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This is not new for you, I suppose. Fidel Castro once sent criminals from Cuba to the States as refugees so to destabilize the country in the 70s (see Scarface as reference).

Well, something similar has been coming about over the last years. Maduro has been releasing Venezuelan criminals to send them all over the continent which has been a big headache for many governments in South America given that the crime rate has raised since then.

What is really terrifying though is that as of late Maduro let a very violent gang boss run away from a dangerous jail taken over by the criminal group Tren de Aragua, and several Latinamerican countries are really worried because they think this gangster escaped to their countries. Fortunately, it seems that this gangster didn't stay in South America, so it's possible that he was heading to the american south border taking advantage of the permissive migration laws of today's american government.

I think americans don’t learn from their past mistakes. Do they? 
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