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Total posts: 98

Posted in:
Seems that way with a lot of people I know. I can't get enough of it and think it's the only good sport out there lol.
Everything else is boring in comparison.
What turned you away from it?

Posted in:
Does nobody here watch hockey? The Bruins-Blues matchup is already shaping up to be an amazing series.

Gryzlyk got rekt, the series is tied going back to St. Louis and game three should be a slugfest if everyone's predictions are accurate.
Posted in:
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Don't tell me what I mean by shit LOL

I'm genuinely curious why leftists disregard objectively good things. Clearly the fact that you can't give me an answer means you're curious as well, no? Why would someone just brush away the fact that someone else is literally ignoring facts?

There aren't any statistics about this stuff obviously, so maybe I could reword - why is it that more leftists I talk to disregard facts than right wingers? And this question is coming from someone who calls himself a classical liberal.
Posted in:
Resist Trumper goes to jail.
Beautiful, thanks for sharing. Looks like quite a few people and organizations will be feeling the wrath of the right, including the god-awful Southern Poverty Lie Centre.
Posted in:
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Let me maybe rephrase then, as I admittedly made a mistake by involving third parties and hypotheticals;

I wasn't comparing Trump to Hillary, I was looking at the possible path the country was headed down in regards to international relations, and because of Trump, relations with Russia and the Korean peninsula have progressed. I'll leave Hillary out of it and won't make any assumptions as to what would have happened if Trump hadn't done what he did.

The fact still remains that relations between the US and Russia have improved since Trump took office (I'll leave Korea out of it for now, even though the South Korean President suggested Trump recieve the Nobel Peace Prize). This is thanks to Trump and his negotiation/communication skills, without involving hypotheticals or third parties.

As far as the video evidence of liberals flip-flopping goes, it's next to impossible to guage the percentage of leftists that mindlessly disagree with anything presented by a right winger, but the fact still stands that there is an incredibly large number that do so.

Slightly Offensive's newest video proves this as well, that leftists mindlessly dislike Trump (for example) without even doing their own research on him.

I admit that some right wingers had their stupid moments during Obama's presidency, but the numbers pale in comparison to leftists' current attitude toward anything and everything right wing.
Posted in:
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Good point. However I wasn't trying to compare Trump to Hillary at all, I just brought up what was likely to happen between the US-Russia relationship if Trump hadn't negotiated with Putin and eased tensions. I don't believe Russia did anything that directly impacted the outcome of the US election, however even if that were the case, I would much rather see that a foreign entity interfered in a US election and deal with it accordingly than engage in world war 3.

TheDredPriateRoberts Brought up a fantastic point about people saying how great accomplishments are if Obama is presented as the person responsible, but immediately backtrack and try to find something wrong with said accomplishments when told it was actually Trump who was responsible.

Posted in:
Trump Derangement Syndrome
So I'm curious as to why so many leftists disregard objectively positive accomplishments by Trump. Sometimes they even take it steps further by wishing the country would go to war just so they could say they were right.

The best example of this is the relationship between the US and Russia. Hillary Clinton, while running for Preisdent, claimed she would impose a no-fly-zone over Russian occupied Syria, in which Putin responded by saying he would immediately attack US troops throughout the continent. Trump, within the first few months of being president, repaired (for the most part) relations with Russia, met with Putin, and eradicated any threat of violence or war.

Democrats and leftists responded to NO WAR by complaining about Trump "being in bed with Putin/Russia." I consider this a great thing, given Putin was threatening war with the US prior to Trump repairing this relationship.

I have a billion and one other examples of this, but I won't bother as I'm sure this won't pick up much traction. Just wanted to get people's thoughts on leftists literally complainaing about NOT engaging in World War 3. I'm in Canada and can't stand Trudeau for the life of me, but when he does something good, I give him credit and I actually feel good that he's done something productive for the country. Why is it that the left can't do the same thing?

Posted in:
What is hate speech?
Good point. We have some form of "freedom of expression," but it really doesn't mean shit. The American constitution is by far the best national constitution worldwide.
Posted in:
Atheists-What do you believe and why
What is your world-view?
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

How did the universe come into existence?
Quantum fluctuations in an absolute energy state.

Is there any purpose to existence?
Literally speaking, nope. In my opinion yes, it's to have as much fun/happiness as possible and enjoy an advanced consciousness like the one we have.

Why do you believe what you believe?
Because evidence supports it.

My answers seem kinda bland, but thought I'd throw my two cents in there.

Posted in:
What is hate speech?
"Hate speech" is a societally engineered term used to describe an aspect of speech that is derogatory toward a person or group of people. It falls under free speech. Just because someone is a big meanie doesn't mean we should punish them with jail time or community service. Society doesn't like people like that, so being cast out and hated by everybody is punishment enough.

Uttering threats or provoking violnece through speech is already illegal and does not fall under the category of free speech, and should/is punished accordingly.

People need to understand that there is a difference between saying something mean and saying something threatening. The latter should be punishable, the former should not, as it takes away from our constitutional rights.
Posted in:
kangaroo is proof of intelligent design.
lol, "I personally don't know how this thing came to exist, therefore there is undeniable absolute proof that an infinitely powerful and knowledgable absolute being exists which consciously created everything in existence with intent and design."

Sorry, I'm not buying it.

Posted in:
Socialism: The New American Dream
"36% of people want the government to control their lives if it means they don't have to work for a living."

Wonderful ideology.
Posted in:
Billionares ^ +12% Others v -11%
Quick, build more concrete walls [ |||||||||||||| ]  to keep out the poor.

Lol we can already see the agenda behind your bullshit nonsense post.

People are either born into wealth, get lucky playing the lottery, or work their ass of for their money.

People who aren't born into wealth and/or don't have luck on their side need to work their ass off for money. But they don't like working hard, do they? Might as well steal the money from the people who busted their ass to earn it because you're lazy.
Posted in:
a border wall on mexico would significantly limit illegal immigration
What is really more important.. ESPECIALLY if you actually care about the children dying in the desert...is what can the government do to stop the coyotes trafficking humans?
God Emperor Trump has allocated $430million to stopping human trafficking.

This man has helped the country tremendously and deserves to get reelected.

Posted in:
So, the "teens harassing Native American" viral video thing...
Catholic school kids go to pro-life march, which happened to be at the same time as an indigenous march. Members of the Black Hebrew Israelites were harrassing the white kids and using racist slurs and being outright racist toward them, then  directed their racism toward the Natives.

With everyone yelling, the Native man approached the kids and banged his drum right in the kid's ear. Kid did nothing but smile. Yeah, his smile looked ridiculous but smiling while someone is blowing up your eardrum and you're having racist taunts being thrown at you isn't the end of the world. Cry in your safe space if you can't handle a white kid not letting minority provocateurs get to him.
Posted in:
State of Union{ Shutdown, Chaos, Erratic }
           quote/:ORANGE MAN BAD:/quote
                           quote/:NO BRAIN:/quote
Posted in:
State of Union{ Shutdown, Chaos, Erratic }
lol, there's no point in arguing with trolls who aren't serious. You can't even respond to a single thing I say, why would I continue to engage with someone like you?
Posted in:
State of Union{ Shutdown, Chaos, Erratic }
LOL took me longer than expected to find out that you're a troll. Shame. Nobody seems to be able to have a reasonable debate about Trump here.
Posted in:
Gillette: The best an emasculated soy boy cuck can get

Are you saying The Young Turks in the 19th century had nothing to do with the genocide? I disagree, lol.

TYT is a joke of an organization and is the epitome of fake news. They are the best at pushing a liberal, Democrat agenda, you're right. That doesn't mean anything other than they're biased.

Although I'm almost thinking you're being sarcastic by the way you said all that, lol.
Posted in:
State of Union{ Shutdown, Chaos, Erratic }
PLease share when you want to have a rational, logical common sense discussion regarding idio-ump and his Trumpanzee hole sniffers.
I guess you forgot to read the five points I brought up? Typical LIBTARD, ignore the FACTS and attack the one and only thing I said that is nothing but an irrelevant joke.

Go cry in your safe space if you're incapable of arguing against people who don't blindly hate big bad orange man.

Can't wait to see your mindless hate-filled rants here when Trump gets reelected!
Posted in:
Gillette: The best an emasculated soy boy cuck can get
What's everyone's thoughts on Gillete's new anti-white-male ad campaign?

I mean, we watched Audi get rekt after they put out their "help women are so oppressed, 77 cents waahhh" campaign, so why does P&G think taking it even further than that would be a good idea?

On top of the anti-male rhetoric, it's also anti-white. All of the "big bad rapist men" are white, while the fatherly figures and men in suits standing up for women's rights are black. I mean even the rap video they used to show how women are mistreated and how rampant "toxic masculinity" is contains only white guys. That's simply statistically less likely than black guys acting that way in these kinds of videos, and is not representative of reality.

Then we have Armenian Holocaust denier and major bitch Ana Kasparian from The Young Turks (literally the name of the group that comitted a fucking genocide against - you guessed it - the Armenians) as some kind of role model for women standing up to ALL men who are ALL rapists.

Anyone else care about this?
Posted in:
God damn California
*communist takeover of California*

Posted in:
State of Union{ Shutdown, Chaos, Erratic }
President Trump has done three things by shutting down the government;

He's continued the conversation on how necessary border security is.

He's proved what a deranged bunch of anti-American sociopaths the Democrats are.

He's also proved that shutting down a large portion of the government does next to nothing, and shows how unnecessary big government is.

Also, the EU and UN are going to destroy civilization and no country should support their tyrannical globalist agenda.

PS: He passed a bill allocating $430million to stopping human trafficking - which includes children, women, etc.

Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
What part of "show me evidence and I'll believe it" don't you understand?

I actually do want God to exist as that would mean I'd be going to a magical perfect place full of happiness and love for all eternity after I die, but I don't see any reason to believe that place exists, or that an infinitely powerful dictator decides who goes to what place after they die, which is impossible to begin with.

No evidence =/= not wanting something to be true.
Posted in:
All Lives Matter vs. Black Lives Matter.
For a group that claims they're against racism, they don't help much by making every single thing that ever exists and happens about race, lol
Posted in:
Are you left of center or right of center?
Posted in:
Are you left of center or right of center?
Socially I'm slightly left but economically I'm right. Overall I'm slightly right.

Posted in:
All Lives Matter vs. Black Lives Matter.
BLM does nothing but divide us. All these crybabay try hard "look how progressive I am" types do nothing but categorize every single person into some kind of group, then label that group as good or bad.

I'd go as far to say BLM is a domestic terrorist organization, due to their senseless violence and rioting in the name of politics.
Posted in:
Canada Legalizes weed but why stop there?
I agree, that's why I say to have it regulated by the government. It'll cut back on the deadly gang wars and war on drugs so innocent people don't die. And if someone wants to shoot up an eightball of H all in one go, have at er and see you in Hell, lol
Posted in:
Canada Legalizes weed but why stop there?
Every single recreational drug, including heroin and cocaine, should be legalized, regulated and distributed by the government.

This will cut back on the billions spent on the "war on drugs," take drug dealers off the streets and reduce gang activity, provide clean and "safe" ways to use drugs, and take out a huge percent of the prison population, cutting our tax dollars down or giving us the ability to allocate our tax dollars to more important areas, and so on.

However doing that gives the government the ability to tamper with the drugs and kill off a bunch of people like they very well could be doing with fentanyl in the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver.... which, I mean... alright, LOL.
Posted in:
Kavanaugh Konfirmed
Or, you know, land of laws and expectation of evidence to support claims.
Posted in:
What is the best iphone model?
That's lame, lol. I'd say go with the 7 or 8 if you can get a good deal then. I think that's when they redisnged it to not look like a brick.
Posted in:
A TV in every Room.
I have some family that have a TV in literally every room of their house. Kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, dining room, everything. I find it a bit much, but if you like watching TV everywhere you go, then have at 'er.     
Posted in:
What is the best iphone model?
None. Samsung. Or OnePlus, Huawei, etc.

But if she super-duper extra-mega wants an iPhone to show off to her friends (tell her to grow up, LOL), the iPhone X is pretty cool.

However for budget and functionality, the iPhone 4s has the best overall reactions from what I've seen. If that's too old then tell her to get a better phone for cheaper.
Posted in:
Does Racism Require Ethnic Power Over Another Ethnic Group?
Fuck no.

Racism requires someone to mistreat another because of their ethnicity, or consider their ethnicity superior to others. It has nothing to do with power.

This bullshit idea that SJW's keep trying to desperately to push that "racism is based on power" is nothing more than a bullshit way to place ALL blame on white people and only white people.

Whites can be the victims of racism, blacks can be perpetrators of racism. It doesn't matter if you're in the majority or not.

There's a city rather close to me that is predominately Chinese. Does that mean if I go to that area of land that is predominately Chinese and call everyone chinks, it's not racist?

I don't get offended when people are racist to me, because I'm not a whiny loser, but I would still say that they're obviously being racist.
Posted in:
MAD MAX 2019
Did somebody say end immigration? I don't think so, looks like this is just another case of liberals literally making up problems then crying about their own made up problems.

My family immigrated to Canada in the 20's to escape the communist-backed Russian genocide of Ukrainians. They did it legally. They learned English. They paid their taxes and they assimilated to Canada's way of life. Now they're members of a great community in central Canada who all get along and live peacefully with each other and chat every time they walk by their neighbours' houses.

Is there something wrong with that? Why is it that as soon as I say that's what I want for ALL of Canada, I'm branded a racist xenophobe? Do lefties really enjoy being unable to communicate with their neighbours and clash daily with people against gay marriage and women's rights? I don't get it.

I grew up in a city where I was a minority. The majority of the population I went to school with was Chinese or East Indian, and we all got along absolutely flawlessly, as we all spoke English, had the same values and culture, and believed in the same things. Ethnicity or Nationality has nothing to do with our policies, all we care about is assimilation and respect for our country and culture.

I wouldn't move to Saudi Arabia and speak English, isolate myself, and openly practice whatever is a direct conflict with their culture, because if I had to immigrate to another country, I would respect the country that allowed me in.
Posted in:
MAD MAX 2019
That's why we're voting for Max. He seems to be the only Canadian political figure that cares about the country he lives in.
Posted in:
MAD MAX 2019
God damn I wish the Trump administration just annexed Canada LOL

The thing is, nobody speaks English, everyone has some backwards weird culture that is oppressive toward a multitude of groups, and the liberals are asking for more of that. I don't get it. We just had a Syrian refugee murder a 13yo girl, and while people were having a vigil and protest outside the courthouse, a Muslim woman threw coffee at them.

They don't give a fuck about our culture, and neither do lefties. If a person who gives a shit about this country (like Maxime Bernier) doesn't take over soon, we're fucked, and I'm getting out of here.
Posted in:
MAD MAX 2019
I'll live in denial until I move to America due to not being able to communicate with anybody else in my city. We have until 2023 to change things. If Trudeau wins the next two years, we're done.
Posted in:
MAD MAX 2019
So for all my Canucks (and others who care), Maxime Bernier kicked off his party on Friday the 14th, called the People's Party of Canada.

Already with thousands of Facebook members in several provincial Facebook groups, I don't have a doubt that this will kick everyone in the ass with a surprisingly large amount of votes come the election.

He wants to cut immigration rates, apply strict citizenship tests to immigrants to ensure they assimilate and learn one of our official languages, and part ways with the globalist-backed forced multiculturalism.

He's taking away from gun restrictions and making it easier to apply for an obtain firearms licenses.

He's shrinking the government and giving it less authority over the citizens.

Everything he stands for makes sense, and it's only a matter of time until this snowballs into something concerning for both the Liberals and Conservatives.

Or I could be a complete pile of shit and have unrealistically high hopes, but hey it's gonna be a fun year.
Posted in:
Hall of Fame
It wouldn't be fair to people stumbling across DDO either, or any site with an existing user base.

But there's a difference between getting to a site later than other people and getting to a site at the same time as people who have migrated from another site and kept their stats from that other site.
Posted in:
Hall of Fame
No. Die.

The DDO HoF is a separate website. This isn't DDO 2.0, this is DebateArt.

It wouldn't be fair to people stumbling accross this site to be at a significant disadvantage right off the bat simply because people from a different website are on this one too.
Posted in:
Hall of Fame
Although I was a part of DDO I'm heavily against bringing the HoF over from there. I say we start a new one.

This isn't DDO so we shouldn't treat it as such, who gives a shit that this site has a lot of people from DDO, this isn't DDO.

Like Imabench said, let's start a new one in a year or so and give time for the dust to settle.

Posted in:
DebateArt Political Compass
Oh I know, I'm just saying "boring" as in not too extreme in any area.

I think this is one of the best stances to have, we're able to take the best from both sides instead of throw all our eggs in one basket. People joke around with me telling me to make up my mind already, but I wouldn't say it should be an "either or" situation.

But that ideology doesn't get votes.
Posted in:
DebateArt Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -1.13 
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.74

Looks like I'm pretty bland on paper. Damn.
Posted in:
Unisex Bathrooms In High School
Thanks though. Same to you, lol
Posted in:
Unisex Bathrooms In High School
Good. Join my Satanic child raping cult.

Or should I say, the DNC


Posted in:
Alex Jones eats shit from Twitter
Do you genuinely believe the people who exhaust every avenue fact-checking Alex Jones will spend more than five seconds looking up a Washington Post opinion piece to "fact check" what CNN says?


The truth is sad my friend
Posted in:
The Solution To Poverty?
Read through the thread

Posted in:
Unisex Bathrooms In High School
I didn't even read through the replies before posting that. Not sure why but that is an insanely rare answer to your question. I've seen this asked multiple times on multiple sites - many on DDO - and it's actually uncommon to get a response like that.

I think the main reason people don't bring this up is that the people who are asking for unisex washrooms usually don't "identify" with male or female. They're "non-binary," or agender or whatever, so they don't think about stereotypical males and females.

But you're right, nobody wants to talk about negaitive natural emotions in men or women because they'll come off as a bigot and have their life ruined forever. So glad we could finally get this outrageous opinion out in the open that teenage boys and girls in the same private, unmonitored, confined area could be potentially dangerous.

High five us :five: