Chatbot on Universe

Author: ebuc


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ebuc's avatar
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I asked chatbot what exists beyond the finite, occupied space Univese, and it gave typical incorrect answers.. e multiverse and multiple universes.

So I rephrased the question...

ebuc....' If finite, occcupied space Universe is inclusive of all multiple universe or multiverse, then what exists beyond the sum total of all of these Universes?

......Chatbotgpt...... The concept of what exists beyond the sum total of all universes, including a multiverse, is purely speculative and not yet fully understood. As an AI assistant, I don't have access to information beyond what is currently known or theorized by scientists. Some theories propose the existence of a higher-dimensional reality or a meta-universe that encompasses all universes, but these ideas are still being explored and researched. It's important to note that our understanding of the universe is constantly evolving, and new discoveries may shed light on this question in the future. '

So obviously chatbot is not any smarter than what it can find on a google search i.e. like many humans, it lacks the  logical common sense critical thinking abilities.

The answer is of course macro-infinite and truly non-occupied space.
zedvictor4's avatar
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Therefore you are proposing that there is more than one space.

Otherwise unoccupied space would be essentially be in the same space as occupied space.
ebuc's avatar
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ebuc's avatar
Therefore you are proposing that there is more than one space.
Otherwise unoccupied space would be essentially be in the same space as occupied space.

Zed, Ive been very clear on this concepts for many years now in this forum and others:

There exists two primary kinds of space;

1} maco-infinite, and truly non-occupied space, that, embraces/surrounds, the following,

2} finite, occupied space Universe, that, for those who dont grasp that Uni = one ergo one verse, ergo the sum-total of occupied space existence, inherently is inclusive of any other occupied space Universe concepts, such as multiverse, bubble universes, many universes etc, i.e. they all fall into the catagory of Universe aka Universe with a capital U.

There is only one alternative to the above scenario, and that is an infinite, occupied space Universe, and we know that is illogical, lacks common sense critical thinking, that, Ive clearly explained to others over the years.

The logical, common sense critical thinking explanation has to do with the word ' integrity ' ergo a whole. The concept of whole is also inherently finite concept.  Humans only experience whole integrities ergo finite things ex, a doughnut, an orange, a house, a  solar system, a galaxy etc.

Finite = integrity, whole etc
...occupied space things have an integrity for a period of time, before the decay/disintgrate/fall appart, except for Universe that is eternally existent set of transformations. see 1st law of thermodynamics......

Infinite = lack of integrity lack of whole-ness etc

Ive posted a vid of Roger Penrose before, where his conformal cyclic Universe scenarios, us a geometric technique ...LINK... of conformal transformation. An Penrose goes on to show the escher drawing of seemingly infinite set of angels and devils, that fill all-space, into micro-infinity, yet within macro-finite circle.

  Penrose calls this squishing infinity, in the vid. time stamp 8:45 for geometric stuff by Penrose

zedvictor4's avatar
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Two primary kinds of space.
Yep I get that.

But do the two primary kinds of space occur together in the same overall space or in two separate spaces?
ebuc's avatar
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But do the two primary kinds of space occur together in the same overall space or in two separate spaces?

That seems illogical lack of common sense and critical thinking Zed..  Please explain to me Zed:

1} how an occupied space can be non-occupied at same time,
.........yes these two  mean the same thing so it is reduntant of me to phrase in reverse order.....
2} how a truly non-occupied space can be occupied space at same time.

It may help you to find some logic for your query if you look into fermions not being able to exist in two differrent states at the same time and specifically i recall the electron.

Whereas at least one type of boson ---the photon--- can have many photons all sharing the same space/location.

Ive not read about that kind of stuff for some years. Its the kinda of thing that is just accepted in physics.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Yep that's exactly it.

How do occupied and unoccupied occur simultaneously.

In two separate spaces, or in one overall space.

As I see it, there is only one space with loosely defined regions of occupation and unoccupation.

Thereby, occupied is finite but expanding, and unoccupied remains infinite.
ebuc's avatar
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1} maco-infinite, and truly non-occupied space, that, embraces/surrounds, the following,

2} finite, occupied space Universe, that, for those who dont grasp that Uni = one ergo one verse, ergo the sum-total of occupied space existence, inherently is inclusive of any other occupied space Universe concepts, such as multiverse, bubble universes, many universes etc, i.e. they all fall into the catagory of Universe aka Universe with a capital U.

.."Yep that's exactly it.
How do occupied and unoccupied occur simultaneously.""

1} is outside of the other as clearly stated in post #1.  Did you not read?

In two separate spaces, or in one overall space.
Zed begin with a generlized concept called space and that space is macro infinite.  And within the macro-infinite space is the finite, occupied space.  Beyond the finite occupied space Unvierse is the macro-infinite and truly non-occupied space. wherein  the @ i spresentative of finite Universe.

As I see it, there is only one space with loosely defined regions of occupation and unoccupation.
And how is that any differrent from Ive been stating for years now? Two primary kinds of space is simple.

Thereby, occupied is finite but expanding, and unoccupied remains infinite
Yes finite, occupied space Universe is alledged to be expanding. I have some alternative ideas about.  and the truly non-occupied space is macro-finite. As I stated in post #1.   So your not saying anything new from what I presented in post #1.

That the eternally existent, finite, occupied space Universe may expand-contract is irrelevant to the existence of two primary kinds of space. Understand.

Start with the simplest generalized concepts of the whole set, and then develve deeper into what exists. It is simple and Ive been laying out clearly the trinary set of occupied space existence, that, is all complemented by Spirit-1, Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts existence and sometimes ego/i.

. Ex geometrical pattern is not the occupied space, it compelments the occupied space. I present a simple at home, 2 minute experiment to understand that geometric pattern is not the occupied space and rather a Meta-space concept of mind/intelligence.  Have you not tried it before?  Perhaps Ive never presented to you specifically.

Let me know if your interested in doing this simple sine-wave pattern /\/\/\/ experiment at home, at work or in national forest.

ebuc's avatar
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Chatgpt's answer to what my Spirit-1 Meta-space is.

Meta-space is a term used in various contexts, each with its own specific definition. Here are a few common interpretations:
  1. Meta-space in Physics: In physics, meta-space refers to a hypothetical space beyond our three-dimensional physical space. It suggests the existence of additional dimensions, often postulated by theories such as string theory or brane cosmology.
  2. Meta-space in Virtual Reality: In virtual reality (VR), meta-space refers to a concept where users can interact with virtual environments that extend beyond physical boundaries. It envisions a virtual world that encompasses multiple interconnected VR experiences or enables seamless transitions between different virtual environments.
  3. Meta-space in Information Technology: In computer science and information technology, meta-space refers to a conceptual realm characterized by metadata. It represents a layer of information about other digital objects or resources, providing context, structure, and relationships between them. Metadata can describe various aspects such as the format, content, authorship, or relationships between information entities.
  4. Meta-space in Cognitive Science: In cognitive science and philosophy of mind, meta-space refers to the higher-level space in which metacognition occurs. Metacognition involves thinking about one's own thinking processes, reflecting on knowledge, monitoring cognitive abilities, and regulating mental states. It reflects a level of self-awareness and introspection.
It is important to note that the definition of "meta-space" may vary depending on the context or field of study, so the specific meaning can differ accordingly."...
I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any information on "Spirit-1 Meta-space." It's possible that it might be a term specific to a certain domain or context that is not widely known. Could you please provide more details or clarify the context in which you encountered this term? That way, I can try to provide a more accurate response."....

8 days later

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Computers tell you what they are programmed to tell you based on algorithms that are preprogrammed to give predetermined answers. Computers don't think or reason anything.