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Total posts: 9

Posted in:
What would happen if the earth stopped rotating?
One should not need to have Scientific American prove the Bible any more than one should need the Bible to prove Scientific American. Do we ask Geology to prove Etymology? Or Astronomy to prove Sociology? Do we even ask Entymology to prove Cuisine? Do we ask Origin of the Species to prove Gone With the Wind? Self-evidence is the key. If it can do it, fine. If not, do not look for a silk purse to be stuffed in a sow's ear.
But we have asked those who preach the innaccuracies of the Bible to authenticate the nonsense they say and to date nobody has been able to do so. Nevertheless science has completely overturned much of what the Bible says. For example, the age of the earth is calculated from the Bible to be about 6000 years. Accurate and irrefutable scientific research dates the earth as being 11.5 billion years old.

Also, the stories of creation as told in the Bible have been completely overturned and proven wrong through the science of evolution through natural selection.

And what scientific findings have ever been overturned through Biblical writings?
Abolutely none.
Posted in:
Why has your God allowed Coronavirus to emerge and spread?
Unfortunately, there is no way to tell if this is a message from God. If God gets angry and decides to kill millions of people without telling them why he's doing it, how is anyone going to distinguish a natural crisis from a God given crisis?

That's easy.

If it is something good like say, an entire disease was eradicated it was God's good work in giving scientists the wherewithall to research the disease and come up with an antidote.

If it is something bad like a Tsunami wiping out thousands of innocent men, women and children it was "free will" that made sinners cause global warming and irregular weather patterns.
Posted in:
Why has your God allowed Coronavirus to emerge and spread?
Theists are still in the overwhelming majority.
I see what you mean there.
Yesterday I saw people queueing (6 feet apart) outside a Christian book store patiently waiting to buy copies of the Bible.

I thought it was a great idea and joined the queue since I realized that there was little hope for me in queueing outside the supermarket next  door for toilet paper.
Posted in:
The archangels are listed wrong
I think that the reason why you were questioned about the authenticity of your sources in posts #20 and #22 is the extreme and incorrect nature of your view.
And indeed, after checking the source you quoted, it is extreme and incredulous to say the least.
Posted in:
I'm a theistic evolutionist.
Sorry, it's not insults and it's my job.

So, if it is your job, how much commission do you get?

It must surely be mounting up by now.
Posted in:
I'm a theistic evolutionist.
Dob job 
Hey deb, howz it all going?

If he thinks he can keep on pouring out gratuitous, negative personal attacks such as in post #131 in the hope that the victim will simply pack-up and go away, he has another think coming.

And why does he get away with continually being abusive and contravening the rules of the site without being banned?
Because he is pro-religious and a disciple of the site, that's why.

It doesn't take too much intellect to work that out.

And even less to keep on doing it.
Posted in:
Atheists Are Not Stupid
The atheist claim that Christianity is shrinking is just semantic nonsense. 
Pew Research Center says you're wrong. Maybe give them a call and straighten them out.

In Australia, the Federal census revealed that less than 14% of Roman Catholics regularly attend Church, indicating that most of those who say they belong to a particular religion give their faith no more than lip service and could not give a stuff about whether or not God exists.

People continue to leave Churches in droves and isn't it any wonder? Nowadays in modern civilized society, we all have access to properly researched and validated information which all but dismisses any possible reason to believe of any supernatural presence. And the irrefutable, abundant evidence we have completely puts the kibosh on any notion of there being any such thing as creation.

Posted in:
A challenge to theists. Can you be honest.
You've wasted enough time. Enjoy the rest of your day, sir.
I think you will find that your reasoning is wrong.
ATroubled was making a valid point of quoting an established fact and you did not refute it, nor for that matter could you.

Brushing off someone's valid points like that I think is the height of rudeness and arrogance.
As well as indirectly conceding defeat.
Posted in:
God's Achievements

"Choice to ignore"?

What a load of utter nonsense; and you know very well it is.
It is very clear to anybody with objective, constructive and non-partisan thinking that your intention was clear right from the very start: to ban me.
And for no other reason than that my views are contrary  to that of yours and that of the site's honchos; and I quote from one of the original controllers (who deceptively posed as a member at the time)  when the site started,  ".....too many anti-religious posts" in explaining why I was bumped off without explanation, nor warning.

Things haven't changed, have they?

Nor have I. And I will continue to expose those who think they can get away with pushing their own biased agenda through trying to filter out free speech and the reasoned, informative and properly researched views of others who do not fall into line with your arrogant, blinkered concept of how the world should be.
