Benjamin's avatar


A member since


Total questions: 6

how do you feel about getting to 5th place on leaderboard?

A lot of my losses occured early on when I was still a noob, and a lot of my victories were against forfeiting or noob opponents. For this reason I don't trust my victory percentage. I do know that I have clashed a few noteable names here and often won. My style and debating topics are a bit fluctuating in quality. I would say I am proud not of debates won or lost but of arguments well written vs lazily laid out. I pride myself only on victories against other good debaters. Those are often the result of interesting views that I picked up sometime in the past and still am able to defend. My debates about palestine, free will, history, ethics, religion and politics are my favorite because I get to have my real views challenged. When they are exposed as flawed I am often swayed, and when they aren't it reinforces my unconcious illusion of knowing better than other people - that is to say my ego. My leaderboard position over-exageratively reflects my skill relative to other debaters, because I have grinded the site without being able to meet other skilled debaters on their homefield.

Well, sometimes I did. Defeating a christian professor, Fauxlaw, regarding whether or not the biblical God acts fairly is my crown jewel.

In short, I like debating and value responses and attention to my thoughts more than I do an illusion of high status backed by a vague notion of success.

Are there any channels, people, or subjects on YouTube or other media platforms, you've enjoyed in the past or present, if so why?

On youtube there are many hidden gems. Kurzgesagt is the absolute cream with regards to delivering fantastic videos on science related topics with interesting narration and stunning animations. Scienceclick is similar but focuses more on physics. Then you have ERB, or "epic rap battles", who consistently provide high-quality music with disses and clever lines in rap format --- oh and by the way, they pitch historical and fictional figures and incorporate visuals inspired by their worlds. Oversimplified boils down interesting history into packets of pure fun for us viewers to enjoy. "Kings and Generals" is pumping out history content as well, in a more educational and detailed manner. These are my favorite channels that I would recommend to anyone. I find that debates and reaction videos between differing sides are insightfull as well, but they don't measure up to the quality and love put into the other content mentioned above.

Are you interested in a debate on eschatology?

At this time, only a forum discussion.

what is your profile picture?

Look, what do you see?

You said, "My best leaderboard position is #9, but my goal is #524.". Is this really true? If so, I'm happy to take a bunch of free wins at you expense.

I would first need there to be 524 users on this site before attempting to reach my goal.

In schools required reading, have there been any books or stories, that stand out in your memory, if so, why?

Hitchikers guide to the galaxy was really entertaining, as well as thought-provoking.