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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
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Is life just like the Truman Show? Should we blame the script writers for what happens to us in our life?
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15 Reasons Why Getting Rich Is Easy

Really good video, when I finished watching it, suddenly money starting raining  from the sky. But I guess the video does a good job to explane and state that the circumstances of the world does make it a lot easier* to become  "rich". 
*Easier not Easy.

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Abortion and how I form my abortion stance
I have always been pro-letting people abort. More like pro- giving more access to contraceptives and more sexual education to avoid getting to that extreme point. 
But your point has made me gone silent, your point is very good; but my view on abortion is for it to be generally legal and always when a life is at risk.
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Atheism is simply "a lack of belief"
More than atheism having a lack of belief, I would say that religion is an overdose of belief, basing themselves on things that are not proven by science to exist and justifing it all with the "faith".
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What do you find unattractive about todays beauty standards?
Very big tatoos, extreme plastic or cosmetic surgery and the abuse of makeup. I'm also not a big fan of very long nails
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Atheists are cowards.
When you said in your post that atheism is based on negative I would say that all the other religions are based on positive - by this I mean that it's by saying "yes" to things that haven't been proven by facts. It's all based on the thing called "faith". What you say that the opinion of atheist should not be welcomed unless it's constructive, I would accept that if it were politics, but in religion, their worldview would be the that in the process of the creation and the good and bad things that happen to us are not cause of a God, but by causes where a superior being, a god, an angel or a mythological creature is not involved in these. For example, the creation of the human being: an atheist would critisise the creation by God with the presentation of the theory of Evolution, that generally, is incompatible with the story of the Bible. Their worldview is defending that a superior being is not involved in our creation or our wellbeing - if not natural causes. If somebody gets cured a disease - it's not a "Thank the Lord" ; it's a "Thank the doctors and medicine". But I do see your point that atheists are cowards. I can understand that a religious person can think that an athiest person is a coward becuase doesn't dare to explain some things, that cannot be explained by science, by a God.
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Was Pelosi’s Visit of Taiwan inappropriate ?
Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan had a good intention but was very innapropiate. By "good intention" I mean she was trying to show support to Taiwan but I think It was totally innapropiate and she could have thought about it twice before doing something that could make China angry, make Us-China cooperation dissapear or debilitate and potentially start an invasion. 
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Extensive body tattooing looks a mess, especially on necks and faces and especially on women.
It's only my opinion, but I agree with you. Tatoos, in my opinion, should be symbolic ( like somebody's last heartbats, the name of a family member or something very important for you) or a very small tatoo like a flower. I don't find tatoos atractive.
It's only my opinion, I respect who have them but personally I don't generally like big tatoos.