. Negative numbers are excluded. In fact, they are given no thought.

Answer Two: Yes.
Now suppose we want to bring in the negative numbers: then -a divides b when every a does, so we treat them as essentially the same divisor.  This happens because -1 divides 1, which in turn divides everything.

Numbers that divide one are called units.  Two numbers a and b for which a is a unit times b are called associates.  So the divisors a and -a of b above are associates.

In the same way, -3 and 3 are associates, and in a sense represent the same prime.

So yes, negative integers can be prime (when viewed this way).  In fact the integer -p is prime whenever p, but since they are associates, we really do not have any new primes. Let's illustrate this with another example.

The Gaussian integers are the complex numbers a+bi where a and b are both integers.  (Here i is the square root of -1).  There are four units (integers that divide one) in this number system: 1, -1, i, and -i. So each prime has four associates.

It is possible to create a system in which each primes has infinitely many associates.

Answer Three: It doesn't matter
In more general number fields the confusion above disappears. 

That is because most of these fields are not principal ideal domains and primes then are represented by ideals, not individual elements.  Looked at this way (-3), the set of all multiples of -3, is the same ideal as (3), the set of multiples of 3.
-3 and 3 then generate exactly the same prime ideal. "....
This next bit of stuff requires its on thread. Will do that, if I can begin to understand it better.

Off topic here that -79.7 got me to asking questions about -prime numbers and i found this also a  nd within this system below, 2, 3 and 5 become non-primes, but 11 and 7 stay prime. this has to do with imaginary numbers.  S. Hawking and a vid I have by Penrose delved into imaginary numbers.

...." so the naive definition of "isn't divisible by anything except 1 and itself" certainly doesn't let it, or anything else, stay prime.

..There are subsets of the complex numbers which form very interesting rings, and rings are things where inverses don't necessarily exist, so it makes sense once again to talk about primes.

One such interesting ring in the complex numbers is the ring of Gaussian Integers

which is simply the complex numbers that are made up of integers, like 2+3iand18−57i.

The Gaussian Integers do have a few invertible elements, also known as "units". Those are 1,−1,i and −i. What this means is that when we define primality, instead of saying "not divisible by anything except 1 and itself" we need to say "not divisible by anything except units and itself-times-a-unit". This is a little cumbersome but the idea is really simple: if you write something as itimes something, that doesn't mean it's composite, but if you write something as(1+i)×(2−i), that something is composite, because it's a product of two things that aren't units.

So what are the primes? For example, which ordinary primes stay prime?
In the integers, 2is prime. But it's no longer prime among the Gaussian Integers, because
Also, 5is no longer prime:
Nor is 13:

but 7and11are still prime. There's no way to write them as products in non-trivial ways. Again,7=i×(−7i)doesn't count because i is a unit. It's just as uninteresting as writing7=(−1)(−7).

"What's going on here?", You may wonder. Which primes stay prime and which break into pieces?

Well, if you look at the examples, you'll notice that they are "caused" by the fact that 2=12+12, 5=22+12and13=32+22. These primes are sums of two squares, but 7and11are not. There's no way to write7as a sum of two squares, and there's no way to factor7in the Gaussian Integers.

In fact, we can show that a prime p stays prime in Z[i] precisely when it leaves a remainder of 3 modulo 4. Such primes are said to be "inert".

The other odd primes are said to "split", and the prime 2 is said to be "ramified" because the two primes that divide it,1+iand1−i, are actually the same prime (multiply the second one by the unit i).
In fact, the arithmetic of the ring Z[i]can be used to solve many important questions about ordinary integers, such as which natural numbers are the sum of two squares. Similarly, many number theoretic questions can be tackled by looking at other "rings of integers", of whichZ[i]is an example. All of those rings live inside the complex numbersC.
Back to the Gaussian Integers, we've determined which ordinary primes remain prime in this ring. But what about other numbers? Is 2+5iprime? (Yes). How about3+5i? (No). The reason is that 22+52is prime in the ordinary integers, but32+52is not. That's the general rule for Gaussian Integers which aren't real or purely imaginary.
Since complex numbers correspond to points in the plane, we can make a picture of the Gaussian primes. Its center looks like this:

And, as always, this is merely the beginning. Exploring the behavior of primes and the pheonomena of inertia and splitting led to deep discoveries such as the Artin Reciprocity Law, the Chebotarev Density theorem and Class Field Theory."