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What would happen if the earth stopped rotating?
It's a cool test. I might be missing something here, but is the idea of introducing us to this quiz meant to suggest that a spiritual person is less likely to get it than a non-spiritual person?
It is a cool test but, deadly accurate.

The outcome is not to show one person is better than the other. It shows that those who gravitate to things spiritual, tend to make judgements on face value and are more conceptual than say someone who is more rational, logic and would make a great rocket scientist. Which is why employers quite often use the test to test the suitability of candidates for certain tasks.

In the former case, I hear there is a great demand in the workplace for janitors and number plate stampers.

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If Not God Then Who?
I was asking for evidence from the actual bible and it  a fact that the bible exists.

.......If we are expected to take the bible at face value and to be the truth, 
You are perfectly illustrating the hollow premises theists constantly dream up in order to make a (pseudo) point, as per post #7: 
.....you wish to play with semantics and say something like, "The fact is that Billy Graham said...."

From a logical perspective, anyone who creates something and lets it go, subject to the laws of nature or through "free will" is still responsible for the outcome or effect of that creation.
The captain of a ship or the CEO of a company is ultimately responsible for how the ship goes or the fortunes of the company. 
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A challenge to theists. Can you be honest.
Theism has been around longer than any other proposition and that isn't because it was stupid lol, more like because it's obvious to rational minds. 
Quite a relevant point you have raised there.

For example, I'm an atheist and a critical thinker, therefore I can be considered to have a rational mind.

And my mind would rationalise that stating that a proposition has been around since time imemorial is an ad populum fallacy.

And of course, any rational mind would be aware of how obvious theism is....and how stupid it is.
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Water Baptism: What's the big deal?
when a convert accepts the call to be baptized
The word "call" can be interpreted in many ways. Most Christians would most likely love to wax lyrical about God informing His subject that "it is time to be as one with Me" .

Of course, in reality "the call" is nothing more than a voice within the head of someone who is impressionable, naive, gullible and overcome with a shot of addrenalin-infused elation at finding his or herself's place in life.

Religious organisations are just as enthusiastic at the prospect of sucking a new member into its fold and what better way to put the seal on the contract by performing a ritualistic indoctrination ceremony. From this point onwards the (previously) lost soul is reminded that there is no turning back from salvation as the consequences would be dire.

Delusion is a common trait of the weak and confued and Churches certainly don't miss a trick in capitalising on it.