Tyrone_Rexx's avatar


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Total posts: 3

Posted in:
Noah's ark doesn't make sense
Your choice to ignore the messages received from moderation (prior to the ban), does not bridge the gap into them not existing as you previously insisted.

At this time, your appeal is rejected. If in 90 days you wish to appeal again, please go through the proper channels, instead of mounting continued CoC violations against yourself.
Your relentless bias and one-tracked mindedness never cease to amuse, do they?

For your information, I had no "choice". And yet the message I sent to you seems not to have existed....very strange.

And, considering that your "proper channels" link does not exist, I still have no choice anyway.

It seems that you are very keen indeed on promulgating things that do not exist.

Nevertheless, since you have forcibly and unjustly relegated me to be some sort of outlaw, what choice do I have?

I shall still continue to highlight the hypocracy, bullying and misinformation disseminated by others hellbent on promoting their own nefarious, self-serving agenda.

At least you should be appreciative that there is something filling the forum page because let's face it, there ain't much going on, is there?
Posted in:
The Extraordinary Contrast is - like most things biblical - Unbelievable.
But "he so  loved us and the world". give me a break!
I'm just being the Devil's advocate here but isn't it a human trait that if you can love, you can hate? And, as much as you can love, you can hate to the same degree.

Therefore we are really looking at one God who, like the best of us, loves and hates.
Posted in:
Evidence for God?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkWsz8HZMi8 shows someone up in the sky.  People say it's Mary.  It could be anyone, but it seems to be a sign that God exists after all.  Thoughts?
An absolute load of propagandist doom, gloom and fear-mongering by the Catholic Church.

The so-called "apparition" is no more than a random cloud formation set next to a doctored image to reinforce the mind of someone who is impressionable and who wants to believe it.

Some would say it looks like male genitalia, others would say it is a packman. A meteorologist would say that it is a piece of cumulonimbus dissected by a mild south-easterly gust. Most people, like myself, have got better things to do with their day than look at clouds passing by.

In their typical veiled, deceitful way, the Catholic Church quoted Acts 2:19......"I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs in the earth below" 
What the writer conveniently omitted was the rest of the passage.....",blood and fire, billows of smoke".
In other words, alluding to the imminent end of the world.

The Catholic Church already has probably the worst reputation for being dishonest, deceitful and corrupt and this piece of doomsday brain-washing certainly maintains such a reputation.

The only people who would ever believe such nonsense would have to be naive, gullible, weak, impressionable, or any combination of those factors.
In other words, stupid and deluded.