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Total votes: 3

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Arguments: Pro fails to prove his points, and many flaws in the argument are pointed out by Con. Pro's claims are often not backed by proper evidence, and many times, content is completely irrelevant. Con points out the use of "all/any" when referring to natural flavors, and as the source he provides was not disputed, arguments fall in favor of Con. Also, many flaws with "babies" vs "fetus" weaken Pro's argument.

Sources: Pro's sources seem to contradict him. He also includes sources on vaccines, that seems to not be the focus of this debate. On the other hand, Con's sources support his claims and clearly have a lot more strength to their reliability.

Spelling and grammar: Pro often contains glaring spelling errors (i.e "lieing"), along with formatting aspects such as not having spaces after periods, lowercase i, and improper grammar that makes sentences awkward/difficult to read. Con pays attention to spelling and grammar and does not make mistakes I have blantaly picked up on.

Conduct goes to Con as pro used accusatory language such as "monster" and accuse of cheating, all of which are not appropriate.

I did enjoy reading this debate. I found the arguments to be quite entertaining. Good job!

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Arguments: The instigator failed to meet the burden of proof, even in the first round, where no argument was established that proved their argument. Though there were strong and weak arguments on both sides in later rounds, many arguments from PRO were not well supported with sources. Most importantly, the forfeit and failure to respond to CON's response prompts this point to go to CON.

Sources: CON provides sources to back up many claims. PRO depends on a logical argument, though when using facts, the source linked for PTSD is not strong for their argument.

Grammar: Equal.

Conduct: PRO forfeited, thus conduct goes to CON.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Arguments: Both had strong arguments, however, PRO did not have strong evidence nor a clear and logical argument as to why removing 8 hours from a 40-hour workweek would have significant benefits towards productivity, pay, and output. CON had a well-backed response to counter. PRO also forfeited the final round.

Sources: Both provided sources.

Spelling and Grammar: Tie

Conduct: As PRO forfeited, point for CON.
