Blizzy123's avatar


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Total comments: 1

First of all no restauraunt would do this. Enterprises take the position of profit over principle. Rejecting overweight people would be cutting out a portion of their profit margin. Second no sane person would think that the consequence of them being overweight is due to the restauraunt they are eating in ( being over weight is a consequence of a disease or a serve inability to control their hunger and taste buds). However lets skip my first point and go on with your reasoning. You said the reason the restauraunt refuses to serve overweight people is because they want to maintain a healthy image does not work because you can also say the resturant so good that individuals simply eat it for the pleasure of it( gaining weight) not because of their hunger which leads to promoting the restauraunts delciousness in their food; attracting more customers. Your logic is flawed because you are missing one fundemental element. The profit over principle attitude that enterprises stand for.
