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Total questions: 4

Required reading in school, have there been any books or stories that stand out in your memory, if so, why?

I enjoyed the Great Gatsby. Probably because it was presented by a person who was not the centre of attention but the one who was friends with that person. I suppose I see myself in that situation.

I enjoyed a book called "how to read a book". I enjoyed this because it taught me that I did not know how to read a book.

I enjoyed a book called "the Chosen". It was a story about conservative Jews - of the Hasidic variety. It was quite enlightening in respect of traditions and change.

I enjoyed a book called "games of strategy". It was a textbook at university while studying economics. It was probably the best book on game theory I have ever read.

I enjoyed Plato's Republic. It provided me an interesting perspective on politics and logic.

Are there any channels, people, or subjects on YouTube, you've enjoyed in the past or present, if so why?

I like watching conspiracy theories on Youtube. I don't know why I liked it - perhaps because I like to think the world is not too simplistic.

How would you describe your personal moral/ethical philosophy in how you see and live life, In regards to what 'is, 'yourself, the 'world, and 'others?

Hello Lemming,

I don't know if I have really considered what my own personal/ ethical philosophy is before. I don't think I have a particular one.

I think different measures work from time to time. For instance - sometimes I think we need to be pragmatic. If the consequences of a desired outcome is going to outweigh the process of getting that outcome, then perhaps the pragmatic thing is not to do it.

Yet determining what the effects of a particular outcome is not necessarily an easy thing unless you have all of the facts.

Did dropping bombs on Japan bring about a desired outcome? For some it did. For others it did not.

Sometimes I think that what is in the best interests of the greater good is a reasonable measure - but this then disenfranchises EVERY minority group. sometimes majority rule is helpful - but not always.

I think life is full of inconsistencies. What is good for the Westerner is not for the Eastern person.

In the end - I suppose it is going to be to the individual to carve out for themselves what will make them happy.

Not very good answers -

Why did you choose the profile name, Timid8967, what's the story there?

Interesting q.

I admit that coming onto a debating site is a rather out there thing for me. I am not naturally someone who would enter a debate or a forum. I personally take the view that I don't have a lot to say -and that a debate site or forum might well help me to grow a set of balls. So speaking as a shy boy really. The numbers are simply birth year (89) and address number of my avenue (67).