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Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
Thank you! 
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Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
Not a triggered feminist, but someone that wants to see someone other than the man to win in life. 

See you later trumpster

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Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
Hold the fuck up dude, you don't know what all women want. Women are not will not be controlled by some fucker in office or by some abusive dumbass at home. My mother worked two fucking jobs to make sure all fourteen of us had food and clothes and my father worked a job. After the death of my mother and father, they were able to leave a total of 14 million for us. Wanna know something? The 12 million is from our mother's savings. The other 12 was from our great grandmother. IF MEN ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE THE FUCKING RIGHTS TO DO AS THEY PLEASE, THEN WHY THE FUCK CAN'T WOMEN HAVE THE SAME AMOUNTS OF RIGHTS? 

People are now threatening women with the "send her back" shit. Not even knowing that they were born in America. Just because you are Italian, English, or Indian doesn't mean you have to treated like shit by people like you. 

I got on this site to check out the different debates, not get into uneducated debates with people like you. 

You have a blessed day sir

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Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
If you were to check out 

It speaks on how Men are held higher above then women. It also shows just how little women have a say in the household and around them. 

This speaks upon the National Women’s Conference and how they are compared to their fights for equality in the 70's and unto now. 

Women are now being forced to look back on the 40's or 50's to be reminded of where their roles should be placed. Meaning, you do the slaving in the kitchen, and the men go to work. 

And now women are being told what to do with their bodies. THEIR BODIES! Like who the hell do you think you are? Let us say that the woman is 14 and she got pregnant, after she was raped by an unknown predator. Are you going to send the girl to fucking prison or to death because she decided to get an abortion? 

Roe vWadeRoe vWade was a 1973 landmark decision by the US Supreme Court. The court ruled that a state law that banned abortions (except to save the life of the mother) was unconstitutional.

You know what women can do, they can sue that damn state or person, and they can go up the many courts until it comes to the Supreme Court. This can and will be used. 

Women are humans as well, do not by any means belittle them because they are not the fake fantasy housewife. 
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Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
Whoa okay... I would say it would have to be the inequality between both men and women. Men are placed upon a pedestal, while women must "slave" over them and everything else. It is as if, the United States wants us all to go back to a time where women were treated like a stepping stool for men. If you were to look at it, us men wouldn't be here without the birthing process of women. Yes I know that men provides the seed, BUT women have to go on a long birth cycle of a journey. Prime example, mom (rest her soul) gave birth to all thirteen of us, and she dealt with out shit along with our father's shit. But we never treated her like shit either. Don't you know how long women have been fighting for their equal rights? And now they have to fight again since now we got an uneducated orange little fingers in office. 
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Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
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Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself

My name is Lance Alexander Smith,
I am 31 and a college graduate of UCLA,
I am half Italian from my mother's side of the family, and my father is half-German,
My baby brother's name is Fitzgerald and he is deaf,
I work behind the scenes for different famous people (example: Lily James *Close family friend* I help her with photographing and other stuff), 
Favorite movies: Schindler's List, West-Side Story, The Avengers: Endgame, Glory, Avatar, and Cloud Atlas,
Favorite songs: In the end, Hall of Fame, my songs know what you did in the dark, Old Town Road, Imagine, Bohemian Rhapsody, Ode to Billy Joe, and more, 
Favorite quotes: "When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us."  -Alexander Graham Bell
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them".- Mother Teresa 
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."- Benjamin Franklin,
I enjoy playing soccer,
I own five corgis: Thorgi, Borgi, Dorgi, Horgi, and Bruce, 
Music, writing and drawing are just three of my favorite passions,
Favorite Books: Pride and Prejudice, 1984, Animal Farm, Shakespeare anything, Glass Menagerie, A Street Car Named Desire, To Kill A Mockingbird, and The Odyssey,
Not a Christian, but I focus my energy on the spirituality of life, 
I am supportive of the LGBTQ community (because my Uncle is gay and my friend Beatrice is trans now she goes as Bernard... we just call her B.B.) and the Feminism community (my Great-Great-Great Grandmother was apart of the movement as well as my Great-Great and my Great and my Grandmother and my mom),

I love life, 
