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Total comments: 140


white flame,

Subjectively, I disagree with your updated information pertaining to my situation that you have Brought forth. Subjectively once again, and allowing me in being facetious, there're too many rules in the debates, equivalent to if it is Monday, and you are not wearing a blue T-shirt between 3:15 and 4-20pm, you cannot pose a question to your opponent about Jesus being a serial killer, etc., etc., etc.

As my biography shows, Jesus has set an example for me to act the way He did in His Temple scenario as shown in John 2: 13-17, where in no uncertain terms, Jesus acted towards the money-changers in His Father's Temple by making a whip of chords to beat them, and to remove them post haste as He shouted at them “GET THESE OUT OF HERE! STOP TURNING MY FATHERS HOUSE INTO A MARKET! This is the manly Jesus, where ironically He would be on my side relating to my posts, praise!




1. "The voter acted in such a way to suggest they did not give fair weighting to the debate content"

What part of my post #28 didn't you understand?

2. "The vote contains no analysis of Pro's argument aside from vague praise,"

When I stated that Bones literally “owned” the Bible runaway FAUXLAW within the forum, with his logical deductions and facts against FAUXLAW’S continued Bible stupidity and ignorance, especially in the Religion Forum, and in the debate, is in FACT analysis of "Bones" ability to own same, AND of which is NOT "vague praise" but in turn is EXPLICIT praise!

3. ".... and the voter provides no reasoning for sources or conduct apart from personal disagreement and frustration."

It is not hard to disagree to the obvious, whereas "bones" undisputed facts and expertise in debating outright owned FAUXLAW to the topic at hand, and there was no "frustration" whatsoever in coming to this simple conclusion, period!

Your False Equivalency Fallacy is duly noted, besides, "Bones" didn't need my vote to win in the first place as adamantly shown, 21 -6, OUCH!



Barring the fact that FAUXLAW didn’t follow Rule 7 and therefore was an instant loss to him, and leaving this notion upon the wayside, nonetheless, Bones literally “owned” the Bible runaway FAUXLAW with his logical deductions and facts against FAUXLAW’S continued Bible stupidity and ignorance, bar none!



I don't know where this debate truly stands at this time with you and the ever so dumbfounded RUNAWAY of the Bible FAUXLAW, but be rest assured that when FAUXLAW is easily put into a corner with an aluminum pointed hat on AGAIN by a member regarding his ineptness of his Christian faith, he will use child-like lame excuses to RUN from discussion like he did with me to "try" and save face from his Bible stupidity as shown below in his own inept quotes:

"The flies are buzzing again."

"Still flies."

"Blah, blah, blah. lf you draw your gun, shoot it, don’t just bore us talking about it"

"What? You want me to load your 44 for you? Sorry, that's on you, entirely. You're the one imposing limitations. You do it. All you need is a mirror.
!. Look in mirror 2. Load 3. Lock 4. Shoot [at the mirror] That was easy, yeah?"

"What a bloody waste of cyberspace."

'Wee' who? You and the pocket mouse?

Membership: what's my runaway count again? I must be running a lot. Glad I'm in shape.

"This must be number 50-something. keep counting. You need more pocket mice toes... not to mention more hot air for the wish balloon."

"poundmethomas' welcome mat went flying long ago when the pounder first slipped on it. Been slipping ever since, mat or no mat."

"That is not yet enough hot air to keep your wish balloon filled. Keep blowing."

"This is a discussion? Looks like more pounding to me. Sorry for the book."

FAUXLAW remains an embarrassment to the Christian faith and this forum by being so Bible ignorant and stupid, as I and others have explicitly and easily shown, and this is notwithstanding that FAUXLAW is a Moron, excuse me, I mean a Mormon!!! LOL!



MisterChris, Sum1hugme,

I rarely do this type of debate in basically a closed setting with limitations. The deck is stacked, where even if I show the pseudo-christian in how biblically ignorant and hypocritical they are, their fellow pseudo-christians will vote for this Bible ignorant Christian nonetheless which turns into partisanship extraordinaire! Jesus and I would rather take it to the forums where it is free range in Bible Slapping Silly®️ the pseudo-christian, praise!

As is blatantly shown at DEBATEART, my biblical backing in not pussy-footing the pseudo-christian in discussion is within the TRUE inspired words of Jesus in this passage: "Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching." (2 Timothy 4:2)

reprove: reprimand or censure someone.
rebuke:  express sharp disapproval or criticism of someone because of their behavior or actions.
exhort:  strongly encourage or urge someone to do something.

Unfortunately, this verse above contradicts the pseudo-christian "UpholdingTheFaith," but what's new?

I am proud to act in the same "no holds barred, in your face" manner as Jesus did in the Temple scenario with the money-changers: "In the temple courts He found men selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and money changers seated at their tables. SO HE MADE A WHIP OUT OF CORDS and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle. He poured out the coins of themoney changers and overturned their tables. To those selling doves He said, “Get these out of here! How dare you turn My Father’s house into a marketplace!” (John 2:14-16). ........ Jesus in this passage is a man's man by whipping the ungodly in the Temple, and shouting at them to leave, and at times pseudo-christians take offense in the way I act when preaching Jesus' TRUE words? NOT! Jesus set the example of a "Take no prisoners" action in this revealing passage, and in turn, I do the same in His name, praise Jesus!




YOUR BIBLE IGNORANT QUOTE AGAIN: “Can you tell me where the bible says women are lesser and where gentiles had to follow old laws?”

As it should be, women are 2nd class citizens within the scriptures, and a few of many examples are herewith:

“Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.” (Ephesians 5:22-24)

“I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare.” (Ecclesiastes 7:26)

Jesus did not like Gentiles, nonetheless, they were to follow the 613 Old Laws of the Old Testament:

“Therefore let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen.” (Acts 28:28)

"And when they arrived and gathered the church together, they declared all that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles." (Acts 14:27)

When I proffer the correct answers for you AGAIN, because you didn't know them yourself, then I am essentially a Bible Dictionary for you, of which, you can thank me later for this service.



General Grant,

YOUR QUOTE: "If he hadn't raised from the dead, then death could not be conquered."

The problem is NOT Jesus raising from the dead, it is the biblical axiom that He really didn't DIE because He arose from the tomb to life in 3 days! Therefore how can the TRUE Christian like myself say that He died for our sins when He remains alive?!!! Dying for only 3 days and coming back to life is an embarrassment if one wants to use the notion of "Jesus died for our sins." Get it? 2+2=4.



I hate it when Jesus' Resurrection is brought forth, this is because it shows that Jesus really didn't die as a true sacrifice! Whereas, a true sacrifice, as in World War II, is that you remained dead! The soldiers in all wars did NOT have the option of returning to life after 3 days as Jesus did, so where is the TRUE sacrifice for the sins of the world? My faith is tested at all times, where this proposition is one of the worst in this vein.



If one is a Christian, it helps to know the division of the faith that they are, Lutheran, Baptist, etc., their political stripes, their age upon the planet Earth, a short description of their other acceptances, and filling in some of the other pertinent information. A "good debater" should not be embarrassing to perform this simple act. The biography page is there for a reason, and that is to fill it out! Get it?



General Grant,

YOUR RELIGIOUS IGNORANT QUOTE: “That leaves with only three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Just like a team has a roster and must make a lot of cuts, So with theism, Only one of these three religions has the truth.”

Your blatant misconception that only one of the said religions is true is historically laughable! This is because all three of said religions are based upon the Hebrew Abrahamic foundation, therefore they all have to be true, understood?! With this fact being said, therefore it is when all three of these religions blatantly contradict each other in their doctrines and precepts, will be your main problem in this debate. I am sure the astute Ramshutu will bring forth this proposition at your embarrassment and expense.

General Grant, is there some ungodly reason that you are too afraid to fill out your biography page partially, or in full? In this way, one truly gets to see your modus oprandi and where you stand upon other issues that can be referred too in debates. With your bio page remaining totally empty, speaks volumns in a negative way. As shown, your contender Ramshutu is not afraid to let it be known of his many acceptances in his biography page.



Mr Ragnar,

Are you represented at the following link that the inept fake Christian Mr. Franklin as shown me below?

It is truly remarkable in the link above, in that there are even more ungodly fake Christians that abound in this section of DebateArt. Their kind of behavior will only stop when Jesus returns with His white hair, eyes of fire, feet of brass, and a sword sticking out of his mouth. (Rev.1:13-16) That’ll momentarily put the fear of the Lord into these ungodly Christians as He cleaves them in two for being fake Christians to His true doctrines! Praise Jesus' revenge!




Mr. Ragnar,

It is to bad that your knowledge and talent of writing within these debates at DebateArt is not on the side of our Savior Jesus the Christ, but instead, upon the side of Satan. Therefore, and unfortunately for you, the sulfur lakes of Hell await you upon your earthly demise. JESUS SAID: “But as for the cowardly, THE FAITHLESS, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in THE LAKE THAT BURNS WITH FIRE AND SULFUR, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). Yeah, it is hard to state that Jesus is all loving and forgiving, isn't it? :(



Mr. Ragnar,

In reading your fine dissertation about my Jesus with its damn disparaging verified disgusting facts, which are somewhat equal to mine in showing what Jesus actually represents, was mind numbing in a truthful way! But, I have to believe in Jesus nonetheless because one of the “hooks” to our faith is the fact that Jesus provides an afterlife to our earthly demise. Unfortunately for the TRUE Christian like myself, I have to accept from the “Burning in Hell Atheist as we speak” Carl Sagan when he stated; “You can’t convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it’s based on a deep-seated need to believe.” Carl Sagan (1934-1996)

You made a good point in that I just don’t call Jesus ever loving and forgiving anymore, because the logic that Jesus genetically gave me at birth, I am sure He wanted me to use to its fullest extent, praise! There should be no torture chambers involved at this time, because our other “hook” of Christianity is that we are always forgiven, where if you think about it, there is no incentive not to sin! “To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” (Acts 10:43) “Okay Jesus, I believe in you!” See how that works?

Thanks for the update on how large our Heaven will be! What I am worried about is the biblical axioms that Judaism, our Christianity, and Islam are all built upon an Abrahamic foundation with the same Yahweh God at the helm, even though these 3 faiths DRASTICALLY CONTRADICT EACH OTHER! Therefore, to make matters worse using logic and reason, therefore within our heaven will be the Jews that killed our Jesus (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16) and that deny Him as Yahweh God incarnate (Deuteronomy (6:4)! As if this wasn’t enough, our heaven will have Muslims with their smelly camels that deny our Jesus as Yahweh God incarnate as well (Quran, 3:64) What a convoluted mess awaits us, huh?





Barring the fact that you are a Hell Bound Atheist, nonetheless, as you are aware, I am a TRUE Christian that has to accept that when my Jesus becomes Yahweh God incarnate, then He becomes a brutal serial killer within the Bibles Old and New Testament writings. Since the JUDEO-Christian bible purports that there is only one God (1 Timothy 2:5), therefore Jesus is that brutal serial killer God of His creation which makes it hard for me to call Him ever loving and forgiving, but I have to accept this and move on.

As you can see ad infinitum within DebateArt, it is easier to be a fake Christian, in name only, which represents 99.9999% of the Christians that Satanically post here, than to be in that 0001% percent of TRUE Christians like myself that cannot deny what Jesus truly represents as Yahweh God incarnate within the scriptures. This includes my Jesus being greedy, jealous, selfish, self-centered, petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capricious, and a malevolent. I accept the aforementioned true description of Jesus, and I do not try and apologetically spin doctor His true self away, as I try and move on the best way I can.

JESUS STATED: "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved." (Matthew 10:22)
Truer words were never spoken with the passage above, where I will try and stand firm to be saved in the end, where upon my demise, I will be in our 1400 square mile Heaven (Revelation 21:16-17), where I can walk with Jesus around the perimeter for eternity, walking and talking to Him, and kidding Him about when He is actually going to make His 2nd coming appearance, praise!



MY QUOTE TO YOU: "Why are you lying to Jesus the Christ? Don't you realize He is watching you? (Hebrews 4:13) You cannot be a Catholic and accept that Jesus is only the Son of God, whereas the Catholic faith believes in the Trinity Doctrine where Jesus is God!"


HUH? Can you clear your up your position? How can you be a Catholic and not accept that Jesus is God?




Dr. Franklin,

Why are you lying to Jesus the Christ? Don't you realize He is watching you? (Hebrews 4:13) You cannot be a Catholic and accept that Jesus is only the Son of God, whereas the Catholic faith believes in the Trinity Doctrine where Jesus is God!




Dr. Franklin,

If you are not to embarrassed about your Christian faith in front of Jesus (Hebrews 4:13), can you answer the following questions to learn more about you and your faith?

1. What denomination do you follow regarding Christianity? Are you a Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, or?

2. How long have you been practicing your said denomination? 1 year, 10 years, or more?

3. What bible do you read; the King James, NSV, NLT, NIV, or?

4. Do you believe that Jesus is God incarnate, or the Son of God?

Remember the following passage to be able to answer the simple questions above: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." (Romans 1:16)

Jesus and I thank you.



Look at Dr. Franklin, to make himself look like he is somewhat intelligent, he COPIES AND PASTES articles upon the topic at hand! LOL!!! At least when doing so, the spelling is correct for a change!

Dr. Franklins new moniker is: Dr.C&PFranklin! Priceless truth!




Dr. Franklin,

YOUR SATANIC QUOTE AGAIN: "Im not twisting the Bible.Its the truth"

All you have to be concerned about, is the FACT that the Bible DOES NOT promote a 4.5 BILLION OLD EARTH because that would be going directly against Jesus' words, you blatant ignorant fool! At best, it promotes that the earth is 6-8 thousand years old, you pathetic dumbfounded FAKE Christian! Read the chronological order of Jesus back to Adam, FOOL! Then subsequently, do the math from Jesus to the present day. Get it? Huh? Can you add 2+2? Huh?

I have NEVER, and I repeat, NEVER seen such an embicilic fake Christian like you before in all my internet travels, unbelievable!




YOUR RED HERRING QUOTE RELATIVE TO MY POST #21 TO YOU: "You think that all gays should be murdered??"

You don't get something for nothing! You are trying to insidiously misdirect away from my post #21 to you within this thread, that you are eerily silent upon! Why is that? Therefore, if you can't address said post, then be totally embarrassed and get another Hell Bound Atheist to help you address it so it doesn't look like you're RUNNING AWAY from me as a TRUE Christian on DebateArt! LOL!

Awaiting your COGENT reply to my post #21.



Dr. Franklin,

YOUR UNGODLY QUOTE #30: "And tnat's fine, Christopher_best can think it was literal, And THATS OKAY!!!!!!!!!!"


Dr. Franklin, with you trying in vain to REWRITE the Bible AGAIN, you are guilty of the following passage AGAIN: "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book." (Revelation 22:18-19)

I will be looking forward to you taking the one-way E-ticket ride to the depths of the sulfur lakes of Hell upon your ungodly demise, praise Jesus' revenge in your behalf of ridding yet another fake Christian upon earth!




I can see that you want to be as Biblically ignorant as your Satanic partner in crime, Dr. Franklin, pertaining to biblical axioms! Priceless admitted stupidity on your part, why am I not surprised?

YOUR COMICAL AND REVEALING QUOTE: " I would wager he simply has not been exposed to the solid, rational explanations of Creation but more of blind ignorance such as what you are spewing here."

The ONLY ones that are totally blinded by their biblical ignorance is YOU, and the ever so inept DR. FRANKLIN!!! The both of you are blatant bible ignorant fools when you purport that the earth is 4.5 billion years old! What do you use your bible for, a door stop? Maybe a decoration on your coffee table? This is because you have obviously NOT READ it in its entirety, understood?

The bible teaches, with specificity, that the EARTH, along with mankind, is approximately 6-8 THOUSAND YEARS OLD, and for you to proffer otherwise to the direct inspired words of Jesus on this topic, IS BLASPHEME and you will pay for your insolence upon Judgment Day, praise Jesus' revenge!

Kids, nothing but snot nosed kids roam this forum on DebateArt! :(




Addressing your post to me #22, are you vying to be as biblically ignorant as Dr. Franklin?! I understand that some members on DebateArt have to go through a learning process, where you have to be made the fool first, and then learn from it, just like the ever so inept Dr. Franklin had to do with me in the past.

Therefore, the acronym of "OMG" is NOT, I repeat, is NOT taking the Lord's NAME in vain. Take off your aluminum tin foil hat for a moment, and I'll explain it to you, okay? OMG = "OH MY GOD" which is an interjection of an emotive action of excitement, frustration, shock etc. Your misguided notion of the 3rd commandment in taking the Lord's NAME in vain does not apply to "OMG."

“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.” (Deuteronomy 5:11)

You see, OMG represents the term GOD in its inference, therefore, the term GOD is a TITLE, like President, or vice President is a TITLE. Whereas, the Presidents NAME is the Hell Bound Donald Trump, which is the NAME of the TITLE of President. Conversely, the NAME of our Christian GOD is JESUS, therefore if I used "OH MY JESUS, as an example that I will be forgiven for, THIS WOULD BE TAKING THE LORDS NAME IN VAIN, YOU BLATANT FOOL!

Kids, nothing but kids. :(



The ever so inept, removing one foot to insert the other, Dr. Franklin, continues to be one of the most dumbfounded fake Christians on DebateArt, bar none!

DR. FRANKLIN IGNORANT QUOTE: "Since I claim that that the Earth is 4.5 Billion years old than Pangea must be a fact and it is. The evidence is overwhelming"

What is indeed OVERWHELMING, is the biblical fact that Dr. Franklin does NOT read his bible, let alone in understanding its inspired by Jesus' true word. Therefore, he is easily made the continued fool on many of his weak and wishful thinking debates.

A TRUE Christian like myself, has to accept that both the earth and mankind are approximately 6-8 thousand years old if the Bible is being used for affirmation to said propositions, and not the insidious anachronistic Devil Speak that Dr. Franklin spews forth on a regular basis. Once again, the ever so inept Dr. Franklin steps in the proverbial poo once again in proposing the earth is 4.5 billion years old. !!! LOL !!!

Dr. Franklin, to save further embarrassment to your blatant biblical ignorance, isn't it time for a moniker name change for you on DebateArt? Priceless stupidity on your part, and at the expense of making a mockery of Jesus' inspired TRUE words within the scriptures once again.

Satan is certainly working you overtime on DebateArt!




OMG, you still don't get it!!! What did I expect from an Atheist whose ignorance pertaining to the ramifications relative to the Flat Earth Bible has no bounds?!

Here, let me go REAL SLOW for you this time, where I have to resort in going back to 1st grade reasoning to hopefully make you comprehend a very simple Biblical concept and the ramifications of it today, okay? Huh?

1. TheAtheist, ready? Take a deep breath, exhale and breath in, okay? Now let me continue, Jesus, as god incarnate within His inspired and direct words within the bible, states with specificity that the EARTH IS FLAT, as well as the historicity of the era did as well, where no Christian can argue against this point, period! STOP!

2. Take another deep breath, and I will continue. Ready again? Therefore, with today's knowledge if the Christian wants to state that the earth is a sphere and NOT FLAT like the bible portends, THEN THEY HAVE TO CALL JESUS A LIAR BECAUSE THE BIBLE AND THE JEWISH FAITH AT THE TIME ACCEPTED THE EARTH TO BE FLAT, STOP!

3. Take another deep breath, exhale, and I will continue. Ready? Look at the images in the links below to visually show you what the bible states about a FLAT EARTH!

4. Now, take another deep breath, exhale, and I will continue. Ready again? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF A CATCH-22, FOOL?! Therefore, to be a TRUE Christian, like myself, we Christians DO NOT have the option of calling Jesus a LIAR relative to his His FLAT EARTH doctrine because we would be committing the dreadful UNPARDONABLE SIN, do you understand?! Therefore, all TRUE Christians have to accept that the EARTH IS FLAT, even though it is a sphere, get it? Huh? Maybe just a "little bit?" :(



For Christ's sake, the JUDEO-Christian bible is most certainly homophobic within the Old and New Testaments, period. If there is any fake Christian that says otherwise, then they should discard their Christianity post haste to save further embarrassment in the eyes of Jesus the Christ!

Kids, nothing but kids.




Dr. Franklin,

YOUR UNGODLY CHILD LIKE QUOTE: "So now your calling me racist. Fuck you man."

You continue to slap Jesus in the face! You will pay upon Judgment Day because you are guilty of the following inspired by Jesus verses below, praise Jesus' revenge upon you!

"But above all, my brothers, DO NOT SWEAR, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation." (James 5:12)

"I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account FOR EVERY CARELESS WORD THEY SPEAK" (Matthew 12:36)

"Let NO CORRUPTING TALK COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTHS, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4:29)

Dr. Franklin, you call yourself a Christian? Surely you jest! As I have shown before, you are a minion of Satan that was sent here to disrupt Jesus' true words within the scriptures.






Barring the FACT that you can't come up with your own material to at least "try" and combat TRUE Christians like myself, and have to use the Brother D's appropriate material instead, you get the point that I am making!

The Christian cannot usurp what Jesus states within the Bible, period! (Proverbs 30:5) Therefore, when the Bible proposes a FLAT EARTH, when the Jews of the Bible accepted a FLAT EARTH in their history outside of the Bible, when the historicity at the time of Jesus' writings of 100AD forward proposes a FLAT and GEOCENTRIC EARTH through the Ptolemaic Planetary System, when the Bronze, Iron, and Middle Ages proposed a FLAT EARTH along with other peoples of this time period, THEN THE EARTH INDEED WAS CONSIDERED FLAT!

Only fake Christians like the ever so inept Dr. Franklin use their deceiving anachronistic spin doctoring to call Jesus' inspired word in the Bible LIES regarding a FLAT EARTH! Fake Christians cannot have their cake and eat it too, they either have to accept a FLAT EARTH as described within the Bible (2 Peter 1:20-21), or discard the Bible altogether and join the science of today in the 21st century. It is just that simple, understood?

I get so tired of Burger King fake Christians like the weasel Dr. Franklin, where they want their bible "their way" instead of "Jesus' way!"

Now, as shown before, since you cannot in any way respond to my TRUE Christian statements herein regarding the Bible and its FLAT EARTH acceptances, along with the historicity of the time accepting this as well, then use some of my "BrotherDisms" AGAIN within this post showing you to be an outright ignorant fool relative to the topic at hand.




YOUR QUOTE: "Meaning that you choose to ignore the word of Jesus, in favour of your interpretation of how his modus operandi would operate on an internet forum?"

It doesn't have to be an "interpretation" because in how Jesus was LITERALLY shown to act. Get it? Reread the passages again.




Your biblical ignorance of the TRUE words of Jesus the Christ, as Yahweh God incarnate, where His word proposed the earth being flat, with a Ptolemaic Planetary System of the era, are duly noted.




YOUR COMEDIC QUOTE: "That’s because he’s not a flat earther like you, idiot. Why would he debate with me on something that we both agree on?"

LISTEN UP, YOU UNADULTERATED FOOL, the fact remains that ALL, and I repeat, ALL Christians are to believe in a FLAT EARTH, including Dr. Franklin, where he DOES NOT have the option of believing in an anachronistic way of a "spherical earth" relative to our Bible. GET IT, FOOL? With the historicity of our faith, the Iron, Bronze, and Middle Ages of a flat earth theory, and the Ptolemaic Planetary System of the age of Jesus' writings, ALL SUPPORT A FLAT EARTH! 2+2=4, oil and water don't mix, and you are becoming as IGNORANT as Dr. Franklin!

Learn your history before you remove one foot to insert the other next time, understood?!

You are excused for now.





YOUR QUOTE: "Your presence on this site is a very nice comic relief."

Barring the fact that you will be having extreme pain for eternity in the sulfur lakes of Hell upon your ungodly demise (Matthew 25:46), Jesus and I thank you for your comment that I provide comedy relief within this forum in the name of Jesus. If it takes comic relief to get the TRUE words of Jesus to Inept fake Christians, and Atheists like you, then whatever works will be held in high esteem.





For your continued knowledge, the LAST person to enter your debate is the ever so inept Dr. Franklin! This is because he embarrassingly debated this topic with me before, and as an assumed Christian, he was blatantly anachronistic as he made a mockery of Jesus' true words within the Bible supporting a flat earth, along with the direct historicity of a flat earth in the Bronze, Iron, and Middle Ages. Further more, Dr. Franklin dismissed the fact of a Ptolemaic Planetary System at the time of the writings of Jesus, and his using a "plethora" of wishful thinking OPINIONS of his own and others. Therefore, the "doc" is no more a Christian than you are!

Dr. Franklin just represents a play-toy mouse that TRUE Christians like myself can bat around with ease for entertainment purposes only, whereas every forum has to have a Dr. Franklin in this respect.




YOUR UNGODLY QUOTE: "Let's get some more kindness into this conversation."

I am truly sorry, but I will take Jesus' modus operandi of being very emotive when dealing with fake Christians and Hell Bound Atheists within this forum! Christians have been namby-pamby candy asses for far too long in their discussions with these ungodly fools, therefore when Jesus had enough of His creation that went against Him, he took action as shown in a few passages of many described below, praise Jesus' revenge!

JESUS SAID: "But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, BRING THEM HERE AND SLAUGHTER THEM BEFORE ME. (Luke 19:27)

JESUS BEAT THE UNGODLY: “When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. SO HE MADE A WHIP OF CORDS, AND DROVE THEM FROM THE TEMPLE COURTS, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, “GET THESE OUT OF HERE! STOP TURNING MY FATHER'S HOUSE NITO A MARKET! His disciples remembered that it is written: “ZEAL FOR YOUR HOUSE WILL CONSUME ME.” (John 2: 13-17)

JESUS' INSPIRED WORD STATED: "But that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH, whether young or old, man or woman." (2 Chronicles 15:13)

As explicitly shown, Jesus is a man's man, praise!





Let's do some simple math that even an Atheist can possibly understand, okay? You stated that I allegedly "roasted the hell out of you," where this playful statement is LITERALLY not an option in reality because I cannot usurp Jesus' loving and forgiving doctrine where non-believers like you will be swimming in the sulfur lakes of Hell upon your demise. 2+2=4.

Both Red Eye Satan, of which is an apropos picture for you, AND Hell-Bound Atheist are applicable to you as a Hell Bound Atheist.

YOUR REVEALING QUOTE" " I’ll let you know when I’ll start smelling sulfur, it should be soon since I have just insulted your lord."

Yes, you will surely know when my ever loving and forgiving Jesus plans on ending your earthly existence, and that is by you starting to smell sulfur, praise Jesus' revenge! As shown below, there is no need for you to have any dental work from this time forth, because where you are going after death, you will be gnashing your teeth!

“The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 13:41-42)



YOUR QUOTE: "Your insults are so pathetic that they are actually hilarious."

Listen up Red Eye Satan, Jesus has inspired me to bring forth the meaningful and truthful quotes that I do, therefore, they are in no way "Pathetic." In easily dealing with the myriad of fake Christians upon this forum, these assumed "Hilarious" quotes just come naturally, thank you Jesus!

Jesus and I have a great task within this forum, where 99.9999999% of the assumed Christians try in vain to rewrite His TRUE words, as explicitly shown with the ever so inept GuitarSlinger, therefore these people will be corrected in His name, praise!

DebateArt Christians, other than myself, of course, are guilty of the following inspired by Jesus verse, to wit: "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.." (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

With you being a Hell Bound Atheist upon DebateArt, and in the name of Jesus, let me know when you start smelling sulfur, okay? This will be the time for you to start wearing asbestos suits, do you understand?




YOUR GRASPING FOR STRAWS QUOTE RELATIVE TO MY POST #53: "Um, actually, no. no you didn't lol. I just re-read your post #53 and you provided comments, but you didn't answer the question. All you did was asked other questions."

GS, what part of me saying in the 3rd paragraph of my post #53 "Addressing your question ...." and then taking the points of your question to bear, didn't you understand? You are a terrible example for spreading the TRUE word of our Jesus the Christ, as you run away from His TRUE teachings in silence, and with the lame excuses that you Satanically used. What is more disturbing, is seemingly that you don't have the sense to feel embarrassed about this fact!

You are a Burger King Christian, where you want your bible your way, instead of Jesus' way, and if you don't change and accept the fact of Jesus' TRUE modus operandi, then I wouldn't want to be you upon Judgment Day where are Jesus will spring the trap doors to the sulfur lakes of Hell in your behalf.

I actually feel sorry for you, therefore, I am going to do you a great favor, in that the link below provides you with a great online READING COMPREHENSION class that you drastically need to take in order for you not to be made the Catholic fool again in front of DebateArt. Subsequent to you taking this needed class, look me up and we'll discuss your pagan Catholic faith once again, okay? At this time, you are bringing a Boy Scout pocket knife to my Abrams M-1 fully loaded tank. Do you understand? Sure you do.

If you have the audacity to continue this discussion, then I will have to Bible Slap you Silly once again. In other words, know when to quit to save further embarrassment, not only for yourself, but towards the members of DebateArt.




Addressing your post #60:

YOUR LOSING CREDIBILITY QUOTE: "hey sorry-- your posts/comments ar etoo long winded. lol"

I am so sorry that you can't comprehend more than a few sentences at a time. Have you tried to get help in a high school reading comprehension class of late? Yes? If you are going to represent Jesus, then I can only assume that you can't read more than one paragraph at a time within the Bible, how sad and embarrassing is that? LOL!

YOUR ADDITIONAL LOSING CREDIBILITY QUOTE: "Sorry-- Jesus does not say "follow the OT". Supply that verse where he says that."

What didn't you understand in that I am not here to hold a Christian Bible Class for inept Catholics like yourself? Jesus and I are embarrassed for you in that you don't know where this very important passage exists within His scriptures. Then, you want to call yourself a Christian, surely you jest! It is up to you to seek out this passage for a learning process of searching the Bible on your own, in that you can use later, understood? Surely you don't want me to "hold your hand in schooling you again" about our Jesus' TRUE modus operandi, do you?

+++ GuitarSlinger, if you have gotten this far with your lack of reading comprehension, then take a break and come back later to continue, okay? +++

YOUR REPEATABLE QUOTE : "Do you believe that God’s plan for us was to live in paradise worry-free in complete harmony with all creation but evil invaded God’s plan and through man’s complicity with that evil we turned from God and lost paradise?"

Oh my, I have already addressed this in my post #53 within this thread. Obviously you really do need help in quick reading comprehension, therefore, can you get another Catholic to help you out in this respect? To save further embarrassment, report back when you do, okay? Thanks.

Jesus and I will be awaiting at least a "Try" on your part to my posts to you above. Thanks.




Addressing your post #56:

YOUR COMICAL AND SELF DEFEATING QUOTE: "You are modifying your questions after I answer them."

You are becoming what you are allegedly against, HELLO? Look at your previous posts, do you see that you did not answer my questions with a simple yes or no, even if you could, but continued to extrapolate upon them with additional information like I did with yours, that needed further explanation, huh? Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E C-A-T-H-O-L-I-C? Sure you can! LOL!!!

YOUR SUBJECTIVE SICKENING QUOTE: "After I answer you act is if I would be all chummy-chummy with the priest and shake his hand after Mass, etc. No, I never said I would do that. I would attend a different Catholic Church then the criminal priest. I would also be a loud voice demanding the Bishop and Local authorities hold this priest accountable. But no, I would not leave the Church."

Therefore, if your innocent child was RAPED by a priest, you would leave the Catholic Church where the pedophile priest was present, and attend another pagan Catholic Church, all the time knowing that your child would have to endure another priest?! How do you think your child would feel in knowing that the sight of another priest may be another possible RAPE in the future? Subjectively, this logically would be considered "Child Abuse" on your part! BLASPHEME!

YOUR QUOTE: "Thanks for playin'"

Do you seriously think that when I easily make you the outright hypocrite to your Catholic Faith, and showing you that you RUN AWAY from it when additional relative information is imposed, and in making you the fool for being a member of said church that COVERUPS your pedophile priest problems, is enjoyable for me? I DO NOT consider this to be "Playin,'" but to only show you how inept you truly are regarding your pagan Catholicism.




YOU RUNNING AWAY FROM YOUR FAITH QUOTE: "You can insult all you want, doesn't bother me. Just to clarify, my questions are simple "Yes" or "No" questions. lol. You don't need to convolute the issue by throwing in a whole bunch of other stuff. Just answer the questions as "yes" or "no" if you are able."

You did not imply that your questions were to be Yes or No! If the additional biblical information relative to your questions that I have given you is embarrassing for you to address, then just say so, where it is just that simple, okay?! Always remember though, Jesus is watching you RUN AWAY from additional relative biblical information to your questions as you "wussy out" in addressing same! How embarrassing for you in front of the eyes of our Jesus and the members of DebateArt!

Jesus' inspired word to you RUNNING AWAY from relative additional information pertaining to your questions are as follows: "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15)

You are no more a TRUE Catholic than the burning in Hell Christopher Hitchens! How embarrassing for you once again.





This embarrassing act by you, where your silence is deafening upon this topic, can only surmise that you agree that Jesus states we are to follow the Old Testament writings today. Thank you for finally coming around to biblical axioms, praise Jesus! Now, our conversations from this time forth will change in a direct godly way subsequent to your above admittance to follow the Old Testament.

JESUS’ INSPIRED WORD STATES: "If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal. If a woman approaches any animal and lies with it, you shall kill the woman and the animal; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." (Leviticus 20:15-16)

Therefore, on the topic of your debate regarding Beastility and what our Jesus’ inspired word states should be done to anyone that involves themselves with this ungodly act, how should these people be murdered? Any ideas? Here is the fly in the ointment that determines your response: Peter said: "We ought to obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29)

To save yourself further embarrassment here at DebateArt, DO NOT propose the spiritual warfare notion because our Jesus operated at a time of actual murdering His creation when they got out of line. ie, The Great Flood, Plagues, The first born of Egypt, etc.




YOUR QUOTED QUESTION TO ME: “Next question: Do you believe that God’s plan for us was to live in paradise worry-free in complete harmony with all creation but evil invaded God’s plan and through man’s complicity with that evil we turned from God and lost paradise?”

First thing, could you please give our God respect and call Him by his actual name of Jesus? Okay? The term “God” is a title of many other gods that existed at the time of our Jesus. Get it, show respect!

Addressing your question: How are we to live in harmony in our 1400 square mile paradise with its 60 foot high walls (Heaven) when our Jesus, through the Abrahamic connection of Judaism and Islam, allows Jews and Muslims into our paradise? The Jews laugh at our Jesus in being the son of Himself, or that He is Yahweh god incarnate! The Muslims despise our Jesus, and call Him a LIAR! Now what?

Furthermore, since our Jesus created EVIL in the first place, how could it not evade His plan in a detrimental way over time where he was the harbinger of letting it happen? Thats like a fireman setting a house fire, and then showing up to put it out!

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create EVIL: I the Lord do all these things.”

How is paradise lost when Jesus’ stated with specificity that anyone that believes in Him will have paradise upon their death? Seemingly, there is no incentive not to sin, praise! “For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13)

GuitarSlinger, as you can see, in myself being a TRUE Christian that reads ALL of our Jesus’ bible, it is very hard to align His word with todays morals, laws, and acceptances.

Awaiting your cogent response this time, okay? Thanks.




Addressing your embarrassing post #49.

YOUR BIASED LAUGHABLE QUOTE: “I believe in Spiritual Warfare. Since Catholicism is the one true Church, then it makes perfect sense that Satan would attack the priests. Satan's plan is for us to stray and leave the Church. Why are you doing Satan's bidding? lol”

Satan would attack the priests by letting them RAPE INNOCENT CRYING CHILDREN BY THE CATHOLIC PRIESTS???! Then in equal applicable proportions, where was our Jesus in stopping Satan from doing this ungodly act?! Are you alluding to our Jesus being WEAK by letting Satan do this to the priests?! OMG, you better get in prayer tonight with our Savior to repent in calling Jesus a WEAK God!

YOUR QUOTE: “The Church is made up of human members capable of making mistakes and sins, some of them grave. Hell, the first Pope, Peter, even betrayed Christ. By the way, all the priests I know dont' do those things.”

A Catholic Priest doesn’t know that it is a MISTAKE TO BUGGER INNOCENT CRYING CHILDREN? Are you kidding us? Really? This is your position upon this disgusting topic? It matters not on what Peter did in the past, this is NOW where you have to attend church knowing that a dark cloud is hanging over your pagan Catholic faith now and into the future. BLASPHEME!

YOUR QUOTE: “I'm not proud of the Sexual scandal within the Church. But again, the Church has had scandal since day 1. And yet, it persists, as Christ promised. He said He would not let the gates of Hell prevail against His Church. Rest assured, the Catholic Church will weather this current scandal, and will remain standing, as it is build upon solid rock, as Christ promised.”

Your pagan church will only stand by its totally inept following that can put up with your CHILD BUGGERING PRIESTS IN THE NAME OF JESUS, where godly logical Catholics are leaving your church in droves!




Addressing your post #50.

MY QUESTION TO YOU: Have you ever held a garage or bake sale in your community to help your Catholic Church raise money to pay off its dept to society for your disgusting pedophile priests buggering innocent scared and screaming children?


WHAT?! If you can accept your pedophile priests SCREWING INNOCENT AND SCARED CRYING CHILDREN, why wouldn’t you help out in gaining money reparations to help resolve lawsuits? How can you be considered a TRUE Catholic without helping your church in this manner?!

Are you calling Jesus’ inspired word LIES? “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.” (Acts 20:28)

MY QUESTION TO YOU” Would you leave your ungodly pagan Church if one of your innocent children were violently raped by your priest, whereas this child has this disgusting memory for life?

YOUR DESPICABLE ANSWER: “ Nope. Why not? Because I don't blame the Church for the action of the priest. Plus I thoroughly understand SPiritual warfare …… ”

The church and the pedophile priests are one and the same, HELLO? Like the Pope and the church are synonymous! So, if your priest knowingly RAPED your child, and the forgiveness doctrine by Jesus is used, then you could shake this pedophile priests hand on your departure of the church after its Sunday morning proceedings????!

Are you comfortable with our Forgiveness Doctrine in that the despicable Catholic Priests that RAPED INNOCENT SCARED AND CRYING CHILDREN IN FRONT OF JESUS (HEBREWS 4:13) will be in Heaven awaiting your presumed arrival?




Is there any update to you finding within the scriptures that Jesus proposed that the TRUE Christian is to follow the Old Testament Writings? You have Satanically evaded this question for a long time thus far. What is the reason for this silence?

HINT: Remember, when Jesus spoke of following the word of Himself, as God incarnate, it was only the Old Testament writings that were available at the time of Jesus, get it?

Still waiting.




In answer to your post #44, Guitarslinger is in fact supporting his Catholic Pedophilia problem by just being a member of the church and adding to the offering plate on Sunday mornings! 2+2=4. This is barring the adage of "Guilt by Association." If one is a member of the Democratic Party, are they not supporting the party that they have joined in every way? You cannot pick out which parts of Catholicism you like, without accepting the whole of what it truly represents!

Yes, it is hard being "civilized" when discussing the TRUE MODUS OPERANDI of the pagan Catholic Church relative to their pedophile priests and the eventful coverups of same, isn't it? I am disrespectful to guitarslinger? Yes, and rightfully so! Jesus has told me to do what is right when it concerns His teachings, therefore the Catholic Church will for ever be exposed regarding their pedophile priests AND COVERUPS! "For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man." (2 Corinthians 8:21)

I am sorry that you do not like my MO within DebateArt that follows Jesus' emotive ways of dealing with His creation. (John 2:13-16)




YOUR QUOTE: " ..... it is merely about whether there should be a law prohibiting bestiality ...."

There is a godly law that Jesus has set forth as being Yahweh God incarnate, and it is the following:

"If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal. If a woman approaches any animal and lies with it, you shall kill the woman and the animal; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." (Leviticus 20:15-16)

But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men. (Acts 5:29). 2+2=4.





YOUR QUOTE: "Question #1: Do you believe in God and that he created everything out of nothing for no other reason other than the fact that he loves us?"

Learn a very simple notion, and that is when a Christian states to someone if they believe in God, then state which God you are talking about, okay? There're many Gods of the Iron, Bronze, and Middle Ages, understood? Besides, there is Allah and Yahweh of Islam and Judaism that are also remaining in the 21st Century. Get it?

1. Yes, I believe in Jesus the Christ as our Jewish Yahweh God incarnate, whereas we as the followers of Jesus have to be Jews no matter what sect we have chosen.

2. Yes, Jesus as our Jewish God created all things, whereas in part, He created terrible genetic diseases, but we accept this and live on.

3. No, Jesus does not love all of His creation as explicitly shown within the Bible where he had to murder many of them in horrific ways, but a TRUE Christian has to accept this and move on the best way we can.


1. Why do you continue to support the on going pedophile priest problem within your pagan Catholic Church by being a continued member?

2. How can you continue in being a Catholic when it is on record that your church COVERED UP pedophile priests raping screaming innocent children for decades upon decades? WWJD?

3. Are you proud that your church has paid out 4 BILLION, and counting, of the members hard earned money as reparations to the children and families because of pedophile priests sexual abuse of innocent children?

4. Have you ever held a garage or bake sale in your community to help your Catholic Church raise money to pay off its dept to society for your disgusting pedophile priests buggering innocent scared and screaming children?

5. Would you leave your ungodly pagan Church if one of your innocent children were violently raped by your priest, whereas this child has this disgusting memory for life?




YOUR QUOTE: "I'm not catholic, but Catholics despise sex abusing priests."

It matters not whether one is a disgusting pagan Catholic or not, but what does matter is if an actual Catholic despises sex abusing priests, then they should NOT SUPPORT raping pedophile priests by leaving this primitive thinking church altogether, and most of all, not giving to the offering plates on Sunday mornings that help pays for over 4 BILLION and counting in reparations to families of child sexual abuse and coverups of same!





How far do you want to go in establishing that you are the most blatantly ignorant and dumbfounded fake Christian on DebateArt??????!

YOUR COMICAL AND INEPT QUOTE, AGAIN: "The Lord is also God.The trinity. duh.Brain cell lost from your comment"

Barring the fact that you could no more explain the Trinity Doctrine than you could spell correctly, ONCE AGAIN, a "title" as in GOD, is not the same as "JESUS" is a name, you blatant FOOL! How can you live with your ignorance in the 21st century? I feel sorry for your parents.

Allah is also GOD, Yahweh is also GOD in the Abrahamic faith that we share with Islam and Judaism, get it, FOOL? Therefore you have to be specific when talking about said gods regarding their religious beliefs, FOOL!

Please, give me a break from your ineptness, pleasssssssssse! Jesus and I can't take much more of your genetic stupidity!

