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Catholicism is the Fullness of the Christian Faith
*makes sense*
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Catholicism is the Fullness of the Christian Faith
Yes, But scripture is the Written word of God.  Still havent shown how sola scriptura makes since if which scriptures to follow isnt written down.
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Catholicism is the Fullness of the Christian Faith
Scripture must be written down. Inspiration that is past down via word of mouth or by action would be represented in tradition.
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Catholicism is the Fullness of the Christian Faith
Inspiration of god would fall under tradition.  It certainly doesnt fall under scripture. it still makes no since that if we are to follow scripture only, that there wouldnt be writings on which scripture to follow.
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Replacing labor workers with machines
I havent seen much evidence that robots are lowering jobs.  Making robots and the new technologies opened up by robotics makes jobs as they are taken away.  They also lower the cost of consumer goods.
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Mandatory vasectomies worldwide.
You shouldnt take away freedom.  Freedom comes with responsibility.  People should be able to take the risk of getting someone pregnant or not, we should just limit abortion and hold them more responsible when they do.

They should make care centers/ schools for kids whose parents cannot meet a certain standard of care.  Those centers should be paid for in part by parents who send their kids their, or they should have to work there.  Once they realize that irresponsibly getting pregnant means you will have to work harder and lose free time, it will incentivize people to stop having kids they cant take care of.

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Catholicism is the Fullness of the Christian Faith
The problem with Sola Scriptura, is the scripture you are reading was chosen by tradition.  If we were only to follow the scripture alone, would it not make since that there be writings on which books to follow?  The are many, many writings not included in the bible.

Also if we were only to believe in scripture, it would make sense to me that Jesus would have spent a lot of his life writing, but in the scriptures we only get one glimpse of Jesus writing and it was in the sand.  Instead he spent most of his life, showing people how to live with his actions...showing the importance of tradition.