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which party is more likely to help the average person out economically?
I think most saint people would see that Jan 6 was completely blown out of proportion. Between the video of the people inside the building, the substantial plain clothes FBI presence and the refusal of national guard personnel which if had been there would have easily controlled the issue, the whole thing was massively exaggerated.
You easily forget or possibly never knew trump was a well liked Democrat most of his life, he even supported Jesse Jackson for president when he ran. It was only when he switched to republican all these hit pieces started comings out!
He was a far more competent president than the media narrative would lead you to believe and did more for the stability of the country and the day to day quality of life for regular Americans. 
Hate him all you want however misguided that hate is but sooner or later you will realise the monumental damage that has been done under the Biden administration!
Posted in:
Another mass shooting in Texas. Violent crime in red states is out of control
Actually large cities make and enforce their own laws, they are referred to as Municipalities cities and generally take responsibility for parks and recreation services, police and fire departments, housing services, emergency medical services, municipal courts, transportation services (including public transportation), and public works (streets, sewers, snow removal, signage, and so forth).  

As for why red states generally have higher overall murder rates, Criminologists say research shows higher rates of violent crime are found in areas that have low average education levels, high rates of poverty and relatively modest access to government assistance. Those conditions characterize some portions of the American South.

Basically big Democratic cities are poorly ran and crime has been allowed to get worse, the poor are killing each other and noting has been done to help them.
The central and south of the USA has high rates of illiteracy and poverty and people there have been overlooked and need as much help as people in cities.

What ever way you look at it the politicians on both sides have let the American people down and time and time again they say these empty promises to get your vote and nothing ever changes.
Posted in:
Another mass shooting in Texas. Violent crime in red states is out of control
‘Yeah, and the right chooses to shoot down any opposition’

To be honest I find that comment to be a bit lazy, of course there are some far right people who vote republican and see them selves as white nationalists, they are xenophobic and anti kind any life style choice that heterosexual…. but hears the thing the other majority of republicans completely disagree with their hate and actively distance themselves from those kind of wack jobs, the majority of republicans are far closer to the centre than than they are to the far right! Where as the left has lost the run of its self so badly that they can’t even see how ludicrous they have become, they have actively destroyed productive debate, they have become so blind and brainwashed they can’t even comprehend that someone might have a different perspective/viewpoint/belief to them! They have no ability to articulate their views, they  scream and shout and cry regurgitating the talking points they have been fed and label anyone that disagrees with the a racist or white supremacist or  any black republican an uncle tom or worse. 
The lies and misinformation spread by the left is actually shocking, but what worse is it’s either covered up by the media or democrats just don’t care that these elected officials are lying or something even breaking the law because they are convinced that republicans are evil and corrupt. 
I’ve actually seen first hand a girl who was democrat find out a friend of 4+ years was actually republican that voted for trump, she completely stopped talking to him, blocked him on all forms of social media! Even through they had been friends for over 4 years she started accusing him of being racist , saying that he was sexist and supported white supremacy…. Complete madness 
Posted in:
Another mass shooting in Texas. Violent crime in red states is out of control
Sorry I was talking about trump 😅
Posted in:
Another mass shooting in Texas. Violent crime in red states is out of control
I’ve a shocker for you it’s not the law abiding gun owning citizens causing the problem! Bad people are going to get guns regardless, with the amount of organised crime dealing in weapons anyone can get an illegal gun, the only thing restricting law abiding citizens gun rights will do is make people more vulnerable against criminals! Nothing will change until states start cracking down on illegal weapons and putting them away for long sentences, the other thing is to look at mental health there is something very wrong in schools, whether it be the teachers or the way kids treat each other or their home life but no where else in the world is producing these homicidal kids that are so messed up they decide to kill their classmates and teachers.
The left will try and convince you that it’s all the guns fault but there’s a much deeper problem that needs addressing if there any hope to prevent more tragedies
Posted in:
Another mass shooting in Texas. Violent crime in red states is out of control
It only takes a look at any of their protests or rallies to see their are the more violent ones 😂 so much for the tolerant left they can’t even enter into a civil debate without shouting and screaming and throw their toys out of the pram, I think they only do this because if they are challenged with a different point of view or contrary facts they they can’t even comprehend being wrong so they chose to shout down any opposition and call them names like racist of misogynistic or white privileged 
Posted in:
Another mass shooting in Texas. Violent crime in red states is out of control
Worse thing is these cities have been democratically run for 10+ years and all that happened in those years is crime has gone up living conditions have gone down. They’ve indoctrinated their people to think it’s only democratics that care about minorities and republicans are racist but at the same time done nothing to help low income areas or put criminals away….. 
I can see a change coming, regular people aren’t buying their fake promises and lies anymore, finally they are being held accountable for their failures and bad policies. They have cause so much hate and division in the country that is set race relation back years, hopefully they will get removed from power and the country can heal together!
Posted in:
Another mass shooting in Texas. Violent crime in red states is out of control
So you think he’s a racist? How come back when he was a democrat and palls with I’ll the prominent black figures there was nothing said about him but as soon as he came down the escalator as a republican the media suddenly calls him racist. The left has no policies or track record to run off so they are reduced to identity politics and smeer campaigns, no one trusts their foreign policy or their economic policies, all they do is pander to special interest groups and hope if they paint republicans as racist bigots they can hold onto the black vote…. I think more and more ethnic groups are starting to move away from the the democrats example the Latin vote in the last election, democrats are barely recognisable to what they were 20 years ago and if they keep moving to the extreme left they will alienate the majority of their base!
Posted in:
Another mass shooting in Texas. Violent crime in red states is out of control

You’re trying to argue that red states are more violent but when you look at the most violent cities in America they are all long time democratic run cities!
And each of them have been getting worse year on year, democrats have ruined cities like New York and Chicago, nowhere has their new soft on crime policies reduced crime or made if safer for the people living there. If you can see that there no hope for you!