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Matt Walsh is calling it woke. Followers agree.
Some say it isn't that good. Why? They really do not say. 

When I watched it, I saw it with eyes wide open. 

I wanted to pay attention to the storyline, not the minute details.

Sure, there are two lead women roles. One white. One minority. 
There are a few comments about "white boy" or "whiteness," but I took that as normal when native Indians and whites are mixed. One or the other falls in love with the other, and they playfully tease/taunt one another. I didn't see it as "racist" as the anti-woke crowd whined about. 

Yeah, the main white guy role in the law enforcement department is being painted as the bad white guy, but, the actor was picked for that role for a reason. He is a dick. 

The other complaint is the title song by Billie Elish. It isn't that the song isn't bad, as the lyrics definitely fit with the series, it is just they complain the song is used for many other productions, so it is overused. I can sort of understand that, since watching John Wick movies when I see other movie trailers and shows with the same music used I find it to be sacrilege.  When soundtracks are so notable to a movie, it just shouldn't be used for any other. IMHO.

Anyhow, anyone else see the first episode and the trailer for the subsequent episodes?????

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