Tyran_Osaur's avatar


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Posted in:
Atheists Are Not Stupid
I chuckled out loud then.  
Nice one man. 
Yep, another one from the Willows vault of dark humour.

Oh, talking of willow, try this one:

Q: Why are Chinese bad at cricket?

A: Because they keep eating the bats.
Posted in:
What would happen if the earth stopped rotating?
Predisposition. Hmmm..."A genetic predisposition (sometimes also called genetic susceptibility) is an increased likelihood of developing a particular disease based on a person's genetic makeup."https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/mutationsanddisorders/predisposition

Yes, good questioning there, although that case is about genetic predisposition towards diseases.

But whether it is a compulsion in the case of spiritualism is an interesting thought. I would call it a trait. in that one would have an inclination to be spiritual. 
What psychologists and some employers do is give prospects and subjects the following test.
Come on, don't be a spoiled brat, try it. It is not a matter of being right or wrong or being better or worse but very interesting when you find out how it works.

I buy a baseball bat and ball for $110. If the baseball bat cost $100 more than the ball, how much did the ball cost?

Posted in:
If Not God Then Who?
Please be polite enough observe and adress the question with factual evidence.
I think that you will find that no matter which side of the fence you are on it is impossible to address the topic with factual evidence. Unless of course, you wish to play with semantics and say something like, "The fact is that Billy Graham said...."

I have observed however, that creationists tend to take the two-way contradiction stance. It is acceptable to state that God created nature however when it comes to a different behavior, i.e. evil, oh no Jose, God did not create that.

From a thinking atheist point of view of course, religion is the true personification of evil whereby those in authority use the supernatural in order to manipulate those who are naive, gullible and weak, for their own nefarious and self-centered gains.
Posted in:
Atheists Are Not Stupid
I've always wanted the ability to make holy water. 
Here's a great recipe for you.

You place a pot of water on a cook-top and turn the heat up to high.

Then, you boil the Hell out of it.
Posted in:
What would happen if the earth stopped rotating?
Today, that entire industry exceeds an annual net worth, combined, of nearly $5B, and growing. And who are the biggest all-day suckers of it? Those who expound their "free access to mountains of reliable, credible information

Again, I think you are making wild, uneducated speculation.
Considerable and accurate study strongly affirm the exact opposite in that those who are inclined to take things at face value have a particular predisposition:
"human spirituality is influenced by heredity and that a specific gene, called vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), predisposes humans towards spiritual or mystic experiences."

Whether it be belief in God, numerology, astrology, psychics, chiropractics, accupuncture, naturopathy or any other supernatural-based belief, those who believe one will tend to gravitate towards the others.

No critical-thinking atheist would ever believe in any of these pseudo sciences or fake beliefs.

I have posted a test commonly used by psychologists to determine one's inclination and, as I recall, you did not take up the offer.
Posted in:
A challenge to theists. Can you be honest.
I am fully aware of all the angles, I'm well versed in many hypotheses and I do educate myself on scientific studies. So just because I have come to an obvious conclusion doesn't mean I'm not open-minded or that I am biased. Materialism, atheism and naturalism are all worldviews I have been facing and addressing for a long time now. I'm sharing with you what I believe to be the superior view.
Having said that what we have been discussing is only one aspect of what I base my beliefs on, we are just working from a surface level platform. If I can get you to see that it is reasonable to consider there is a Creator involved then maybe we can discuss all the things that it implies from God to creation to the soul, and many of the deeper issues or concerns with religious theologies.
However what you go on to say reinforces the the idea that you are indeed not open-minded and that you are biased, e.g:
what I believe to be the superior view
In other words you are stating your view to be above others on the basis that you believe such.

If I can get you to see that it is reasonable to consider there is a Creator involved then maybe we can discuss.........
In other words you are prepared to discuss your view if the other person agrees that your view is reasonable to consider.