DarthBalls's avatar


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Total comments: 7


Why do Christians always feel the need to condemn Catholics. The Bible you use was constructed by the Catholics, and if you believe in Sola Scriptura, please tell me the scripture that says these books should be included in the bible. If believing only in Scripture it would seem relevant that scripture point to what should be used.

By literal interpretation do you mean you believe that all biblical stories are real: noahs ark, jonah and the whale, ect.


I would like to apologize but i forfeited because it was taking too long for my opponent to respond. I respect that the opponent is very busy, but the long wait times lowered my motivation. I apologize for formatting, its harder to do when using ones phone.


If they cant get an abortion as a backup maybe they'll thi k about it. And honestly if they havent thought about asking men to get a vasectomy...they dumb.


We would only be enslaving women if we allowed rape. Instead women consent to having sex often while not using contraceptives.

It is their responsibility to say no to those who dont have vasectomies, not the governments job to.make that decision for them.

What if theyre indifferent about having kids. In general men have a higher drive, women hold most of the cards in deciding whether or not more guys get vasectomies


Women can already decide for themselves not to have sex with men unless they have a vasectomy. Women and.men can decide the risk they want to take, you dont eliminate risk by getting rid of all choice. Freedom comes with extra responsibility but its worth it

The mother doesnt get the choice for an abortion because her action leads to the killing of another human whose creation was decided by her.


Except this is the U.S. and mandatory vasectomies dont make sense. You cant force someone to get a vasectomy. What you can do is make abortion illegal, and make people responsible for the care of their child. Maybe that will lead to more voluntary vasectomies.

Also i hear the argument about what to do if the parents are inept and do drugs...my response, create services that the parents must pay for/ work at until they prove they can be good parents.


If they dont want to get pregnant then yes they should do what it takes to not get pregnant. Although if you use regular contraception condomns are 98% effective when used right and birth control 99% effective. Go win the lottery!
