Everything about Buddhism

Author: Critical-Tim


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Critical-Tim's avatar
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Critical-Tim's avatar
I was asking a relevant question about God's Holy scriptures, 
Ok let's start beginning with "god's holy scriptures".   Who says they are "god's Holy scriptures"?
They are God's Holy Scripture as part of the religion, I don't have any rational explanation, people who are Christians simply do it out of faith.
So, you don't know who says they are God's holy scripture? Although you have claimed they are.
Can you explain to me why it was that god required a vile, vicious, and torturous blood sacrifice of his "son" before he would forgive and save us from our sins?
I never claimed I personally believed that the Bible is God's Holy Scripture. Moreover, I did not say I had no evidence, I said I have no rational explanation. My only evidence is the Bible itself says the Bible is God's words and that is irrational and paradoxical self-reference.

I believe that in Christianity the Bible is God's Holy Scripture because it is said so in the Bible. If you're asking for rational evidence, I have none. I cannot empirically prove or disprove the existence of God and therefore it would be of no use for me to use science to dispute Mr.BrotherD.Thomas, so instead I rely on the Bible's words to best explain Christianity.

Essentially, if it is not in the Bible, I do not believe it is a part of orthodox Christianity.

I'm not certain why Jesus's death was needed to be during one of the worst times in history, but I have heard that it was to show the greatest sacrifice.

Based on my research:
One possible reason is that God is both just and merciful. He is just in that he cannot ignore or overlook the sin and rebellion of humanity, which deserves death and separation from him (Romans 3:23, 6:23). He is merciful in that he loves and cares for his creation, and does not want anyone to perish but to have eternal life (John 3:16, 2 Peter 3:9). Therefore, God needed a way to reconcile his justice and his mercy, to uphold his holiness and righteousness, and to demonstrate his love and grace. He did this by sending his son, Jesus Christ, who was fully God and fully human, to live a sinless life and to die a sacrificial death on the cross. By doing so, Jesus took the penalty and punishment for our sins upon himself, satisfying God’s justice and wrath, and providing a way for us to be forgiven and reconciled to God, receiving his mercy and grace (Romans 3:21-26, 5:6-11).

Another possible reason is that God wanted to reveal himself and his character to humanity in a personal and intimate way. He wanted to show us who he is, what he is like, how he feels about us, and what he expects from us. He did this by becoming one of us, by taking on human flesh and nature, by living among us, by teaching us, by healing us, by suffering with us, and by dying for us. By doing so, Jesus revealed God’s love, compassion, humility, obedience, faithfulness, wisdom, power, glory, and many other attributes (John 1:14-18, 14:6-11; Colossians 1:15-20; Hebrews 1:1-4).

A third possible reason is that God wanted to defeat the forces of evil and death that have corrupted and enslaved humanity since the fall of Adam and Eve. He wanted to break the power and dominion of Satan, sin, and death over us, and to liberate us from their bondage and influence. He did this by confronting and resisting them during his earthly ministry, by exposing and denouncing their lies and schemes, by overcoming their temptations and accusations, by casting out their demons and destroying their works. And ultimately, he did this by dying on the cross and rising from the dead. By doing so, Jesus disarmed and triumphed over Satan, sin, and death (Colossians 2:13-15; Hebrews 2:14-15; 1 John 3:8; Revelation 1:17-18).

What do you think?
Critical-Tim's avatar
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Critical-Tim's avatar
All comments regarding Christian scriptures and interpretations going forward can be addressed here:

Let us, for the sake of organized topics, address our inquiries in the appropriate forums.
Sidewalker's avatar
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One thing to rescue from budhism is the meditation which is a powerful tool to get to what they call Nirvana and it's not exclusive to this religion, I think it is also present in other asian religions which was spread all over the world for our delight.
Meditation isn’t exclusive to the Asian religions, most religions have meditation in some form, call it contemplation, meditation, prayer, they are various ways of reorienting thought which is common to all faiths.

I have to add to the definition you gave of Nirvana that it is also a state where you feel the oneness of man and universe, meaning that we and all that exists in this universe are one only conscioussness. According to some people's experiences, when the meditator manages to activate his pineal gland, which is the most difficult thing to reach when meditating, apart from happiness and peace, he can feel he is part of the whole universe, he feels what it feels to be a plant, an animal, a mountain and everything that exists in this universe at the same time, it's like an omnipresent experience.
From a strictly physical, scientific standpoint, we are continuous with everything else there is and everything else that's going on, we are something the Universe is doing, and yet, we experience that reality “as though” it is something separate and independent of us.  In human beings, reality is artificially bifurcated into two distinct aspects of “us” and “not us”,  or more formally, “subject” and “object”. Consequently, our experiential reality as individuals resonates with an intuition of wholeness and connection that we all share, and this culturally manifests itself in Spirituality from which evolved the various religious practices.

As far as I can tell all religions consider this division of reality into its “subjective” and objective bases to be fundamental to understanding the nature of Man. They all seem to be contending that we are an essential part of the ultimate reality and the very existence of “objective” knowledge requires an illusory distinction between knowing subject and reality known. It is simply because of the fact that we are a "symbolic" animal that all faiths must explain this separation in symbolic or allegorical terms, by the use of metaphor, and it is why it always seems to be primary to their metaphysical constructions and their definition of human nature. This is fundamental to all faiths, it is Hinduism's "Moksha", Buddhism's "Acintya", Taoism's unification of the Yin and Yang oppositions, and Judaism, Christianity, and Islam's "eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge".

I've seen this is the same as the near-death experience, people that are dying feels a profound peace and happiness, and also that they are one with the universe which is very pleasant for them to the point that they wanted to stay there. It's as if our real "home" or consciouss state of being were after death.
I find it most interesting that theNDE is experienced so vividly, it is an intense conscious event that is inverselycorrelated with the neural correlates of consciousness.  As the brain shuts down, the lower level ofneural activity is associated with a much higher degree of consciousness. Experiencedas if, rather than consciousness being a product of the physical activities of the brain,  it is more like consciousnessis being freed from the constraints of its materialistic containment.

I'm not sure if Buddhims claims we are one with the universe, I think it does, but as far as I can tell this belief that we are one consciousness that survives after death is based on the experience, contrary to christianity that holds beliefs on mere stories.
If the goal is transcendence of the self, thenperhaps both Buddhism and Christianity are right when rightly understood. Perhaps, a transcendence involves a higher understanding which makes it evident that both conceptions are true, and once this state of being is realized, that they are one and the same.
Critical-Tim's avatar
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Critical-Tim's avatar
Sidewalker: I find it most interesting that the NDE is experienced so vividly, it is an intense conscious event that is inversely correlated with the neural correlates of consciousness.  As the brain shuts down, the lower level of neural activity is associated with a much higher degree of consciousness. Experienced as if, rather than consciousness being a product of the physical activities of the brain, it is more like consciousness is being freed from the constraints of its materialistic containment.
It's possible that when our brains shut down, our comprehension diminishes. However, we continue to be in sensory contact with everything we were exposed to before. This might lead us to believe that we are in contact with what appears to be the entire universe, although in reality, it's the same experiences we had before, only without the sense of awe. This feeling of awe could be a result of having lower consciousness but normal sensory input. It makes the experience seem like normal consciousness in relation to the heightened sensory input we now perceive.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
Meditation isn’t exclusive to the Asian religions, most religions have meditation in some form, call it contemplation, meditation, prayer, they are various ways of reorienting thought which is common to all faiths.
Let me dissent with you. So far, the posters in this topic think meditation and prayer have the same goal which is bring peace/happiness to the mind, I can agree with that. What I disagree though is that prayer is a sort of meditation, that is simply untrue. Prayer depends on faith in a superior being that is going to listen to your wishes which basically means that you have to be enough stupid to think that a superior being exists for fullfilling your wishes, almost like a fairy. On the other hand, meditation doesn't depend on anything but only on yourself. When a person medidates, he's putting his mind in a state of deep relaxation which causes the body to sort out its problems (meaning illnesses or other conditions), apart from bring peace and hapinness. As you can see, meditation is also beneficial for the emotional and physical health according to medical investigations.
From a strictly physical, scientific standpoint, we are continuous with everything else there is and everything else that's going on, we are something the Universe is doing, and yet, we experience that reality “as though” it is something separate and independent of us.  In human beings, reality is artificially bifurcated into two distinct aspects of “us” and “not us”,  or more formally, “subject” and “object”. Consequently, our experiential reality as individuals resonates with an intuition of wholeness and connection that we all share, and this culturally manifests itself in Spirituality from which evolved the various religious practices.

As far as I can tell all religions consider this division of reality into its “subjective” and objective bases to be fundamental to understanding the nature of Man. They all seem to be contending that we are an essential part of the ultimate reality and the very existence of “objective” knowledge requires an illusory distinction between knowing subject and reality known. It is simply because of the fact that we are a "symbolic" animal that all faiths must explain this separation in symbolic or allegorical terms, by the use of metaphor, and it is why it always seems to be primary to their metaphysical constructions and their definition of human nature. This is fundamental to all faiths, it is Hinduism's "Moksha", Buddhism's "Acintya", Taoism's unification of the Yin and Yang oppositions, and Judaism, Christianity, and Islam's "eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge".
I've heard something about that. May I know where you've got this scientific interpretation of wholeness?

What I'm trying to do here is to complement the explanation of wholeness with people's experiences. If you see a pattern in these experiences we are talking about a scientific phenomenon liable to be studied. It's not just in meditation or NDEs but I also see it in the dream. There are lot of stories about people communicating with other people in dreams, and also people having premonitions. One theory that I agree with is that we all are connected in one consciousness network, like a big mind running in the background, and this big mind computes all the information everyone has about his reality for rendering a premonition or a prediction of the future. I actually think this is the way seers predict the future because they have the ability to access this "big mind" which can be the universe consciousness I guess.
I find it most interesting that theNDE is experienced so vividly, it is an intense conscious event that is inverselycorrelated with the neural correlates of consciousness.  As the brain shuts down, the lower level ofneural activity is associated with a much higher degree of consciousness. Experiencedas if, rather than consciousness being a product of the physical activities of the brain,  it is more like consciousnessis being freed from the constraints of its materialistic containment.
Right. It's fascinating.
If the goal is transcendence of the self, thenperhaps both Buddhism and Christianity are right when rightly understood. Perhaps, a transcendence involves a higher understanding which makes it evident that both conceptions are true, and once this state of being is realized, that they are one and the same.
I think there lies the problem, that buddism and christianty (basically what Jesus taught and not the bullshit in the old testament) are wrongly understood because they are religions, pure dogmatism that refuse to adapt to the context. If you strip Jesus of all the nonsensical stories you'll have a Buddha.
Public-Choice's avatar
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Public-Choice's avatar
Interesting. Do you have any original sources I can read to better understand your explanation of Biddhism?

As far as paganism, the pagan religions are all actually the same. They just ascribe different names to the same beings, but the beings themselves are the same.
Critical-Tim's avatar
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Critical-Tim's avatar
I recently read a simple and yet fascinating book: Everyday Dharma by Suneel Gupta
This helped me gain a firm grasp of one perspective on Buddhism.

You can find other information on the following links:

Remember that Buddhism is not a single unified religion, but rather a collection of diverse and sometimes overlapping beliefs and practices. There is no official form of Buddhism that is universally accepted by all Buddhists, but rather different schools and traditions that have their own interpretations and emphases.
Critical-Tim's avatar
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Critical-Tim's avatar
Here is the summary derived from Wikipedia: Buddhism - Wikipedia

Part 1 of the page talks about:
  • Buddhism: An Indian religion or philosophy based on the teachings of the Buddha, who attained liberation from suffering and rebirth.
  • Buddha: A title for someone who has awakened to the truth of reality and ended the cycle of saṃsāra. The historical Buddha was born as Siddhartha Gautama and taught the path to nirvana.
  • Four Noble Truths: The core teachings of Buddhism that explain the nature and cause of suffering ( dukkha ), and the way to end it through the Noble Eightfold Path.
  • Saṃsāra: The endless cycle of birth and death driven by karma and ignorance ( avidyā )2. Buddhism teaches that one can escape from saṃsāra by attaining nirvana.
  • Karma: The law of cause and effect that determines the quality of one’s rebirth. Karma is influenced by one’s intentions, actions, and ethical conduct.
  • Nirvana: The ultimate goal of Buddhism, which is the cessation of suffering and rebirth. Nirvana is achieved by eliminating the mental defilements ( kleshas ) and realizing the true nature of reality.
  • Dependent arising: The doctrine that all phenomena are interdependent and conditioned by multiple causes. This doctrine rejects the existence of a permanent self or soul in any being.
  • Three Jewels: The objects of refuge for Buddhists, which are the Buddha, the Dharma (the teachings), and the Sangha (the monastic community)3.
  • Meditation: A practice of cultivating mental calmness, concentration, and insight. Meditation is based on mindfulness ( sati ) and involves various techniques such as breathing, dhyāna (absorption), and vipassanā (insight).
  • Mahāyāna Buddhism: A branch of Buddhism that developed new doctrines and practices, such as emptiness ( śūnyatā ), Buddha-nature ( tathāgatagarbha ), bodhisattva ideal, and various sutras and philosophical schools.
Part 2 of the page talks about:
  • Four immeasurables: The virtues of loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity, which lead to rebirth in the heavenly realm.
  • Visualization practices: The use of images and symbols of deities and Buddhas in meditation, especially in Tantric Buddhism, to cultivate calmness and insight.
  • Prajñā and vipaśyanā: The wisdom and insight into the true nature of reality, which are cultivated through mindfulness and various techniques such as the four establishments of mindfulness.
  • Devotion and faith: The practice of ritual prayer, prostration, offerings, pilgrimage, and chanting, which are directed towards the Buddha, the Dharma, the Sangha and other objects of reverence.
  • Vegetarianism: The ethical principle of non-harming ( ahimsa ), which leads some Buddhists to avoid eating meat or killing animals for food.
  • Buddhist texts: The diverse literature that records the teachings and practices of Buddhism, such as the Tripiṭaka, the Mahāyāna sūtras, the Tantras and the commentaries.
  • History of Buddhism: The development and spread of Buddhism from its origins in India to various regions and cultures of Asia and the West, as well as its encounters with other religions and political powers.
  • Buddhist traditions: The different schools and movements of Buddhism that have emerged over time, such as Theravāda, Mahāyāna, Vajrayana, Navayana and Buddhist modernism.

zedvictor4's avatar
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I would suggest that being specific is reliant upon certain criteria...Primarily, an irrefutable data source...And as I was suggesting, 1700 or so years ago data records were a bit thin on the ground and came in variously translated and reinterpreted formats.

Though certainly, if one is attempting to promote a shared ideology, then being deliberately contradictory would be counter-productive.

The translation and interpretation of hand me down folk tales, is undoubtedly going to result in a non-specific and therefore potentially  ambiguous narrative.

The requirements and/or inclinations of the reader will largely dictate how the new narrative is once again reinterpreted...Which is nothing new and still an ongoing exercise.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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It's possible that when our brains shut down, our comprehension diminishes. However, we continue to be in sensory contact with everything we were exposed to before. This might lead us to believe that we are in contact with what appears to be the entire universe, although in reality, it's the same experiences we had before, only without the sense of awe. This feeling of awe could be a result of having lower consciousness but normal sensory input. It makes the experience seem like normal consciousness in relation to the heightened sensory input we now perceive.
There is a lot to know about our brains, for science is almost a mistery. But the key to comprehend the complexity of the mind is in the quantum mechanics

The concept of quantum entanglement can explain that all in the universe is connected, that everything in the universe works as one being wchih is the concept of oneness that I refered some posts ago. 

Critical-Tim's avatar
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One hypothesis is that quantum entanglement may enable the consciousness of a dying person to transcend the physical body and access a higher dimension of reality, where they can perceive the interconnectedness of all things and encounter other forms of intelligence. Another hypothesis is that quantum entanglement may allow the information stored in the brain to be preserved and transferred to another medium, such as the quantum vacuum or the cosmic microwave background, where it can be retrieved by other observers. A third hypothesis is that quantum entanglement may create a bridge between the physical and the spiritual realms, where the soul of a dying person can communicate with other souls or divine entities.

However, these hypotheses are still speculative and face many challenges and criticisms. For one thing, it is not clear how quantum processes can survive in the warm and noisy environment of the brain, which is usually considered hostile to quantum coherence. For another thing, it is not clear how quantum processes can account for the subjective and qualitative aspects of consciousness, such as feelings, emotions, and self-awareness. Moreover, there is no conclusive experimental evidence that supports the existence of quantum entanglement in the brain or its role in NDEs, although some recent studies have suggested some possible indications.

Do you agree with any of the three perspectives?
IlDiavolo's avatar
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I agree with what the experience can say. The universe seems to have a "design" with repetitve patterns that can be found in the human beings or other living beings. The universe is full of similar patterns of design.

So, what we can see in our brain's structure, with processing capabilities and memory, can be seen in other realms like in the quantum dimension which is the lowest scale or in the same universe at the highest scale
Mr.BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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Critical_Tim, who is on record in calling Jesus a LIAR as God because of His literal words, and is vying to be as Bible Stupid as Miss Tradesecret, and was obviously sent to this Religion Forum from Satan himself to disrupt Jesus’ true literal words within the scriptures, and now calls Peter a LIAR, and as explicitly shown, wants to be this Religion Forum's funny comedian because of his Devil Speak in reinterpreting Jesus' LITERAL words that are laughter at its best!

OH OH!  Guess what, you are still HIDING from the following post that I made to you, whereas I have addressed every Satanic post thus far that you have made to me!  What gives? SCARED? 

Here is the link that you are running away from in front of the membership, where you say you own this forum? Surely you jest! LOL! 

The above link that you run from is only a modicum of what is yet to come in your Satanic behalf, understood? CHAIN UP!
YOUR LAME CHILD-LIKE EXCUSE TO RUN FROM MY POST #93 SHOWN ABOVE:  "I never saw any question marks... do you want me to interpret your implicit meaning?"

There were no question marks in the original post that you "cherry-picked" the Luke 14:26 passage where Jesus in a LITERAL AND DIRECT FORM told us that children must hate their parents as explicitly shown in this link:  https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/9913/posts/411081  

So what gives, are you that SCARED to bring forth more of your Devil Speak reinterpretation of the LITERAL WORD of Jesus where you left 3 instances behind in my my post #33?  Huh?

Listen, your grade-school refutation to Jesus telling us that one must hate their parents was comedic relief at its finest, as embarrassingly shown in your link herewith: https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/9913/posts/411084

Okay, since it is obviously shown that you want to be the comedian when REINTERPRETING the LITERAL words of Jesus like you did to make us LAUGH in the link above, and for more laughter for the membership, I have included the three other instances that you ran away from in front of the membership, for you to Satanically REINTERPRET in the same vein, whereas you state that what is LITERALLY WRITTEN, is not to be understood as such, but needs to be understood AWAY from its LITERAL and DIRECT WORDS!  PRICELESS!



”Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou BEATEST him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt BEAT HIM with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell." (Proverbs.23:13-14)

"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do.” (Exodus 21:7)

 3. MURDERING YOUR CHILDREN THAT CURSE YOU AS A PARENT:  JESUS AS GOD SAID: “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?  For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.  (Matthew 15: 3-4)


Mr.BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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Mr.BrotherD.Thomas's avatar

Critical_Tim, who is on record in calling Jesus a LIAR as God because of His literal words, and is vying to be as Bible Stupid as Miss Tradesecret, and was obviously sent to this Religion Forum from Satan himself to disrupt Jesus’ true literal words within the scriptures, and now calls Peter a LIAR, and as explicitly shown, wants to be this Religion Forum's funny comedian because of his Devil Speak in reinterpreting Jesus' LITERAL words that are laughter at its best!


4. JESUS AS GOD SAID:  "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." (Matthew 10:37)

5.  JESUS KILLING INNOCENT CHILDREN AND INFANTS: "I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” (1 Samuel 15:2-3)

6.  JESUS AS GOD BEING AN ABORTIONIST:  The glory of Israel will fly away like a bird, for their children will die at birth or perish in the womb or never even be conceived. Even if your children survive to grow up, I will take them from you.  It will be a terrible day when I turn away and leave you alone.  I have watched Israel become as beautiful and pleasant as Tyre.  But now Israel will bring out her children to be slaughtered oh Lord. what should I request for your people? I will ask for the wombs that don’t give birth and breast that give no milk. The LORD says, "All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them.  I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions.  I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels.  The people of Israel are stricken.  Their roots are dried up; they will bear no more fruit AND IF THEY GIVE BIRTH, I WILL SLAUGHTER THEIR BELOVED CHILDREN.  (Hosea 9:11-16) 

7.  JESUS AS GOD SAID IF YOU DON'T FOLLOW HIM, YOU ARE TO BE MURDERED: "But that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman." (2 Chronicles 15:13)

8. JESUS AS GOD MAKES PARENTS EAT THEIR CHILDREN:  "And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and straitness, wherewith their enemies, and they that seek their lives, shall straiten them." (Jeremiah 19:9)

9. JESUS AS GOD MURDERS THE INNOCENT FIRST  BORN OF EGYPT: " At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in Egypt ..."  (Exodus 12:29)

10. JESUS AS GOD COMMANDS YOU T0 MURDER FAMILY MEMBERS THAT ENTICE YOU TO OTHER GODS: "But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death ......." (Deuteronomy 13:7-12) 

11.  JESUS AS GOD COMMANDS YOU MURDER ANYONE THAT SERVES OTHER GODS:  "That whosoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman."(2 Chronicles 15:13)

12.  JESUS AS GOD MURDERS LITTLE CHILDREN TO BE DASHED TO PIECES AND WIVES RAPED:  "Anyone who is found will be thrust through, And anyone who is captured will fall by the sword. Their little ones also will be dashed to pieces Before their eyes; Their houses will be plundered And their wives raped." (Isaiah 13:15-18)

13. JESUS AS GOD SAYS TO MURDER HOMOSEXUALS:  " If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."  (Leviticus 20:13)

14. JESUS' INSPIRED WORDS SAYS: "Anyone who attacks their father or mother is to be put to death." (Exodus 21:15)

15.  JESUS' INSPIRED WORDS SAY IT IS OKAY TO BEAT YOUR SLAVES:  “The servant who knows the master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants WILL BE BEATEN WITH MANY BLOWS. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment WILL BE BEATEN WITH FEW BLOW. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." (Luke 12:47) 

When in discussion with Miss Tradesecret upon this topic shown above, she had to RUN AWAY from it and went into hiding!  Therefore, hopefully you won't follow suit and RUN AWAY from said passages above explicitly stated LITERALLY by Jesus as God!  If you want to take your comedy act further to make us laugh heartedly even more, have Miss Tradesecret join you in your Devil Speak of reinterpreting THE DIRECT LITERAL WORDS OF JESUS AS GOD shown above!  ROFLOL!


Mr.BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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Mr.BrotherD.Thomas's avatar


Subjectively, we haven't seen a Comedy Act like the Bible Dumbfounded Critical-Tim is bringing forth since the other comedian spin doctor of the DIRECT LITERAL WORDS OF JESUS, ethang5 since he was banned!  LOL!  Hmmmmm, do you think that Critical-Tim is a relation to the ever so funny ethang5 in his reinterpreting the direct LITERAL words of Jesus in making us laugh?


Stephen's avatar
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What do you think?

 What I think is irrelevant. But what I believe maybe a different matter.

I have good reason to believe that Jesus named Jesus/Yeshuah ben Joseph, believed or was led to believe himself to be a contender/ rightful heir for the throne of David.
I believe Jesus and John the Baptist were serious rivals.
I believe Jesus and or his disciples had a hand in John the Baptist death.
I believe that he had a band of merry men that he called his disciples, which simply means followers, of which he had maybe hundreds  , as did John the Baptist.
I believe Jesus was crucified along with two other rebels, one that also happened to be named Jesus, for crimes against Rome.
I believe Jesus survived the crucifixion with the help and assistance of some of his "secret disciples".
I believe that he may well have been present at the fall of the city of Jerusalem 68/70AD and was the one to have handed over power to Rome.
I believe Christians have wrapped around a very human man a myth that precedes Jesus the Christ by many thousands of years.
And I believe the Old Testament - that is simply a book of war and conquest- is more honest and truthful than the New Testament -  MINUSTHE MIRACLES!.