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Neither, I am arguing that the special revelation given by the Holy Spirit is a valid form of evidence to corroborate the veracity of Holy Scripture. This argument in itself does not require the belief in the existence of God necessarily but rather an open mind to the possibility of His existence. It is a philosophical and scientific argument.


Very good questions. It seems someone has accepted the debate already though. I an attempt to answer you however.

Evidence is never understood in a vacuum but rather in the context of a number of corroborative or contradictory evidences. So in terms of the "nature" of said evidence I am referring to, I suppose it would be in the definition domain to describe it as: that which may be known through man's God given faculties of reason based upon a greater context of knowledge and operational methods of discovery and validation. So in that domain, special revelation could be a valid form of evidence.

Yes, you are right. The type of evidence I speak of, in terms of revelation given by God's Holy Spirit, is only sufficient to convince a single person at a time, but if valid, may be sought after by anyone willing to search for it in honesty.
