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Randomly saw a person in the forums saying no atheist wants to debate that ever, which was very surprising to me so here we are. @Sidewalker and I have agreed to a casual debate (or conversation) since I have no current interest in formal debates due to multiple reasons. 

To start the conversation I would suggest we provide our definitions and go from there. Here are mine: 

“Theism” - belief in the existence of a god or gods

“God”- all powerful and intelligent creator/creators of the universe, all knowing and all of that, etc …. Could get into specifics later if those are not enough 

“Irrational”- not logical or reasonable

“Illogical”- lacking sense or clear, sound reasoning

“Unscientific”-not in accordance with scientific principles or methodology

“Belief”- an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists

I won’t mind responding to other people as well but I would appreciate if comments are made after me and Sidewalker are done debating so there are not a lot of distractions or change of the course of the conversation or the topic itself. Thanks. 
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