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Modal ontological argument: open for discussion and defense

Plantinga famously concedes that a rational person need not accept this argument, and claims only that a rational person could accept it. The reason is that while he thinks a rational person could accept its first and key premise, another rational person could doubt it. One reason it might be doubted, Plantinga tells us, is that a rational person could believe that there is a possible world in which the property of “no-maximality” – that is, the property of being such that there is no maximally great being – is exemplified. And if this is possible, then the first and key premise of Plantinga’s argument is false. In short, Plantinga allows that while a reasonable person could accept his ontological argument, another reasonable person could accept instead the following rival argument:

1. No-maximality is possibly exemplified.

2. If no-maximality is possibly exemplified, then maximal greatness is impossible.

3. So maximal greatness is impossible.

So Plantinga himself, tells us how his argument can fail.
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n * 6 + or - 1 = Hexagons Two Radii

ebuc is talking about  the significance of prime numbers in the occult.  Prime numbers have been used in the occult that have no divisors other than itself. They are believed by the Masons and the Illuminati to have special powers.  OMG, you don't think ebuc is Kanye West do you?

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Modal ontological argument: open for discussion and defense

Yes, in philosophy, a noumenon  is a posited object or event that exists independently of human sense and/or perception.

Posted in:
I Wanted To Have A Slave When I Was Younger
Untrue. You are grasping. A foreign slave was an indentured servant who was not a Hebrew and thus was not a believer in Jehovah. What was owned was the debt, not the person.
Not true. Non-Israelite slaves are acquired either by purchase (Exod 12:44) or captured during war (Deut 20:14) and remain so permanently (Lev 25:44-46). Foreign male slaves are circumcised and allowed to participate in the Passover sacrifice (Exod 12:44).

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Evidence for god?
A new comparison of the human and chimpanzee genomes suggests that after the two lineages separated, they may have begun interbreeding... A principal finding is that the X chromosomes of humans and chimpanzees appear to have diverged about 1.2 million years more recently than the other chromosomes.
The research suggests:
There were in fact two splits between the human and chimpanzee lineages, with the first being followed by interbreeding between the two populations and then a second split. The suggestion of a hybridization has startled paleoanthropologists, who nonetheless are treating the new genetic data seriously.
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I have a Master's degree in Computer forensics.
Is that from the University of Phoenix?

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Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?

When it comes to religion, Elon Musk is neither a Christian or Muslim but rather irreligious. His belief system can be best described as atheist or agnostic.
An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in God or divine being. On the other hand, An agnostic person is someone who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God. Elon Musk does not claim to have any religious beliefs. In an interview with Rainn Wilson when asked if science and religion can coexist, He replied, “Probably not”. He was the asked another question, “Do you pray?”, he answered, “I didn’t even pray when I almost died of malaria. ”Yet, despite his lack of faith in God, Elon Musk is extremely wealthy. While many people fast and pray for riches, he doesn't do any of those things, however, he is the richest man alive today.

Posted in:
Cosmic Trinary Outline

ebuc and I are staring at the stars with big smiles on our faces

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius

Posted in:
Cosmic Trinary Outline

I see what you are saying, pass me the pipe.
(The Age of Aquarius is playing in the background)

Posted in:
Modal ontological argument: open for discussion and defense
For the  modal ontological argument,

  1.  We don't know that intelligibility implies possibility
  2.  We don't know that "maximally-great being" is a truly intelligible concept
  3.  We don't know that it is possible for a maximally-great being to exist.
What's more
  4. We don't know that necessity is a predicate
Which means
  5. We don't know it is greater to exist necessarily than contingently
  6. Plantinga's proof fails.

Posted in:
I Wanted To Have A Slave When I Was Younger

Tell QAnon that.

Posted in:
trump should be barred from becoming president again
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WHat is the meanign of flife

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Surviving Death

Spiritualists often set March 31, 1848, as the beginning of their movement. On that date, Kate and Margaret Fox, of Hydesville,  New York, reported that they had made contact with a spirit that was later claimed to be the spirit of a murdered peddler whose body was found in the house, though no record of such a person was ever found. The spirit was said to have communicated through rapping noises, audible to onlookers. The evidence of the senses appealed to practically-minded Americans, and the Fox sisters became a sensation. As the first celebrity mediums, the sisters quickly became famous for their public séances in New York.  However, in 1888 the Fox sisters admitted that this "contact" with the spirit was a hoax.
Posted in:
Does the "mind" even exist?
Yes, as long as one can hear. Many blind people build pictures using their sense of touch, a technique called echolocation.
For blind people who are adept at echolocation, sound information routes through the visual cortex as well. Their brains use echoes to generate spatial maps, which are sometimes so detailed that they enable mountain biking, playing basketball and safely exploring new environments. In fact, last year, Canadian researchers discovered that even when blind echolocation experts listened to audio recordings of their tongue clicks echoing off different objects, they could easily identify the objects that had been present at the time of the recordings. Scans with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) showed activity in areas of their brains associated with visual processing. In other words, their brain scans resembled those of a sighted person identifying an object in a photo.
Posted in:
Does the "mind" even exist?

Yes, The human brain, the most complex object in the universe, comprises a hundred billion neurons linked in networks that give rise to intelligence, emotion, consciousness, memory and creativity. Emerging from the collective activity of all brain regions is the most fascinating neurological phenomenon of all - "the mind."

Posted in:
Does the "mind" even exist?

No, the mind is not separate from the brain, and that is the reason why anesthesia works.
Your afterlife will be the same as your beforelife.

Posted in:

Don't forget Trump's republican values of increasing unemployment from 4.3 percent when he took 
office to 6.7 percent when he will leave. And he increased the National Debt by $7.8 trillion.
But then what else would a low intellect con-man do?
Posted in:
Evidence for god?

Didn't Adam and Eve's children inbreed?

Posted in:
n * 6 + or - 1 = Hexagons Two Radii

You have to take a lot of LSD to see what ebuc is talking about.

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AI will kill us all!

DeepMind, the AI-focused subsidiary of Alphabet, has taken a step in that direction by making a computer program that builds a mental picture of the world all by itself. You might say that it learns to imagine the world around it.
The system, which uses what DeepMind’s researchers call a generative query network (GQN), looks at a scene from several angles and can then describe what it would look like from another angle.
This might seem trivial, but it requires a relatively sophisticated ability to learn about the physical world. In contrast to many AI vision systems, the DeepMind program makes sense of a scene more the way a person does. Even if something is partly occluded, for example, it can reason about what’s there.
Eventually, such technology might help serve as the foundation for deeper artificial intelligence, letting machines describe and reason about the world with much greater sophistication.

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The Most Astounding Fact

Look up Klinefelter syndrome. Didn't God know anything about quality control?
Posted in:
I Wanted To Have A Slave When I Was Younger

In Leviticus 25 we read:

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to give you the land of Canaan, and to be your God.

As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you.

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trump shouldn't have been impeached today
Trump was impeached on Wednesday,  Jerry Nadler released the report on Tuesday the day before.
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What would you do if God commands you to murder.
3 million a year x 10 years equals 30 million. One child is dying every 10 seconds.
Most of the nutrition-related deaths are in countries that are not suffering from famine or conflict, according to Professor Robert Black of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in the United States, who calculated the three million figure that the 10-seconds statistic is based on.
"These are not the poorest countries in the world. They are countries such as India or Nigeria or many other countries in Asia or Africa that really could do better - that have the resources to feed children within the country.
"Certainly the poorest have the greatest problems with undernutrition, but even then there might be sufficient food to feed children. The difficulty is achieving a high enough quality diet - a diet that is dominated by cereals or starches would not be a high enough quality diet to achieve the nutrition that's needed in the first two years of life."

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trump shouldn't have been impeached today
Number 2 ) House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., released a 74-page report Tuesday afternoon describing President Trump as a "clear and present danger" who should be impeached.
"As alleged in the Article of Impeachment and described in this report, President Trump has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law," the introduction reads. 
"His continued hold on the Office of the Presidency, even for only a few more days, represents a clear and present danger to the United States."

Posted in:
Why the Attitude!?

Yes, do you think Noah lived to be 950 years old?

Posted in:
Free Speech

Yes, I am 100% in favor of making ALL LYING ILLEGAL. But there has to a stipulation that the facts are verifiable.
Posted in:
trump shouldn't have been impeached today
The remarkable timing of President Trump’s impeachment trial is driven in part by Senate rules. A trial must begin at 1 p.m. the day after the Senate receives the article of impeachment. But the Senate won’t be in session to receive the articles until Jan. 19. Although Democrats want to move up that date, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has refused.
Posted in:
Why the Attitude!?
Maybe this?

2 Corinthians 12:9 But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me.

What does it mean that God's power is made perfect in weakness?
Our dependence is well expressed in that verse when Paul wrote about the thorn in his flesh. Paul pleaded with God three times to take it away but God told him that His power is made perfect in Paul's weakness. ... God simply wants us to surrender our inadequacy to him so that He can fill us with His strength.

Actually, I think Einstein was talking about the human weakness of low reasoning ability.

Posted in:
Why the Attitude!?

Post #3
“The word 'God' is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses"

Posted in:
Why the Attitude!?
The  point is that God might have started everything by creating 2 dimensional strings, but after that It had no affect on the Universe 
except to give people an opiate.
Yes, there are no supernatural occurrences in physics.

Posted in:
What would you do if God commands you to murder.
In the last 10 years 30 million children in the World have died from starvation. Is God happy that they weren't aborted?
Posted in:
trump shouldn't have been impeached today

Trump said he won by a landslide. Joseph Goebbels, a Hitler propagandist, is credited with saying this. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

Posted in:
Why the Attitude!?
You really should read the research paper, Superior pattern processing is the essence of the evolved human brain by Mark P Mattson
In the paper, it states:
Interestingly, as described in the next section, there is fine line between the magical thinking of religious beliefs that have provided adaptive value for many civilizations and societies, and the delusions of psychoses that can place individuals and those they associate with in harm's way. This notion is illustrated in the following two quotes which exhibit the remarkable similarities between the delusions of individuals with schizophrenia and those described in religious doctrine. “Because you think what you're believing is true,” she replied. “I used to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that—what other people would think was crazy—I thought was absolutely true, that I was privy to a special truth.” Elyn Saks, Professor and schizophrenia patient. “You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.” Bible NIV, Psalm 139, verses 1-3.

Again, "This notion is illustrated in the following two quotes which exhibit the remarkable similarities between the delusions of individuals with schizophrenia and those described in religious doctrine."
Posted in:
trump shouldn't have been impeached today

Well, that is why Trump keeps the book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order next to his bed.

Posted in:
Concerning the validity of I.Q.
Be careful zedvictor4, since Puachu is a Creationist, he might  make a pact with Satan like what was done to create 
the Codex Gigas - “There is a legend concerning the making of the Codex Gigas that relates that it was the work of one scribe, and that the task was so enormous it was completed with the help of the devil". 
Posted in:
Why the Attitude!?

Christian;  My child is dying from smallpox, Praise the Lord!
Intelligent Man:  Let's find a cure for smallpox!
Christian:  My child is dying from Bubonic plague, Praise the Lord!
Intelligent Man:  Let's find a cure for the Bubonic plague!

Athias, I pray you find Humanism.

The  point is that God might have started everything by creating 2 dimensional strings, but after that It had no affect on the Universe 
except to give people an opiate.
Posted in:
Send Trumpet To Jail Now
Also, Giuliani is an idiot and I've never voted for a Republican.

I always thought you were an intelligent person.

Posted in:
Send Trumpet To Jail Now
A report by Business Insidercites an excerpt from the interview where Trump's ex-wife Ivana tells her lawyer Michael Kennedy that Trump reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order and keeps it in a cabinet by his bed.
Posted in:
trump shouldn't have been impeached today
From a Conservative web site: In a speech of about 14 minutes that the leftist mainstream media ignored on Tuesday, President Trump argued this case.
He won the election on November 3 with landslide numbers, he said, but 11th-hour vote fraud gave “President-elect” Joe Biden the victory.
Indeed, Trump said, Biden’s vote total was statistically impossible, a conclusion that comports with the massive vote fraud the president claims occurred.
Trump’s convincing appeal — which won’t matter to hate-Trump Democrats and Republicans — did not include hints about what he might do given that he believes Biden and his gang — with the help of the leftist social and mainstream media — robbed him. 
But he did say Americans can’t let stand an election won by fraud and fakery.

 Trump is guilty of Criminal Negligence. 
Criminal negligence refers to conduct in which a person ignores a known or obvious risk, or disregards the life and safety of others. Federal and state courts describe this behavior as a form of recklessness, where the person acts significantly different than an ordinary person under similar circumstances.

Posted in:
Why the Attitude!?

Religious people are less intelligent on average than atheists because faith is an instinct and clever people are better at rising above their instincts, researchers have claimed.
The theory — called the 'Intelligence-Mismatch Association Model' — was proposed by a pair of authors who set out to explain why numerous studies over past decades have found religious people to have lower average intelligence than people who do not believe in a god.

A 2013 analysis by University of Rochester found “a reliable negative relation between intelligence and religiosity” in 53 out of 63 historic studies.
A negative correlation between intelligence and religion makes sense if religion is considered an instinct, and intelligence the ability to rise above one's instincts, say researchers Edward Dutton and Dimitri van der Linden in their  paper published in 2018.

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I hope not, I want to see Trump get to 400 pounds.
Posted in:
Why the Attitude!?
Do a little research. The so-called "God letter" was written in 1954 and was expected to fetch $1.5m (£1.2m) at auction in New York.
The Nobel Prize-winning scientist, then 74, wrote the one-and-a-half page note to German philosopher Eric Gutkind in response to one of his works.
It is seen as a key statement in the debate between science and religion.
"This remarkably candid, private letter was written a year before Einstein's death and remains the most fully articulated expression of his religious and philosophical views," a statement from Christie's says.
It fetched almost double the auction house's predicted price of between $1m-1.5m
In the letter, written in his native German, Einstein takes issue with the belief in God.
"The word God is for me nothing but the expression and product of human weaknesses," he writes. "The Bible a collection of venerable but still rather primitive legends."
It continues: "No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can [for me] change anything about this."

Posted in:
Why the Attitude!?
l will let Albert Einstein answer for me (I'm related to him through the Koch family). He said, “The word 'God' is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can (for me) change this.”
Posted in:
Why do people think Trump is a fascist?
One year ago, I warned that Trump was descending into naked authoritarianism. Low-information commenters seek to reassure rather than dig deeply, telling readers to look on the bright side. That the US is an exceptional country.
It is not.
Democratic regression and political polarization are not unique to the US. Having more guns than people is. So are militias, usually formed of lower- and middle-class white Americans harboring anti-government sentiments. The threat posed by these anti-government extremists — though not necessarily terrorists — was thrown into relief when at least 13 of Michigan’s Wolverine Militia were arrested for planning to kidnap, “judge,” and potentially execute for treason the state’s governor, Gretchen Whitmer.
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What would you do if God commands you to murder.

I don't know why religious people are so against abortion. God had no problem killing babies.
1 Samuel 15:3   Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’ ”

Posted in:
As above, So below

There is no such thing as a fractal universe. The universe is fractal-like out to many distance scales, but at a certain point, the mathematical form breaks down.
The finding comes from Morag Scrimgeour at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) at the University of Western Australia in Perth and her colleagues. Using the Anglo-Australian Telescope, the researchers pinpointed the locations of 200,000 galaxies filling a cubic volume 3 billion light-years on a side. The survey, called the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey, probed the structure of the universe at larger scales than any survey before it.  The researchers found that matter is distributed extremely evenly throughout the universe on extremely large distance scales, with little sign of fractal-like patterns.

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Future Jeopardy Question

( the “enable light” switches on)  Ken,  who is Donald J Trump !

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AMA About...
The soul exists independent of the physical body, the soul came out of God before it was sent into creation. 
See the book, The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for the Soul by Francis Crick. Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Crick (co-discoverer with James Watson of DNA's double helix structure) here takes readers to the forefront of modern brain research. Geared to serious lay readers and scientists, this speculative study argues that our minds can be explained, without recourse to religious concepts of a soul, in terms of the interactions of a vast assembly of nerve cells and associated molecules. Crick delves into the nature of consciousness by focusing on visual awareness, an active, constructive process in which the brain selectively combines discrete elements into meaningful images. Early chapters include numerous interactive illustrations to demonstrate the brain's shortcuts, tricks and habits of visual perception. In later chapters Crick discusses neural networks--electronic pathways that can "remember" patterns or produce spoken language--and outlines research strategies designed to pinpoint the brain's "awareness neurons" that enable us to see.
 Also look up the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness. The declaration concludes that “non-human animals have the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviors. Consequently, the weight of evidence indicates that humans are not unique in possessing the neurological substrates that generate consciousness. Non-human animals, including all mammals and birds, and many other creatures, including octopuses, also possess these neurological substrates.”
