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Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
Congrats on finally posting a link that actually works! Only unfortunate part is that its just a video of the woman in question making a bunch of claims with no proof that authorities themselves later couldn't substantiate. 

I didn't bother looking at fringe youtube videos to find the video because I could simply look up the politician online and piece together everything that way. You plan on responding to the actual points I made that still stand or just keep posing the link to a youtube video with a hit-or-miss success rate?
Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
Both my computer and phone have failed to be able to view the video,....
That just points to your general incompetence but still militant demeanor.
I'll go ahead and just add that to the ongoing list of things you are actually stupid enough to believe. 

(I'm not actually keeping a list.... Im just implying that you routinely say and believe lots of brainless things, to the point that I have to spell it out for you since you might read it wrong and think Im saying something else entirely)

Did you understand all of that or would you prefer I get out some crayons to make it easier for you to understand?

Why would I be interested in the least about the comments you made?
You wouldn't...... You've never been interested in things like 'facts' and 'things that don't immediately conform to your own warped opinions'.... The fact that you are still responding to me when you clearly don't value the opinions of people smarter than you, while still completely failing to address the arguments made in the first place, makes me think you just want attention at this point. 

Its quite pathetic. 

 If you had anything sensible to say, you wouldn't need the juvenile bombast.
If people like you weren't so damn stupid to fall for such an easily refutable thread where a quick search on the internet about the incident would show that what actually happened is far different than what the OP claims to have happened, then there wouldn't be a need for anyone to point out the retardation shared between you and Stephen for taking this story as seriously as you continue to do. 

Tone down the militancy
I've never had a policy of being kind or courteous to those who don't deserve it..... If you don't like me pointing out your stupidity in an argument, either respond to the arguments that were made in a way that would make me change my mind on the argument, or crawl into a hole and wallow in self-pity. Your choice. 
Posted in:
Death to the Republic
I don't think Americans will be eager to convert to autocracy and have the country ruled by a series of despots. As corrupted as the current Democracy is, the current enforcement of term limits and mostly free and fair elections makes it more than possible for unpopular leaders to be removed from power. 

My main worry is if democracy continues to deteriorate to the point that average citizens start to think their only option for reform is through political assassination. One of the reasons the Roman Republic fell was because people figured out that you could just assassinate senators and emperors who disrupted the norm and threatened the wealth of the rich. I completely fail to see Americans supporting a dictator, but I can certainly see  Americans feeling that assassination is the only way to weed out politicians they don't feel should be in office. 
Posted in:
Manafort and Cohen
Interesting tidbit I just found, of the 10 out of 18 counts that Manafort avoided conviction on, it turns out that the only reason there weren't convictions was because of one holdout juror who may have been a Trump supporter that did not want to believe the evidence:

That means that Manafort was just one juror away from being found guilty on ALL 18 counts he was charged with.

The ruling of a mistrial on those 10 counts means that a new trial could be made all over again to reevaluate those charges the previous jury could not reach a verdict on. I read somewhere that the charges Manafort was already convicted of can carry a max combined sentence of 80 years, so he will essentially be f*cked from seeing the light of day again assuming he doesnt get a pardon. 
Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
Here we go. I find that pretty plausible. But what do you suppose she was hiding?

I can only speculate really because I don't know everything that the Netherlands makes illegal for its politicians, or what kind of scandal could drive a politician to be ousted from power at the local level.....

If I had to make a guess though, I would bet that she was trying to operate some sort of smear campaign against political rivals she called out before (the mayor and another Muslim official) by making crazy claims about them, which could open her up to charges of libel, slander, or hate speech depending on what she was claiming and what the laws of the Netherlands actually are...... Im assuming that her computer would be able to be searched in an investigation of her residence, and any files on that which relate to a smear campaign against people she didn't like would be revealed, and potentially ruin her career depending on how bad it is. 

Again though, pure speculation. 
Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
It works fine for me and I don't think anyone else has had a problem

Both my computer and phone have failed to be able to view the video, and the fact that the thread is based solely off of a youtube video rather then a link of the incident from a reputable source makes me inclined to believe that the incident in question is probably fake, which actual research confirmed. 

Ethan did not make this thread. But why let the facts stop you right?
Are you really so goddamn stupid that you couldn't tell the first part of my response discussing the creation of thread was meant for Stephen, the creator of the thread? For gods sake boy, at least TRY to use one of the five functioning brain cells you have in your empty skull. Then after that, maybe try to respond to some of the arguments I made about why the event in question is fake, rather then structure your reply entirely around your inability to read context clues. 

Posted in:
Mad Max "Fury Road"
I think that was the guy at the end of the movie who drives the truck into the archway formation to bottleneck the pursuing forces in the canyon and allowing the rest of the party to get away
Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
There was an investigation into her home/residence Starting around February of 2018.... When she went AWOL in August, the reason she gave for leaving the city was for the same investigation into her residence, who she blamed rival politicians (including the mayor) for starting in the first place. 

If I had to guess why she committed suicide, I would put my money on the combination of the investigation into her home, her hiding something that would be ruinous to her career if it were revealed by the investigation, and some sort of undiagnosed mental illness that slipped under the radar. People dont flip sh*t about an investigation into their home the way this politician did unless they have some sort of mental affliction, are hiding something fairly big, or both. 
Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
First off congrats on making a bait thread and failing to link to a video that actually works, really showcases your intelligence right out of the gate. 

Secondly Willie Dillie, the politician you're referring to, was a noted Islaoaphobe who on August 6th left the city she was working in because of an unrelated investigation about her home. She accused a Muslim politician of starting the investigation and then hiring a group of people to go after her and rape her, yet she offered no proof that anything she was saying was true and even refused to go into further detail when she was interviewed by a tv station the very next day..... Following her suicide the day after that, there was no evidence that could be found that anything she said was true, and there is no evidence she was even raped in the first place. 

So congratulations, you're both retarded. 
Posted in:
Dilemma for people with Trump Derangement Syndrom
It's pretty pathetic where you think that you have that much influence on someone else's life when all that person did was pointing out your general stupidity for the first time in several months. Then again you tend to get pretty senile when you stay up this late past your bedtime at the nursing home. 
Posted in:
Manafort and Cohen
I think the only thing at this stage that could seriously jeopardize Trumps presidency are charges of perjury, since the only people who have been indicted/found guilty/cut plea deals have only (as far as I have heard) given details about how Trump has lied about paying hush-money to people. You could also maybe make a cause obstruction of justice charges as well, but then that only puts Trump on the same level as the charges Bill Clinton had to face when he was in office, who avoided impeachment pretty cleanly. Given how steadfast the GOP have been supportive of their Dear Leader, in addition to built-in majorities the GOP have in the House and Senate that would be almost impossible for Dems to clinch a supermajority in both houses during midterms, Trump will probably ride out the rest of his term before being voted out of office pretty swiftly. 

The only way things change is if Trump does something MASSIVELY stupid like try to fire half of Washington just to cover his own ass for far smaller issues, and while I never underestimate the retardation of the president, its hard to imagine him screwing up THAT badly. 
Posted in:
Dilemma for people with Trump Derangement Syndrom
The court deported him, what position does trump hold in that organisation.

Sadolite doesn't know and has never known a thing about how the US government actually works. 

Posted in:
Debates I am considering to make
The thing is I legitimately don't know if there are people who don't hate Last Jedi with a burning passion who would be willing to be Pro here. The user base on here is small enough to begin with, and finding people who can tolerate Last Jedi on the internet is as hard as finding someone who believes there are less than 4 genders on Tumblr
Posted in:
Debates I am considering to make
Long story short, Im interested in debating again since the voting quality on this site isnt overly-strict nor utter shit as it was on DDO. I have a few ideas Ive considered, but want to run them by the community first to see which ones attract the most interest. After all theres no point in making a debate that I would then have to plead to people to read and vote on. 

So whichever ones yall like the most, Ill make debates for them. 

1) Mission Impossible Fallout is a better movie than Infinity War (Pro) 
2) Long term (next 20-30 years) Venezuela is in a worse situation than Syria (Pro or Con) 
3) US voters should have to pass a citizenship test in order to be able to vote, but only for Senate and Presidential candidates (Pro) 
4) Mission Impossible Fallout will most likely win the 'Best Popular Movie' Oscar at the 2019 Academy Awards (Pro) 
5) Star Wars Last Jedi has a (alarmingly) good chance to win the 'Best Popular Movie' Oscar at the 2019 Academy Awards (Pro) 
6) Bernie Sanders would not have beaten Donald Trump in the 2016 general election (Pro) 

Ill start with those for now. Lemme know which ones you guys would be most interested in reading/voting on
Posted in:
Who will be the one to take me down?
A literal cry for attention if Ive ever seen one XD
Posted in:
You Know who you are...
A thread aimed at a specific person who is not actually named by the thread that nobody else except the poster of the thread could make a guess for who the thread is for

Its like DDO started anew
Posted in:
Airmax is def Dr. Strange because he uses his magic mod powers to try to protect our home (DDO) only to be sacrificed when it all goes to hell
Posted in:
It feels like Thanos himself stepped in to to ban half the users still on DDO, but he only banned the good half to finally make us move to a better site and begin again. 
Posted in:
DDO in bad shape again
In retrospect, I can't think of a better way for Juggle to show that they have absolutely no idea how to properly manage their own website barely a day after shutting down the biggest spamming attack in DDO history then to ban Airmax's account on ACCIDENT. 

The meme's for this create themselves
Posted in:
DDO in bad shape again
I think 'account has been closed' means banned and 'account is no longer active' means it was self-deactivated
Posted in: is rearing its head
LOL, leave it to RM to be retarded enough to get himself banned from a site he self-proclaimed he was going to be the king of. 

5 years now and he still hasn't learned his lesson. Pity.
Posted in:
DDO in bad shape again
I think this technically marks my 8th temp ban from DDO now XD
Posted in:
Searching for LarztheLoser (Lars Rene Dobbertin-King)
Edeb8 is in trouble atm and the site has all but died. 

Not surprised to say the least but also wondering what specifically is plaguing the site. Do they have a spam problem there as well or is some sort of formatting issue causing lots of bugs? 
Posted in:
Who's The Creator of This Site?
I think its because car insurance fraud is such a problem in Russia that people have purchased dashcams as a defense so that if something does happen, they have video proof that the other party intentionally tried to crash into them or fake an accident. 
Posted in:
China, The World's Next Superpower?
I'd define a 'superpower' as a nation that has the means to cripple or annihilate any other nation in the world that is not themselves a superpower (cripple or annihilate via nuclear weapons or sheer economic influence)

During the Cold War between the US and Russia, if either one of them put pressure on a nation where the other superpower did not offer some sort of relief to that nation to keep them propped up, the nation being pressured would almost surely have collapsed or bent to the will of whichever superpower nation was putting pressure on them...... In fact I cant think of a single nation that withstood pressure from the US or the USSR during the Cold War when they didnt receive some sort of help from the other superpower.

Posted in:
Mad Max "Fury Road"
I think they could have lightened up a little, gave em more of a dynamic role

Mad max movies are not the place to go if you want to see light-heartedness, but as for the more 'dynamic role' criticism, the character of Max has far and away received more attention and dynamicism then anyone else in the franchise, which simply isn't a healthy thing to do if your intent is to build on this universe with additional films. 

Also much of the movie took place inside that truck, and the end was a little silly....driving through tornadoes and car accidents and still living
The title of the movie is called 'Fury Road' and one of the things that made Mad Max such an iconic franchise is the idea of post-apocalyptic hellscapes where survival is built around being mobile, ah la having cars that chug gas and are designed to dismantle each other. That the movie opted to spend most of its time on the road in a vehicle means the movie was following its strengths that made it an iconic franchise in the first place.... 

Also if you think the tornadoes was a silly aspect, it was one time at the beginning of the movie that was never utilized again. Far crazier and more asinine stunts have been pulled in other car chase movies, look no further than the Fast and Furious franchise for evidence of that. 

Posted in:
Will you go back to DDO?
This site calls itself DA on it's icon, which shows up on my phone so I call it DA.
I prefer DA as well because I think DDO was once before it was sold to a different party

Also DA sounds like it could stand for 'Debaters Anonymous' which would be a support group for people who cant stop debating stuff which I think applied to this group pretty well. 

Posted in:
Will you go back to DDO?
Im tempted to hang here more then go back to DDO. The spamming is still persisting despite Juggle's recent steps, and the fact that they waited until the closest equivalent of an apocalypse to show interest in managing DDO again indicates to me they still dont really give a sh*t about the site.

If it was this easy for them to install a captcha code to cut down on spammers, but waited this long to implement it, then there is no reason to have faith in them in managing the site in the future, which is the exact OPPOSITE of what can be said about this site, which actually has an active developer that is responsive. Whats more is that the developer is responsive towards people on the site as a whole, rather then be responsive only towards a single person on here the way Juggle is with Airmax. 

I'm all for having a second start here on this site and rewinding the clock by like 4 years. 
Posted in:
China, The World's Next Superpower?
Its still several decades out before they could even get into a position to become the next superpower, plus theyre gonna need the US to get pretty shitty on top of that, but long term theyre not facing any dire population issues or environmental problem.... As long as they dont tremendously f*ck up they have as good of a shot as anyone else at becoming a superpower, but that it still at least 40-70 years away at most. 

A third world war that leaves them unscathed would be the only thing that accelerates it

Posted in:
Who's The Creator of This Site?
Juggle actually pulled through and deleted a lot of spam.

In fairness, responding only to something that was the equivalent of the apocalypse after almost 4 years of doing absolutely nothing beforehand still doesn't make Juggle reliable or likely to act in any form. 
Posted in:
Who's The Creator of This Site?
keep in mind you guys are talking to RM and if you haven't noticed, he's a bit funny up there.

Agreed. The fact that the guy still has the mental incapacity after all these years to realize that he was banned entirely from his own asinine actions rather then anything I ever did to him shows how he is still an unreasonable child at best, and an utter dipshit at worst
Posted in:
Mad Max "Fury Road"
I absolutely loved this movie, not sure what you find boring about it
Posted in:
China, The World's Next Superpower?
I'm betting against it. Their one child policy is going to bite them in the ass HARD when it comes to healthcare costs while environmentally the whole country is going to complete sh*t. They will have to grapple with a lot of the problems the US slammed into in the late 20th century, but on a much more massive scale. 

The population demographics of European countries also effectively bars any of them from achieving superpower status, especially given the limitations on land they actually control. 

My money long term is on Canada of all places. If global warming really picks up, they are arguably in the best position for it as land becomes more fertile/arable and melting ice sheets unveil new access to natural resources buried underground. They recently overtook the US as having the healthiest middle class of any country, and as long as they dont go too far to the left with their policies they could certainly achieve powerful status by the end of the century (though they will still be borderline irrelevant for at least another 20 years) 
Posted in:
Evenin' y'all 