WhoPutYouOnThePlanet's avatar


A member since


Total comments: 5


As much as i adore your excuses and passive aggressive insults, you are now well aware of this problem and should take action to sort it out, if you end up refusing to do this because it was addressed specifically here then you clearly dont care about these issues.


You were the same person on debate.org who said multiple times there was no evidence for evolution, so this seems a tad ironic no?



Also the fact that you made "supposed" enemy's on debate.org probably had something to do with your clearly inappropriate and vulgar behavior/language towards others on the site.


So you and possibly others had the time to make a entire website with a debate system, forums, and a leaderboard all with an insufficient budget, but couldn't manage something so simple that would save your new members from a major inconvenience.. how about i post this issue on the platform development forum in a slightly different context about hundred times, that way i will be able to actually vote according to your sites requiem correct?

I dont see how a simple redirect for new non-qualified accounts would exactly fall under "fancy features" which require an entire payed development team to implement, but thats just my opinion. If you have a problem with me calling you lazy, i cant help you, i call things as i see them, and the only issue you seem to have here is that your not happy that i posted this specifically here as if that somehow undermines the problem in the first place.


--> @OoDart

Is creation from a supreme being of some sort supported by empirical evidence? No, so no it doesn't count.

--> @zedivictor4

It was more of an opening rather then an actual argument, so i wouldn't judge yet based off that alone.
