TheGreatSeal's avatar


A member since


Total posts: 27

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Topics you'd like to debate
"TheGreatSeal is a better troll than Utherpenguin"
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AMA: Bsh
Who is the Greatseal to you?
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Poll: Should reporting be anonymous?
Why do we have a second poll?
Posted in:
POLL: Should Reporting Be Anonymous?
No opinion.
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Platform development
Any idea when the chat feature will come active?
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2018 DART Awards
My mistake. Delete my Funniet Moment vote plz?

Posted in:
2018 DART Awards
Best Debate(debate that made an impact)

Site MVP(the person who made the most impact(minus mod)
Eh, I'll have give this to RM, since evidently, he is impactful from his rank and suggestions.

Member of Honor(honorary DART member of choice)

Top Forum Post(forum that made an impact)

Best Mafia Game(mafia game that had an eventual spillover into forums & debates)

Most Liked Member(member who is liked the most)
Logical Master, definitely the least controversial popular member.

Trending Topic(something that caused a firestorm)
DART gender debate

Funniest Members(who just made you lmfao or rofl)
Type1, I rofl at the ELO I get.

Funniest Moment(that one time where it was OMG Relatable! or ROFLing)
Type1 reporting votes against him when he FF'd every round.
Posted in:
Platform development
I feel like "majority forfeited" sounds more fair, so someone can't say "I aceept" in round 1 and proceed to waste hours of the debaters. Sorry to you and drafterman that I did not catch the thread. I'm extremely grateful to have an understanding, consientious, and hard working moderator as you; I have faith DART will be great.
Posted in:
Platform development
I agree with Tejeretics and RationalMadMan. Too add on some points through:

Firstly, "noobsniping" is more damaging against an active opponent geniunely interesting in debating then someone who logged on once and never came back. The policy of forfeits being null debates doesn't help novice debaters, which is what I'd think your policy was aiming for. I had to debate bsh1 one time on DDO, and it was when I was a complete newbie, but admittedly I punched down my weight too, to establish sone credibility. 

My big issue is that its incredibly unfair to the debater that didn't forfeit to have been cheated out of ELO. Even on forfeit debates, you need to post arguments to win the arguments category. This includes full forfeits since there is jo benefit of hindsight that a skilled debater wasn't just busy. Writing up these arguments takes considerable time, energy, and data. When I started my Joffrey debate, I had to watch hours of Game of Thrones and analize scene by scene, and that ended in a full forfeit. It was extremely unfortunate someone accepted and proceeded to full forfeit, but the ELO was compsensation. Why should someone who spent hours formulating an argument lose out on both the enjoyment of argument and the potential ELO? Its an incredible waste of time and energy, and one that was totally unwarranted. If anything, the ELO penalty that used to come with forfeits punished someone who ruined a good debate people spent hours on planning. ELO should be given as a compsensation, especially when considering the unfairness of the situation; the non-forfeiter didn't do anything to cause a forfeiture, and doesn't even have much tools to ensure a nonforfeiture.

In conclusion, making forfeit debates not worth ELO doesn't benefit anyone, but hurts debaters who have personal time invested and no control of the opponent's debates. Its incredibly unfair to an active debater, and doesn't actually protect new members. Tejeretics and RationalMadman gave some up arguments too; but I feel like these two are other glaring weaknesses of the policy.

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List of genders for the debateart profile settings
I identfy as a Boeing AH6 Apache Attack Helicopterhfor sure.
Posted in:
Well, looks like DebateArt will be over-run by left wing censorship.
We could have an appeals process or something to lessen the probability of censorship, through I trust the DART moderators immensely already.
Posted in:
Platform development
Can we receive notifications for votes cast on our debates?
Posted in:
Debate Voting Thread (FORMER)

Anyone looking for a relatively easy FF vote to bolster leaderboards can vote on this. If you want to help me become a better debater based on what I said in round 1, I'm all ears.

Posted in:
Beta testing phase

Whats the difference between this thread and platform development? Would all beta-related suggestions go here now? Which one should we use?
Posted in:
Platform development
So I could have missed something already on, but besides the private or open option in creating a debate, is there an option to narrow opponents or make it impossible to accept without a second modification? You could kill two birds in one stone by allowing minimum/maximum ELO caps to be set in starting a debate. That would help people who want higher ranking debaters, safeguards against noobsniping, or impossible to accept until PM.

Also, do we have a wikia?

Posted in:
In all honesty, I'm just too lazy to type all the different names of DebateArt. DarC works too, I guess.
Posted in:
Its probably not worth a moderator telling people what to abbreviate DA/DART as, but I was curious if there was an "official" shorthand.
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Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
I'll probably stop it at this post to avoid derailing the post too much. I have nothing against the LGBT community, but I'm not gay myself. Through, I have to admit Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) is attractive; most everyone in the GoT cast is talented and attractive. I have a pretty soft spot in my heart of misrepresented characters and people in general, which might factor in my pity for the Kingslayer, but I always took Jaime's arc to be the best because its simultaneous cohesion and change. On one hand, Jaime's arc is such that every part of his actions makes sense when compared to another scene. The scene when he opens up to Brieanne gives you a new perspective on Jamie confronting Ned, its understandable Jamie is  buying into Cerise's rhetoric about Mycelia dying after watching him witness his only daughter's death firsthand, and him dissuading Jon Snow for joining the Night's Watch has a whole new light shed when you understand his own taking of the white cloak. In other words, his scenes are the most complex, and he becomes easier to emphasize with as we understand his motives. While Jamie's arc is really nicely structured, I also find it to be the most unexpected. Tyrion, as your example, has a really good arc. However, season 7 or 8 Tyrion doesn't seem out of place in season 1 or 2. He's just more prone to making mistakes and more bitter, but they were traits he always carried, and his emphatic, alcoholic, Napoleonic person really doesn't leave him. I'm opposed to Daenarys for my own reasons in the first place, but season 7 or 8 Daenarys is also not very different from early season Daenarys. She gained some dragons and titles for herself, but she's the same naive person who bought into the whole "Westros is my home" idea. Jamie Lannister post-cut, on the other hand, is definitely different than early Jamie. Jamie gets a conscience. He starts distancing himself from his sister, he learns from his mistakes against Robb to become a capable politician/general, and he puts his life and honor at risk by riding against the Night King and Cersei's orders.

As I said though, I do want to keep this thread relatively on-topic. I guess I'm just introducing myself and how I look at things with the help of literature (as well as showing off my ability to kind of pull of a valid argument. Still not good as you or tejeretics, but sort of kind of learning how to express viewpoints?) , but I don't want to subvert this into a GoT thread. 
Posted in:
Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
Several reasons. Firstly, Jaime "The Kingslayer" Lannister is my favorite character in Game of Thrones, book and show alike. His character transformation is a redemption arc that's one of my favorite in drama and literature (GoT in general has some good character development), and I was one of the few to not be so opposed to him in the earlier seasons. Secondly, Nikolaj-Coster-Waldo is extremely attractive, even on his prince charming haircut. Finally, I'm a big fan of House Lannister in general since I believe that they are the most complex, but thats for another thread.
Posted in:
I've seen both being used to abreviate DebateArt. Which one do you prefer? Which one is the "official" way to shortern DebateArt?

Personally, I used DART, since thats what I saw was more common when I joined. DA does look like it makes a lot of sense through; it definitely as its merits. I like the short DA a lot more then my first few hours, since abreviations were meant to shorten things and DA is faster than DART. I do also see the nerits of DART. The 'art' is more predominant, you won't run into autocorrect problems and red lines, and DART is one syllable.

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The Purge: be honest, would you be a purger or an abstainer
I mean, if you really insist on killing someone in the purge, plan. Attack with poison and plant evidence it was someone else (or ensure that there are no diplomatic repercussions; you could be poisoned). Use fire, manipulate the mentally unstable in carrying out the plan, bribe a contractor or an impoverished person, and sabotage people. Kidnap someone and use the hostage to draw the real target in. Plant a bomb some days before and time it for the purge. Drop wasps. Have a huge pack of falcons and dogs, and unleash them. If you're a doctor, get a good time for an appointment and have a misdiagnosis on your victim. If you work in a supermarket, plant arsenic on the canned food people last-minute stock up on for these things.

Really, even if I needed to kill someone for whatever reason, I could easily attack from the safety of my shelter. Just plan beforehand, since technically you just need to perform the act on the purge. Going out with a scary mask and a gun might be cool, but the most dangerous killers would chose their victims from afar.

In all seriousness, I don't think I'll dedicate myself to killing anyone.

The trick would be to set up taking care of the target just as the purge starts. Then getting to a safe place quickly. Perhaps inviting them out of the city to a safe house and then using that to do what you wanted. At this point I can't think of anyone I hate bad enough to put that in my wyrd. But you never know. 
Even better, just abduct someone and pull them across a timezone, until it becomes 12:01 in the said timezone. Kill the person, run back to your timezone, and have another hour to lock in.
Posted in:
Platform development
Hello DART,

I'm sorry for the headache I caused you. The birthday problem isn't a huge deal for you and your co-workers to fix right away; it was my fault for not being careful when registering. Still, I'd like to thank you for your time in fixing the problem. The DART community is very appreciative that the team is so diligent about providing feedback and fixes.

I'm not much of the technical person, so I'm afraid I can't be of much help in image uploading. I do think that it is something that can be very beneficial for the site. Image uploading can make memes on the games forums and suit pictures for fashion. In debating, it might be that a debater would wish to upload a visual aid, such as a map or a graph, both of which can swing debates if used by talented debaters. I, for one, would be visually inclined in voting towards someone who can use data tables and models with skill. Even photography can be extremely powerful; someone in an animal rights debate might (for example) find that the debater could augment his/her argument with photos of abused animals, and someone in a Katana vs Longsword debate might find a visual reference of the physical layout of a Katana incredibly useful when explaining things about physics. Again, I understand that the DART staff is mostly doing this with limited funding and time. I just wanted to throw the idea out there, because I see it as something that would generally be useful for DART, and also as I believe I wouldn't be the only one who would find great potential in it.

Kind Regards,
Posted in:
Hall of Fame
Would it be a good compromise if we kept recent additions, airmax, and those on the DDO HoF that are still active in the Hall of Fame? Choose an arbitrary DDO election for the HoF and keep everyone who was put there after that election. For instance, lannan gets in for being in the latest DDO HoF. Someone who won on the earlier election wouldn't, unless the person is so important to the DART community (say - Airmax) while not physically being on the site. That way, we can reward and credit people from DDO without making DART DDO.2. It establishes some continuity, but doesn't completely negate the different domain. But those are just my two cents.

Glad we added each other as friends before the DDOcalyspe,
GreatSeal (formerly greatkitteh). 

Posted in:
Platform development
Hello DART,

I've tried again in changing my information, making sure I got the month correctly. I have the screenshot link for it (as an aside, perhaps a way to upload images for debates and forums?), but I could have done something wrong. 

As a last resort, it could be a problem on my part. I'd hate to take up your time on something like this, but is it possible for my birthday to manually get changed by DART?

Thanks DART staff,
Posted in:
What is your favorite TV show?
Not counting anime, Game of Thrones is good, particularly in its earlier seasons. 
Posted in:
Platform development
So this is a minor nitpick, but my profile is different from what I put in edit profile > personal information. My birthday is 9/11/2003, but the site says its 9/09/03.

Thanks DART,
Great seal

Posted in:
Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
I'm TheGreatSeal, formerly known as Greatkitteh in my past DDO life. I found out that someone else in Guam had an internet name called "Greatkitteh" (total coincidence), and I like seals as much as cats. 