Terran's avatar


A member since


Total comments: 9

As explained clearly already, no civilisation has, can or ever will be an RBE. It is a bullshit, Communist, anti-civilisation, anti-human, Trojan Horse scam of extremely evil people to exploit the vulnerable. Anyone who defends the RBE is either extremely evil or so ignorant and gullible that they are an imminent danger to everyone around them. There is no confusion over this, only toxic, psychopathic parasites trying to justify their dreams of world domination, make excuses for what they do and muddy the waters and hide as wolves among sheep. And you are one of them, self confessed in the provided forum thread. No tolerance. No excuses.

I could go into extensive further details about the RBE. But I don't need to. I have already completely destroyed my RBE opponents at every turn and they don't have a leg to stand on.

Remind me again, what rights do I have in your RBE? Does love and morality exist in your RBE? How exactly does the RBE gain control of all the world's resources and deal with those who resist? Who decides how to distribute the world's resources? What happens to people who reject the RBE? What evidence is there to support the RBE's claims about human behavior? Where is the history of the RBE debating educated people and winning? Will you dare to answer those questions?


No it wasn't. It's about whether Civilisations adopt the RBE. And they don't, past or present. None ever have in recorded history, since it's a new concept. And none ever can in the future. It is a self refuting paradox. This is why no-one has ever or will ever attempt it. The moment they attempt to install it, they die. It's as ridiculous as saying 'All civilisations have adopted the cyanide pill, because it promises you the powers of superman flight'. More importantly, this is a malignant and deceptive attempt at advertising the RBE and trolling for victims. I called it for what it is, and utterly refuted all claims made by my opponent to the point where he even admitted I was right (after calling me silly names like winkle picker). I won, and your single spiteful vote doesn't change that. Let viewers make up their own mind. They now have the information they need to take an informed position against the RBE, and avoid being scammed by it.


Funny how pro gets voted for the better argument. Yet he didn't make a single argument or provide a single shred of evidence to support his claim. He loses by default. To make it worse, his own 2 links refute him and prove what I say, as if the dozens of links and hundreds of videos therein don't make that clear enough. And he even confesses that after doing some research, he has confirmed evidence to what I say. I know more about the RBE than its founder and inner circle hierarchy. Votes don't win arguments. That's a fallacy called Ad Populum. I won this 'debate' in totality. Your RBE is a Trojan Horse that was never meant to work. Its purpose is to lead people astray with Communism/Marxism to disrupt and weaken Western civilisation, and syphon money from the ignorant. On the surface, the RBE is only appealing to the ignorant. Upon investigation, the RBE is only appealing to psychopaths who are so blinded by their obsession with power that they think they have a chance. The RBE is a parasitic ideological virus. Should that virus become an epidemic again, I will destroy it again. For now, it has no power or influence. Just a few minions who troll internet forums desperately looking for gullible prey to fund them. In the RBE, you have no rights or freedoms. Questioning the RBE costs you your life, for the 'sake of the system'. There is no evolution and no progress. And there is no coming back from it, it's a one way trip to oblivion. But it will never happen and you don't have a leg to stand on. I didn't completely destroy your cult when I could have. I left it alive to serve a temporary purpose.



I'm not the one who follows a dead man's plan to become God.


Your motives are not what you think they are. Jacque Fresco was one of the most evil people in history.

If you want to know what Anonymous is, as opposed to fantasies and theories about the most mysterious organisation in history, then review the story in my thread about it in the religion section of the forum.

Calling people silly names isn't an argument. It's a confession of losing an argument.


I am not here to hack you, threaten you or censor you. I am here to get the truth out and let people make up their own mind. The only reason you would ever need to fear me, is if your motives are wrong.


You are dealing with the man who took down your RBE cult. Deal with it. You chose to debate, own the consequences.


I seem to need to wait for my opponents opening argument.


I accepted your debate. I don't see any way to respond. I can only respond in the comments here. This website doesn't appear to function. If necessary, I will make my case in the comments here. Anyone know how to respond in the debate itself?
