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#titan submersible

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Here is morbid truth your media will not tell you. This is also not what your officials tell the media so maybe not media fault.

When cosmonauts go to space the Anericans have plan. If they get stranded and death is certain then they claim, cosmonaut lost.

People cannot handle that stranded people are doomed and nobody will or can help.  So they wait until cos.onauts die, then pretend they just find them a MImute too late.

Your sub was not imploded. Officials knew people were slowly dying. They knew people could not be helped and that public cannot handle this truth. So they wait for people to die. People die while staring at Titanic, and then the officials pretend that they miraculously found ship now that they are dead. 

I dont know if you guys are lucky media protects you from harsh reality or unlucky, but truth is. Those people were alive whole time and had slow death. Truth is, the morbid fact that officials had to wait close by hopeless to save them is too much for sensitive America and America puppet states
Don’t believe me. Look at plan your government had if moon people got stranded. It is declassified.  Moon landers would be "missing" and plan was for NASA to announce cosmonauts dead after time had elapsed for survival and claim they found rocket 1 hour too late. 

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