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Total questions: 1

Should the voting age, in the USA, be lowered? Why do you hold that opinion?

I first startes to care about politics when i was in middle school. I knew abortion was wrong and that was all that mattered. I also knew their are a lot of white trash old people out there who took drugs and were a sorry stupid mess who could vote and yet i couldn't. Seems unjust. So i had thought back then it would be better if the age limit were lowered at least some.

However im a 32 year old man now. I've been through colledge and the working world and realize that even I, brilliant as i thought i was back in high school, was kinda pretty stupid too. I see in the kids out of high school who remind me of myself back then, even the smart kids who learned to memorize all the firat 15 digits of Pi. I see it in every kid i have to train to do sinple jobs at work who just lack a certain degree in independent and critical thought ive come to take for granted that i can depend on in adult coworkers.

We have different laws for dealing with minors because we know your brains are still developing, their probe to poor judgement and are very susceptible to manipulation and influence. If anything we might should raise the age limit with the changing average "age of adolescence" phase increading in several young people who sometimes dont grow out of it until their 36.

But thats a bit extreme for me. Im fine leaving the age were its at. Kids need more time to learn more things and learn more about who they are before they start voting.