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Posted in:
NO!!! Not ND240007
cross-contamination and flame wars distracting from the discussion my thread was trying to deal with, 
I can agree with other things you said but RM being a thin-skinnd crybully is what ruined your thread. This is why he is such a detriment to everyone around him.
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An apology

He had a series of other events that led to that ban as well, which only lasted two days mind you. 

It was off site, but I hadn't even asked for a ban. However, it was an issue that I was interested in discussing since cross-site behavior has can still affect what happens in this site.

He brings up that it didn't break the "discord rules" so doxxing is suddenly acceptable by the server's standards, although he was never banned from the discord, so no argument can be made about that there. He is evidently malicious in his actions and I know he only intends to harm me despite what he thinks I want to do to him. If his behavior is considered tolerable, then that means he will continue, as he threatened to reveal more information about me. He tries to find loopholes and do the maximum amount of damage that ideally ("Ideal" has a different definition in his mind.) would still be unenforceable. 
His 11 yr old COD player behavior is getting acutely irritating and I'm sick of him thinking he is above any sort of rule, etiquette, or person. 
Posted in:
NO!!! Not ND240007
I would agree with you if he didn't create 30+ accounts, that is just inexcusable. He would be banned for months under my moderation.
Posted in:
NO!!! Not ND240007
I think he should have been banned for far longer.
Posted in:
NO!!! Not ND240007
Was this an opportunity to ban her, yes. so i took advantage of it

I wouldn't be saying that.
Posted in:
NO!!! Not ND240007
Ok calling somebody "hitler" is often a heartily exaggerated joke and shouldn't be taken too seriously. I am aware that he has commited multiple offenses prior to the ban, but that is more of an opportunity to mock him for his piss poor attempt at comedy than to report him. I am not trying to bash you bud, but people will side against you if you do that in the future.

Posted in:
NO!!! Not ND240007
*Poly banned*


Posted in:
NO!!! Not ND240007
I feel sorry that he has virtually no life. He is in his 30's and somehow thinks making as many multis as his age on some obscure site is a worthwhile use of his time. 
Posted in:
NO!!! Not ND240007
Dozens of alt accounts in one short period at DART? 
Posted in:
An apology
No love for doxxers.
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An apology
He thinks the world revolves around his constantly-active poon and it's ridiculous. It's ironic that he emulates himself as some sort of heroic scumbuster when in reality, he is the thin-skinned scum himself that leads to all of his problems. If he could just shut his fucking yap for even a day, his sense of self-discipline would drastically increase.

Of course, memes are "abusive" and "toxic"... because his feelings tell us that. 

Trying to change culture in accordance to your feelings is more toxic than anything I could dream up.

If the tables had turned in his favor, he would abuse his power. Think about this: If RM was largely favored in this site, and I was banned as he says I should be, then that would mean that moderation would condone doxxing and insults about beating your own children while I would be ousted for posting memes and calling him autistic. I don't believe for a second that he wouldn't doxx me again if moderation favored him.

People like him need to be in check so that he doesn't have free reign to doxx people under some sort of "special pass". He doesn't realize that a site that favors him or where he is the mod would have a worse culture than what he have on DART or had on DDO. He pretends that he is reasonable enough to forgive and forget and that he doesn't give two shits about what is said to him, but he has denied that with his actions.

Btw, people can claim that he is some quality user that is being isolated as much as they desire, but this community is small anyway, and his bullshit stands out. He is the pig crap silo in the lake.

Posted in:
DART Jury Trial System Signups: DART v. RationalMadman
group of non-moderators can overturn a moderator decision

I think this a decent idea in principle. But the system would only work if the group was full of neutral-air non-moderators, rather than say, some of RM's biggest friends. Nothing personal against whoever those may be, but I don't trust users like that to use their power respectfully. I would trust a person like Tejretics who has never been a sucker for drama. How big (ideally) would this group be?
Posted in:
If The NFL Season Ended Today on Week 13(Playoff Predictions)
He is but having that 3 hole RB punch is essential. I have them as 4th best team in football right now.
Posted in:
If The NFL Season Ended Today on Week 13(Playoff Predictions)
I heard they are getting Gordon and Ekeler back for thr playoffs. Hope Keenan Allen is fine. 
Posted in:
If The NFL Season Ended Today on Week 13(Playoff Predictions)
I take back what I said about the Chargers now.

Posted in:
RM Ban Celebration Thread
The ban is a week. Btw you couldn't have a more appropriate avatar lol.
Posted in:
RM Ban Celebration Thread

Posted in:
An apology
"You are the only person dragging yourself down."

I'd like to quote Goldtop in relevance to the situation. This could have been avoided if RM had just ignored me and REF lol. Sadly, he is very passionate in his belief that others are culpable of his actions and genuinely believes that said actions exist under a blanket statement of justice. It seems hopeless for him and at his age I am very skeptical about his ability to reform.

Posted in:
RM Ban Celebration Thread
I have a hard time deciding if I should agree with you or not.

Posted in:
Yellow vest riot, DART edition
^ Bahahahahaha!!!
Posted in:
What Did RM Do This Time?
Tej's apology thread
Posted in:
RM Ban Celebration Thread
Ha! Nothing beats a true and tried method!
Posted in:
An apology
I have been far more rational than you and you still make me out as the villain...
Posted in:
An apology
True, although when you are a rich CEO, politician, etc things become complicated. Focusing primarily on growing a business is what companies need to thrive. That isn't to say they can't be greedy, uncaring assholes. It is as I said, people of almost every type can be flawed. The rich man is most likely very manipulative.

I meant this more in the context of common social interaction, though.
Posted in:
An apology
Autism comes in many forms as I have previously stated. Not every symptom is necesssrily ubiquitous among every autistic person, but there certainly are ones that we can often associate with autistic people. 

I agree that in the wake of heated debate, that many neurotypical people can do the same as well, and are also likely to be manipulative. I will however, inform you that neurotypical people will generally not engage in behavior that goes beyond insulting the opponent and seek vengeance on them to a large degree after said debate. But you are correct in that humans are inherently flawed and someone of nearly every type can still be extremely thorny.
Posted in:
An apology
I see the fault in what I said. I had purportedly implied that autistic people have no empathy. They certainly have empathy, but it may only be felt for a select few. Just to be clear, empathy doesn't mean liking somebody, but being able to put yourself in somebody's shoes, even if you think little of that person.

There are also periods of time, or "fits" where they seem to have very little regard of the other person and how their decisions may affect them. I have known some people who were physical with their fits, although only one of them I knew was high functioning. Again, this isn't to denounce them to any degree, or state that all autistic people have no empathy. It's to identify a common problem in autism that I notice in the user in question during certain periods of time.

Posted in:
An apology
I am quite indifferent that you don't care, and I put forth no effort to make you care, but I will correct you on your bullshit of you thinking you know everything about me.

I might as well stop talking to you. Even as a coarse detractor, I have thoroughly explained your mularkey on this site, and yet all it does is douse the fire and go one ear out the other.
Posted in:
An apology
Also I don't care that you are unique, lol. The core issue I have with you is being an emotional basket case.
Posted in:
An apology
I don't understand what I am missing. I acknowledged that they can be great people, and also very intelligent. I also don't work for MayoClinic, lol. This isn't really about autism though, it is about how RM deals with it.

Though I will admit I have made a controversial joke in the past about autism, and you may have witnessed it.

Posted in:
An apology
I was only describing a commonly understood flaw that autistic people can harbor. The intent wasn't to say that all autistic people are as problematic as RM (Most certainly are not), but it does explain the core of his problem. The main issue is a total lack of empathy, at least for periods of time.

I have met quite a few autistic people before. One is a brother of a great friend of mine and I respect him because he is very cordial. I have met another one that I couldn't stand because he would get physical about his problems. 

I understand this, they have just as much of an identity as anyone does, and autistic people don't all fit under one clear description. Some are better than others at communication, controlling rage, and learning in general. I believe that the spectrum is more of a circle than a bar, because it comes in many varieties.
Posted in:
An apology
I saw that threat, lol.
Posted in:
An apology
I understand. 
Posted in:
An apology
RM there are problems with both ends of the spectrum. On one end, you have the right wing "handle your abuse" analogy that can get out of hand when bullying reaches a severely illegal level. However, the liberal "you speak off of my terms" is far from ideal as well. Again, calling you by some petty term such as an "autie" or something pike that isn't enough to justify doxxing or whatever else you think should happen to me. 
Posted in:
An apology
It is reversed RM. You accused me of being some sort of wicked figure and then I do the same to you after you sperg out. 
Posted in:
An apology
Again, play that victory song in your head as much as you want. You may be enacting a scenario in your head where I begin bawling endlessly and you get to flaunt yourself, but the fact remains that I stand unscathed. 

Posted in:
An apology
I never sobbed of anything you wrote, and as nasty as you are, it is utterly pathetic and doesn't affect my life in any form. 
Posted in:
An apology
Btw I am referring to this one 

Rash is not a nuisance to me. 

Again, I don't mean to decry you.

Posted in:
An apology
Look man, I know you mean well and you seem like a rad dude, but I am not entirely sure you are informed of everything. That said, you are entitled to what you believe and you should like whoever you please. 

I don't mean to denounce your contribution either or sound like a jerk, so prove me wrong if I am. I just don't think it's warranted here given the context of this little debate.

Posted in:
An apology
That applies to the likes of the American Revolution. Not to a guy who says the words "autistic" or godknowswhatelse may have hurt you. If that is the case, then what is the incentive for me to not be in the same position as you? You would qualify as a bully, and perhaps I believe you deserve a horrible punishment. I will call myself the SensibleLunatic and I shall bring utmost retribution to anybody who attacks me, even if they are petty insults.
Posted in:
An apology
He exposed himself as a hypocritical crybully as always. It's funny, because he is very anti-bullying, yet many of the same type of people say that escalating to or above a bully's level makes you problematic as well.

Bringing "justice" to these people doesn't make you a good person in the slightest.
Posted in:
An apology
Lol. That's the way you are going to think and I won't stop you.

Posted in:
An apology
Lol that was so idiotic I don't know what to say.

Posted in:
An apology
Posted in:
An apology
Not leaving btw. Just realized that "drove off" can be interpreted as me doing so. 
Posted in:
An apology
You are just going to keep making me look like lucifer and deny that you doxxed me on discord. 

If you are going to be such an infant and want your little victory so badly, then fine. Take pride in that. Say that you, "the scumbag to end all scumbags", drove off the hellspawn of DART. Idgaf anymore. It is sad that you put this much heart into an obscure website. 

Posted in:
An apology
Idgaf about bullying. I don't intend to hurt anyone. Most people aren't damaged by me lol.

You had a severe enough menstrual cycle to doxx me. Ask yourself this, if I am a shitty bully, what does that say about you?
Posted in:
An apology
The world's worst bully in your mind should be Bench.

But I guess being overtly vindictive towards people who recently had a conflict with you is a common theme. You did the same with saying bsh was one of your top 3 people, only to then say he is worse than max.

Posted in:
An apology
Right, because holding yourself accountable is inconceivable. You are the world's #1 victim.

Posted in:
An apology
Hahahaha lol.
Posted in:
An apology
That is the only thread I can think of lol. It was YYW's AMA.