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Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
Good point.
Posted in:
Liberals, what should be done about race in America?
Yeah most people never seriously consider anything before the "just because".
And yet it’s still what determines where we all stand on any issue, so when someone ducks and dodges to avoid talking about it I find that very telling.
You realize your response agrees with the argument I'm making, that most people never seriously anything before the "just because?"

If this is the case, then policy doesn't and won't be based on your ultra cerebral notions, and instead (what I've argued) largely people's tribal feelings.

So, thanks for finally agreeing with me (although I suspect this was an accident on your behalf).

Let me make this crystal clear: politics will **always** play a role, unless you dramatically change the human brain.
And let me make this crystal clear: This isn’t a campaign office, it’s a debate site. Defending your values is kind of the point.

You literally started a thread asking what should be done about race in America while refusing to talk about basic values. That’s absurd.
Just in case you didn't realize, Debateart doesn't actually have all the people in the world as active members. The people here have gone out of their way to have cerebral discussions about politics -- absolutely not the average type of person (which you've already agreed with), and absolutely not an accurate cross-section of the general public due to low sample size, too.

This isn't about me defending my personal values or really anyone on here defending theirs. This is about determining how policy gets made in the real world.

The question we were actually discussing previously was: 'should race have an impact on policy?' You've now decided to (not so) sneakily change the question to 'what should be done about race in America?' The former has politics **always** having an impact on policy, which you seem to have conceded now. The latter implies there is policy which could be implemented to deal with the fact race always has an impact on policy, and thus it needs to be dealt with.

If you want to discuss the latter instead of the former, I'm happy to do that.

Race is a subcategory of humans. You do not have to break something up into irrelevant categories in order to make policy about it. This is like arguing that policy on cars must take into account different automakers otherwise it’s not really policy about cars. That’s just stupid.
Races are biologically different and require different policy. These categories are very relevant.

For example, races differ on individualism: Population Differences in Individualism – The Alternative Hypothesis .

Another example: races differ in self-control: Racial Differences in Self Control – The Alternative Hypothesis .

When Liberia had essentially the same rules as the US, Liberia didn't become a copy of the US partly because it had a very different racial population to that of the US.
[no response]
You didn't respond to any of this, so I'll assume that you conceded it.

My views clearly align with the political left, that’s not what tribalism means. 
You've clearly repeatedly attacked 'the political right' whilst hardly ever (if at all) attacked 'the political left'. You're functionally tribally leftwing. Yes, your views align with 'the political left', but it's also true that you're tribally leftwing.

You're just proving my point that you're totally ignorant of your own tribal biases -- that's quite dangerous to think you're above it all when you're not.

The demonstration of bias is hypocrisy. The demonstration of tribalism is overt hypocrisy.
You routinely attack rightwing people/groups/ideas whilst almost never attacking leftwing people/groups/ideas. So, even by this standard (which I'm not even sure is correct), you're biased and tribalistic by your own words LOL.

Saying the odd token "there is bias on both sides" whilst never thoroughly or shallowly expressing the bias of the left, yet pretty much always bashing the right, is just fake virtue-signaling and further proves how tribal you are.

Hypocrisy exists on both sides, but it is no where near as blatant and as absurd on the left as it is on the right. That’s why I call it out on the right but don’t bother much with the left.
Lol no you don't.

Can you quote like any post wherein you've criticized the left for obvious hypocrisy? Even if you did, there's likely dozens of posts criticizing rightwing stuff for every one of your criticizing leftwing stuff.

Your words are at odds with your actions. You are just as tribal as the people you criticize.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
You've failed to show that systemic racism exists in the US.
Posted in:
Race Realism is not an attack on dignity
Yeah dude.

55 IQ is functionally the same as 140 IQ.

Saying otherwise is a real "tenuous association" with "limited correlation".

Nice dude.
This doesn’t appear to be an argument.
The fact that you don't think an argument, which was made with the implications of your argument, doesn't count as an argument, is quite amusing LOL.

You've unwittingly conceded, so thanks.

Let’s ignore the name calling, for a moment let’s broadly explain the fundamental issue with your belief.
It's just an accurate label of what you do.

You bs people with sophistry. You're an anti-white shitlib looking to go into semantic funhouses to distract from real arguments.

This is what you always do, and you're about to do it again here.

The presumption that differences between races is solely down to hereditable factors
No race realist argues this and I certainly didn't argue this -- horrible strawman you're making here.

Obviously, the environment and genetics play roles in making humans. The debate is to what degree.

You're too busy sniffing your own farts to understand the arguments of the other side.

you have to be able determine the genes that account for intelligence and how much - which we can’t
No, we don't need to 'find the genes' to make a hereditarian case for intelligence.

If biology had to 'find the genes' to make any claim, we would not be able to determine biological difference between humans, spiders, dolphins, anteaters etc. According to your logic, they would all be the same species because we couldn't 'find the genes' to explain all differences. Your standard is stupid, shows you don't understand how the field of biology works at all, and all leads to pants-on-head retarded conclusions.

I'd argue that intelligence is about 80% hereditary: Why 80 Percent? - altCensored . 

to be able to understand the impact of environment on intelligence, what environmental impacts and effects prevent or promote intelligence (so we can correct IQ for environmental factors)
This had already been done; they are called 'g loaded' tests wherein the environmental impacts that are not testing for intelligence (such as pre-learned concepts) aren't being tested for. This is just you never reading anything to the contrary of your position.

Furthermore, IQ is about 20% determined by the environment, so having environmental factors (such as conducting the test in a safe, quiet environment) should be part of the test. No one I've ever seen has argued that intelligence is 100% hereditary. You're arguing against people who don't exist, probably because you don't understand what you are talking about, and instead are typing to fuel your own ego with flowery sentences.

to be able to assess the broad distribution of these genes across racial groups to determine whether there is an actual disadvantage - which we haven’t.
We have.

They're called IQ tests.

The reality is that the interaction between environment, genetics and intelligence are so complex and difficult to disentangle that it is impossible to validly assert exactly what the true impact of genetics actually is; such that the conclusion that the only valid correlating factor is race is simply an attempt assert ones own prejudice is justified; especially given that we do know there can be a massive impact on intelligence from various environmental factors. 
It's not so complex lol.

You run a g loaded IQ test that controls for cultural bias.

You should actually read counterarguments to your position instead of mangling everything with sophistry and worthless strawmen.
Posted in:
Race Realism is not an attack on dignity
Can you give me examples of observations within 'race realism' and proponents of it that aren't racist?
They shouldn't be able to do this because "racist" is a nonsense term.

If they answer based on your usage of this nonsense term, they're guessing at what you mean, rather than knowing.

You need to specify what you mean by "racist".

Are you attempting to refer to racial hatred? Are you attempting to refer to racial bias? Are you attempting to refer to people who advocate for certain race's genocide? Who knows what you're referring to.

Stop using nonsense language so that people can understand what you're referring to.
Posted in:
Race Realism is not an attack on dignity
If you try and assert broad causal relationships between race and various social factors; because there is some limited correlation between the two - then use this tenuous association to imply inferiority in order to justify the existence of broad and longstanding inequality - not so much.
Yeah dude.

55 IQ is functionally the same as 140 IQ.

Saying otherwise is a real "tenuous association" with "limited correlation".

Nice dude.

Indeed; a big part of gender realism is about specifying which aspects of gender are really down to biological differences, vs a product of being taught, brought up and treated as a given gender - so appropriate allowances can be made in social, economic and educational policy to best support all black citizens meeting their potential; I think most people could buy into that - but it never is.
The average Black person's intellectual "potential" is lower of that than Whites, Asians, Hispanics and Jews, so those "appropriate allowances" need to be pretty large xD

It’s almost invariably about justifying inaction on inequality under the pretence that current outcomes are fine because black people have some fundamental limitations. Which sure as f**k is an attack on dignity.
You're such a bs artist LOL.

"Fundamental limitations" meaning higher real crime rates, lower IQ, lower ability for self-control, lower verbal ability, higher rates of MAOA genes etc? Is that what you mean by the supremely generous euphemism of "fundamental limitations?"

Posted in:
Race Realism is not an attack on dignity
I think you should start by defining Race Realism.



  1. (euphemisticSynonym of scientific racism
"Racism" is a nonsense term, so this definition should be rejected: Racism is a nonsense, malicious term v2.0 ( .



Scientific racism
Again, "racism" is a nonsense term, so that's a non-starter.

The last guy I ran into on this site that used this "race realism" terminology used IQ to claim that the average sub-Saharan black person is mentally retarded- that is, he considered whole nations of people unable to care for themselves or perform basic life skills based on skin color- which is essentially an argument against basic human and national sovereignty based on skin color.
"The last guy" actually argues that they can take care of themselves, just not in a complicated context. Pygmies having 55 IQ makes them unable to trade stocks, operate toasters, use calculus etc. They can take care of themselves in a nomadic/hunter-gatherer sense, though. 

I just thought I'd correct you on what "the last guy" said.

His sources argued that African-Americans were more functional but only because White people raped the smarts into slaves. 
The last guy never said this.

If you think otherwise, you should directly quote the last guy.

I have to admit the argument bore no resemblance to my experiences with sub-Saharan Blacks and African-Americans and seemed to me inherently an argument for superiority/inferiority by phenotype even though the guy claimed to be offended by any such inference.
Who cares lol.

Data should be preferred over your nearly worthless anecdotes.

The last guy must have given your shitlib false narratives a big enough whack for you to come here crying like this hahaha.

So before we even get into criticism of the concept, it looks to me like the concept itself is defined as racism by another name.   Do you define the term differently than the dictionaries and encyclopedias do?  Do you have some kind of established academic source that backs your definition of the term as opposed to dictionaries and encyclopedias?
Racism is a nonsense term.

You need to deal with that before you're worth listening to on this topic.

Otherwise you should be quiet, before the last guy comes back and embarrasses you again.
Posted in:
Liberals, what should be done about race in America?
If you believe X, then X had to come from somewhere. This isn’t complicated, unless you want it to be. Think problem of infinite regress… now imagine the point that comes right before “just because”. That’s the point we are talking about, and it’s different for each of us. Change that and you change everything after it. Understand that point in someone else and you can understand why they hold the world view that they do.

Not complicated, unless you want it to be.
Yeah most people never seriously consider anything before the "just because".

People's genes determine a lot of how they vote, and tribal pressures determine most the rest (see the Ashe Conformity Experiment).

People's reasons for why they believe things is pretty much Ad Hoc reasoning most of the time, and when it's not, it usually gets destroyed by tribalistic feelings at the voting booths.

You: it’s wrong to create policy without regards to politics.

Me: actually, it’s wrong to create policy on the basis of politics, that’s the very reason people hate politicians

You: well politics does play a role

No shit it does play a role, we’re talking about whether it should. Or at least we were, but this is what you do every time you get cornered… retreat back to what does happen as if there is some kind of disagreement about that. There isn’t, you just refuse to talk about anything you actually believe which really makes me wonder why you bother posting on a debate site.
This is like asking: should we tolerate solar flares from the sun?

Lol, as if we currently have the ability to change that.

Let me make this crystal clear: politics will **always** play a role, unless you dramatically change the human brain.

Race is a subcategory of humans. You do not have to break something up into irrelevant categories in order to make policy about it. This is like arguing that policy on cars must take into account different automakers otherwise it’s not really policy about cars. That’s just stupid.
Races are biologically different and require different policy. These categories are very relevant.

For example, races differ on individualism: Population Differences in Individualism – The Alternative Hypothesis .

Another example: races differ in self-control: Racial Differences in Self Control – The Alternative Hypothesis .

When Liberia had essentially the same rules as the US, Liberia didn't become a copy of the US partly because it had a very different racial population to that of the US.

I support policy that supports my own tribal groups
Thank you for finally making your position clear. You’re not about what’s best for society, you’re about what’s best for white people.

This is the literal definition of a racist.
What is best for society is best for the majority tribal groups. What is best for Nigeria is best for its overwhelming Black majority. What is best for Iran is best for its overwhelming Arab and Muslim majority. This is not purely about White people. "Racist" is a nonsense, malicious term: Racism is a nonsense, malicious term v2.0 ( .

Now, normally I'd just leave it there, but I've had a few convos with you in the past, and I know how inconsistent you're being here.

You made a thread criticizing "conservatives" for being tribal Theory about conservatives ( . You've also made dozens of posts bashing Trump, Fox News and other "conservative" things, and for the most part, I agree with your criticism of them.

However, what you don't do is criticize your own groups to the same degree because you don't understand that you're tribal, too. This is why your positions quickly become super harmful and wrong: you refuse to recognize your own tribal biases that skew your reality. You don't have enough self-awareness to realize you're just as tribal as the people you criticize for being tribal.

I'm honest and open about my tribal biases because I understand myself. You're totally ignorant of your own.

So, you too are not interested about society in the same sense you speak of here. Instead, you're about what is best for your own tribal group(s).

Posted in:
'Progressive' (shitlib) false narratives and their debunkings
Not really clear what you mean by "logically" fallacious. Ad hom can be relevant when there's a relationship between the conclusion of an argument and the person (or entity, I guess) in question.

If the topic **is** the person, then attacking the person is not Ad Hominem.

Ad Hominem is when the person is attacked **in place** of the argument, but when the argument is the person, then attacking the person is logically valid (i.e. not Ad Hominem).

I think by now pretty much everyone is reasonably aware of scientific racism arguments
I don't know anything about "scientific racism".

I'm arguing in favor of race realism, not "scientific racism" (whatever that is).

which is pretty much what's being advanced in the blog
It's not a blog. It's a website positing dozens of heavily sourced articles debunking commonly argued shitlib narratives. This is very different from an online journal wherein someone writes about their feelings/the trip they had for the day.

though there are clear missing logical steps here and there where the advanced conclusion simply defaults to racist one.
"Racist" is a nonsense, malicious term: Racism is a nonsense, malicious term v2.0 ( .

For example, in their article showing that genes coding for some brain development have higher interracial variance than other genes, this is regarded as a clear mechanism for interracial IQ variance. Yet, no evidence is presented that those genes have any actual impact on IQ.
So this is the common 'find the genes' argument that if we accepted, would wipe out most of biology, anthropology and many other science fields that also haven't 'found the genes' for absolutely everything. That means there would be not biological difference between dolphins, spiders, humans, chimpanzees etc. -- a truly insane conclusion. You're essentially attempting to move the goalposts to levels that are too hard for any biology-based field to meet.

'Find the genes' isn't how these fields determine their answers, **and** we don't need to 'find the genes' to determine that there is biological difference.

Also, in the existence of race article, a definition for race is advanced which is presented as self-evident because that's "obviously" what it is. I'm afraid it's not so obvious, and if we use that advanced definition the categories for race don't line up with Ryan and Sean's categories at all because a lot more groups of people (e.g. Okinawan, Nordic) would satisfy the definition.
Yeah so race is a social construct. We get to determine how many races we want to formally recognize. Obviously, everyone is different at the genetic level, and so we need to divide people into groups before we get to that level, otherwise we don't have groups. We don't get to determine who goes in what category (genetics does that), but we get to determine if we want 3 super broad races (African, European, Asian), or 100 human races (accounting for the races you mentioned), or some other number. So, their definition is just fine.

Questions of causes of trends within identified groups are difficult to answer. For me, confidence in conclusions happens solemnly and reluctantly, like when you're faced with irrefutable evidence that someone you liked and trusted has betrayed you. The bloggers appear passionate and biased about this topic. It comes across as tribalist advocacy rather than something academic.
And back to the Ad hom lol.

OK. Lets talk about the existence of race argument. Since I'm already reasonably familiar with it, it's not that much work for me to talk about it. Without making any counter-case, I will speak strictly as to why the argument isn't persuasive.

First, none of the links to the studies on questionnaires work. They are all broken links. For that reason, all that evidence can be disregarded.
Which ones did you need to see that would help you believe that race is real?

Second, the argument is heavily based on genetics. Yet, concepts of race have existed long before genetics ever did. If we're going to try to understand what race is, then we should be looking at when and how the notion originated and how the idea has been carried forward, at least from a linguistic standpoint. So, focusing on genetics as a starting point seems a bit misplaced.
Genetics is how we currently prove that race exists -- no misplacement here. You could argue that in the past, race wasn't proven to exist. I don't see why we need to prove that race was proven to exist before. There's a study that showed race matched a person's self-identified race nearly 100% of the time, and I guess I could re-find it if you're desperate to see it, but your argument here is really besides the point.

Further, the genetic evidence being presented doesn't justify the purported races advanced on the site. Populations that have been geographically separated for long periods of time are genetically distinguishable through testing, just as black, white and asian are. So, this test he is presenting  - It can also be done for groups that aren't considered races. Ancestry tests (e.g. "23 and me") have become big business these days.
Yeah if you want to find even more biological divisions (and then call them races), you could do that. Jorde (2000) did the K=44 thing. If you set a sorting computer to find 1000 biologically different human groups, and you gave the computer sufficient SNP/loci/genetic markers, you could end up with 1000 human races. Obviously, the more groups you have, the less the genetic division between them, and so at a point, there's little reason to continue to sub-divide humans any further, even though you could.

The purported races on the site are used because they're generally accepted worldwide. If you can make an argument as to why we need to further sub-divide Bantus or Australian Aboriginies into smaller groups, then feel free to make that argument.

I was making a subtle point in a humorous way. Ofc nobody is going to agree to that. It would be too great a sacrifice for the benefit of their race, or country or whatever. Sure, my people would be better off (probably) if everyone agreed to some optimal polygamous mating system. But I'm not going to do that because I'm going to put my interests ahead of my people's. Ah, selfishness when the interests of your people and your own conflict. Perhaps I want you to see that when you are doing what is best for your people, it can be a "cuck move", as you say. The only people when it's really not are close family, I think.
Alright lol.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
You've failed to show that systemic racism exists in the US.
Posted in:
Nigeria is racist and Black supremacist
In Liberia you can't be a citizen unless you're black.
Liberia is just too Black. There aren't enough other races represented in Liberia because Liberia is racist. Blacks are in power and causing systemic racism to oppress any racial group that isn't Black. This is clearly a result of racist Blacks and Black supremacists.

Liberia should have far more Asians, Jews and Middle Easterners to the point where Blacks are the minority in Liberia. This multiracial state wherein Blacks become the minority will not be a bad thing, but rather a source of Liberian strength. Racial quotas should be immediately implemented to force Blacks out of political power, and instead make sure there is sufficient Asian, Jewish and Middle Eastern representation in Liberia. Every race's voice needs to be heard except for Blacks because they are racist and oppress the other racial minorities in Liberia.

African Americans living in Liberia should be paid mandatory reparations for Liberia's slavery policy wherein some African Americans of the past were slaves. This needs to be mandatory because slavery is not okay and African Americans are still suffering from slavery. There should be a 'sorry day' in Liberia for Liberia's involvement in slavery in the past. During this sorry day, the Liberian national anthem should be played and all non-Black people should be encouraged to kneel and boo during the anthem. Anyone who opposes any of this implicitly condones slavery and racism.

Any pro-Liberian speech should be labelled hate speech as it is racist and Black supremacist. The Liberian laws should be changed to make hate speech legally binding and punishable with a jail sentence. All anti-Liberian speech should be allowed and encouraged because Liberia is racist and engaged in slavery in the past. Anyone who speaks out against anti-Liberian speeches should be labelled a Black supremacist and should be fired from his/her job.

Anyone who says 'it's okay to be Black' is anti-Asian and needs to be put before a court for hate speech and racism. Saying 'it's okay to be Black' ignores all of the racial struggles that Asians face in Liberia. Liberia needs to be Asian focused as they are a minority and suffering from racial oppression, racism and Black supremacy in Liberians.

Hopefully, Liberians will read these words and realize how bigoted and racist they are, and then start implementing these policies to make Liberia more tolerant and less hateful.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
Since the election of Donald Trump, hate crimes have been on the rise. White supremeists have been emboldened. Anti-immigrant rhetoric has intensified. We condemn these awful examples of prejudice and bias and hate, but systemic racism is something different. It’s less about violence or burning crosses than it is about everyday decisions made by people who may not even think of themselves as racist. As sociologist Eduardo Bonilla-Silva has said, "The main problem nowadays is not the folks with the hoods, but the folks dressed in suits."
Systemic racism persists in our schools, offices, court system, police departments, and elsewhere. Why? Think about it: when white people occupy most positions of decision-making power, people of color have a difficult time getting a fair shake, let alone getting ahead.
This is truly a garbage comment and I'm surprised that 3 different idiots liked it.

"Hate crime" is a nonsense buzzword. Crime is what should be opposed. Whether or not something is a "hate crime" is irrelevant and extremely hard to prove -- total waste of time. Of course, you were unable to cite anything to prove this because you're stupid enough to make the argument in the first place.

White supremacists (not "White supremeists" -- can't even spell your shitlib dogwhistle correctly) is a racial slur than has incorrectly been merged with White Nationalist, so people who are actually White Nationalists (i.e. people wanting a White-centered nation, not necessarily the supremacy of White people) have been lumped in with people who are far more extreme (White Supremacists) "White Supremacist" is a racial slur ( . Of course, sources like Wikipedia make the distinction for Black, Hispanic and Chinese people, because White supremacist is actually just an anti-white term used to slander White people. Finally, you didn't provide any source to prove that "White supremacists have been emboldened", so there's no reason to believe what you wrote here.

People should be anti-immigration, if they know what's best for their country. I don't mind immigration being strictly about picking the super talented, specialist immigrants who the country doesn't otherwise have, but countries don't need more 81-90 IQ immigrants who are likely going to be a net economic cost (as well as social issue). Immigrants bring diversity and diversity weakens countries in every regard Ethnic Diversity: Strength or Weakness? – The Alternative Hypothesis . Black people in America cost about $1 trillion a year, and Hispanics are about 7/10's as costly. Fiscal Impact by Race in the United States - altCensored . France actually suffers from a similar problem in that Africans are a massive net drain on the French economy, taking what would otherwise be a budget surplus and plunging it into a deficit Was it Worth it? - altCensored . 

"Racist" is a nonsense, malicious term that you should stop using Racism is a nonsense, malicious term v2.0 ( .

All those narratives you mentioned ("Systemic racism persists in our schools, offices, court system, police departments") are provably false and have been debunked repeatedly: 'Progressive' (shitlib) false narratives and their debunkings ( .

When we apply the following logic: "Think about it: when white people occupy most positions of decision-making power, people of color have a difficult time getting a fair shake, let alone getting ahead." , to other countries, plenty of countries are "racist" (I used Nigeria as one example, but you could apply the same to China, South Korea, Iran etc.) : Nigeria is racist and Black supremacist ( . 

Everything in your comment is wrong and unsourced lol.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
In order to discredit them.
In your opinion.
There is only one logical reason to make fun of someone.
I don't agree. Sometimes the person is being a pain and you want to make fun of them. Sometimes you just want people to laugh. Sometimes you're bored and are looking to entertain yourself or others.

Attacking a person's character should never be used in place of attacking the argument (because that's Ad Hominem), but attacking a person's character doesn't mean you're Ad homming or being illogical.

It doesn't come close to systemic racism, either. Even if it did, it's in the past. Even if it was in the present, Ramshutu and I was talking about the US.
I thought you were interested in discussing human behavior in general terms.
I mean I can discuss that, but what you're talking about is a massive tangent from what Ramshutu and I were discussing.

I don't know much about German-Russian historical conflict, so I can't talk much about it. Although, that isn't systemic racism if there were any conflict; probably more indicative of racial hatred.
Posted in:
Racism is a nonsense, malicious term
Well, I'm not saying that everyone's attraction should be solely judged in terms of personality. That's not how the world works. People discriminate their preferences along racial lines. IMHO, THIS IS NOT A SOCIAL PROBLEM. Perhaps, I might agree that they are superficial, but that's about the extent of my amateur criticism.

I think there are more important priorities. For example, grief and sadness among divorced couples are often expressed in anger, which escalates violence. Now that is a SOCIAL PROBLEM. 

... would be like you marrying a horrendously overweight woman who is 3'10 and 300 lbs. Yes, she's a great cook, an esteemed mechanical engineer and has a love for knowledge, but would you really ignore her physically revolting body for the rest of your life, just because there's "not a reason to follow [the shallowness]?"
Lol. That doesn't sound too bad. Sounds really worth it for the fact that she's smart lulz. I suppose bad hygiene is a red flag. 
Your hygiene might matter, too, when you vomit all over yourself at the mere sight of her.

But if you can hold out against a woman who doesn't have a love for knowledge, but has a smoking hot body with a pleasant personality who is heavily into you, I'd be amazed.
Why not? Can't men refrain from physical attraction once in a while? Unless they're athletes who happened to have athletic wives, I think ideas of love deserve better than just "slamming-genitals". I'm pretty sure the Greeks had their own idea of sex. All things considered, their idea of love also differed from mine. 

I understand the need for couples to have problems meshing together with them, all for the sake of prolonging romantic sparks in their married life. I understand the need to prepare for the inevitable "itch" in which the novelty of love dries off. But what I don't understand is why women insist on deriding poorer men as bums and why men insist on deriding fat, unattractive women as bums. Just look at anti-feminists, they're always whining about how fat feminists tend to be. Most of the critics also happen to be men. 
It's pretty clear that physical attraction is the most important factor, when it comes to romantic relationships: The Ugly Truth of People Decisions in Speed Dating | Kaggle . Whilst women seem to overestimate how important their physical attractiveness is for men, men value women's physical attractiveness is far above any other attribute (including intelligence). So yes, there is more to love than slamming-genitals, but the physical attractiveness dictates a lot of romantic interactions.

Women deriding poor men might be more cultural than biological -- I don't really know. There was apparently a study that showed women orgasm more and harder at the thought of having sex with rich men, but I've never seen that study. I'm not sure what the culture is like in your country, but I know some parts of the world (particularly East Asia) completely expect the man to provide monetary value (although Feminist ideology seems to be rapidly changing some of these countries). I don't see a problem with this if both the man and women want traditional gender roles, wherein she contributes in ways that aren't monetary. Also,  America is pretty liberal and open to Feminist ideas, yet women are looking to marry men who make 58% more than the average man does Do unmarried women face shortages of partners in the US marriage market? ( . An "equal" relationship isn't really what American women are looking for, in terms of income, despite America rather focused on equality.

As for fat, unattractive women being derided as bums, it's no surprise given the speed dating data I cited above. Men care about looks a lot (a bit more than women) and more than any other facet. It's rather unlucky to be born an unattractive woman, although there is a silver lining. Tinder data shows that men and women of comparable attractiveness rank order don't like each other at nearly the same rate (50th percentile women match with 78th percentile men) okay cupid data advanatge - Bing images . So, even physically unattractive women will have chances with men purely because they're more in demand.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
In order to discredit them.
In your opinion.

Do you think that perhaps Germans grow up exposed to stories in which Russians are commonly portrayed as venal souls ?
I don't know a whole lot about German-Russian conflict and I don't see a reason to care about it.

It doesn't come close to systemic racism, either. Even if it did, it's in the past. Even if it was in the present, Ramshutu and I was talking about the US.

This is a quintessential 'who cares?' moment.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
If you don't post your entire argument, then you've failed to prove systemic racism exists in the US.

I will address it if you decide to do that.

It's as simple as that.
Posted in:
The rich must pay their fair share - including Joe Biden
the first news source to be banned by Wikipedia as an unreliable source of information.

Wikipedia itself is an unreliable source of information.

Are you trying to be ironic? If so, you've done an excellent job.

Posted in:
Why bring Afghan refugees here?
the people going onto the planes very obviously  want to leave afghanistan if they are going into the planes.... 
Yeah, anyone living in a sh*thole country would get on a plane in a heartbeat to go to a first world nation with a robust welfare state that will coddle them.
So, to deter them, it would be better to mimic the 'shithole' tendencies? 

Right, gotcha.
How on Earth did you get that from what he said LOL

He didn't say make the US a sh*thole country so that they don't come.

What is wrong with you hahahaha
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
And I'm telling you: no, make your own damn argument lol.
False, argument from repetition (61):Saying it again doesn’t make it any less dishonest.

I am. If I provided a complete argument demonstrating systemic racism,  you’d be weighing in on my hypothesis too... just this way; you can weigh in on one thing at a time, rather than all at once.
You're not.

You've whined for 30 odd posts that I'm not helping you build your own argument LOL

What you need to do is make the argument that forces you to believe systemic racism exists. Starting with "imagine", "hypothetically" and "I believe you're a white supremacist" are insufficient to fulfill your BoP of systemic racism existing. If those are the reasons you believe it exists, then you haven't fulfilled your BoP and the conversation is over.

This is his arguments on complex issues work.
You meant to say 'how' instead of 'his'.

All you need to do is generate any proof of systemic racism existing. You could use the lead argument, redlining, criminal justice disparities, schooling etc. But you haven't.

You're the one who claims that systemic racism exists.

You're the one who needs to show that it does.
False, argument from repetition (62): Yes; absolutely; bingo. Let’s start by asking if you have any issues with my broad hypothesis.
I don't care about your broad hypothesis because you have no argument demonstrating that it's true.

Again, make the argument to show that any systemic racism exists.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
My argument is asking you to weigh in on a hypothesis
And I'm telling you: no, make your own damn argument lol.

You're the one who claims that systemic racism exists.

You're the one who needs to show that it does.

If you accept my hypothesis as logically valid
You have the burden of proof to show that it is logically valid. 

You haven't come close to fulfilling that BoP.
Posted in:
Nigeria is racist and Black supremacist
Regardless, I just want to point out that I believe in assimilation, especially when it comes to immigrants.
Immigrants never fully assimilate but they aren't the biggest problem. They're usually genuinely thankful and appreciative of the new country they're in, so they do their best to fit in. Some immigrants are trash, although vetting immigrants can usually help to avoid this.

However, if they have children, the children act entitled towards the wealth they were born into (whereas the immigrants did not because they knew the hardship in immigration/their home country). It basically ends up being a slow, peaceful invasion until the immigrant's descendants hit critical mass and start demanding things in block politics.

How else can you expect Nigeria to survive other than it heavily favoring its own citizens. Imho, some levels of discrimination against foreigners are acceptable. Nigeria could be an ethnostate and I would still think it's okay. 
I'm not blaming Nigeria for heavily favoring their own citizens. The satire was mocking shitlibs who argue that White people favoring their own kind is "racist", yet when other races do it there is radio silence.

I've got no problem with Nigeria being a Black ethnostate.

I just think immigrants have a duty to assimilate, or alternatively, they can always return or migrate back to their home countries. 
They do have that duty but a lot of immigrants simply bring their 3rd world problems into 1st world countries. Also, particularly in wealthier countries, bad immigrants tend to sit on the dole and are a massive drain on the economy, let alone all the social problems they bring.

I know the link is unrelated to the OP, but what are your thoughts on the recent Danish policy against minorities?
This is excellent and I hope they're able to achieve it and push it down further.

I am happy for the Danish people.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
Arguments are bi-directional.
I'm not going to hold your hand whilst you construct your own arguments. You're a big enough boy to do that yourself. If you can't, you're not worth my time.

Up to you.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
Are you suggesting that (in your own mind) it is impossible to sincerely misunderstand and or disagree with your claims ?

Why else would you engage in negative commentary directed at your interlocutor ?
To make fun of them.

Are you fond of engaging in rampant NON-SEQUITUR statements of pure OPINION ?

Why have the Germans and the Russians been killing each other for hundreds of years ?
I don't know lol

What's your point?
Have you considered that perhaps it's because of SYSTEMIC RACISM ?
I have considered it.

I see no reason to believe it.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
I'm not sure your apparent confidence is warranted.
Ramshutu is clearly smart enough to understand what I'm generally arguing. In fact, sophists have to be quite smart to run their word and deflection games. 

He might have even seen the airtight arguments I've made smashing shitlib anti-white narratives, and knows that if he argues straight, he's a goner.

This guy is smart and understands.

Any (negative) commentary directed AT THE SPEAKER is quite technically an AD HOMINEM ATTACK.

RATIONAL CONVERSATION aims to address the logic of the claims presented.
Not if the speaker is the topic or if the negative commentary isn't used to dismiss the speaker's arguments.

You're closer to understanding Ad Hominem than the last time we spoke on this, though, so that's promising :)

Why have the Germans and the Russians been killing each other for hundreds of years ?
I don't know lol

What's your point?
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
I’m trying to present an argument
"Do, or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
As for demonized, you're pretty damn anti-white
Can you show me a post I have made that is anti-white? I actually am confused.
Afaik, you didn't directly say that you were anti-white.

What you typically do is call me "racist" or "fascist" when I make pro-white arguments. You're implying that any pro-white or even neutral-white argument is somehow inherently evil, and thus you are anti-white.

For example, in the systemic racism thread I made, I showed that the US wasn't systemically racist against Blacks, and thus we should stop blaming White people for systemic racism when it doesn't exist. Your responses involved calling these arguments that defended White people "far-right fascism" and "racism": Systemic Racism in U.S. criminal justice is a myth ( .

You later decided the toys didn't belong in your pram, and thus asserted my arguments were moral equivalents to "Stalin", "Hitler", a "racist", "far-right propaganda", "bullcrap", "sophistry", making a "racist shithole", "tyranny", "BS", a "full blown racist nutjob", an "oppressor" and a "bully". In fact, you thought I was so terrible a person for attempting to defend White people that should "just stay the fuck off a debate website" and that I needed to be "stamped out" Systemic Racism in U.S. criminal justice is a myth ( . 

So, when I try to defend White people from the false narrative of systemic racism, when I show that White people aren't to blame for the shortcomings of African Americans, you unload a whole bunch of Ad Hominem vitriol onto me.

And that's only one instance of you being anti-white.

I hope that makes you less confused.
Posted in:
Race is a Better Crime Predictor than Poverty
Wow, I didn't know that you had to submit a research paper to get your Grand Wizard rating.  Well, it makes sense.

I'll take your wild and wrong Ad Hominem as a concession.

No better way of defeating shitlibs than having them sperg in response to genuine, thorough, researched arguments.

So thanks for the concession, shitlib.

Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
Pointing out Ad Hominem isn't dodging; it's not letting you get away with your usual routine of slander and logical fallacies. If you stopped loading your arguments with Ad Hominem, I wouldn't have to point it out so much.

As for demonized, you're pretty damn anti-white and Ramshutu is too (perhaps not as much as you). Nobody should see your anti-white racial hatred as positive or even neutral. Anti-whitism is wholly negative and something that can be demonized.
Posted in:
Liberals, what should be done about race in America?
Your core values are the very thing that ultimately determines your position on anything. If you believe we should raise the minimum wage, at the very least you have to believe that government has a big role to play in ensuring workers are treated fairly.
They're really not though.

People have disadvantages in life. Some people are poor and would do better is they had a higher min wage. So, these min wagers group up and push for higher wages. Some politicians catch wind of these groups and promise min wagers higher min wage if they vote for the polly. Other people push min wage to virtue signal and look morally excellent in front of their circles. Most people don't care about "philosophically grounded" or "core value" ideas. Most people aren't applying Utilitarian theory or Austrian Economics to support their policy advocations. Most people have lizard-brain reasons for supporting the policies they support, or they just ad hoc their reasoning (i.e. use whatever excuse they can to get passed what benefits them).

You do not need to be able to articulate your core values or even be consciously aware of them, they are there whether you know about them or not, whether you understand them or not. That’s why the whole idea of debating is to explore those values as they are tested against someone else’s. So when debating someone who refuses to discuss them, that tells me a lot about the person that I’m dealing with. 
The underlined shows an equivocation. If you don't need to be able to articulate them, then how do you debate them? Surely, articulating is a pre-requisite of debating.

If "core values" just means your feelings, I agree with your first sentence because it's true for most people, and thus is how policy/politics work. If "core values" means a cerebral notion that you are able to articulate in debate, then I disagree with you (and you don't even seem to agree with that definition).

People just have a bunch of feelings based on their genes and current situation, these feelings dictate how they respond to policy questions, and that's how they form their policy advocations. This has nothing to do with debate. This has nothing to do with "philosophical grounding" or other purely cerebral notions.

Regarding your second paragraph, you claimed that it’s wrong to make policy without regard to politics or biology. We all know that politics plays a role in policy and as a society we damn near unanimously agree that it shouldn’t so I find this to be a very bizarre statement. The fact that politics always plays a role is the very reason people hate and do not trust politicians. When someone says “this is all about politics” they’re literally saying this policy either makes no sense or is not being enacted for valid reasons.
People might agree that politics shouldn't play a role in policy (not even sure if that's true, but it doesn't matter), but then it does anyway. This is an excellent case of the truth being often seen, rarely heard. Anyone who says this 'politics shouldn't play a role in policy' probably doesn't want to seem like a low IQ brainlet who has lizard-brain reasoning for their political opinions, despite most people having such reasoning.

Yes, it's dumb and primitive, but it's also reality.

And as far as biology goes, If we’re talking about collective biology, as in all of our biologies then yes, of course it would. But what you’re talking about is splicing up the population along racial lines, determining what differences we can discern, and then base policy off of those differences. And setting aside the fact that you have yet to give a clear example of what that would even look like, the biological differences between us are so small that whatever differences are established would be too insignificant for any policy considerations to even make sense.
People splice up along racial lines naturally. You don't have to tell them to do it, they just do it. It's axiomatic. 

Since policy is generated through politics (despite people not liking that), race is going to determine policy. To not base policy on race is to base policy on non-humans.

It looks like China where the whole country is geared towards the Chinese genetic mesh (concept of face, copy to respect the master etc.). It looks like Mauritania wherein the whole country is geared towards the Mauritanian genetic mesh (no photography so souls can't be captured, strict Islamic gender roles etc.).

The biological differences are actually so large that merely 100 random SNP gives clear distinctions to super broad racial categories of Asians, Europeans and Africans. Races have naturally different opinions on free speech, collectivism/individualism, authoritarianism/liberalism etc. Racial considerations on policy happen naturally without people thinking about it -- it's just their genetics expressing themselves in an environment.

Do you support policy that is not logical? Yes or no?
This topic of conversation isn't about me lol but I'll answer it anyway.

I support policy that supports my own tribal groups -- that's logical in itself. I don't always think the policy is fair, logically argued for or consistent, but I'll still support it anyway because that's what all successful groups are doing. So to answer your question: yes, I would because it's sometimes logical to support illogical policy, based on tribal groups.

I might change my tune in a majority White country that has the capacity to be a little bit more cerebral and evenhanded, but these multi-racial/multi-cultural countries don't allow you to be that charitable. Africans and Hispanics are a net economic drain on the US, and yet they're still howling for more free stuff/less "systemic racism". 
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
What you do is dodge and demonise the opponent's way of attacking you
That's because it's Ad Hominem, you silly twit.
 you try your best to sledgehammer in your 'white supremacist' or 'fascist' Ad Hominems against me, don't get your panties in a bunch when you get called out on Ad Hominem and I intentionally avoid it.
I cannot find many better examples of 'case in point' with the direct reply someone gives to an accurate callout of their methods.
I'm not attacking you in place of your arguments. I'm attacking you **after** I've attacked your arguments, on a separate note. The invalidity of your arguments are shown independent of attacks on your character, idiot.

Like most people on this site, you just don't understand Ad Hominem.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
Have you attempted to charitably paraphrase your understanding of their position ?
He knows what my position is.

We should be waiting on Ram providing a case to prove systemic racism exists (to fulfil his burden of proof), but as I've come to realize in the past 20+ posts he's made here, he has no intention of doing so. Instead, he wants to make it seem like he has a case, whilst never actually providing one. He wants to start with "imagine" and "hypothetically", but never end up with 'reality' or 'data'. He wants his words to look like arguments, but really they act as a smokescreen to call me a 'white supremacist' and 'racist'.

This is what sophistry looks like.

Don't fall for it.

Perhaps they're aiming for "comedic effect" ?
You reckon? You think I don't think RatMan wears panties? Wow. Didn't realize people could detect jokes on here.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
Show that systemic racism exists or leave.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
You currently have not provided an argument that shows systemic racism exists.

Stop "building" your argument and get it done already.

Show that systemic racism exists or leave.
Posted in:
Liberals, what should be done about race in America?
Before we hyper-focus on this one point, do you agree with everything else I wrote?
Posted in:
Race is a Better Crime Predictor than Poverty
Yes, intelligence (specifically the proxy for it: IQ) will explain some of this criminal behavior, but certainly not all of it.
Posted in:
Race is a Better Crime Predictor than Poverty
The glaring question now is, if economics do not account for the difference we see, what does?

Do you have an idea?
If there is no systemic racism, behavior is going to be a result of a genetic mesh (genetics and environment interacting with each other) resulting from heritability.

Specifically for crime, things like the MAOA gene (warrior gene) and lower self-control ability of Blacks will represent this heritability in functional/genetic form.

Posted in:
Race is a Better Crime Predictor than Poverty
Race as a Crime Predictor

At the individual level, the relationship between race and crime is extremely well established. Ellis, Beaver, and Wright (2009) reviewed 113 studies which looked at whether or not Blacks commit more crime than Whites and found that all 113 did. Similarly, all 17 studies looking at crime differences between East Asians and Whites found that East Asians commit less crime than Whites.

Ellis, Beaver, and Wright) also show that studies using self-reported criminality are less consistent. You might view this as evidence that Blacks are arrested more than Whites despite committing the same amount of crime. The OP of this thread Systemic Racism in U.S. criminal justice is a myth ( refutes that claim.

The relationship between race and crime at the regional level is also well established. Pratt and Cullen (2005) meta-analyzed 162 studies which looked at whether regions with a greater proportion of Black people had higher crime rates. The average study found a positive effect of .294 and 72% of said studies findings were statistically significant. Out of the 34 variables commonly thought to be associated with crime that Pratt and Cullen 2005 meta analyzed, only 5, or 15%, had a greater proportion of significant findings. Moreover, none of these 5 variables had even 15 studies done on them. This likely explains their highly consistent findings. Thus, of all the heavily studied variables in Pratt and Cullen, “percent black” is the one most consistently associated with crime.

Race vs Economics as Predictors of Crime

So, race predicts crime. How does its predictive power compare to that of economic variables?

Land, McCall, and Cohen collected data on the homicide rates of cities, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSAs), and states for the years 1960, 1970, and 1980. In each year they included all 50 states and every city and SMSA included in the census. They then looked at how well the following 11 variables predicted crime variation between these areas: population size, population density, percent black, percentage aged between 15 and 29, percent divorced, percent of kids without two parents, median family income, the poverty rate, income inequality, the unemployment rate, and whether or not the city/SMSA/State was in the south. All of these variables were entered into a single regression model, meaning that the estimated effect size for each variable held all other 10 variables constant. This analysis thus produced 9 total models explaining crime variation in cities, SMSAs, and states, across 3 decades. Across these 9 models, race was a better predictor of homicide than unemployment, poverty, and median income, in 7, or 78%, cases, and a better predictor than income inequality in 8, or 89%, cases. Thus, over 3 decades of very large data sets, race was pretty consistently a better predictor of homicide rates than economic variables were.

Another relevant analysis was carried out by owner Ron Unz. Unz 2013 looked at how well median income, population density, poverty, and % black, correlated with the crime rates of large American cities between 2006 and 2011. He found that the size of the black population of a substantially better predictor than any of the other variables tested.

Similarly, the New Century Foundation’s report “The Color of Crime” analyzed the violent crime rates of the 50 U.S. states and D.C for the year 2005. The analysis found that state violent crime rates correlated at .81 with the percentage of the population that was Black or Hispanic, 0.37 with the state’s percentage of high-school drop outs, 0.36 with the states poverty rate, and 0.35 with the state’s unemployment rate.

Templer and Rushton 2011 significantly replicated the New Century Foundation’s results. They analyzed crime variation across the 50 U.S. states and found that the percent of the population that was black was a stronger correlate than average income for murder rates (0.84 v -0.40), robbery rates (0.77 v 0.06) and assault rates (0.54 vs -0.23) The paper did find that income was a stronger predictor than black population size for rape rates (-0.16 v -0.22), but neither of these correlates were statistically significant or large.

Kposowa, Breault, and Harrison 1995 analyzed crime variation across 2,078 U.S counties. As can be seen below (standardized beta coefficients are under the “beta” column), the percent of the population that is black was a stronger explanatory variable than poverty, income inequality (gini), and unemployment, for explaining variation in both property and violent crime.

Relevant table for the above study's claims: 2-5.png (456×300) (

Also a relevant table for the above study's claims: 3-4.png (447×299) (

Finally, we have Rushton and Templer 2009 which looked at national variation in crime. They found that skin color, a proxy for race, was more strongly correlated than national income with homicide (0.25 vs 0.17), rape (0.24 vs 0.10), and serious assault (0.20 vs 0.09).
Thus, across a large range a literature analyzing crime variations across cities, counties, states, and nations, we see that race is a better predictor of crime than economic variables are.

American Blacks vs European Whites

Until now, we’ve just been looking at the relative predictive power of race and economic variables. At this point, I’d like to move on from that and look at how well racial wealth disparities predict racial crime disparities.

If poverty really was the root cause of racial crime disparities, then we would expect White populations with incomes lesser than or similar to African Americans to have higher or similar crime rates to African Americans. On a global scale, this comparison is easy to make. According to the Census, the average African American makes 20,458$ a year.  According to the International Monetary Fund, the average income of a European is 25,434$. Thus, Europeans are just slightly richer than African Americans. Given this, if poverty is the main cause of racial crime disparities we should expect Europe to have similar crime rates to African Americans.

This does not pan out. The Black homicide rate in America is 34.4 per 100,000 (Cooper and Smith 2011). The homicide rate for White Americans is 4.5 per 100,000. And, according to the United Nation’s Global Study on Homicide 2013, the homicide rate for Europe is a mere 3 per 100,000. Thus, Europeans not only have lower murder rates than African Americans but also have slightly lower murder rates than White Americans. These results are hard to square with the view that Blacks have higher crime rates than Whites just because they are poor.

Racial Disparities in Crime and Economics Over Time

The changes in racial crime and economic disparities over time do not support the poverty causes black crime theory either. Over the 20th century, Black income relative to Whites has risen. Thus, on an economic theory of Black crime, we might expect Black crime rates relative to Whites to have fallen. Just the opposite has happened. Black crime rates relative to Whites have significantly increased over the 20th century and, between 1940 and 1990, have correlated at 0.86 with gains in Black wages relative to Whites (1).

Black/White Wages and Incarceration over Time (R= 0.86): 

The high value of the correlation shouldn’t be taken too seriously as each data set only had 6 data points. But the general point remains: as Blacks have gained on Whites economically speaking their disproportional representation in crime has risen, not fallen as the economics causes black crime theory would predict.

Another Look at Regressions and a Conclusion

For the next argument of this post, we need to reconsider some data we’ve already seen. In Kposowa, Breault, and Harrison 1995 and Land, McCall, and Coen 1990 we saw that the proportion of an area that is Black is a significant predictor of crime at the county, city, SMSA, and state, level even when holding economic variables constant. Let me say that again: the blacker an area is the more criminal it will tend to be even after controlling for the effects of poverty, inequality, and unemployment.

Rich American Blacks vs Poor American Whites

Finally, we have Zaw and Darity (2016), which compared the likelihood of Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites becoming incarcerated at some point between 1985 and 2012 given what their net worth was in 1985. It is note worthy that this is the only study I am aware of which directly compares the incarceration rates of Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites, at different income levels.

Chart from Ehrenfreund (2016) graphs the data found in Zaw and Darity (2016): Incarceration-by-net-worth-decile-1.png (786×593) ( .


Clearly then, economics cannot account for all, or even most, of the racial differences we see in crime. Given its weak relationship with crime in general, and the case against that relationship being causal, it’s causal role in racial crime disparities is probably very small if it exists at all.

All credit to Ryan Faulk and Sean Last for constructing all of these arguments.

Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
I presented a starting point for us to work up from - to allow honest engagement, repeatedly justified that stating point - you in response you have lied, misrepresented, name called, asserted, straw-manned, ignored everything said, and have engaged in what can only be described as systematic intellectual dishonesty; and profound bad faith. 

If you put this much effort, time and energy into arguing so dishonestly about a single, logical question that forms the starting point for an Enquirey - I shudder to think the lengths to which you will go if I present 100.

You’re clearly here in bad faith; and your inability to argue, and continued dishonesty just makes it more necessary that we start at the beginning.

Imagine, for a moment, a systemically racist system over a period of more than 100 years that puts policies in place to overtly criminalize, financially and politically disadvantage, and facilitate the social decohesion of a given race.

When those overt policies are taken away; you can replace them with policies and behaviours that maintain that criminalization, financially and politicial disadvantage, and the social de-cohesion; - identical effects on those races - and simply blame it on non race related things
No imagining.

Construct your case or leave.

Have you caused the loss of generational wealth in a race, tied schools to the local area, precipitated white flight? Will the cycle of poverty will keep that going?
Demonstrate that this has happened or no one has a reason to believe what you say.

Did you over police black neighbourhoods because you criminalize being black, and overtly criminalize drugs used by African Americans over those used by whites, and used it to precipitate a period of mass incarceration; that damaged the generational social fabric? Well now you don’t have to pretend that blacks are dangerous criminals; the poverty, lack of schools and break down of the social fabric of many cities - that one will keep taking care of itself too. Right?

I mean: if you overpolice where there is most crime, arrest innocent people in that area that fit a description, or fit a criminal profile, or police them in a way that is more likely to lead to a detection of a crime , force them to plea bargain because they’re poor; send them to prison, give them tough parole conditions that makes it hard to hold down regular inflexible jobs they could find as an ex-con once they leave; then throw the book at them if they then turn to crime, or violate parole; breaking up families, leading to social de-cohesion that then increases poor behaviour at school, and can increase criminality - you only have to do it for so long before you can say you’re only criminalizing them because they’re criminals - ignoring that the criminality is in part historically because they have been criminalized...
I have already demonstrated that Blacks commit more real crime and get arrested at the rate you'd expect from their higher criminality rates; there is no systemic racism in criminal justice: Race Realism: Critical understandings ( .

Meanwhile, you have provided zero counter-argument and zero argument of your own. Thus, base on what has been presented in this thread, people should agree with me because I'm the only one to have provided an argument that systemic racism doesn't exist in criminal justice.

That's why a lot of your arguments have "imagine" and "hypothetically" -- you don't actually have anything to prove systemic racism exists.

Show that systemic racism exists or leave.
Posted in:
Liberals, what should be done about race in America?
You just don't get it.

Policy is generated through politics. People get mad about stuff, divide into groups and push for things that benefit those groups. They don't care if it's logical/philosophically sound/whatever. Politicians don't care if it's logical/philosophically sound/whatever. People care about getting stuff for their group, and politicians care about looking good and getting re-elected (so they make beneficial policy to the groups who got them in) -- nobody important cares about what you're talking about.

Is there "philosophical grounding" or "core values" for a nurse's union to go on strike for higher wages? What we do know is they're refusing to work unless they are paid more. So, you either negotiate to pay them more or stand your ground and risk a strike. At no stage is there any "philosophical grounding" in any of that. At no stage are "core values" given a damn about. Nurses want more money and the state would prefer if they shut up and worked -- that's all this is about.

Making policy without any regard for politics/human biology is wrong and will never generate any substantial support. In your attempt to be so big brained and have "philosophical grounding" with "core values", you are too ignorant to understand that people in general are too stupid/busy/apathetic to understand the big picture, and instead engage in tribalism of varying flavors. When you attempt to construct policy in a hyper-cerebral way that has no regards for tribalism, nobody cares about what you're talking about. You are playing the wrong game. You are too ignorant for politics.
Posted in:
Liberals, what should be done about race in America?
When the policies get presented to the public, they'll filter it through their tribal biases, primarily their race. 

This always happens.
Which is completely irrelevant to the question of what government policy should be. But I at least thank you for making it crystal clear that you have no philosophical grounding to anything you argue.
Nope. It's actually the complete opposite.

Race is integral to what policy should be because that's how people primarily vote. It makes zero sense to construct policy whilst being totally blind to the human condition.

Most humans don't give a damn about philosophy, be it because they're too stupid/apathetic/busy to learn some, so most people don't give a damn about "philosophical ground" or whatever term you masturbate to. You're off in the world of forms as most people are blocking up primarily based on race, but also on jobs, religion, nationalism etc.

You're sitting around with your buddies contemplating and arguing the profound philosophical underpinnings of it all, never in total agreement, never having clear direction. Meanwhile, for example, Black people are saying 'we Black yo' and voting based on that. It doesn't matter that they haven't verified the "philosophical ground" upon which they assert "we Black yo". They just assert it, they go vote based on that, and you get smashed at elections every time. They then DEMAND that "we Black yo" policy gets implemented, and because the politicians who got voted in want to keep their voter base happy, "we Black yo" policy gets implemented -- zero consideration for "philosophical grounding".

That's how politics actually works.

It's an irrelevant tangent to talk about purely theoretical questions involving systemic racism, so your question isn't worth answering. There is a multitude of data/research/studies that you could reference to make the case that the past has impacted the future, in regards to policy involving race, but you've decided to ignore all of it and post a 'what if?' question that doesn't prove your case.

Fyi "whether race should play a role in government policy" isn't "primarily a philosophical debate". It's actually a primarily debate about whether you recognize human biology or not, and only becomes a primarily philosophical debate if you choose/accidentally ignore that.
And proven yet again.

It’s not possible to have a conversation about what anything should be without relying on your core values to ground your position, so it’s awfully telling when someone refuses to discuss their core values.

You don’t really believe your own BS and/or you are not secure enough in them to put them out there. You want to argue your beliefs but you don’t want to defend them.
You want to talk constantly about abstractions without dealing with human psychology.

You want to talk about "core values" and "philosophical grounding" without dealing with the fact most humans won't vote based on that.

You don't understand politics at all.

Again, provide an argument proving that systemic racism exists, or else you don't have one lol.
That’s not the topic of our conversation genius.
Yes, it wasn't until you started making arguments that started to use it as a premise.

Don't make it the topic if you don't want to discuss it.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
You've spent well over a dozen posts and thousands of words not providing any evidence for the existence of systemic racism, but instead used all of space and effort to explain why you shouldn't.

Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
Make your entire case or leave.

Up to you.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
What you do is dodge and demonise the opponent's way of attacking you
That's because it's Ad Hominem, you silly twit.

I don't want to discuss endlessly whether I'm not I certain slur, ESPECIALLY in place of discussing an argument.

I want to discuss arguments and whether they are correct or not.

So when I'm discussing trashumanism or race realism, and you try your best to sledgehammer in your 'white supremacist' or 'fascist' Ad Hominems against me, don't get your panties in a bunch when you get called out on Ad Hominem and I intentionally avoid it.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
Let’s start by building up a common set of assumptions that we can work up from

Make your entire case or leave.

because your approach is not capable of generating a valid discussion due to all the reasons I just said.

I'm not going to discuss this, either. We're not going into your sophistry funhouse wherein you and I have a debate about a potential debate. I have better things to do with my time.

You will make your entire case to prove that systemic racism exists or you will leave.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
Ram is a debate board alum. Their focus is to win debates, not win arguments by sound logic. So they will try to bog you down with semantics and defining your argument for you, and then insist that their definition is your argument.

He cares nothing about the rationality of the arguments, his eye is on the "voters" who will "hand" him a win with their clique votes. He's not in formal debate, but he's unable to come out of DDO's shifty debate mode.
This is believable.

These people are part of the reason I don't bother with debates anymore; it lends itself to this kind of sophistry. But with unlimited post+characters I can get to the real bottom of things so that Ramshutu's sophistry doesn't work.

If you beat him bad enough, one of his clique will chime in with a post that serves as a "vote" against you and for him. And both of them will claim you are wrong, and he's won.
This won't be a problem for me because I can avoid debates. altogether.

Forums are where sophistry comes to die.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
Build the entire case or leave.

Your choice.
Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
I have offered a starting point argument...
A "starting point" argument. Lol.
Yeah I know lol.

He's trying to argue that a "starting point" is an entire argument, and when I pointed out he should just make the entire argument, he's refused to do so.

This is literally what this 30+ chain of posts has been about.

Posted in:
Race Realism: Critical understandings
I have offered a starting point argument; which you have refused to consider, which will then be used to build a case for systematic racism after building up a common set of agreed principles. You have refused to argue.
Wrong. I considered it, thought it was a waste of time, and refused to engage in something that was a waste of time.

Just build the case now lol.

I am awaiting your response to the initial argument; you have spend dozens of posts trying to evade answering, and launching into an ever decreasing tailspin of angry assertions about why you don’t want to respond to valid arguments.
You never made an argument that proves systemic racism exists.

There is nothing to respond to.

name calling isn't a substitute for an argument.
You've become one of the topics because you've spent a dozen posts and 1000s of words avoiding making an argument to prove your case.

Build the case or leave.

At some point, you may want to consider actually providing a response to actual arguments
Already tried that in this post (btw it's not my BoP to prove that systemic racism doesn't exist -- negative proof fallacy): Race Realism: Critical understandings ( 

You responded by saying 'what about low SES?'

I asked you to prove that systemic racism exists due to low SES, and you have failed to do that.

Again, build the case or leave.

you have simply restated your arguments from the last post.
Yep, because you won't build the case.

Build the case or leave.

Your choice.
Posted in:
Liberals, what should be done about race in America?
Who do you think the policy is for? Rocks? Aliens on Mars? Imaginary ghosts?

I'm talking about policy for humans. Therefore, that policy needs to take into account human nature.

There's no point in getting hyper-cerebral and developing policy that isn't for humans.
Policies take into account that which is relevant to the policy itself. Please provide one example of a policy in which an individual’s race should play a role in how the policy applies to them.
When the policies get presented to the public, they'll filter it through their tribal biases, primarily their race.

This always happens.

What annoys me is that your entire claim to fame here and rebuttal to charges of being a racist is that race should play a role in government policy, yet you absolutely refuse to talk about government policy. That’s absurd.
"Racist" is a nonsense, malicious term, so that's a non-starter: Racism is a nonsense, malicious term v2.0 ( .
What a ridiculous response.

You got so triggered by the word racist that you completely ignored the point I was making and linked to a whole discussion about the word racist, even though I used the word in the context to explain what others are calling you to criticize your response to it.

Take it easy lol.

"Racist" isn't a valid term, so you shouldn't make it a premise of your argument -- I don't have to defend myself from being accused as "racist" because it's a nonsense term.

Rewrite your question without that loaded, false premise.

Facts and data are not arguments and cannot form conclusions, that requires logic. So it’s pointless to go back and forth with someone on the facts when that person cannot even answer a question so simple as “do you believe the past impacts the present?”. 
All you're doing is proving that your argument doesn't have any facts or data.

Provide them or concede the point.
I talked about why it’s pointless to go back and forth with you about facts in response to your ask that I provide them to prove systemic racism, something I have not alleged here because it is not the topic of our conversation.

The conversation we are and have been having is whether race should play a role in government policy. That’s primarily a philosophical debate, and one we need to have before we can get into a fact battle regarding systemic racism. Why? Because our philosophical positions will determine how we interpret the facts so it’s pointless to move on without  resolving our differences there.
It's an irrelevant tangent to talk about purely theoretical questions involving systemic racism, so your question isn't worth answering. There is a multitude of data/research/studies that you could reference to make the case that the past has impacted the future, in regards to policy involving race, but you've decided to ignore all of it and post a 'what if?' question that doesn't prove your case.

Again, provide an argument proving that systemic racism exists, or else you don't have one lol.

If you want to talk only about "whether race should play a role in government policy", then talk only about that.

Fyi "whether race should play a role in government policy" isn't "primarily a philosophical debate". It's actually a primarily debate about whether you recognize human biology or not, and only becomes a primarily philosophical debate if you choose/accidentally ignore that.

Uh……. God one?
I actually don't count any Gods.

So God zero.
Posted in:
Transhuman/Posthuman theoretical improvements to humans
Everyone can see your pattern by reviewing the threads you've made and posts you've made across your accounts.
They can't because you haven't provided any quotes wherein I am advocating for fascism.

Literally zero.

So, stop derailing the thread.