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Palestine just defends its territory from Israel occupation
Firstly Sadolite, your tax dollars that go to support Israel probably add up to a dollar. What Israel does for us is utilize their vastly superior intelligence gathering system to continue to protect us from the same violence that they were just prevy too. They also are a sign of force in the region that is awash in turmoil and conflict even between the Arab states, but their power and by proxy our power in the region assists with stabilization. Therefore in the cost of gas or anything oil related is kept lower then if anything goes and entire areas just wipe each other off the map.

John--while I agree with you on some of your points let me play devils advocate for a couple of points. If we are going to talk about the land and who is the first to have the land, didn't the Jewish people have a history with the land that is also very long and predates the creation of Israel by thousands of years. Furthermore, how can they not respond? Are you a supporter of death to innocent people? Was the attack not on civilians rather then the army or institutions that were "oppressors?" Israel is our ally and don't we have an obligation to support them? As a citizen of the United States, fringe elements of these Muslim based groups also call for the death of Americans. Do you support the death of yourself? Israel returned Gaza and look at what now has happened after the people of Gaza supported Hamas in an election and polling states they have about 50% support of their message to wipe Israel off the map as of 2022. This polling was done by a pro-israel group however. I think this situation is much more nuanced than one bad guy vs one innocent guy. However I do think there is already reason to believe Israel may be making misteps. 
