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Total topics: 2

There's plenty of people like Senator Klobuchar who recognize the right to sit in a deer stand.  This thread is for finding out about proponents of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States.  For these purposes, we'll assume the people who deliberated on the matter did not intend to codify some sort of loophole that could render the right to bear arms obsolete.  Lets see who has respect for the Constitution.  

Handgun access is implicitly shielded from states according to Heller vs DC 2A, 9A,14A --- Access to "weapons of war" with utility in civilian life is shielded explicitly from Congress

International Suggestions:  Self defense is a valid reason to keep small arms - - - Police are armed as common members of the civilian populace

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Some would say we are currently living through a mass extinction event, primarily driven by an unprecedented rise in the human population on every continent around the world.  Due in large part to the industrialization of economies increasingly open to global trade, an excessive amount of resources are presently available for a more uniform standard of living across nations.  On average there are between 4 and 5 acres of land for every person.  Given the current trajectory and given our capacity to produce things like shelter, food, and fresh water, it is said that many of today's children will experience the results of unsustainable population growth.

The Greenhouse Effect is a result of gasses such as methane and carbon dioxide which retain energy from the sun and producing a higher surface temperature on earth relative to their concentration in the atmosphere.  Express your reasons to believe an increase in greenhouse gas concentration, a long term trend of rising sea levels, along with rising ocean and rising air temperatures, will tend to have a net-negative or net-positive effect on the standard of living for future generations.
Science and Nature
13 5