TNBinc's avatar


A member since


Total questions: 2

what brought u to the site?

I used to debate on but I hated it because it was full of casino ads and nobody voted.

I saw on anc_2006's profile (on, Intelligence_06 on this site) that he debated on, so yeah, this site is better than and I joined.

If humans had cell walls, would we be invincible or rigid?

I'm guessing you have read my profile picture.

Think about it: plants have cell walls, right? However, can they move around?

Plants can't move around on their own. However, you can clearly bend a plant stem. This means the plant is not rigid since it can bend and is flexible, to an extent.

Let's think about an organism that can move on its own. Bacteria can move around using a flagella. Bacteria also have a cell wall. In fact, they have three layers of protection, and they can still move.

Humans with cell walls are a combination of these two. They can bend around and also move. Although we may not be invincible, humans will still have some protection from the cell wall.