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Agreed, people will be getting the best quality product and as an added bonus, it would massively reduce money that funds organised crime.


I think educating people and then let the decide for themselves is the way forward, it being legal or not won’t really affect the total amount of users but it it will stop people getting locked up for years over small possession charges and having their liver ruined.


Sorry this is a long reply 😅

I 1000% agree, I think choosing medical benefit as their main and only point to run on is foolish, yes there are some cases where all other treatment has failed and medical cannabis has cured people but pretty much every long term study on cannabis shows major cognitive decline and increased chance of mental illness developing in people who smoke on a daily basis.
Personally I think there should be government rum dispensers where you can buy high quality products, receive information or get help for people that need it.
Growers would need a government license to be able to grow, they would be regulated to ensure product meet a certain quality and there would be a set minimum and maximum price per weight , all of which would be taxed giving the government a huge revenue boost. I would then pass laws that would massively punish non licensed dealers and anyone that was caught in possession of more than a personal recreational amount.
Doing this would destroy any existing drug supply networks , when customers could get better quality and safer drugs legally they would have no reason to use regular dealers and by implementing harsh drug sentences scarce off anyone stupid enough to try anything.
The drug trade will always be present in cities it’s stupid to think any government or police’s force could totally get rid of it! so why not take the power away from the drug dealers, it would cut off their sources of money, break up and jail gangs that harm out communities and prevent others more serious criminal activities that are funded by drug money. All while generating substantial revenue for government. The controlled and licensed products would be better quality and less harmful, it would provide jobs and traceability. It could also fund health care and counselling to those that need it. An added bonus would be the control and leverage that the government who the have over people dependent on thier supply, they would have the ability to manipulate people into voting their way by either cutting off the supply (coercion) or cutting costs of product(persuasion).


Sure so of the most prescribed drugs as very toxic and damaging to your body but are totally acceptable in society, the debate isn’t so much are the bad for you it’s more can peoples perception of drugs change and become more open minded. Have you come across the drug users bible before? It written by a guy who has sampled over 150 different drugs, he wrote the book as a guide for safe consumption of drugs to help reduce people needlessly dying https://books.google.ie/books/about/The_Drug_Users_Bible_Extended_Edition.html?id=JauJEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
You should check out some of his interviews he’s a very interesting guy!


Don’t get me wrong I’m all for the decriminalisation of drugs. The stigma around certain drugs has been manufactured by people who had a agenda, the ‘war on drugs’ had nothing to do with drugs being bad it was that it didn’t fit the right narrative and it was used as an excuse to put non violent recreational users in jail for sentences that way exceeded their crimes.
There has been a lot of misinformation and scaremongering around certain drugs for example mdma, which has only recently shown in studies to have no negative affects on the brain and can actually be used to treat people with ptsd and couples in marriage counselling, another example would be ketamine, studies show that low dose ketamine in conjunction with counselling can rewire synapses in your brain healing past trauma and massively reducing episodes of depression.
What it really comes down to is what do you consider a drug to be… it’s a social construct, there a many many substances that can affect mood or alter perception but it’s only when we label them ‘drugs ‘and ‘bad’ that they become a negative.


So if we look at whether cannabis if risk free or not we first have to define what level of risk is considered acceptable. If you look at the risks of other legal and regularly consumes substances like alcohol or cigarettes there are substantial and well documented health risks associated with them but their consumption is considered socially acceptable and the risk agreeable. The issue with cannabis is it comes from a position of not being socially accepted and for many years has been vilified and punished by law. Thus the accepted level of risk will be much smaller.
For the most part cannabis is a harmless drug and when used moderately will have very little impact on your health.
Recently it has been found to help combat certain medical issues with great success. However studies have shown a substantial link between people who have underlying mental health issues and cannabis use resulting in psychosis, memory loss and cognitive impairment.
With the use to harm ratio so low it would be in the best interest of society if it’s use was decriminalised.
