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Total comments: 19


I may take you up on that if possible in a couple days. I want to first say I am sorry for the late reply. I am a PhD student in educational research and I had a big project due in my quantitative analysis 2 class. I did not want to say no, so I just waited until I finished the project before I would accept. One of my education classes has an assignment due on multicultural education, so let me finish that and I should be ready by tomorrow or Monday if you are up for it.


I think the only area we disagree is abortion due to me being religious and viewing it as a life. Typically though I understand why it happens and that the decision is difficult on the mother at the time. That and I feel like even though I lean to the right on this issue, many individuals who are pro life aren’t pro life for the whole life. Trans issues I agree (I was the only religious person in my family that believed it was not our right to say these people couldn’t get married and they deserved equal rights). Corporal punishment for children I agree. Mass child circumcision we agree. The other two I don’t know what they are to know enough about lol! I would rather be honest on that lol!


We may have too many similarities to go with this debate now that I have read a little more into your definition/opening statement from your other debate (it’s my fault for half reading while at a family member’s house.) I fit more in the socialist camp, so our biggest dispute would be on property, is this system possible, and is there too much government control in this system. So I guess I will bow out and let someone else take the reins lol!


Ok! I found it and will read it. From what I can see so far I may be willing to debate this unless someone snags it from me first. Based on what I am reading so far, I think that we have some differences along with some similarities which may make it worth while. I asked the weird question on the outset because I didn’t want to misrepresent anything if I accept.


This debate is interesting and I may accept if I have time to ponder it. I am an independent, so I have a lot of liberal ideologies along with some conservative. I may accept this because we debated before and I enjoyed our conversation. If I do we may have some things we agree on a decent amount because I have some liberal ways of thinking. My question while I ponder is are you defending communism like how China is, or is there some differences. I am asking because if we do debate I don’t want to strawman positions by accident.


This is an interesting topic! As someone who is an independent I am not sure where I fall on this. I am not sure about the $500 a month thing, but we are grossly underpaid unless you are rich. I am a teacher with my master’s degree and I am going for my PhD. Even with all that I make peanuts and I barely afford to live in a one bedroom apartment. That will change soon because my wife is about to be done with nursing school, but my point is that if someone who should be considered middle class is struggling, imagine the poorer classes. I am not sure where I lie on this one and I can’t wait to read it! One thing is for sure, most of the middle/poorer classes aren’t paid enough.


Yea I understand that! Nobody will agree 100% and I am doing this to grow more as a person and possibly change my mind on some items. Also I didn't put this in my reply, but their is more than one GCU article.


You are good! I probably could have done some things better as well. With this being written we can't really tell what we are thinking all the time. My accusations from this could have been wrong, I just have never interacted with you until now so I don't know you. I have had some discussions where I face off against YEC and some where I have debated individuals who deny racism effects the US still. Many of them lie about their sources so I typically review my opponents sources first (Nothing personal, just interacted with some weird people in the past lol). You are actually my first atheist opponent, because my degree doesn't deal with religion mainly research/stats. Before I type my response I will put I understand why you have argued the way you have argued on some points. Especially with homosexuality, because when I was in High school I was Christian, but felt the US should allow gay marriage because religion should hold no bounds over the law. Living in Alabama, I was about ostracized from my religious friends for holding that view (I no longer have those friends). Even worse I have actually seen some people in my state advocate for the the death of these people, so I argue with a lot of individuals who lie and are hateful (I had this interaction on a different debate site and I was livid by my opponents statements). I have looked at some of your debates recently and I think more often than not, we would find ourselves on the same team with political debates, just not religious. Nothing you have said has made me mad, I am just an uptight researcher who has dealt with a lot of crazy people and I have enjoyed this interaction even though my statements seem a bit pushy at times. Honestly it is refreshing to me to debate someone who cares about the struggle of others. I would find myself closer to you then some Christians I have dealt with (No hate towards Christians, because I am one).


I am more putting this comment so this goes to the top of the thread due to voting ending soon. Win lose or draw this was an amazing debate. I just wanted to get everyone another chance to view it!


Ok! Thank you! Thanks for making this a 6 day reply. With me working two jobs, and being in grad school it helps me out. I may be throwing some shots because this is a heated topic (And I like arguing lol), but I appreciate the thoughtfulness of giving a long response. I see you made a reply and I will get on it, but I have some stats homework I have to do tonight, so it won’t be today lol!


I know this debate is about over, and I look forward to hearing my opponents last rebuttal. Before everything ends I want to thank my opponent. We may not have agreed on much, but I enjoyed this interaction. I can tell he is someone who wants the truth and having a debate with someone like that is always enjoyable. This issue was a rough one and I feel like conversations like this is what springs new ideas on how to help people regardless of what side of the fence you are on. I hope my opponent and everyone has a happy new year!


You are good I am going to accept in a moment. I just wanted to make sure I spend quality time with my wife on her day off. Good to take a break from a screen once in a while. I am about to accept!


If you want you can start tomorrow with a time limit of at least two days. I am sorry I am late on this, I wanted to close out my last debate before this and your opponent for this debate accepted before me lol!


Would you debate the topic on “The Bible is Stupid and wrong”? I’ve seen you debate this a few times and would be interested in this challenge.


How do you get qualifications to vote. Do I have to do a certain amount of debates?


After I finish the debate I am in currently about racism I may be willing to debate on this topic. I normally only do one debate at a time though because I like quality over quantity. For now feel free to look at my debate going on about racism in the US.


Yea in this debate I will point out a lot of things people don’t notice with racism. I do agree with you about Trump. He set us back several years with race relations. I hope you enjoy the debate and I will probably put my opening in tomorrow. I look forward to having a discussion with my opponent and I hope that whoever reads enjoys it as well.


Looking forward to this one!


Hey, I am new to this so I just clicked one. I will publish an argument by tomorrow. Thanks in advance for taking the debate and if you want to run it back we can do it based on the format you mentioned.
