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Total votes: 5

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Better conduct

This is primarily an honor thing, as it would be shameful for a flat-earther to win a true debate.

HOWEVER, the arguments provided by Con absolutely destroyed the logic of Pro, which can be paraphrased to "A dead guy wants this thing, so therefore the universe will defy all logic to be so."

I have some of my own rebuttals that disprove the arguments by Pro that prove I am not swayed as much as I am with con.

1.) Pro contradicts themselves greatly by continually saying the same thing. Specific examples of this are:
>>Because when Jesus' creation get to the edge of the earth, they immediately go to the other side without knowing it.
So, basically they completed one revolution of the earth. This logic would work at the equator and nowhere else, because the other side would mean that if somebody left Russia and went north, they would they find themselves going north from Antarctica rather than reaching Canada.
>>Firstly, I am sure that there is more than two times that ships have sailed the oceans to the other side, agreed? That being said, this is easily done because Jesus allows it
Basically says that the "Impossible thing" sailing from one side to the other is possible because jesus allows it. It's not jesus, just physics.

2.) Con directly said: The debate is about the earth, not religion. Let's stick with science and facts shall we?, followed by pro basing their ENTIRE ARGUMENT on quotes from the bible that hardly fit.
>>“So Jesus said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” (John 4:48)
The context for this quote was a passage about Jesus healing a sick prince, not causing satellites to work correctly. In my opinion, it can't even be applied.

3.) Con was able to, at the end, simply state that his argument still stands and still convince me that he was correct.
Because of these things, it has become an argument similar to 1kg of steel versus 1kg of feathers. Con was able to hit every point quickly and concisely, whereas pro made every reasonable and unreasonable connection to the bible that he could. My final bias, however was an easy argument to make. The earth was discovered to be SPHERICAL in 1492. Also, the universe is always changing behind our backs, therefore science needs to change to catch up. Back in 1492, medicine was still just trying everything that might work and ignoring the mass casualties.

"My godly answer"---"Your ungodly satanic quote"
No need to go all messiah on us, dude, that's a point off for conduct. Pro was very rude to the readers and their opponent, and cannot prove otherwise. They treated Con like an ignorant child rather than the intelligent instigator of an online debate.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After a copy paste,
I have decided to vote Pro because he has a sexier body

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

I mean, come on... you cant ask someone to slap your titties and then ghost them.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

I think con had more reasonable animes, even though Pro had Naruto.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Voting all pro because the only good meme was the "stepped in shit" one
