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Curiosity and questions for our Satanist member(s)
Hail and well met!

So, I Self-Identify as a LaVeyan Satanist and a Nationalist Capitalist Constitutional Conservative Citizen of the USA.

The meat-and-potatoes, bullet-points of Satanism can be found by going here:

A little background on Me: I was an outlaw for my first 25 years, and a druggy. Earned a ten-year prison sentence for grand theft and served everyday straight, no parole or good time (they didn't offer good time.)

I've been a dedicated Satanist since about 16, but I didn't really become zealous until My final incarceration.

I had a supportive family unit that would send Me books, etc. upon request and so I poured Myself into religious, philosophical and political studies reading widely and well as classical and contemporary literature, NLP, Physical fitness, and poetry.

My studies led Me to be the devout LaVeyan Satanist and staunch Nationalist Capitalist Constitutional Conservative (rehabilitated ex-felon) Citizen of these Unted States of America.

I earned My way to being the weekly, Prison sanctioned Left-Hand Path Class leader in the chapel and so  elevated and put Me into a position of power and responsibility having to coordinate with the Natives, Christians, Odinists, Muslims, Buddhists and Wiccans for Religiois Land Use - outside religious areas specifically set aside for said religious use...this had spiritual and prisoner politics responsibilities and opportunities and for My last 2.5 years I held that position  until I was Gold Sealed, my sentence over release.

I learned so so so very much from that experience and the last almost seven years since My release have only deepend My Religous and Political resolve.

I'm happy to answer whatever by whomever if sincerlyand respectfully asked, based upon My discretion, obviously!

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Suppose a theist system with a "heaven" exists, would the heavens practice socialism/communism?
Yeah, an extremely small fringe are about the so-called "White Christian Nationalisms" but empirically speaking, I'm a  hardcore LaVeyan Satanist and a staunch Nationalist Capitalist Constitutional Conservative Citizen of the USA and my friends and family members - none of them are Stanist, and, as a former member of a certain libeled and slandered fraternity, the criticism of my religion and ethics were quickly assuaged, maybe not converted but condoned.

I'm saying that it's in the realm of slander to say that Christian Conservatives, or other Conservatives like me, are at all supportive of Hitlerian or ol' Democrat KKK-style racial purity.


We want, not purity, but acknowledgement...and not racial, and, generally speaking not spiritual, either.

Acknowledge the historic prosperity and freedoms the USA has brought to the world, boogers and all. 

Every Trump supporter I know, also know my zealously held Satanic beliefs as well as my loyalty and Nationalist Pride in the USA.

We are the best people's from across the globe because our immigrant and settling/colonizing Forefathers came here to assimilate to being American...not settle in small little Old World enclaves leeching off the freedoms protected herein yet remaining alien to the overarching and ultimately superior culture that the assimilating/ed immigrant/settler/colonizer chose to come to...slaves were forced but they too were freed and given the choice to return their Motherland or stay and (eventually) become productive and equally franchised American Citizens.

The anti-American squatters stay and leech because, though they'd deny it, we are better.

Not whites over blacks, etc. but all of us.

Our American-Euro-Centrics are superior in quity than their relatives back Europe, and that's most apparent with the American-African Citizenry.

Our blacks, having been eugenically bred for four hundred some odd years, and therefore are physically and intellectually superior to their Motherland distant cousins...hip hop and thug culture not withstanding.

American culture has been the biggest boon to individual advancement in both economic and personal agency the world has still yet to better...and might not.

And I thank the Christian community for their warrior ancestors civilizing into Enlightenment Scholars and then into Constitutional Nation Building Giants.

How deeply each Founding Father's religious/spiritual beliefs are held up for a constant debate with theists and atheist citin this or that to say Franklin was both a devout Christian, an Illuminati Satanist, Free Mason Luciferian, Atheist, Slave-Appologist...whatever.

The Constitutional Representative Democratic Republic that they took years to codify brought us from no steam power, late iron-age to where we are now in 250 some-odd years.

That's because of the Constitution, & the People who used to be Patriots - either party (they both use to love America, now only Repubz seem to and the only time Demzez do is when they can castigate some Conservative for whatever) used actually want American Primacy.

They'd all been mostly Nationalists till really Carter.

Reagan was, but Bush 1 was a globalist but also a capitalist soooo... Clinton was a UN puppet, Bush 2, too.

Obama with his absolute dedication to Marxist Socialist ideology, actively worked to hurt American values and global standing.

DJT45 was a hardcore Nationalist, a definite Egoist, and a Capitalist and was besought by the Uniparty Globalist Marxist Socialist Oligarchical cabal consisting of Big Brother, Big Tech, Entertainment, Education, Health, Business to stall and reverse his gains.

Lies and slanders and libels and false accusations, riots, impeachments, a deadly virus and shady elections all to beat back DJT45 and us, rationally Patriotic Americans into subservience to the globalist Marxist Agenda...and now Biden, a practical RICO mobster-esque traitor is their puppet and anyone can see the difference in standards of global living. We are closer to nuclear than when Stalin or Kruschev were in Power...he's owned by the CCP and not because he's a committed commie but a commited corruptible politician.

Anyway, I'm a Satanists an Ultra-MAGA Trumplican soon to be third time voter. Have a good one.
Posted in:
Is the God of the Bible "good" or "wicked"?
On the contract, I, Myself am a hardcore LaVeyan Satanist and a staunch Nationalist Capitalist Constitutional Conservative Citizen of the USA. I absolutely acknowledge that the Judeo-Christian ethos of the unique and individual Spark of Divinity inherent in every single conceived human being, high born or low, is equal and accountable to himself, firstly - his conscience and morality - then the Higher Power (Jesus/God/Holy Ghost)...secularly, the State.

That belief in the equality of value inherent in every soul and that one's personal choices are reflected upon that (sin/honor, etc.) and that whether serf or king your are equal, Spiritually evolved into the Manga Carta thereunto the Declaration of Independence and the beautiful Constitution.

The Constitution, under Christian led Enlightenment Scientific Methodology, protected freedoms of expression/speech/association/arms (etc.) heretofore never before guaranteed. And guaranteed not to be taken or violated without Constitutional adjudication.

This led to the disolution of spiritual based religions and led to atheistic Buddhism on the Left and us, the ultimate outcasts. The gothy atheistic, social darwinistic, anti-Racist, anti-communist, gay friendly (but not promoting) and finally self-taught, widley read LaVeyan Satanists to be the ironic friends and allies of fundamentalist Southern Baptists, Protestant Lurherans, Hardcore trade Catholics, etc. (all with some caution because there are insane zealots in every path and Christians did murder hundreds of thousands of their own kind, unjustly, under the rule of the Holy Roman Empire...btw, I feel the Crusades were a justified and logical reaction to the onslaught of imperial Islam and the murderous tortures they enacted to terrorize their conquered populace into conversion...convert or watch your children buried alive up to their necks and have honey poured on their faces and let ants devour them and then being buried yourself alive thereafter...)

Anyway, I've read every book the Church of Satan recommends, amongst so so many lol, as well as other Left-Hand Path and Occult authors and thinkers and founders such as Flowers and Aquino, quite extensively, and obsessively...and political books and authors from Addams and Hamilton to Engels and Kensey, Marz to Friedman.

I am without a doubt, and with confident defiance and a firm and steady upper lip, with eyes holding unabashedly assertive contact a hardcore LaVeyan Satanist and a staunch Nationalist Capitalist Constitutional Conservative Citizen of the USA and I will fight and perhaps die to preserve the Union I grew to adulthood in and could still be...and I'll also live to see that as I believe that the USA's specifically and perfectly worded Constitution idlf upheld and advanced will lead the human species into the colonization of the cosmos...I wonder what the anti-colonialist Left actually would say about settling other, sure if their unpopulated and unknowingly claimed therefore unclaimed they'd be fine I think (extinction rebellion cats I dunno) but what if it's already inhabited?
Low intelligence species would probably be good to them but modern Homosapien-esque, humanoids (whatever - sentient smart aliens, but say stone-age technologies?) Then perhaps no...but then what if this is a last resort planet with the last remnants of humanity and supplies are gonna run out then and if no planet then human extinction...what then?
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What Songs Should I Learn on the Piano?
Pop, classical?

Rock organ, Concert Piano, Moog Synth?

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Hold on... here's a damned good whataboutism: sanctuary cities.

If nobody is Above the law, certainly nobody is Below the law, either. It follows, then, that Sanctuary Cities are a blaring paradox to that statement.

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As a staunch Nationalist Capitalist Constitutional Conservative Citizen of the USA and a zealot LaVeyan Satanist, acknowledging my opinion hasn't be requested and probably isn't wanted, I wonder what you'd (and this open to all)  make of the cosmology surroumding the wider historical Church of Satan, The Satanic Bible and Satanic Scriptures (LaVey and Gilmore) and how that fits in with the politics? 

I posit that my religion informs My ethics and My ethics informs My politics.
Posted in:
The fact that you responded with an attack on a typo is quite sit up there on your high-horse but just because you sneeringly look down on people doesn't mean they're looking up to you. 