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Total votes: 34


This was definitely a Devon win! It was witty and easy to read. It flowed great in my head. I know the debate wasn't done but I already had my money on Devon after the first round.

Too bad SL couldn't finish.

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Pro did not eat Korea. He chewed him up and spit him out!

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Nothing is Okay!!! :(

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I would have went with Pro but Con gave a polite thank you. This makes my vote indecisive and will vote tie.

Though Pro is incorrect and you can find Mars on the candy aisle.

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Troll debate so will vote neutral. Mars is a great candy bar.


I will agree with Pro on the grounds of multiple partners devalues a woman (at least in her own mind), is unhygienic and causes depression. I also agree with Con that much sex for a woman is good, but that is not to say that all cannot be achieved with one partner. Pro's point was only made obvious at the end of her first round, multiple partners. If the debate went on it could have been defended as such, but it didn't.

So I will run this as a tie due to the lack of response from both sides and then the moot argument from Con in R2.


This was a Pro win. Con does not debate the issue except asks a few questions on what would determine the status of rich or poor. Con then missed a round and then his closing argument was that the debate is done.

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Thoughtful debate. I have a lot of friends who drive a Tesla. Seems fun, especially the fart noise it makes.

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To answer Con's question, way too long.

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Good debate. Very informative. I like kittens.

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I think this debate was a good tie. Con was a woman and Pro did a polite wave.

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Troll debate so my vote goes to Con because maybelotus is stupid for coming on this website to argue anyone for being on this website.

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Troll debate, so I will vote against Sidewalker to help lower his average.


Turns out Pro just "copy/paste" his argument, which is a disqualifier. Sorry Pro, but you need to put this in your own words.

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The first round started off fierce and then Con on the second round just shredded Pro with insults and truth. This made Pro too scared to ever talk again. Therefore a KO of FF.


This one is a hard one considering that I do not agree with Pro and that I completely agree with Con's stance and what he is trying to say. A 9 year old girl is not old enough to marry in any circumstance I have ever seen and there was no proof that it was not traumatic to the girl. To cite that the prophet would fondle her during menstruation makes it even more creepy and doesn't alleviate my feelings that this poor girl was not used as a political pawn to a dirty old man. I do not think that Pro's views of trying to grab the extreme scenario of puberty in this case would make it ever okay for a nine year old to marry and have sex with an much older adult man.

Never the less, I believe Pro did bring a solid argument for his view and Con did not properly refute them all. However, Pro's conduct was terrible in his last round by insulting con and the website that gave him the platform to spout his view. Then goes on to say Islam is the best.

Though I do appreciate Con and his abilities, but I think he fell short on this one, however Pro's extreme stance and his conduct would make this a tie.


Pro was the obvious winner in this. His argument against the gay community was laid out in such a way that Con couldn't even respond.


This is a clear win for Con. He was fully engaged with the debate with his hard hitting stance against Pro. His writing was excellent and the words just flowed like sweet honey.


In this case, Pro won by default. Con decided to go a different route and not really stick to the spirit of this debate but rather tried for the technical side of grammar and such. So, all in all, Con didn't even debate the idea of the topic given, even when the opening round made it obvious to what Pro was trying to do.

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Assuming that this was not protest of silence from Pro, Con brought a very good argument that saying the n word was not nice. The smiley face in round 2 really held his point. Overall, I'd say that Con was a better choice for a winner.

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I was interested in this debate as Biblical topics are always interesting to me. The claim that con was making was that Pro supported a "once saved, always saved" idea. Pro debates this notion by stating that works alone do not save you. Con was able to bring out that works are necessary to be saved per the Bible and Pro was able to show quite a bit to state that faith saves also. They were neck in neck until the final round, in my opinion, when Pro started bashing Con's catholic views and not the topic itself. Otherwise, I would have given this a tie. Both had used the Bible as their sources, though it seemed that Con used a Catholic Bible instead of a King James. This probably should have been verified before the debate started since there is a slight tweak to some passages that leans in Con's favor with a Catholic Bible. They both were decent in their approach and it was easy to understand on each side. I believe that both had good conduct and did not lean to name calling.

Overall, decent debate and I enjoyed it.

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A tie has been agreed on.


Well this is an obvious Pro Win. Con decided on a FF.

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Interesting rap battle. I voted the way of Con. Pro started weak, I think. His rhymes were bad and choppy. Con started off spitting fire with good points and decent rhymes. To bad it fizzled out at the end. I was looking forward to it finishing. I was impressed Best-Korea's abilities. I know Sir Lancelot can "bust out" bars all day. Good show to both!

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CON obviously FF

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Con did a FF


Obvious FF.


I voted for Mall since his conduct was better and the arguments laid out better than RM. Rm had forfeited multiple rounds and his come back were the same thing over and over. I feel that Mall's arguments were weak since he did not bring to light any scriptural reference specifically noting oral sex. It was all in reference to sexual immorality, which would be done outside of marriage.

Although I do not agree with Mall on this issue, I feel he did win the debate as debate standards go.


TWS claimed that Japanese cucumber salad would not be made without the cucumber. I would submit that he is wrong. What about the Japanese?

Lancelot just waves his cucumber to the crowd.


It's hard to decide if either one would win.

I like salads, especially with cucumbers in them, but Lancelot threatens me by waving his cucumber, so maybe I should vote for him.

What to do?!

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Con demanded all cucumbers when all Pro wanted to do was wave them around. I think Con's side of things is much more clearer.

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No arguments from either side except Con who wrote: Oh Thank God.

Hardly an argument, but better than Pros.

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My majority of vote will go to Sir Lancelot.

I think Madman and Lancelot were neck and neck until the final round. Both were okay in their rhymes and burns of each other. But then Lancelot broke from the mundane fag and "your mom" calling on the final round and won my vote for the burns. I don't think madman recovered fully even though his final round was also "lit".

I read the lines without the beat to see how it would flow in my mind and it seemed that Lancelot's final round "sounded" better too.

All in all, this rap battle was epic and it was hard to pick a winner. Thanks to both! It was enjoyable.
