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Total posts: 15

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How biased in the US Education System in History as a subject
I am currently, in high school, and am taught many good things about my country. I am taught about the men who fought to end slavery, the people who fought for our freedom against the British, our perseverance through several hard times, and much more.

But I am also taught the dark side of history. I am taught about the genocide against the Native Americans, the battles we fought with them (Justified or not), taking over Cuba after promising freedom that we decided not to give right away, the horrendous things we did to the Filipinos, and much, much more.

I am taught two sides of the same coin. I love my country and its history and am sorry for other parts of it.
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Just checking in
Even God is secretly Sum1Hugme
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The Purge: be honest, would you be a purger or an abstainer
I am doing courses for cybersecurity, so when I am done, I would probably hack banks and such and steal millions of dollars. I feel like this is what a lot of people would do
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ImminentDownfall AMA
I really wouldn't know. Probably a mix between a formal and informal one. I see a lot of people being really neat and long with their arguments, while I am a bit lazier with mine.
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Is meat eating morally justifiable.
If you don't care about the psychological and physical torture of sentient beings who feel as much love for their children as we humans do and feel pain as we do, you are probably mentally insane or just stupid
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ImminentDownfall AMA
I used to be very good at debating politics, but now I don't really care about politics.

So, now I am good at debating about things like animals rights and religion, both of which I have not lost yet in, probably due to the fact that I have not won a debate on this website yet
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ImminentDownfall AMA
Mostly just had the two words pop in my head, and then decided to put them on my Username. But I decided to stick with the two random words because it could be seen as me saying "Your downfall in a debate is imminent".
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ImminentDownfall AMA
Why does the forum above or below have to ask anything? Perhaps it is saying something
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ImminentDownfall AMA
I would not know whether I lean more left or right, but I will say I am a bit more biased for the right spectrum, because I was raised conservative (Not socially though, so I always supported gays and such).

I believe that God is a hypothesis (The God Hypothesis), and like all hypothesis, has not been proven yet and until it is proven, I will not believe in it, but will acknowledge that with our current understanding, the hypothesis is completely logical to possibly hold water. Does that help?
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ImminentDownfall AMA
I prefer the 80's, but am listening to the Beatles right now.
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ImminentDownfall AMA
I am bored and will answer any questions. Most of y'all have no idea who I am, but ask questions anyway. I will answer anything
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Arguments against God
Like I said in the beginning, it isn't proof of a lack of God, but is something to say to religious people when they mention something or other that cannot be explained by science
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Arguments against God
Not necessarily evidence against God, but whenever a religious person points out that we can't explain something, therefore, God, I would like to point them to the "God of the Gaps" fallacy. It is where a religious person claims that because science does not know how something happens, or simply cannot explain something, obviously it means God. The problem with this argument by religious people isĀ 

1) Even though we don't have an explanation with evidence yet, therefore only have hypotheses, God is nothing but a hypothesis either, so claiming that one hypothesis out of several, is completely illogical

2) Lightning was also unexplained. Until a couple of hundred years ago, people believed that being struck by God or having your house burn down because of lightning was God giving you a punishment for being a bad person (So, of course, people probably didn't help their unfortunate neighbour). Of course, we now know how lightning works.
Conclusion: We didn't know how lightning worked, but that wasn't at all evidence of an omnipotent being, specifically, your omnipotent being you just so happen to believe in. We don't know what the first mover was for the big bang, but that is also not evidence for God, yes, that includes whatever God you, the reader, may worship
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How fast do y'all type?
I go out a lot, I just spend time on my computer a lot too
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How fast do y'all type?
I type at 80 WPM at my fastest, but when I am not trying to type super-fast, usually something around 70.
Although, my fastest is 90